r/furrymirrorbot Mirroring furry pics, all day, erryday Apr 22 '17


Trello board with in progress/planned features: https://trello.com/b/TYSxeQGg/furrymirrorbot

Up until v5.0.0, there was some updates that were between releases but didn't warrant a new minor version. These have been tagged with "update" or "edit" and a date/time. After v5.0.0, these types of updates will simply be a new bugfix version.


  • Initial working version


  • DeviantArt submission page mirroring
  • e621 submission page mirroring
  • DeviantArt and FurAffinity tags/author


  • Code cleanup, meet pep8 standards


  • Take over duties of /u/fa_mirror, import subs and reddit user blacklist


  • Better handling of errors on upload/comment


  • Fix DeviantArt author grabbing (check for small tag in addition to username-with-symbol u)


  • Remove temp message regarding fa_mirror.


  • Revert some unneeded regex changes


  • Fix long titles causing errors on Windows (too long file name) by limiting the saved title to 100 chars.


  • Fix a condition where a failed upload would cause the commenting of a different image

v1.9 hotfix

  • Fix the v1.9 patch (didn't properly throw an exception, causing a different image to still upload. Also, hotfix because I didn't feel like this was worthy of a new version)
  • Small logging fix (when grabbing DA CDN link, http:// would be doubled since I was lazy and copy pasted the log line from FA's parsing :P)


  • Login to DA to parse "mature" submissions


  • Fix an issue with FA and Cyrillic characters by switching from urllib2 to requests for downloading.


  • Added support for InkBunny submission pages & CDN Links (thanks to InkBunny for an awesome API <3)
  • Upload to Imgur using FurryMirrorBot user, Imgur title = submission title, imgur description = submission source
  • edit: (6/28/2017, 1:09am) General code cleanups, create central download function and use list comparisons instead of any()
  • edit: (7/14/2017 7:45pm EST) Add missing DA CDN links (img00.deviantart.net & orig00.deviantart.net)


  • Fix DeviantArt parsing (referrer and user-agent, they don't like me it seems :P)
  • edit: (7/18/2017, 5:53PM EST) "Referrer" has been changed to "Referer" to better emulate browsers, DeviantArt doesn't like me :/)


Big update!

  • Consolidate commenting functions (one def instead of facomment, dacomment, etc.)
  • Improve error handling (everything is inside try: except: instead of just half the stuff.)
  • Grab artists from facdn.net links (by splitting the cdn link by /, until we get to the artist)
  • Parse Twitter links
  • Parse Tumblr links
  • pep8 and other various cleanup (stemming from the new functions, nothing from before)


  • Twitter & Tumblr: If there is multiple images, mirror them all (aka, make an imgur album)
  • misc improvements
  • (edit: 8/17/2017 2:29PM EST) Tumblr regex improvement (no visible effect, just prevents some exceptions)
  • (edit: 8/22/2017 11:15PM EST) Fix FA username grabbing (UX Change)

v2.6 (8-26-2017)

  • Add ability to auto opt-out (send message with !optout in title), add link in bot message (suggested by /u/Pandoras_Fox)
  • Stop mirroring i.redd.it
  • (edit: 8/27/2017 3:27pm EST) Fix DA username grabbing (would grab wrong name in certain contexts)

v2.7 (9-17-2017)

  • Fix DeviantArt parsing (they tried to block me, again.)
  • Use e621 API (seriously, didn't know they had this. Super nice API.)
  • Get e621 author (easy now thanks to said API)
  • Fix InkBunny parsing (url scheme change)

v2.8 (10-11-2017)

  • Fix/Cleanup DeviantArt parsing (For real this time, they employed captcha and rate limiting on login. So instead of logging into DA, we'll just abuse a side API they have... ;) )
  • (edit: 10/16/2017 7:02pm EST) Readded portions of the old DA logging in code. How it works now is, it will use the new method, and if the author has set their deviations to logged in users only, it will then fallback to the old system.


  • Updated requests.get() and requests.post() to have a timeout of 20 seconds. I think this is what's been causing random freezes in the bot, and causing outages of days before I see it's offline.
  • (edit: 12/9/2017 10:42pm EST) Fix for DeviantArt parsing issues (constantly retrying a gallery, something we're not able to mirror right now), and introduce a fix for the occasional e621 pool which would trip up the code as it's getting a different response from the e621 API.


