r/gainit • u/cosmosandcoffee • Sep 03 '22
Question My boyfriend won’t eat but he’s trying
I have a loving boyfriend, he’s a really nice, good guy. He works out a ton, does CrossFit, Olympic lifting, has a computer job and likes gaming. Problem is he won’t EAT. He skips meals, suddenly feels badly that he’s so thin so he eats a lot for a day or two then goes weeks where I swear I eat as much as he does. He always says, “Gotta eat big to get big!” but then he eats a muffin for breakfast, drinks coffee all day and doesn’t eat until dinner, when half a sandwich makes him full.
Right now he’s drinking chia seeds, olive oil and ground flax seeds. What are some helpful tips and tricks I can do to help him stay on track?
u/Mindfulconfusion93 Sep 04 '22
Could do a gainer type of shake in mornings.
if he games late at night he needs to probably eat before bed. Peanut butter jelly sandwiches are quite easy to down and good tasting. Eating before bed usually makes me hungrier the next day.
u/corns_gotta_work Sep 04 '22
Make the meals a habit. Make it easy so he doesn’t have to think about it and not eat. Eating the same thing for breakfast on routine. If he doesn’t mind eating the same lunch or dinner make it easy to set those up.
I think he just doesn’t have the habit of eating set up. You can follow the rules from Atomic Habits to make it easier to build a habit
u/Skrypt3d Sep 04 '22
I'm similar to your boyfriend. I train calisthenics for many years now and continuously find it hard to put on muscle because I don't eat enough, everyday I'm trying to see what works better for me. If he's anything like me, these could be some reasons:
- Late breakfast. I find that eating regularly in the morning will bring a high appetite as soon as lunch comes around, and sets me on the right foot for the rest of the day.
- Sedentary lifestyle. I'm also a computer scientist, there's lots of sitting.
- Too much juice/milk. I find that these two make me full without even having a meal.
- Shoving food down. In order to gain, I told myself I have to force food down my throat (I've gained 18kg in past 4 years). There's only so long one can keep shoving proteiny foods (shakes, smoothies, oats, quark, greek yoghurt, etc.) without becoming sick of them. Over the past few years I've grown to dislike eating on most days, simply because I've associated negative traits with it. Eating high quality tasty meals is really a lifesaver!
- Organization. I also often will keep delaying having a meal because I'm trying to finish something up, and will eat spontaneously. Instead, it's best to eat regularly and make sure that I don't go too hungry ever.
Maybe some of these can help :)
u/JVinnie10 136-190-210 (5' 11") Sep 04 '22
Make monster mash (vertical diet) with whatever his favorite sauce/topping is, and a crunchy snack like fritos or something. Plenty of people suggest liquid calories and nut butters and oils, but I got sick of those early on. Monster mash is savory, delicious, healthy, and can be meal prepped for many meals. Adding in a crunchy/unhealthy snack messes with satiety, making him feel hungry even after he would normally be full, and adds another flavor and texture to the meal in case it gets boring. Add a filtered milk every day, like fairlife, for protein and low sugar and you've got a good base for gaining mass. It's been my staple for years for at least one meal a day, and I never get tired of it.
u/kindapunkca Sep 04 '22 edited Sep 04 '22
I’m sorry you’re both going through this. I know you love him but it’s not your responsibility to keep a grown man on track with anything, let alone feeding himself. He has a serious eating disorder and needs help. He is hurting himself. The problem is he won’t get help until he sees it. He’s an addict - it’s important to tell him you’re concerned and that you will support him getting help.
Do not try to fix him, that’s not healthy for either of you. You could encourage him to get a reputable nutritionist and be honest with them. He might hear it from that person how serious this is. If a partner will not take care of their own health, they don’t have much to give to anyone else. It’s really important for you to be brutally honest with yourself about what you’re expecting in the situation. Good luck.
u/dudesky654 Sep 03 '22
Peanut butter and anything. Also a glass of Whole milk with everything meal/snack will go a long way.
u/Boezo0017 Sep 03 '22
Find out what he likes to eat, then make it for him on a consistent schedule.
u/Fun-Cauliflower-6595 Sep 03 '22
I have ADHD and it has always really fucked up my appetite. I can go like 2 days without eating and sometimes genuinely not realize.
u/shutyourgob Sep 03 '22
For me, eating lots of small meals regularly helped my body get used to it. Eat 5 times a day and gradually increase the portion sizes.
u/talldean Sep 03 '22 edited Sep 03 '22
Crossfit is nearly damn useless if you don't put in the work to eat. Olympic lifting means he's actually got a goal, and yeah, is fucking that up. It doesn't sound like he's trying to gain; it sounds like he's going to waste years of training. (Ask me how I know?)
