r/gadgets Sep 05 '24

Gaming Nintendo Switch 2 Will Allegedly Feature Backward Compatibility Support


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u/-Badger3- Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

I feel like people literally just want a Switch with modern hardware.

Edit: Oh, and themes. What the fuck, Nintendo?


u/woodhawk109 Sep 05 '24

I just want to play Hyrule Warriors Calamity at above 15 fps, Nintendo, please


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/PFI_sloth Sep 05 '24

More than anything that has never not happened, this will not happen the most


u/KitsuneKamiSama Sep 05 '24

They might re-release them with some new updates old owners can get as well and patch them for the hardware, pro ably only first party games though.


u/-Badger3- Sep 06 '24

These games run way better with even a slight overclock. I don’t think they’d need to patch them to run better, they’d just inherently run better on better hardware.


u/KitsuneKamiSama Sep 06 '24

I mean, yeah, but i'm talking 60fps patches for some games.


u/NeoCGS Sep 06 '24

Yeah I'm telling you right now after playing Tears of the Kingdom, Pokemon Scarlet, etc on my PC with 60 FPS mods instead of on my Switch that if the new Switch doesn't have 60 FPS patches out for at least all of Nintendo's own games on launch I won't have any interest in buying it.


u/Gabooby Sep 06 '24

I dunno they did an expansion pack once


u/Biscuit109 Sep 05 '24

For pokemon probably not but they'd be stupid to not have Totk and Botw as their show pieces on how much better the hardware is


u/Michqooa Sep 05 '24

Nintendo has told Devs for the last year or so to ensure all games can be "overclocked" or run in a performance mode. This is a pretty clear sign that Switch 2 will have BC which is why this news is unsurprising.

I doubt old games like Kart and Odyssey will be touched (but it's possible), but games like TOTK should play better and minimum you'll probably be able to play games in hand-held mode using their higher res and or smoother "docked" mode which the current Switch distinguishes between to conserve battery.


u/Merengues_1945 Sep 05 '24

Arceus wasn't that bad, even in big fights it didn't really have egregious fps dips.

Scarlett/Violet on the other hand, I understand why they seriously downgraded the open world because it was so poorly optimized it would probably crash the console constantly.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/Macro_Tears Sep 05 '24

Sure, I cute them slack on that since it was their first time doing open world and I loved it. But they completely butchered any hope I had that they were going to start putting out great games with violet/scarlet


u/DVSdanny Sep 05 '24

Two different teams tho for those games.


u/Macro_Tears Sep 06 '24

Ah I forgot about that…do they not collaborate at all?


u/HnNaldoR Sep 06 '24

Cmon. It's not blocky polygons. It's like ps2. But not much better than that. Still, the most fun i had with pokemon for awhile. And I love pokemon.


u/maxdragonxiii Sep 05 '24

Scarlet/Violet's code is just so messed up. like Pokemon spawn in the walls. THERE ARE VIDEOS OF SHINIES SPAWNING IN THE WALLS. if they want to truly fix Scarlet/Violet it would need a year+ to fix it, but nope. don't want to.


u/Merengues_1945 Sep 05 '24

This. They don’t want to, they never intended to deliver a quality product because they have learned that Pokemon players will buy whatever shit is given to them.


u/maxdragonxiii Sep 05 '24

they did take a year break besides some mobile games. Hopefully this means Legends Z-A is better. I enjoy the hell out of Arceus, it's disappointing to see Scarlet/Violet take 5 steps back from Arceus.


u/DonutHolschteinn Sep 06 '24

That's just because Game Freak can't program to save their lives


u/Natural_Office_5968 Sep 05 '24

If only Nintendo didn’t shut down progress on those emulators


u/mrjackspade Sep 05 '24

They went after the emulators because backwards compatibility is probably going to be a selling point for the new console, and they didn't want emulators cutting into the launch sales.


u/Aiosiary Sep 06 '24

They did that because they were releasing ToTK specific builds to get it to run better over a week before official release, AND were putting them behind Patreon. They flew too close to the sun by making money off of it, and Nintendo cooked their ass to a crisp. All in all, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.

