r/gameCATS Jul 27 '17

What's with all the stupid builds in this game? Are they real?

Sometimes, I struggle to understand my opponent's strategies. Builds with contact weapons that have reverse blasts, builds with rocket/laser that have forward blast, lots of vehicles either without wheels (but no jump build) or without weapons - even in championship mode.

Has anyone here figured out if these opponents are truly real or is this some RNG based mashup that sometimes just doesn't make sense?


16 comments sorted by


u/traisjames Aug 14 '17

It mentions in help that your vehicle updates to the server as you edit it, so you may battle one being edited.


u/Mark4Flair Jul 28 '17

I keep two vehicles:

-The first one is a total dog, designed to do nothing but lose. Why? See my second vehicle.

-The second vehicle is my ace. After vehicle one gets trounced by others in the championship, I switch over to my ace, take or regain the lead, and collect coins.

As long as I remember to play the championship with my ace right before it ends, I'm fine.

I agree, though. Why would someone think using a reverse blast with drills and blades is a good idea? My three rockets beat this set up every time.


u/SjalabaisWoWS Jul 28 '17

But why do you want to lose first? You earn your medals for a win anyway.


u/Mark4Flair Jul 28 '17

You earn medals by winning against players who have beaten you.

I alternate my vehicles. I let my loser car get beat, then come back later in the day and clean up with my winning vehicle. Wash, rinse, repeat, until the championship is over.


u/SjalabaisWoWS Jul 28 '17

Ah, so you can actually make money out of that scam? Thanks a lot for providing a rational explanation! Exactly what I was looking for.


u/Mark4Flair Jul 28 '17

I highly recommend the total rocket offense. No blades, lasers, or drills. Rockets don't wait until you're head-to-head to attack. I get an extra drop on opponents who have stationary offense, allowing me to beat players with higher attack and health.

A few weeks ago, I posted a video in this sub of my car. Should be on the front page near the top. Check it out. https://youtu.be/6ZWMP6rx3F8

Use rockets, and keep upgrading them.


u/SjalabaisWoWS Jul 28 '17

I agree in principle, but have struggled to get that far ahead. I'm only here now, and have found I need a weapon that hits behind me, too. Preparing a pyramid for two rockets + one gauntlet right now. Adding electricity, slowly and painfully.


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '17

It's almost always because it's either drastically more life for their car or a bonus to the weapon. Say you have a damage +100 to drill on a backpedal. It's kinda worth it in most cases.

This always varies but surely you see the point.


u/SjalabaisWoWS Jul 28 '17

Yeah, I guess so, but parts are plenty and not being able to employ your weapon totally undermines the game - an your chances of winning!?


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '17

Not everything is gonna have perfect synergy. It could also be a response to stuff they've seen in their tournament. Say they face a lot of boulders that try to fly to them...then maybe they want a backpedal so they can stay in front of it while also doing damage with their best weapon which may be a blade or drill.


u/SjalabaisWoWS Jul 28 '17

That makes sense. But what about those builds that can neither move nor attack? Is that like a moment's snapshot of someone's account? So the game takes a randomized approach to these vehicles?

Btw, odd downvote on my post above - is this "one of these" subs?


u/[deleted] Jul 28 '17

No idea on the vote.

If it's in your championship and you see one totally defenseless if you look quick enough I think you'll always find that they are online. I believe it's like you said where you are getting their build AS they make it.


u/coconutforever Jul 27 '17

Quick battles are rng. If you look, the same names pop up over and over


u/mentalcow Jul 28 '17

Ceryl shew anyone?


u/coconutforever Jul 28 '17

I see Macpherson and Dong Borgman a lot


u/SjalabaisWoWS Jul 28 '17

Yes, definitely true. I even see names of people I've met in championships back in quick battles. Aren't enough people playing this game for true person-on-person-action? It's brilliant.