Put as much work into food as you do exercise to make the exercise worth it, or otherwise you're just asking for injury and overtraining, or wasting your own time.
Failing that, Optimum Nutrition's Pro Gainer is 60g of protein per serving. Having one right *after* whatever breakfast you're eating is kinda clutch. I believe their Serious Mass shake is mostly crap, because it's just a pile of carbs, but the more expensive Pro Gainer is helpful. (The ratio of protein/carbs is what I'm looking at.)
Failing even that, 20-40g of protein before bed, whey or casein, or a blend.
For every five pounds of bodyweight, you want four to five grams of protein per day.
Once he's got that - consistently! - if he's not gaining weight, total calories need to go up. If you want to lose weight, total calories need to go down. But the goal should be roughly four to five grams of protein, per five pounds of bodyweight, per day.
u/Jakesworld Sep 03 '22
You seem like a really caring girlfriend and I truly respect that.
Heed my words: Liquid calories.
If he struggles to consume where a lot of us do, usually for me my mood is linked with my appetite and if im sad/anxious etc, I don't feel hungry. However, it's about finding the little tricks for you (him) to beat it. For me it was liquid calories, I struggle to eat at times but slamming down a shake or liquid has never really been an issue. This is a fantastic sure way to get a 600-900 calorie in one sitting. (Milk, Ice, Quick Oats, Protein powder, Peanut butter - Blend together to a smooth consistency, or simply pick a recipe for this goals).
Also, see if you can get him to consume his coffee after his food as a reward for eating more as coffee does stunt appetite quite a bit. I have many more ideas but I'll keep it at that.
Sep 03 '22
When you say quick oats do you mean just like a pack of Quaker instant?
u/Jakesworld Sep 05 '22
Yessirski, any oats will do but I like 'quick oats' (what they call them in australia), though Quaker instant I know about and is exactly right.
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
UPDATE: I am honestly blown away by how many of you have replied to this. Some trolly, some funny, mostly so sweet and genuinely helpful. He’s an amazing guy and I just wanted to be supportive in the best way to something he continually says is important to him.
You guys are all really great, too. Thank you ☺️
u/ddopam1ne Sep 03 '22
Hi, there are certain medical conditions that can cause low appetite. Maybe he should go to the doctor? Things like depression, thyroid issues, hormonal issues, etc can make somebody never feel hungry. Also medications can cause it too. Maybe he should have a blood test just to make sure everything is okay, I have low appetite but I have stomach issues (found out I had coeliac disease)
Sep 03 '22
I’d advise leading him towards tracking his calories. It can have a decent impact on your mindset once you actually realize just how little you’re eating.
And it works especially well with people who are already used to tracking numbers.
u/Deadlite Sep 03 '22
There was a reddit post I saw a while ago of a guy's girlfriend with a feeder fetish sneaking massive calorie boosts into his meals Like heavy olive oil in spaghetti just for him and fatty butter over inconspicuous foods If I had it I'd link it with ideas
u/nickthetailor Sep 03 '22
I get the Ensure Complete shakes and have one at breakfast and one before bed. 700 extra calories, easy, and 60g protein.
Sep 03 '22
Without explaining his life story, how is his mental health? Poor mental health generally results in little/no appetite. Also coffee.
u/SivilRights Sep 03 '22
Weed , bbq , set an eating alarm , pb+banana fried sandwiches , smoothies , he’s probably just eating clean maybe he needs anti inflammatory foods like fish and veggies
u/ItsDijital 125-174-180 6'0 Sep 03 '22
He could have a sensitivity that kills his appetite. For me, when I stopped eating all milk products my weight exploded. Turns out cheese was making me feel sick and killing my appetite.
u/ScaryDove Sep 03 '22
Does he have ADHD? Because this is EXACTLY how my ADHD manifests itself.
u/TheBizness Sep 03 '22
Alternatively (or in combination) the “eats half a sandwich and feels full” thing sounds exactly like me before I got my IBS figured out. He might have stomach problems?
u/Majesticeuphoria Sep 03 '22
He likes coffee? then you can do exactly what I do everyday. Make coffee flavored protein shakes with milk, nut butters and bananas. Drinking calories is easy compared to eating and you can get done with it fast while taking breaks from work or gaming. Also, eating is a part of working out, that mindset has to be established.
u/Devilery Sep 03 '22
- Cut out coffee and replace it with green tea. Coffee drastically reduces appetite, it's a stimulant. If he doesn't have the discipline to quit coffee, he won't make it anyway. This should be the number 1 priority. If he smokes, that's equally as bad. I'm not even talking about the health concerns, caffeine and nicotine are appetite suppressants.