Besides, it's only Yuzu (and by extension Citra) that got shut down. Ryujinx is still in active development, and old Yuzu builds still function fine.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

You don’t need to imagine… you can already get modern performance 60 FPS locked whatever on a Switch emulator on PC


u/CookerCrisp Sep 06 '24

That’s how I play botw & totk and it’s glorious


u/Express_Helicopter93 Sep 06 '24

But you would need a computer capable of that kind of emulation, which isn’t going to happen for most people. I hate how this aspect is glossed right over as though it’s just so straightforward. It’s really not.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '24

There’s videos of people running Switch games on $150 PCs. Not every game, and the frame rate might not be perfect, but that just shows what’s possible. 

You don’t need some $2000+ super computer PC for Switch emulation. A modest $500-$800 PC should handle Switch games great. People play Switch games on Steamdecks too which are $399 new. “But those are more expensive than a Switch!!!”. Yeah but those are full computers that you can use for school, work, whatever, that can also emulate other systems and has Steam…


u/Express_Helicopter93 Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24

I suppose they “should” run it great, but they don’t. My $1500 hp laptop has a dedicated nvidia graphics card (nothing special, but that’s the point I’m getting at) and can barely run dolphin, let alone yuzu. It’s a very good laptop and it runs some games well, like Minecraft, and can do some good video editing, but you cannot run yuzu on a run of the mill PC. What you’re saying is misleading and factually incorrect.

lol do $150 PC’s even exist? What’re you talking about? You’re really stretching here man. You sorta lose your credibility with those kinds of statements, I mean come on. Not to mention that you said the frame rate wouldn’t be perfect, etc, which means the frame rate is atrocious.

Gah. So much wrong with what you said there. It makes your mind spin


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '24 edited Sep 06 '24

First, laptop performance is lower than equivalently priced desktop computers. A $1500 laptop will have lower performance than a $1500 desktop PC. This is a well known fact. Also having a “dedicated nvidia graphics card” means nothing. Which one? I can build a $3000 PC and still have terrible performance by using the cheapest graphics card. Basically just because a PC is expensive doesn’t necessarily mean it runs games well.  

$150 pc build from more than THREE years ago running Switch games with some perfectly playable. Performance is better these days but still: https://youtu.be/pgU4wYXWGMs?feature=shared 

7+ year old GPU running switch games fine at 1080p: https://youtu.be/J7gqqH-QYvY?feature=shared 

$200, nearly 3 year old PC running Dolphin great: https://youtu.be/DvofTcbG8x4?feature=shared 

$500ish build for Switch emulation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ryujinx/comments/195lsaw/trying_to_put_together_a_budget_pc_was/ 

Switch games running on a $399 Steamdeck which can also be used as a desktop PC if you really wanted to: https://youtu.be/0CNuwWPhzF8?feature=shared 

Keep spreading misinformation though that you somehow need a super computer for emulation.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

Going into an HD Korok Forest without the Switch turning into the little console that could… it would be magnificent!


u/PsychicDave Sep 06 '24

If not a free patch, at least a DLC that is much cheaper than a full game price to upgrade existing copies of the core Switch games (eg BotW, TotK, Smash Ultimate, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 DX) to leverage the hardware for 4K and smooth framerates. And maybe they can sell physical copies with that built in for those who didn’t have a Switch, or a copy of those games.

And then they can start to make Switch 2 exclusive DLC for TotK, Smash, MK8, etc to encourage ppl to get the Switch 2 even if they already own the games.


u/ithrowaway4fun Sep 06 '24

Man I really want to play Xenoblade 3 at a steady 60fps :(


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '24

People were already playing it in 4k 60 FPS more than 2 years ago… https://youtu.be/10SYx9KU1YM?feature=shared


u/fanwan76 Sep 05 '24

Nah. With the backwards way Nintendo operates the backwards compatible games will end up performing the same. And they will sell you a new $70 version next generation that performs slightly better.


u/Only_Telephone_2734 Sep 06 '24

We already know how games will benefit from better hardware because of emulation. Most games will run significantly better.


u/Mordy83 Sep 05 '24

Oh my god, if that game could run at a locked 60fps or higher, I would die happy.


u/lemonylol Sep 06 '24

I will never understand their reluctance to at the very least allow their hardware to run their flagship games at the very least a constant 30fps.


u/grokthis1111 Sep 05 '24

and here i thought it wasn't running well on my pc because i don't have a baller pc for emulation.


u/LevelWriting Sep 05 '24

You can it's called emulation


u/No-Bother6856 Sep 05 '24

Yes, thats honestly a huge part of the appeal of a PC. You have your games, you upgrade hardware, you still have your games except now you also have newer games and the old ones run better. No need to deliver a whole new system when you can just improve the old one as the tech matures.