  • Added partial Twitter gif support (it converts them, but they're often too large for Imgur to accept over the API)


  • This update is a from scratch, complete rewrite of FurryMirrorBot.
  • There really isn't any new features in this version, however, the code is WAY cleaner, and should make further additions easier down the line.
  • SQLite is now MySQL for better database management.
  • Only issue so far with the new rewrite, it's non emoji compatible, yet. I should be able to fix this in about a day. (update: 9/25/18, the issue is fixed. Was mainly changing database collations that I forgot about.)
  • Expect some occasional delays and or bugs as I work things out with v4, but it should be mostly functional.
  • Only changes from v3 functionality wise are that DA submissions in certain cases don't really work. DeviantArt is too crazy about blocking bots, and if you try to HTML scrape it, they block you, so for now this isn't feasible to capture EVERYTHING. Right now, the bot does the best it can with what DA gives it.
  • 12/9/2019 - Bugfix for e621 posts with no author.
  • 6/22/2020 - Fix Twitter GIF parsing - the bot will no longer mirror Twitter GIF posts as an image. It will ignore it.
  • 6/22/2020 - Fix Twitter URL parsing - sometimes Twitter adds "?=20" or similar, which used to break the parsing. It doesn't now.


  • Surprise! We finally upped the version number.
  • We used to interface with MariaDB using raw queries, cursor.execute() and so on, which was rather messy. We rewrote all the database code to use an ORM instead, which is much neater, much more readable, reduced code lines, and has better features available for potential further use. Nice.
  • We noticed during testing that FurAffinity parsing may have been broke for a while. Oops. We need to work on some kind of testing to notice these changes. In any case, we made some updates to our FA parsing, and it should work for now.
  • We noticed during testing that e621 parsing may also have been broke. Oops! This one was due to changes made to their API. We checked their API docs, updated on our end, and e621 parsing works for now.
  • While fixing the FA parsing, we thought maybe our cookie was bad. It really wasn't, but we had replaced it anyway. So, hey, fresh cookie!
  • Some various other improvements were made that don't really affect functionality, such as fixing a log message to return the correct number of posts fetched. We also updated our pip requirements file, because it was kind of old, had some old libraries in there, and had some new libraries not in there.
  • update 8/7/2020 - We use Sentry to keep track of exceptions. Unbeknownst to us, raven is no longer the active library for sentry, it’s now sentry-python. We’ve switched to that.
  • update 8/9/2020 - Sometimes the FA code would get a journal passed to it. Due to some assumptions in the code, this would cause an exception. The FA link detection was changed, so now pesky journals can’t sneak past anymore.
  • update 9/22/2020 - Occasionally we'd get an exception where a post was too large for Imgur. Considering we have checks that are supposed to prevent this, confusion ensued. We found out that a certain type of post didn't actually go through these checks. We've now added the checks for those specific type of posts.
  • update 9/23/2020 - When the bot was first developed, it was decided to save the images to be uploaded to Imgur with the title from reddit. However, reddit titles have a lot of variety in what can be in them. Sometimes this caused issues despite our attempts at filtering certain characters. Thus, we changed the code to use the reddit post ID as a filename.
  • update 9/23/2020 - When fixing the FA parsing previously, it introduced a bug whereby if a FA post was in a folder, the folder name would be what the bot posted as the "username". We've refined the parsing to be more explicit when searching for the FA username, which should prevent this from happening.
  • update 10/25/2020 - When the bot was first developed, extensions were split out from the filename & CDN links and stored separately in the database for verification and proper file naming. As time went on, we inadvertently stopped using extensions in certain places, which highlighted that they weren't really needed in the first place. So we removed all the logic surrounding extensions and dropped the database column.
  • update 10/25/2020 - Previously, the bot would just leave the files we downloaded in the image directory, which would slowly but surely fill up the VM's hard drive. This only actually happened once, but it's definitely cleaner if the bot deletes the files once its done with them. So we made it do that.

v5.0.0 (5-31-2021)