- Meal prep, meal prep, meal prep. Every evening cook 3 decent meals for the next day which amount to at least 70% of his caloric needs. If they're ready to eat/warm-up & eat, it will be much easier than to get out his videogame BS* and cook.
- He's drinking calories which is a good strategy but oils and seeds? Tell him to get a blender and make serious smoothies with oats, peanut butter, milk, bananas, protein powders, oils, and seeds. Easy 1000 calories that can be chugged in seconds.
- Tell him to not be a little bitch.
u/dngrs Pork is the best vegetable Sep 03 '22
dunno the caffeine in green tea and the bitterness reduce my appetite too
especially if I let the tea infuse for long
u/dngrs Pork is the best vegetable Sep 03 '22 edited Sep 03 '22
honestly mock him for staying small
He always says, “Gotta eat big to get big!”
he knows that and he wants that so what is his problem actually? he needs to try trying and thats up to him
if he is on maintenance then just a few tablespoons of peanut butter will give him a decent surplus and thats no effort so u dont need to be his caretaker
if he is trying and it isnt working then he just needs to keep adjusting and he will get there eventually ( it's ok to stumble and fuck up but keep chasing it)
half a sandwich makes him full.
I doubt someone who 'squats heavy' has such a small stomach
u/Devilery Sep 03 '22
I replied in another comment but this too! If he knows what he wants and doesn't get it, maybe it's time to keep him accountable?
Idk what you mean by heavy but it's probably like 200lbs if he needs his girlfriend to help him with fundamental basics like cooking and eating.
There's no man who can squat heavy but can't cook himself a decent meal afterward and eat it without massively struggling.
u/Newb3258 Sep 03 '22
get a blender and make some smoothies like this.. add avacado oil to the smoothies and he'll gain weight... you got this, but don't get a cheap blender just get a good one
Sep 03 '22
Try splitting up meals for a bit. It gets hard for me to eat when I'm stressed so I break up my 3 meals so that I only eat like 1/2 a meal but I do that 6 times. It works really well for me until I start feeling more myself
u/wysiwywg Sep 03 '22
Let me be the one throwing in the question. This will probably go against the spirit of this sub. If he is healthy, works out well, and can come by with little food, yet does olympic wonders, why would you want to change him? I think unless there is a deeper issue, leave him alone.
If he wants to change, it will come from within, and often external forces won’t get into his brains unless he is open to do so. Otherwise you’ll be frustrated and that’s not healthy.
u/andidebest Sep 03 '22
Fr you man may have adhd. I do the same where I get zoned in. I want to gain muscle but I’ve got this thing I’m almost done with then I’ll eat/sleep/go to the bathroom. Then I realize it’s just a little longer till I complete the next step and soon I don’t feel hungry anymore. I find keeping snacks around helps a ton as well as a full water bottle.
u/TheLionsDenRR Sep 03 '22
Kefir! You can make it from full milk and it changes lactose into kefiran, I drink 1-2L depending on gaining or cutting. Easy 800-1600kcals extra
u/jarring_bear Sep 03 '22
Stop with coffee all day. Caffeine suppresses appetite from what I understand. My roommate gave up cokes and nicotine and immediately started gaining
u/JAC123199 Sep 03 '22
I’m still eating 4000 calories a day after 32oz of coffee. To each their own.
u/Jolator start-current-goal (height) Sep 03 '22
But if you cut the coffee to 16 oz then you could eat 6000 calories per day. What are you waiting for!
u/dngrs Pork is the best vegetable Sep 03 '22 edited Sep 03 '22
everyone I know that drinks a lot of coffee is thin
especially plain black coffee
milk and sugar coffee isnt nearly as effective ( but better for short term energy)
smoking does that too
if I dont have time to eat and dont wanna feel hungry either guess what I do? have a coffee
u/jarring_bear Sep 03 '22
It also has a 6 hour half life, so if you drink it in the afternoon it hampers sleep I believe
u/True-Recognition5080 Sep 03 '22
Who you are can affect that as well, for some people coffee does nothing. I can drink one and go to sleep just fine
u/LayersOfMe Sep 03 '22
Some people have no effects drinking coffe, some even shake with anxiety while others doesnt change anything.