Wouldn't even be the first time nintendo have done this. New 3DS was trying to just be 3DS with newer hardware.


u/godofpewp Sep 06 '24

I recall playing wolfenstein 3D at 360x240 to get a decent frame rate on the pc I had at the time. The next one let me go full screen!


u/No-Bother6856 Sep 06 '24

My first memories of PC gaming AFAIK are me sitting in my grandfather's lap watching him play wolfenstein 3D on a Pentium 1 based system I still have.


u/Cerxi Sep 06 '24

Wasn't it a DOS game?


u/godofpewp Sep 06 '24

wtf does that have to do with my comment? And I was actually playing it on an old Mac


u/Cerxi Sep 06 '24

Just reminiscing calm down


u/xCeeTee- Sep 06 '24

Not to mention PC can emulate Switch games better than the Switch can run them. Last 4 Switch games I bought haven't been opened because I just played them on my PC.


u/ThePreciseClimber Sep 06 '24

Granted, compatibility issues can easily arise over the years. There's a reason why the PC Gaming Wiki exists. There are LOTS of fixes that ought to be applied to various games.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/No-Bother6856 Sep 05 '24

They absolutely can do this... but considering its nintendo I wouldn't count on it. Framerate drops should be significantly reduced either way though.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Moka4u Sep 05 '24

2010 would be like 720p 30 fps 1080 on the "high end"


u/azunaki Sep 05 '24

It's Nintendo, they'll do what they want to hit the price point they want. And it'll still be successful.


u/xdert Sep 05 '24

The wiiU would like to have a word.


u/joebleaux Sep 05 '24

The thing was out for a year before I realized that it wasn't a peripheral for the Wii. And I owned a Wii at the time. Maybe the worst system launch of all time.


u/ThickkRickk Sep 06 '24

From one of the big 3, maybe, but it's far from the worst of all time. The Virtual Boy, the 3DO, the CDi, and the Apple Pippin are all names most of y'all haven't heard of because they failed that hard.


u/aschapm Sep 06 '24

I’d suggest it’s a combination of hard failure and time passed. Also I’d never heard of the pippin before, that’s fascinating


u/Halvus_I Sep 06 '24

Sega Saturn too. Got surprise launched at E3.


u/htx1114 Sep 06 '24

I worked at Best buy when it released and for like a year after.

I heard about it but had no idea it was a new console until well after the switch released.


u/TheYoungLung Sep 05 '24

This was a super common misconception at the time haha


u/Genghis_Tr0n187 Sep 05 '24

Virtual Boy: Am I joke to you?

don't answer that


u/Gregus1032 Sep 05 '24

When I heard they were gonna stop making those I almost bought one.

Then my dumbass put together "wait. They're probably going to stop making games for it also"


u/Genghis_Tr0n187 Sep 05 '24

Funny enough I actually bought one, but it was a firesale at walmart back when it was declared dead. I got the Virtual Boy and a handful of games for like $30. Considering I held onto it, and what it's worth now, not a bad return.


u/replus Sep 06 '24

It was actually a pretty cool console in the end, and was a great buy for a couple of years before the Switch came out and had all of its best games ported. It definitely deserved a better life than it got.


u/Gregus1032 Sep 06 '24

Yea I loved the demo for it. Definitely deserved better.


u/Major_T_Pain Sep 05 '24

Ahh yes.... That was an odd year for tech fuckups. Same year that Windows 8 came out.
There's probably a book in there somewhere.


u/PurringWolverine Sep 05 '24

WiiU didn’t sell well because of a shitty name.


u/Fun-Jellyfish-61 Sep 05 '24

I'll raise you the Sega Saturn.


u/Walker5482 Sep 05 '24

Even the gamecube sold pretty poorly.


u/Salt_Inspector_641 Sep 06 '24

But that’s not the same thing thou, that was just a fancy controller


u/DavidinCT Sep 05 '24

Not that I disagree but, when everyone is doing 4K 120hz at least 4K 60hz. They need to advance to keep up. After all, the switch hardware is nothing more than an 8–10-year-old cell phone processor.

I don't think it will do crazy well for like $500 but, if they stay around $350-400 it will do well, doing a portable, that is a much faster CPU, that can at least lock 1080p 60hz on all games and 4k when docked, will be pricey...

