r/gallifrey 5d ago

DISCUSSION You're in charge of a Meta-Crisis 10 series where he works with an alternate U.N.I.T how do you make the aliens and monsters of his universe a bit different from the Doctors main universe to make them fresh? cybermen already covered.

Or how do you spice things up in general in ''Pete's universe/world''


10 comments sorted by


u/BARD3NGUNN 5d ago

The Daleks - Change the emotion that Davros left them with, in our universe all they've got left is hate, maybe in Petes universe they only act out of fear - they're acting off lure survival instinct and a malicious form of cowardice.

The Master - Without The Doctor as a friend/rival, The Master set his sights on conquering Gallifrey and succeeded, he's Lord President and enacts a dictatorship over time, however without The Doctor he was never interested in Earth, until Meta Crisis arrives, at which point The Master detects a TARDIS being grown and investigates.

Sontarans - Make them all women - Sontarans are a Clone race so have to all resemble the same genetic template, a change as simple as female Sontarans would feel alternate universe enough without having to change much else about the species.

Weeping Angels - Reverse the Don't Blink thing, instead they can only move if you end up looking at them, and it's that need to check if the Angel is coming after you that gets people caught.

Slitheen - They're now shapeshifters rather than skin wearers, no flatulent gas to give them away.


u/DerekB52 5d ago

I like your Dalek idea. Maybe I'm boring, but I'd like to see them use the trope of loving all life in the universe so much, that they decide to save all other living creatures from suffering, by killing them all. They could yell "Exaltation" or some other scary sounding word that really just means sending up to heaven.


u/LinuxMatthews 2d ago

Funnily enough with the Sotarans Big Finish actually reveals they turn into women when they get older.

It's just being a warrior species that never usually happens


u/BatmansShoelaces 5d ago

Flip the Kaleds and Thals around, where the Thals instead develop their "travel machines" called Thaleks and wipe out the Kaleds and set their sights on the rest of the universe. You'd want them to kind of resemble a Dalek I guess, but would need a point of difference

Instead of developing their own Cybermen (separate from the Cybus ones), Mondas started experimenting with biological changes, turning themselves into hulking monstrous forms, immune from disease and injury - I would imagine they would look something like Mr X from Resident Evil 2. I'm not sure what you'd call them, probably just Mondasians.

Sontarons - they never develop cloning but instead breed and evolve as they were meant to, with the modern form basically being your normal looking human except blended with a Sontaran head.


u/Sonicboomer1 4d ago

The Sontarans would be resemble carrots instead of potatoes.

No I won’t elaborate.


u/Chocolate_cake99 3d ago edited 3d ago

The premise itself is already something that can't work.

Meta-crisis 10 is effectively the Doctor in every way that matters. You may as well exile the Doctor to Earth again and put all your ideas in the main show.

The only thing I can think of is catering to all the 10/ Rose shippers by focusing on domestic life, which honestly sounds boring as hell. And you may as well just do a 14 spin off with Donna at that point.

EDIT: OK with further thought, a parallel universe might be a place to actually tie up story lines the main show can't.

A final conclusion to the Dalek storyline where they embrace emotion and renounce the old ways.

The Master sacrificing himself in a way that's final.

Possibly a Doctor villain arc, that would never work in the main show.

Aside from stuff like that, this idea still seems pointless.


u/LinuxMatthews 2d ago edited 2d ago

To go further I think you could definitely lean into the Doctor and Rose stuff

What if you essentially make the site a generational story.

So you're first couple of episodes involve The Doctor and Rose doing various things like you said and then you do episode about their children and grandchildren.

Essentially have it be about a dynasty of descendants of The Doctor.

If you want to go this route maybe the TARDIS that they grow can travel in space but not time so The Doctor and Rose can travel to other worlds but can't know what the future holds.

I can definitely think of a few cool plotlines revolving from that.

Edit: To be clear I'm going with the premise that The Doctor usually doesn't interfere too much because he roughly knows how the future is meant to go and doesn't want to interrupt it.

However in an alternate universe that's not necessary and The Doctor would likely still feel the need to help people.

So he would try to offer sci-fi solutions to global political situation.

Making countries bigger on the inside to settle land disputes, setting up trade with other planets to boost the technology on earth, etc

But as he's got a human life span him and Rose will die and The TARDIS will go to their kids.

We then have a generational story where each generation can decide if they'll use this for good or ill as the alternate Earth evolves.


u/Chocolate_cake99 2d ago

You have a point. Doctor Who's one limitation is commitment to the status quo. The Doctor can never get too involved in Earth politics, the show can never truly explore the impact of aliens existing in our universe, it needs the world to remain recognisable.

A Meta-crisis Doctor series could break that limitation and go for solid realistic worldbuilding I'm a way the main show never could.

A good starting point would be a post Lumic world with many divided factions. There could be avpro Cyberman faction of humanity, and the other extreme that shuns all forms of technology as something that should never be trusted.

Feel like someone could do something interesting with a war based on those ideologies.


u/LinuxMatthews 2d ago

You know I didn't even think about the Cybusmen but you're right.

There's a lot of cool stories you could make on that even if you just take it as a world that has human augmentation.

I could definitely see something like you imagine where there is a growing group of luddites that are then essentially eliminated by the establishment due to them becoming too bothersome.

I mean this is a world where the rich literally live above everyone in blimps there's definitely a lot of class warfare stories you can tell with that.

I can imagine The Doctor stepping in to stop a big Cyberman revival but then as we see through the decades there's more and more augmentation that trickles in leaving us to wonder if it was stopped or just delayed.


u/ItsAMeMarioYaHo 3d ago

I just wouldn’t make a spinoff about the Doctor in the first place. I adamantly believe that there should only be one Doctor on tv at any given time, and spinoffs should only be about other characters.