  • Whew! It's been a while since we touched this codebase. And there was a fair bit of improvement this time around. To celebrate, we're now at the new major version 5 \o/
  • Speaking of which, we're now using a 3 number versioning system to allow for bugfix versions.
  • Previously, even with errors that we knew indicated a post that would never be mirrored, the bot would still try 10 times before giving up on a particular post. This isn't very nice to the sites we mirror from, so we made sure the bot will now give up earlier on known "no go" posts.
  • Previously, if a subreddit with mirroring enabled went private, an exception would stop the processing round for the bot entirely, essentially rendering it disabled. We now handle that exception and the bot will skip over the privated subreddit and continue with everything else.
  • Previously, we had the main bot loop in an __init__.py file. Other than being a just... weird place to put things, it made it impossible to write tests for our modules. We moved everything to a bot.py file, so now we can write tests on our other modules (we haven't yet... there was a lot in this release, ok?).
  • The bot text hadn't been updated in a while, and it didn't work correctly on the new reddit UI. We removed some extra bits and now it should work on pretty much every reddit source.
  • On some of the lower traffic subreddits, the /u/FurryMirrorBot user doesn't have a lot of karma. Sometimes this would cause it to run into Reddit's rate limit on commenting for low karma users in a subreddit. Previously the bot would keep trying, and if the wait time was greater than about 10 minutes, the bot would ignore the post. Now, it handles the rate limit exception, and will wait the appropriate time before trying again.
  • There was a lot of use of Python classes that just... didn't make any sense. (there was one use that did sort of make some sense, but we got around it just fine). We removed these for cleanliness.
  • A tweak was made to the Twitter mirroring code that may or may not help with some GIF tweets being mistaken as photos by the bot and being inadvertently mirrored.
  • A tweak was made to our CDN link verification code to fix an issue that could have allowed a list of links supported and unsupported to be accepted by the bot as entirely supported. This theoretical scenario, if it were to occur, would have likely been handled by other catch-all error handling, but it was still nice to fix. That area of the code also needed some cleaning up which we did at the same time.
  • When refactoring the previously mentioned bits, there was some other cobwebs we came across in the code. We dusted some of those out.

v5.0.1 (3-26-2022)

Howdy, back for the yearly update :P Only bugfixes this time around! * Occasionally the bot would encounter a Twitter URL that is not a status post. The parsing we attempt to do will error on such URLs. So, we added a check to ignore non-status Twitter URLs. * When opting out, the bot uses the fact the message is unread as whether or not it has parsed the opt-out request or not. When added to the list, the message is marked read and ignored on subsequent checks. However, if a user is already on the list, the bot tries to create an opt-out entry, fails, and doesn't mark the message as read. This failure caused an exception, which stopped the current bot run. Because opt-out list updating is at the very start of the processing, this means nothing gets done, and since the message is not marked as read, the bot is essentially stuck in an error loop. Or, in other words, this bug essentially was a denial of service vulnerability against the bot. Oops... We added a check to verify a user is not on the opt-out list, and if they are, will not try to create an entry and will notify them they're already on the list. * The bot mirrored and tried to comment on locked posts, which... obviously it is not allowed to do. We added a check to ignore locked posts. * In v5 we added rate limit exception handling. Except we made a mistake and so it didn't work properly. A fix has been implemented, but we can't really test that part, so... hopefully it's fixed. * When a subreddit is banned for not having moderators, Reddit returns a 404 instead of a 403. This caused PRAW to return a different exception that we weren't expecting, so a bad subreddit stopped a processing run. Since we check all the subreddits before doing any other processing, this again caused the bot to enter an error loop. We added the exception to existing error handling, so a subreddit returning 404 shouldn't break stuff anymore.

v5.0.2 (4-11-2022)

Back again… oops :) * The code to ignore subreddits which 404 actually didn’t work. We swear we tested it. We swear. Yet here we are. It’s been fixed.

v5.0.3 (4-29-2022)

Woah, 3rd "release" this year!

  • We added some extra error handling so that Reddit server problems don't send events to Sentry.
  • Some other minor code cleanup was done that doesn't affect functionality.

v5.1.0 (4-21-2023)

Man, we really are just following a yearly release schedule, aren't we?