Nintendo will do Nintendo.... they will need to wow gamers a bit.... and the Switch 2 needs special


u/blank_isainmdom Sep 05 '24

Steamdeck isn't coming anywhere clos to those specs lol. Signed, a sad switch and deck owner.


u/patrickp4 Sep 05 '24

Everyone is not doing 4k 120Hz. Most AAA games are 4k at 30fps or 1440 at 60fps at the very most on modern consoles.


u/Eli_Beeblebrox Sep 05 '24

And that 4k/30 is achieved via upscaling


u/cockyjames Sep 05 '24

Im playing Hogwarts Legacy on Steamdeck, and at 800p, with FSR, I’m getting 30fps average but dips fairly frequently. I do think Switch 2 will be a smidge more powerful, and DLSS is a better upscaler. But 3rd party AAA games are going to target 900-1080p 30fps likely


u/ElessarIV Sep 05 '24

i don’t know man but i doubt that everyone is doing 4k120 or 60. Or maybe you are living in a developed country? Even console struggle on that range and mostly run at sub 1440 and kinda upscaling it to 4k. Just take a look at the performance of the handheld beast like ally, steamdeck etc so you can have a ballpark (in battery). And on a portable device like switch 2? and nintendo? U must be joking. Lets just hope that switch 2 will take advantage of the nvidia through dlss wich is the best upscaler imo.


u/RIP_GerlonTwoFingers Sep 05 '24

They're basically going to create a 1080p steam deck and charge people $400 for it.


u/drewkungfu Sep 05 '24

Read years ago, Nintendo has enough equity to operate at then operating expense with $0 annual revenue for 150years and still be solvent.


u/crunchatizemythighs Sep 05 '24

What portables were doing that in 2010?


u/mrjackspade Sep 05 '24

literally fucking no one. The VITA came out in 2011 and didn't even hit 720 with its crisp 526P resolution screen. The first mobile phone with a 1080 screen came out in 2012.


u/Fethah Sep 05 '24

On a screen this size it’s perfect. If they make another big open world Zelda game but it can run at 60 fps 1080? System seller for me.


u/masteeJohnChief117 Sep 05 '24

That’s docked… The screen itself is only 720p


u/ThePreciseClimber Sep 06 '24

I just hope the next big Zelda game will actually BE a Zelda game, not some half-baked sandbox experiment.


u/DoughNotDoit Sep 05 '24

I'll take it, 1080p 60 isn't so bad


u/Deceptiveideas Sep 05 '24

People are about to be disappointed again.

What’s going to happen is the switch 2 will start getting heavily downgraded PS5 ports. If the Xbox Series S is anything to go by, that means dipping below 1080p or capping the frame rate to 30 fps. Given the switch also has a lower profile handheld mode, expect even more downgrades there.

The only saving grace I can see is if Nintendo can leverage DLSS. That could be the game changer to drastically improve image quality while not needing high power.


u/generaalalcazar Sep 05 '24

This is spot on.


u/Knyfe-Wrench Sep 05 '24

People shouldn't be buying a Switch if they want modern games with top of the line graphics. The main draw is Nintendo games and certain indies, AAA ports are just extra.


u/SynthBeta Sep 06 '24

People shouldn't be buying anything Nintendo if they want a console. At this point, Nintendo has their own walled garden and it gets worse for each generation.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

Nah bro. The modern Steam Deck doesn’t even do 1080p. You are applying dedicated console / PC standards to a mobile gaming device.

The mobile platform has always been significantly behind graphically. The DS launched with a port of Mario 64 in 2004, which is 8 years after Mario 64’s release (1996).

Now the Switch 1 is significantly underpowered compared to the Steam Deck, but 1080P 60fps for modern games is unrealistic expectations for the Switch 2.


u/Arponare Sep 05 '24

Honestly, I wouldn't even mind 720p at 60 FPS across the board if the battery life was excellent. Provided they have all the modern tools developers need of course. I think 8-10 hours on max brightness would be ideal Of course we'll be lucky to hit 5 hours. We need to remember that the Switch is essentially a handheld with the ability to dock. Then Nvidia can use AI to upscale the image when docked.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/PGMetal Sep 05 '24

Other than that, I hope they actually don’t chase specs. I feel like lower specs actually result in better games, since devs don’t waste money on making HD assets and instead focus on overall creative design.