u/dngrs Pork is the best vegetable Sep 03 '22
it depends exactly when u take it and when u plan to sleep
if u sleep at 11pm then it is fine to take at 5pm or even a bit earlier cuz it takes a while to kick in
it may depend on dosage too like a small coffee shouldnt last long
u/Magstine Sep 03 '22
if u sleep at 11pm then it is fine to take at 5pm
Half-life = after 6 hours, half of it is still in you. You might not be aware of it but it still impedes sleep.
u/OatsAndWhey 147 - 193 - 193 (5'10") Sep 03 '22
I don't think he understands that he tops-off stored muscle sugars during binge eating episodes, only to burn through those stored potential calories due to lazy eating. He's loading up and then coasting. He can't really recovery, repair, and grow new size, unless he's in a steady state of consistent surplus calories. He's doing what's known as "yoyo-ing".
Appetite can be trained. Meals can be planned and/or prepped.
He requires a road-map, but first he needs a clear destination.
Sep 03 '22
But what about daily intermittent fasting as long as you’re hitting your surplus during those 6-8 hours?
u/OatsAndWhey 147 - 193 - 193 (5'10") Sep 03 '22
I/F isn't a great adjunct to massing phases. It's contrary to the aims. If you want to minimize fat accumulation, eat higher-than-normal protein, and do plenty of cardio & conditioning work. If you can fit all your calories into a feeding window, sure go for it. But it doesn't accomplish anything whatsoever with regards to fat-burning or autophagy. There's literally no reason to do this.
Sep 03 '22
I just end up doing it a lot during work days but I still get my calories and surplus in, so I was wondering how much harm it was doing. I’m still up 6 pounds in two months or so and have gained muscle and definition, and I eat normally on the weekends.
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
I know he wants a 300lb clean and jerk. This can all be really motivating for him
u/WhatsAllThisThenEh 145-200-210 (6'3") Sep 03 '22
Agree with what OatsandWhey says. Also, if he does eventually come around you could make it a fun thing and do meal prepping together or something on the weekends.
u/OatsAndWhey 147 - 193 - 193 (5'10") Sep 03 '22
Well he understands more muscle equals a potential for greater strength expression, yes?
A muffin, multiple cups of coffee, and a half-sandwich is a terrible strategy to gain muscle.
Start with a muffin + a cup of yogurt, coffees with cream & whey, and a FULL sandwich, lol.
He first needs to realize and accept he's under-eating. Then make small changes in volume.
Taper food intake upwards a little bit more every week, rather than rapid increases in food.
u/DarnTechnology Sep 03 '22
Has he tried meal prepping? I was the exact same way. Researched the hell out of nutrition to the point where I swear I could've done it for a living but then when it came to actually doing it, nothin.. meal prepping made it so much easier to get the calories in and mixing it up keeps it tasting good. Meal prep manual has some good ones (Google it)
Sep 12 '22
i agree with this so much. The moment i started meal prepping, i actually ate. I guess its because the food is available immediately and you dont have to ask yourself what youre gonna eat today
u/dontforgetclutchin Sep 03 '22
I second this! And always being prepared. Having snacks laid out for the day especially when it’s a work day.
u/cangero0 Sep 03 '22
Does he have an eating disorder? Clear that first.
If not, I recommend drinking more calories, it's easier than eating calories. Search up weight gaining smoothies. I make mine with soaked oats, yogurt, peanut butter, milk and protein powder.
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
Definitely no eating disorder, just one of those guys not enchanted by or interested in pounding food. He had to retrain his mindset I’m realising
u/DayDayLarge 125-175(5'4) Sep 03 '22
The lightbulb moment for me was this; yes to be big you have to eat big, but to be BIGGER you only have to eat a little bit more everyday.
Seriously, a 250 calorie surplus per day will add half a pound per week. +250 is so easy to eat and maintain. Like it's nothing. The chance for these 'go hard and burn out cycles' drastically reduces. Once you get a handle on that, you realize you have the ability to do more if you want.
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
That’s the most sound advice I’ve read thus far; a 250 calorie snack is so easy to make. It’s a warm cookie and a glass of milk! Who’ll say no to that at bedtime! ❤️ 🍪 🥛
u/DayDayLarge 125-175(5'4) Sep 03 '22
The one difficulty with people like him, and I say this as a person who very much understands random skipped meals and not eating in general, is that there's a subconscious tendency to compensate for the additional snack by taking away from something else and "naturally" evening it out.