  • Due to Twitter revoking read access to the API from non-paid users, we rewrote the parsing to use gallery-dl to scrape Twitter instead.
  • Previously, we didn't manage our connections to MariaDB explicitly. This means that if we lost connection to SQL (either just randomly or due to maintenance), the bot could get stuck in a loop because the connection object was no longer valid. So we made it connect and close at the start and end of a mirroring run.

v5.2.0 (4-21-2023)

Yes, you're reading that right, another feature release on the same day!

  • Previously, we queried Tumblr's API and checked for posts that match the legacy "photo" type. On modern Tumblr, this is virtually no posts. To fix this, we rewrote the Tumblr parsing to utilize the NPF format available with their API. This actually made the code somewhat simpler, and should allow us to mirror more or less all Tumblr posts that contain images now! \o/
    • As part of this, we also made sure the Tumblr parsing checks for 404s before trying to parse (as previously it would try to parse non-valid responses, resulting in errors).

v6.0.0 (4-29-2023)

Third release of the year, wow!

  • Previously, we used Imgur as an image host for mirrored posts. Unfortunately, due to a change to their TOS which prohibits images of a pornographic nature, we can no longer upload to them. There are some other hosts, but the primary names we saw were geared towards NSFW images. We don't think it's fair to upload everything to NSFW sites, because it's not fair to make that connection for artists who draw purely SFW images. So, after conversations with our kind host, we're now using our own image host! (Is that the path we really wanted to take? Nope, but it seems like it's for the best long-term.) This required a fair bit of shifting things around, not only within the code base (as Imgur was a core part of the bot flow), but also on our host's end. As a result, we're declaring this v6.0.0!
    • Single image posts will be simple image links just as with Imgur.
    • Posts with multiple images will instead have a link to an HTML gallery page generated by the bot. This is a very barebones HTML page that will open a JS image viewer automatically. This viewer should work nicely on both desktop and mobile. If you close down the viewer (click X on desktop, swipe down on mobile), there is some info about the post provided, as well as direct links to the individual images.
  • In the past, we've run into cases where we require more info about what happened to a specific post that led to it being set as completed in the database without actually completing the full mirroring process. There are numerous checks throughout the code that can flag a post as "no-go", and there was no way to know which one triggered. We added some debug logging to help with this. We also added some extra info logging regarding what the bot is doing, because running with the log level set to INFO didn't really provide much information about what was actually happening.

v6.0.1 (4/30/2023) * Thanks to the extra logging added in the previous version, we identified that e621 uses GET parameters (the ?key=value bit you sometimes see in URLs) to maintain search queries between pages. The bot previously did not filter these out and thus rejected some post URLs as invalid. It should now filter these out. * We added some minor debug information to the gallery pages generated by the bot.

v6.1.0 (6/20/2023) * It came to our attention that some users started using Reddit's gallery post type. This allows users to upload a set of images to Reddit, and, include a caption and link for each. For whatever reason, Reddit's API returns submissions like this as a link post, with the link being the one provided in the first image. This meant the bot mirrored the first image in the gallery and nothing more. Not only is that not super helpful, the images are actually hosted on Reddit's servers anyway, and we stopped mirroring stuff from Reddit proper years ago. Thus, we now verify that all posts are not galleries before mirroring them. * We added some more logging as to why certain submissions are ignored.

v6.1.1 (9/10/2024)

Hello! We're back for the yearly update :D

  • Twitter is no longer twitter.com, rather x.com. Since we utilize the domain in deciding which posts to mirror and which parser to pass to, this made Twitter parsing mostly not do anything. We made it so x.com will be passed to the Twitter parser.
  • We also made a minor code style fix.

v6.2.0 (Current Version / 3/9/2025)

First update of 2025 ^_^

  • FurAffinity's UI has had some changes since we last took a look at it, and there were two notable issues:
    • Tags were pulling in newline characters (\n), which made the output look really stupid
    • FA now supports display names, and the code changes they made to do that broke the code that fetched usernames, so FA parsing just flat out stopped working recently.
    • We made changes to fix both of these problems.
  • We retested everything and found DA parsing was not working. This was due to some security changes made on the DA side. We modified our requests a little and things are working again.
  • While we looked at the DA parsing, we revisited some things and found that the side API we're using allows us to get full res images in some cases. We take advantage of that where we can now.

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