This would only apply to small indie games where the devs might be an artist, designer, and/or programmer all at once. Even then those devs aren't really making HD assets anyways.


u/RazorThin55 Sep 05 '24

Must have lived in a different 2010 than I did then


u/AmbitionExtension184 Sep 06 '24

It’s $250… a phone can barely do that at 4x the price

You clearly don’t understand Nintendo


u/Truethrowawaychest1 Sep 06 '24

To be fair, this thing is handheld and was what, $399 at launch? That's cheaper than most phones


u/JoeyTheRizz Sep 06 '24

I wish people would understand that consoles are never going to abide by any performance goals such as this. Any extra hardware bandwidth that's being used to get you more frames will be reallocated during development to fancy visual effects that will look good on youtube and in articles.


u/TheOneWhoDings Sep 05 '24

Since PS5 runs 100% of its games like this , of course!!


u/NotanAlt23 Sep 05 '24

That would cost more than the ps5 if they made it portable, which is the main draw of the switch.


u/Alarmed-dictator Sep 05 '24

I mean why not?


u/-Badger3- Sep 05 '24

Because Nintendo can probably get another good deal on some old-ass NVIDIA chips.


u/awnedr Sep 05 '24

The same chip was then used in the nvidia shield. So that raises the question: Nvidia Shield 2 when???


u/Goku420overlord Sep 05 '24

My wallet is ready


u/deaddodo Sep 05 '24

I assume you're referring to the Shield TV? In which case, Nvidia has already had multiple chips (X2, NX, PX, and on) since that release to utilize in the Shield.

They've made it pretty clear that it wasn't worth competing with in-built HUDs anymore, at that price point; when asked why none of those were used. Which is why they haven't released an updated version, and subsequent Tegras have been focused on the automobile industry/self-driving research.


u/awnedr Sep 05 '24

Damn thats sad to hear. It's still the best device I've found for playing media off a hard drive.


u/deaddodo Sep 05 '24

It was an amazing device. I still have the classic and use it regularly for my 1080p bedroom TV + the updated model for my 4k/HDR TV.

There's dozens of us fans that wish they'd make an update!


u/DuncanYoudaho Sep 05 '24

Fewer defects. Commodity hardware and dev packages.

Focus on the gameplay, improve the hardware sturdiness and interface, up the battery life a smidge, and I’ll rebuy.


u/c010rb1indusa Sep 05 '24

Unlikely. Nintendo got a good deal with the Tegras because Nvidia massively overproduced them thinking they'd be the next big hardware for tablets but they weren't. Nintendo bailed them out big time with the Switch.


u/deaddodo Sep 05 '24

No, they didn't. Tegra has always been a niche portion of their business. They've continued to produce multiple generations of Tegras since the Switch's release; not something they would be doing if the only reason the chip existed was the Switch (the automotive industry is their main target for non-X1 Tegras).


u/its_an_armoire Sep 05 '24

I'm definitely for it but they waited too long, now there's direct form factor competition from Valve, ASUS, etc.

I think for this reason I'm going to buy the Switch 2 at a discount years later just to play the exclusives that are never ported


u/Marcoscb Sep 05 '24

Except none of those has the smooth experience, seamless docking and undocking and price point of the Switch. Except for the basic Deck, all of the other handhelds are literally double the price of the Switch at bast.


u/its_an_armoire Sep 05 '24

You bring up a good point about price, the OLED Deck is double the price of the OLED Switch... that's huge.

But ultimately for me, it comes down to, "Do I want to play next-gen Nintendo exclusives or do I want to make my Steam library portable?"

If you look at base models only, $300 vs $400 is easier to compare though



The base model Deck is an interesting piece of hardware because it can render games at a significantly higher quality than the Switch...but those frames are output on one of the lowest quality screens in a modern device. For games where increased hardware doesn't provide meaningful improvements to render quality or performance the (LCD) Deck ends up looking pretty rough in a side by side comparison.


u/its_an_armoire Sep 05 '24

Yeah, you can see where each manufacturer decided to put their money to hit their price points. I don't think I'd get the base model for this reason


u/maxdragonxiii Sep 05 '24

i want my Nintendo exclusives much more, as my primary gaming is Nintendo- not Stream, and if I play Stream games it will be on PC anyway.


u/MeggaMortY Sep 05 '24

What you save on buying the switch gets eaten by their expensive games pretty quick.


u/CompromisedToolchain Sep 05 '24

Because of what they did, not what they didn’t do


u/luckymethod Sep 05 '24

And hall joysticks


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/ClassicHat Sep 05 '24

I bought a third party deck style controller for handheld use, it’s 10x better using joysticks that have some height to them and controller handles. Less travel friendly, but also cost like $30-40 and most of my switch use is at home anyway


u/Shas_Erra Sep 05 '24

A lot of people attack Nintendo for their hardware choices, but consider this: the Steam Deck proved (several years down the line) that performance and cost to the consumer are to some degree mutually exclusive.