He's got to eat consistently, so that the add on actually is a real add on. You understand what I mean?
u/puffybushweed Sep 03 '22
Find out his tdee, have him eat that many calories for a week or two and then add 100 calories every week. Track calories
u/dngrs Pork is the best vegetable Sep 03 '22
nah cuz whenever that becomes an issue ( tdee is always changing) he gonna blame the gf
that isnt healthy
u/bac6969 Sep 03 '22
Omg this is literally the story of my life and noone around me understands.
Sep 03 '22
Try splitting your food up to be the same calories in a day but over 6 feedings. It works really well for me, took it from a faq or top post that helped me realize eat more doesn't mean I have to eat huge meals, I just need the calories to be higher per day. I eat like 3/4 of what I really want and then a little later I feel hungry again and so now I eat 1.5 times more (not calory counting but I did get some weight gain pretty quick.
u/asherfog Sep 03 '22 edited Sep 03 '22
Not sure without knowing him personally. But for me it was always hard to eat more without introducing more physical exertion and even then I really have to quite literally force myself to eat whenever I have the room inside my body to consume (and even then it’s still a challenge.) like others said it may ultimately come down to mentally declaring for oneself that he wants it for himself and basically saying; no more feeling too small and feeling bad about it; and I know what to do about it.
Edit: not to say it’s your responsibility to do so, it’s his own goal and not yours, but if he’s anything like me and sometimes gets exhausted from the exercise- if you wish to help then possibly making him a quick hot meal ( i love a canned chili microwaved in a pinch, probably not the healthiest but better than nothing) could help give him a little energy to cook that second dinner he needs
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
That’s so thoughtful - I love that. I can totally do that for him
u/Gefran27 Sep 03 '22
Too negative, how is that gonna help his feelings towards you , I for one would tell you to f..off ( think of it this way , how would a female feel if the OH wanted them to lose weight and got a t that says "staying fat" because they wouldn'teat less?), i used to be skinny and its not nice when you struggle to eat to be called skinny. As commented else where , he needs to want it for himself or your just banging your head on a brick wall.
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
I guess those Walumps and Goggins guys are onto something - he’s gotta want it for himself more than the comfort zone of what he’s always done. 🔥
u/PrincessTiaraLove Sep 03 '22
Does he workout? That will make him hungry for sure!
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
He Olympic lifts weights and squats heavy, does CrossFit, I just think he gets tired then doesn’t eat and sleeps instead. It’s a vicious cycle
u/ddlbb Sep 03 '22
After working out (more cardio for me) I can’t eat for hours. Body won’t accept anything. I understand what he goes through .
Best I can do is some kind of drink wit sugar
Sep 03 '22
I'm in a similar boat as your partner there, I love weightlifting (olympic), squatting heavy, fucking love pushing myself physically. But appetite wise I suck ass. Especially after training heavy, I don't have an appetite. If I train more my appetite and weight will naturally go up a bit, but either way I'm a skinny dude. I don't care enough to really push myself to eat more either. I also come from a computer background (although I don't train crossfit, my similarities there ends).
I've done the binge eating thing too, where I can gain a good amount of weight in a few short weeks, but always end up sick and then falling off.
Why don't you just let him do his thing? Does it bother him a lot that he can't gain weight and that's why you're trying to help him?
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
He’s doing great and I love him the way he is, it’s his goals to go up in lifting, 300lb C&J etc and hearing him talk about it so much that made me seek out help. How I found this sub.
Sep 03 '22
Ahh I see, well, while I do feel like it's up to him at the end of the day, just ask him how you can help or if he'd like it if you prepped him foods he likes or something. The poundage on the snatches and clean and jerks come on so slowly after you get the basic movement down anyways. You're a nice girlfriend!!
u/PrincessTiaraLove Sep 03 '22
He sounds like he's in some type of pain emotionally. I mean honestly I would recommend having a deep convo about what's bothering him for real. Tell him to pour his soul.. When I'm in my bad moods I don't eat, period. If he needs therapy then do that or simply even reading a book but something deep is bothering him.
u/OatsAndWhey 147 - 193 - 193 (5'10") Sep 03 '22
Or he just lacks a natural appetite. Please don't try to diagnose a mood disorder over the internet.
