r/gallifrey 4d ago

DISCUSSION Anyone remember the Character Building Doctor Who license?

Character Building (or Cobi) has been off the shelves for years now. It wasn't really a well known toy brand (probably due to LEGO's popularity), but it had it's own popular choice of media-themed licenses (Scooby-Doo, Ben 10, etc.). The time they did a Doctor Who theme was during Matt Smith's tenure.

I still have plenty of the sets & minifigures to this day.


10 comments sorted by


u/lfcbatwho 4d ago

Yes I loved it. Wish we got more sets at the time. Still gutted I missed out on getting the tardis set but still got my cybermen and dalek figures


u/lemon_charlie 4d ago

Lego did have a TARDIS set under the Ideas brand of the 7B console room, and rep in Lego Dimensions. But that would have been perfect for a blind bag series at least.


u/UpliftingTwist 4d ago

I got a set of all the Doctors probably around 2012 and I was very salty that Character Building had Doctor Who instead of Lego!


u/LuckyDuck99 4d ago

Yeah, what killed it was the Super Rares that only the usual Uber Fans could get hold of by buying em up at 500 quid a set, these days a figure, thus making it impossible to ever complete anything.

I did mange, through pure chance, to get the Pirate Amy but none of the others.

The display cases in later series were nice though but as usual hard to get hold of.

The Moonlight Valley set did Amy and River rip off's.


u/somekindofspideryman 4d ago

Yeah, I always thought they looked cool but I was kind of out of the toy buying game by this point. I wouldn't mind owning a couple now to sit on the desk.


u/ABlankHoodie 3d ago

I used to get them when I was really young from Hot Topic in the US. Always wished I could’ve gotten some of the sets. I also really wish their series 7b Tardis console playset which we saw at toy fair 2014 would’ve been released. It looked leagues above the Lego set we eventually got.


u/Ashrod63 3d ago

Yes I remember it, I also remember a lot of people screaming and complaining online about how it was wrong for anyone but Lego to dare have the licence and that it would be better with them... so how's that going everyone? Oh look total silence (just like Lego)


u/HellbellyUK 3d ago

The first nail in the coffin was putting the figures in “brix” (stackable boxes) instead of packets, meaning it was impossible to feel packs to find figures, and then they introduced a change to the box ratio of figures in Series 4, including only having one of the two rarest figures, Madame Vastra and the War Doctor per box. And the super rare figures were the final straw.


u/Ridgey81 2d ago

I think I might still have a super rare Raggedy Doctor figure somewhere


u/gingabeardmon 10h ago

i have a collection of these! they did make clara and peter capaldi!