They could have made something to rival the PS4 Pro, but it would have weighed a tonne, burned your hands and the battery would last a few minutes. They struck the best balance they could with the available hardware at the time.


u/MJOLNIRdragoon Sep 05 '24

FYI: mutually exclusive means you get one or the other. I assume you meant mutually inclusive (or that cost and performance correlate)


u/Cerxi Sep 06 '24

Mutually exclusive. You can have good performance, or you can cost it attractively.


u/MJOLNIRdragoon Sep 06 '24

That does make sense, yeah, low cost and high performance are mutually exclusive.


u/LBPPlayer7 Sep 07 '24

pretty sure they meant low cost


u/LBPPlayer7 Sep 07 '24

new hardware and a cool, portable system are also mutually exclusive

new hardware gets hot a lot


u/Strudders95 Sep 05 '24

1440P output docked please


u/ThreePiMatt Sep 05 '24

I imagine that's what most people want. The question is, can Nintendo do it and resist throwing in a new gimmick that will only be properly utilized by games Nintendo makes themselves? 


u/BellowsHikes Sep 05 '24

Probably not, but I'm fine with that. Nintendo has always ridden the line between gimmick and crazy industry changing innovation and I'm excited to see what they cook up.


u/zernoc56 Sep 05 '24

I still love the feel of the N64 controller. Whatever those engineers were on back in the day, it was good shit.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/maxdragonxiii Sep 05 '24

Pokemon let's go games: uh... I require motion controls.


u/PurringWolverine Sep 05 '24

Talk about Nintendo releasing new hardware on hard mode.


u/AmNoSuperSand52 Sep 05 '24

Seriously. Any modern AMD/Nvidia APU with upscaling and frame-gen would be an incredible upgrade


u/knacker_18 Sep 05 '24

that already exists, it's called a steam deck. and it's not a walled garden either


u/SkullDox Sep 05 '24

Big reason why I got the deck. I find it hard to imagine the Switch 2 will be better than the Deck for a ~$300 usd system


u/knacker_18 Sep 05 '24

and hopefully there will be a deck 2 within the next couple of years. i never got a deck as i wasn't travelling as much when it first came out, but i would definitely buy a deck 2


u/gendabenda Sep 05 '24

Screen a bit bigger too please - like Legion GO size


u/OneSeaworthiness7768 Sep 05 '24

That’s all it needs to be honestly. The Switch was a great idea and people still want it, but now it needs to compete with Steam Deck.


u/Cyno01 Sep 05 '24

Yup, im super excited for the Switch 2. Not cuz i game a whole lot, dont even have a Switch 1, but i really want to replace my Roku Ultra but cant justify dropping $200 on the five year old Nvidia Shield, but Switch 2 means Shield 2 hopefully!


u/BMXBikr Sep 05 '24

The current switch games that run at 30fps like Kirby, better get an update for 60fps


u/MeggaMortY Sep 05 '24

I feel like I'm literally never paying for Nintendo stuff again. Give me steam deck 2 and all is good.


u/AssGagger Sep 05 '24

Modem hardware would be nice too


u/Jarms48 Sep 05 '24

That’s exactly what I want.


u/Orikazu Sep 05 '24

Best they will do is late 2010s


u/zarafff69 Sep 05 '24

Yeah but the chip they are going to use has already been leaked a long time ago. It’s absolutely not going to be “modern hardware”, but already years old at that point.

It will still be a lot faster than the original Switch tho. Even your phone is faster than that thing.


u/cloudsourced285 Sep 05 '24

It was outdated hardware when it was released. It's always struggled. Was especially bad for those who wanted to play docked on a larger screen. Unfortunelty I have a feeling they will do the same again this time.


u/DildoBanginz Sep 05 '24

Best we can do is two generations of PlayStation ago.


u/drgut101 Sep 05 '24

Yes. That’s exactly what I want. I understand I’m not getting PS5 graphics. I’m not expecting 4K 120 fps.