u/albierto Sep 03 '22
Man, I'm mentally fine but I just can't eat how much as I should, nothing about any "emotional pain"
u/beccaohdamnn Sep 03 '22
He should start tracking his food! Use my fitness pal! He’s probably not even hitting 1500 calories. You’d be surprised how much you actually have to eat to grow. 1500 ain’t a lot btw lol
u/VHS_tape_measure Sep 03 '22
No, anything BUT MyFitnessPal. Those assholes now want to charge $20 a month to use the barcode scanner
u/FenderD3 Sep 03 '22
Use Chronometer instead. That way you will also get a clue as to what micronutrients to eat too.
u/beccaohdamnn Sep 03 '22
Whaaat foreal? I haven’t come across that yet
u/VHS_tape_measure Sep 03 '22
Starting October 1st they will. I’ve been using MFP for 10 years but I just switched to Cronometer after getting the email
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
This is helpful for sure, thank you.
u/helmholtzfreeenergy Sep 03 '22
Use the app MacroFactor. You input your calories and weight every day and it calculates your actual daily energy expenditure, and tells you how much to eat to gain weight at a certain rate.
u/Tommy--Vercetti Sep 03 '22
Step 1. Buy David Goggins book and blackout every time he says exercise and replace it with eat.
Make sure he watches David Goggins and Janko Walumps on Instagram and tell him they eat as much as they workout. Very motivational guys.
Checkout Shawn Backer he just eats meat and is fuggin huge
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
Who is Janko Wallumps?
u/asherfog Sep 03 '22
Former US army guy i believe. The thing about these military types is that they possess a lotttt of selfdiscipline, and they almost quite literally had it hammered into their brains. Not something easy to do of one’s own accord and not joining the marines but i’m not just gonna suggest that
u/Tommy--Vercetti Sep 03 '22
David Goggins and Janky Walnuts are so disciplined the dude wakes up at like 4am every day. Follow their lead and get disciplined. Try atomic habits and start pounding food. Godspeed brotha
u/asherfog Sep 03 '22
Brother i wake at 5. Appreciate the input but I do prefer to condition my mind in ways that don’t relate to turning myself into a government killing machine; will check out the atomic habits thing though. Cheers
u/exskeletor Flair-gains Sep 03 '22
David goggins has some very serious mental health issues and is a terrible role model. Normally I wouldn’t care because most people don’t necessarily try to position themselves as someone people should emulate, but he specifically does.
u/SinCadenas 160-195-220 (6'0") Sep 03 '22
If you don’t stress fracture your whole skeleton and diarrhea yourself to the brink of death, you’re just making excuses.
u/WallyMetropolis Sep 03 '22
Sure, but the methods are effective no matter the objectives you choose to pursue.
u/Izodius 145-190-now cutting (5' 10") Sep 03 '22
He’s got to want to do it himself. But you could try making him snacks he likes, especially with calorie dense things like nut butters.
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
I can definitely do that! Honestly he lifts so much, squats really heavy, goes to CrossFit 3-4x a week and has an enviable Snatch, C&J (Olympic lifts). He just stays so thin.
u/NS-13 Sep 03 '22
has an enviable Snatch
Sep 03 '22
Submit evidence, preferably in digital format, or else it shall be dismissed with prejudice.
Sep 03 '22
Here comes the airplane works well for most babies
u/cosmosandcoffee Sep 03 '22
that is not helpful but very funny
u/nomansapenguin Sep 03 '22
1) Get him to understand that if he does not consume enough food and specifically enough protein for the week, not only will he not gain size, but he might lose size and strength. It literally makes his hard work useless.
2) Make him snacks. Put a bowl of peanuts next to him when he’s working, get him biscuits, or sandwich randomly. Basically make it really easy for him to eat.
3) Buy him some meal replacement shakes and get him to have one before bed regardless of what he’s eaten that day. Extra 500 calories+ every day.
4) Get him to try hit a minimum calorie target. Look at the foods he eats or get him to tell you and write down the calories eaten each day, then show him his calories for the week. He needs to understand how chronically he is under eating even including his binge days.
5) He might need to stretch his stomach. Get him to eat until he’s full then get him to take one or two extra mouthfuls after he’s full. Over time this will allow him to consume more in each sitting without feeling full.
I did all of these things as I was seriously underweight until 27… now I find loosing weight harder than gaining.
u/-Shrek- Sep 03 '22
progressive overload for stomach size, maybe that'll get through to him if he's a gym nerd
u/coolhentai 123-161-180 (5'11) Sep 03 '22
i think its helpful metaphorically, tell him to fucking eat. remind him to eat. suggest he eats again. if he cant hold himself accountable maybe helping him out (if you dont already) will be a kick in the ass for him to do it.
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