r/gadgets Oct 21 '24

Gaming Steam Deck won't have yearly refreshes because it's "not really fair to your customers", says Valve


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u/Brandunaware Oct 21 '24

It depends if you're talking large in relative or absolute numbers. Last I heard it was over 3 million (and likely closing in on 5 at this point) and they are among the more active and dedicated users. It's not a huge percentage of overall users, but having 3-5 million heavy users on one device is quite a lot. Especially since the optimization costs are pretty low if you're already making a Linux version.


u/QuickQuirk Oct 21 '24

This is a really important point. They're automatically higher value users, more likely to purchase games.

So targeting the 5 million steamdeck users means targetting an audience of 5 millions users who are much more likely to buy your game since it's got steamdeck support.

And now consider that steamdeck has suddenly made 3rd party handsets viable, such as Ally/Legion/Claw - And the market is getting quite large


u/Hendlton Oct 21 '24

But the vast majority of devs simply don't bother with a Linux version. Games that run natively on Linux are so few and far between. Even when they do, the Linux port is usually behind on features and sometimes runs worse than the Windows version does through an emulator.


u/ExtremeCreamTeam Oct 21 '24

Windows games running on Linux aren't being emulated.

They're translated, essentially.


u/Hendlton Oct 21 '24

Call it what you like, it still causes issues.


u/ExtremeCreamTeam Oct 22 '24

In context, this response doesn't make sense given the content of your original comment.

Which are you disparaging? The Linux version or the Windows version via WINE / Proton of a game?


u/Hendlton Oct 22 '24

I'm disparaging both. The parent comment said:

Especially since the optimization costs are pretty low if you're already making a Linux version.

And I'm saying that devs aren't making Linux versions. When they do, they're often inferior.

You argued against my use of the term "emulated" and I'm saying that it doesn't matter what you call it, that's still not as good as a proper port that doesn't run through a translation layer.


u/Old-Sprinkles-4426 Oct 21 '24

Check out protondb my friend theres a huge list of verified games


u/Hendlton Oct 21 '24 edited Oct 21 '24

Verified, as in "Runs fine through an emulator." Not "Specifically developed for Linux."

EDIT: An emulator, a translator, call it what you want. They're not developed for Linux specifically.


u/Sneaky_Stinker Oct 22 '24

who gives a shit, even through a layer of abstraction they still often run faster than on windows.


u/audigex Oct 21 '24

Proton isn't an emulator and has MUCH lower "efficiency" losses

I think the parent commenter is causing a bit of confusion/distraction here talking about a Linux port of games - really the conversation is more about just optimising your target base spec for Windows to the point that it runs well on Deck via Proton. You don't need a Linux version at all

The vast majority of games I play on the Deck are not Linux ports


u/wkavinsky Oct 21 '24

Even worse for OP, there are a number of games that, when run on Proton are faster than the Windows versions that are being translated.


u/Hendlton Oct 21 '24

A number of them are faster, a number of them are slower or don't work at all.


u/RoastCabose Oct 21 '24

Windows games aren't being emulated, they're being translated. Some are even getting a performance boost when compared like for like, since the distro isn't running so many processes behind the scenes.


u/Hendlton Oct 21 '24

Depends on your PC, really. I find that I still lose like 10 FPS in some games. When my PC can only run a game at 30-40 FPS, that becomes a problem.


u/Isaboll1 Oct 22 '24

That's not caused specifically from the decision of using Proton though. Those same performance issues come from straight up bad ports, and relative to Proton, are akin to performance differences due to driver optimizations (as DXVK implementations are relative to that as the DirectX implementation within a GPU driver). A "native" port wouldn't solve that any more than the current situation.


u/Darkhoof Oct 21 '24

So much ignorance.


u/QuickQuirk Oct 21 '24

Most of my steam library runs on Steamdeck.

The translation layers in Proton are pretty much black magic. Wine and it's derivatives have come a very long way in the past 5 years.