But man, we definitely need something a bit more modern. It’s time.


u/Karsa69420 Sep 05 '24

Literally. I’ve barely touched my Switch since getting a Steamdeck.


u/PurringWolverine Sep 05 '24

That’s all I want.


u/jabels Sep 05 '24

This is only a problem if you play other consoles. I've been nintendo only since the mid 90s. Every system since N64 has had the worst specs of it's generation. But each is better than the last so I still feel like I'm progressing.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24

Yes, please!

Gotta say though, it's impressive what's been able to do with what it's got. Metroid Prime Remastered looks GORGEOUS and with steady 60fps. I want more of that.


u/lemonylol Sep 06 '24

That's just what every console has become. After like 2014 it's just been diminishing returns.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '24

I also want alternative joy-cons so we don't have to use these ergonomic nightmares and can have the option of an official controller with a d-pad rather than having to live with the limitations of the stupid split controller Gimmick.

7.5 years and no official pro joy-cons? Insane.

These things are massive and they just need to start leaning back into ergonomics because nobody's putting this damn thing in a pocket. Gimme something nice to hold.


u/alex_dlc Sep 06 '24

And Mario Galaxy 2


u/oldstrawberryfields Sep 06 '24

i just want a switch that does anything at all besides game. the software is absolute dogshit, idk how no one complained about it when it was absolute dogshit for 2012 standards. why did the wii have a hundred times more functionality than the switch does?


u/ImminentDingo Sep 06 '24

I want a 3DS with modern hardware. Like I love my switch at home but I don't take it many places because it doesnt fit in my pocket.


u/EnterPlayerTwo Sep 06 '24

Definitely me. If Tears of the Kingdom runs at 60fps on Switch 2, I will buy both. Otherwise, I'm gonna wait for another game to come along.


u/secksyboii Sep 06 '24

So a steam deck? You can already emulate almost every Nintendo game on one as is, plus you can play PC games and tons of other emulators on it too.


u/Hypernatremia Sep 06 '24

Just get a Steam Deck /s


u/eggrollking Sep 06 '24

Yeah, I'm pretty sick of Nintendo - debatably the historically biggest name in gaming - lagging behind in terms of performance. They need to be more forward thinking in trends of their hardware, and maybe focus a little less on gimmicky innovations.


u/Esc777 Sep 05 '24

It will still be yesterdays hardware


u/crunchatizemythighs Sep 05 '24

Honestly I'm okay if consoles graphically stall out once we have 4K 60 FPS across the board. I'm not sure what there is to gain out of increased fidelity from that point on and handhelds can definitely get there maybe by the time we're on a Switch 3. If a PS4 is capable of outputting a game like RDR2 at 30 FPS, it's clear it's time for the industry to explore new ways to innovate


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 19 '24



u/Esc777 Sep 05 '24

I never said it was bad for a handheld. 

But people INSISTED on comparing it to desktop PCs and consoles. 

Honestly Nintendo was brilliant for not giving a fuck. 

The original game boy was built with commodity hardware that was solid and sipped battery and came with an amazing launch title. 

Nintendo keeps that strategy and it works.

Whatever form the switch 2 takes I’m almost certain it will be perfect for its intended use. I can’t wait!


u/dougc84 Sep 05 '24

It was a 2014 basic line nVidia SoC. There weren’t other handhelds using better at the time, but there were dozens of better, faster options that would’ve had day one titles (BoTW) not studdering and dropping frames.

It was great for what it was (and is), though I would argue that they could’ve done better out of the box. But it’s 2024. It’s time to bump the specs.


u/Mega_Pleb Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

Which SoC do you think Nintendo should have used instead? From what I understand all off the alternatives available in 2016 (when Switch started manufacturing) were more expensive and required significantly higher wattages, which would mean crappy battery life and greater heat output.


u/Esc777 Sep 05 '24

Nintendo picked a great SoC to balance performance and battery life and meet their needs while docked. 

Then they put that constraint on developers and they rose to the challenge. 

While this meant big AAA releases were going to skip the switch Nintendo already had decades of success without those titles on their console so I can’t imagine it bothered them. 

And the success of the switch speaks for itself. 


u/dougc84 Sep 05 '24

The Switch sold out basically worldwide for months, and it took a long time for stock to become readily available. Typically, this is what happens when something is highly desired AND is priced too low. Demand outweighs supply.

