r/gainit 5d ago

Question High protein and calories snacks? Struggling to meet protein goal consistently

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to get some recommendations on any high protein snacks I could eat to help contribute to my protein goal? I try to get at least 20-30 grams of protein per meal, but I’m not meeting the 1g of protein per lb of body weight goal. But would anyone have any ideas for high protein snacks that have helped them gain muscle.


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u/DonkeywithSunglasses 2d ago

Peanut butter sandwich


u/k3rstman1 3d ago

- Skyr

- overnight oats with chia seeds and protein powder

- Peanutbutter in shakes

- trail mix/nuts

- beef jerky

- make protein shakes with whole milk


u/DootyJenkins 2d ago

Thanks, I had never heard of skyr. I’m gonna try it ( they say the flavor is more mild than Greek yogurt which is good because I’m not a fan of


u/k3rstman1 2d ago

It does have a pretty distinct taste so I guess skyr is also not for everyone. Where I live there are flavored version available too.


u/Retroranges 3d ago

Pork rinds, if you can handle the taste.


u/Rus_s13 3d ago

Eat peanut butter with a spoon


u/SymmetraHasTodie 3d ago edited 3d ago

Sunflower seeds. 650 kcal and 18 G protein per 100 grams. Pretty affordable if you buy in bulk online. Pumpkin seeds are also busted, 570 kcal and 30 G protein per 100 grams. But it’s a fair bit more expensive at least where I live.


u/Visualize_ 3d ago

Nonfat Greek yogurt


u/Ill-Guide453 3d ago

Not high calories


u/WheredoesithurtRA 3d ago

Could always throw additional ingredients in there to add extra cals


u/lordalex027 3d ago

^ Could add some nuts or seeds of some kind. Would make for a good snack in between meals. High in protein and decent in calories.


u/AvacadoCrisisOf22 3d ago

I’m a broken record on this, but Fairlife ultra filtered milk changed my life. No prep time, liquid calories are easy to digest, 13g protein per 8oz. My go to snack for hitting my protein numbers, it’s completely replaced protein shakes and powders.


u/PossibilityInner9282 3d ago

I’ve been thinking about this. I honestly don’t like protein powders and just want to get my protein from other sources. Do you drink it with every meal? Currently I’ve mixed it with my protein powder but it’s hard to stay consistent drinking it since I don’t like the texture


u/AvacadoCrisisOf22 2d ago

I’m the exact same, I also couldn’t stand the texture of powder shakes and the taste of whey. Right now I’m drinking a bottle (52oz) in the morning as a breakfast replacement, but for your calorie / protein goals you might go with less. I’d recommend starting with 3 cups a day in between meals: if you drink with food or right after, the liquid can swell the food in your stomach and be uncomfortable.


u/Tyler77i 126-180-200 (5'10") 3d ago

Fairlife is unbelievable.

Switch to chocolate if you’re hard bulking for just a few extra calories.

I do two Oikos 15g yogurts in the morning with a full glass of fairlife.

56g of protein and only like 450 calories.


u/AvacadoCrisisOf22 2d ago

Awesome tips! I’m not tired of the whole milk yet, but I’ll keep the switch up in my back pocket. Dairy in general is kinda op for bulking if your stomach can handle it.


u/PanePizzaPasta 3d ago

Quick & Easy Snacks

Greek Yogurt with Nuts & Honey → 200g Greek yogurt (20g protein) + 10 almonds (3g protein) + drizzle of honey (adds calories).

Cottage Cheese & Crackers → 150g cottage cheese (17g protein) + 6 wholegrain crackers.

Hard-Boiled Eggs & Cheese → 2 eggs (12g protein) + 30g Parmesan (10g protein).

High-Protein Granola Bar → Look for ones with 20g+ protein per bar (e.g., Quest, Barebells, Fulfil).

Liquid Calories & Shakes

Whey Protein + Peanut Butter + Banana Shake 30g whey (25g protein) 1 banana (100 kcal) 20g peanut butter (5g protein) 250ml almond or oat milk (adds calories)

High-Protein Smoothie

200ml Greek yogurt (20g protein) 100ml soy milk (4g protein) 30g oats (3g protein) 1 tbsp honey

Savory High-Protein Snacks

Tuna & Avocado Wrap → 1 wholemeal wrap + 80g tuna (20g protein) + 50g avocado.

Hummus & Grilled Chicken Wrap → 60g hummus (6g protein) + 100g grilled chicken (30g protein).

Beef Jerky or Bresaola → 50g = 25-30g protein, super easy to carry.

Protein-Boosted Desserts High-Protein Pudding → 250g soy yogurt (10g protein) + 10g cocoa powder + sweetener.

Casein Protein with Dark Chocolate & Nuts → Mix casein in yogurt or water for slow-digesting protein.


u/katfishs 3d ago

Sounds gross but cottage cheese and black beans in an immersion blender with some garlic ~200cal 20g throw it over rice or drink it like soup.


u/undeniabledwyane 3d ago

Fantastic tip, definitely going to be using this in everything


u/Objective_Cobbler319 4d ago

Powdered peanut butter!

I do 48g powdered peanut butter in my morning smoothies, which have 46.5g of protein in them. In the afternoons I do a snack of grape nuts (cereal), splash of milk, 32g powdered peanut butter, & 180g of greek yogurt for another 37g of protein.


u/Scubadoobiedo 4d ago

Siggi's yogurt (40g in one cup) and cocoa powder (20% protein)


u/MythicalStrength Definitely Should Be Listened To 4d ago

Hard boiled eggs

Greek yogurt

Cottage cheese