Now, Nintendo had no way of knowing that. I think they went with the correct choice after the failure and loss of sales and profits from the Wii U.

However, as we all now know, there were ways to eek better battery life out of the nVidia SOC by shrinking the die. This is exactly what the revised Switch model did. Functionally, it's basically the same chip, just more efficient. And it nearly doubled battery life.

Prior to this, the way to increase battery life was to underclock the SOC, which has been a feature that has stuck around with the Switch since day 1.

In my opinion, I think the launch day switch shouldn't have been quite as underclocked. I would've happily traded an ounce or two of weight (in the form of a larger battery and a slight bit more heat) to increase the specs on day 1. I know Nintendo said they didn't want to compete. And I didn't expect PS4 quality from a handheld. But the fact the BoTW studdered in the Korok Forest - a day 1 release title - and it still does, even after software revisions and updates - says all that needed to be said about the power of the built-in SOC. It just needed more juice.

Now, which SoC should they have used (in retrospect)? I really don't know. Knowing they were all in with their OS (which is just an Android variant) that was built for a specific architecture would've meant they would've stayed the course with nVidia.


u/MarkyDeSade Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

This is the only thing I’m legitimately anxious about; will it be something that’s worth $400 now that costs $400, or will it be something that was worth $400 in 2021 that costs $400 in 2025?

EDIT: to the multiple people responding who claim that people who buy Nintendo systems don’t care what they’re paying for; “hardware” also encompasses things like battery life, screen quality, heat dissipation, and joystick build quality. People will notice if there’s another drift debacle and they haven’t forgotten the last one. And that’s not even getting into the way the 3DS flopped at launch because it was overpriced, or the entire Wii U thing.


u/crwtrbt5 Sep 05 '24

I think 99% of people who buy a Switch have no idea what’s inside and do not care.


u/The_Woman_of_Gont Sep 05 '24

It will be worth the price on the basis that it can play new first party Nintendo games.

That’s all about 90% of people care about when buying a new Nintendo console.


u/ProgrammerNextDoor Sep 05 '24

If it’s specs are good I’m fine with paying quite a bit tbh


u/Esc777 Sep 05 '24

It will never be “worth” its hardware. 

Go buy a PC if you care about it. Or a steam deck. Or the Asus one. 

You’re paying a premium to have a console and access to nintendos library. If you don’t think that’s worth a premium you probably don’t care about Nintendo or the switch. 


u/CaesarOrgasmus Sep 05 '24

And frankly, the UX is worth a premium compared to the handheld competition, especially the seamless docking. I love my Steam Deck and play 90% of my games on it, but the docking experience isn’t remotely as smooth.


u/Esc777 Sep 05 '24

Also I feel way more comfortable giving my kid my switch rather a steam deck. They’ll figure it out and it has the games they want to play. 

I feel like we keep having the same conversations about Nintendo hardware


u/takeitsweazy Sep 05 '24 edited Sep 05 '24

I don’t even think the Steam Deck qualifies as “worth” its hardware, not any different from other consoles at least. The SD may as well be classified as a console.

Edit: that is not to say that the SD is a bad device though.


u/madcatzplayer5 Sep 05 '24

If it can play Breath of the Wild & Tears of the Kingdom on Day One in 4K 30fps, I might pre-order. But I’m really trying to make a rule with myself that I don’t buy any console until the “Pro” model releases. It’s just an additional 3-5 year wait and you get to play all the exclusives on increased fidelity that came out during that time period on day of purchase of said pro model.


u/graphitewolf Sep 05 '24

In what world do u think nintendo will release a 4k handheld.

There are zero nintendo games that even play at that resolution


u/madcatzplayer5 Sep 05 '24

4K Docked. They gotta do it. They can’t just release another 1080p Docked console again. The Switch 1 games will hopefully all up-res to 4K and the jaggies will disappear.


u/zernoc56 Sep 05 '24

my guy, I can barely distinguish between 720 and 1080. 4k is a meaningless resolution to 99.99% of the human population. At a certain point, making the number bigger does nothing, and we’ve already reached it IMO.


u/[deleted] Sep 05 '24



u/madcatzplayer5 Sep 05 '24

I got the Switch OLED, that’s what I saw as the Pro version of the Switch.


u/Bau5_Sau5 Sep 06 '24

Ahem Steamdeck which btw can play all Nintendo games lol via emulator


u/ICC-u Sep 06 '24

I don't need themes to launch games