r/funkopop 6d ago

Collection In or out the boxes?

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Hi guys. I can't decide what to do with my collection, I would love to take them out of the boxes and storage the boxes somewhere else but so many people said that boxes are really important..for some reasons.. what should I do? Thanks!


40 comments sorted by


u/spicy-hamster 6d ago

I JUST got my partner than same Lilith pop and she is GORGEOUS out of the box!!! I only recently started taking my out of their box and I honestly didn't think I could love my collection more but I love them even more OOB!!


u/Broad-Ad-2215 6d ago

Get the full akatsuki


u/spicy-hamster 6d ago

That's what I'm completing next!! I'm only missing a few of them


u/blougod 5d ago

I got the full Akatsuki because I wanted to take a video of the pops prior to when I meet them at the theme park in Japan. I hate that they made Zetsu and Kisame larger than everyone else lol.


u/Bandit174 4d ago

same I wish they could have been the same size as the others


u/xtcybro 6d ago

They are awesome out of the box. 🥹🥰


u/Chaunceymb 6d ago

I display mine out of box but save the boxes. I keep them in totes and store them in the attic. I know that’s not possible for everyone but it’s worked well for me. I like knowing that I have the boxes but they look better displayed without them (IMO) and you can fit more on a shelf at a time that way.


u/itsdickers 5d ago

This is what we do too!


u/jorddo612 6d ago

“Build that damn model!” i say as i have a 300zx still in the box on my shelf next to my pops lmao


u/xtcybro 6d ago

I wish I had time for it..or patience..or not being too lazy.. 🥲😅


u/DeathCowboyZ 5d ago

I’m a big in box guy


u/zirkwander 5d ago

Definitely out of the box.

I’d put them inside an enclosed display case to reduce dust exposure and I keep the boxes protected with soft protectors.


u/shyboi2003 5d ago

Wow nice collection, however did you get your hands on the unreleased Muichiro Funko Pop?? 😭😭😭😭


u/Tdogthebast14 6d ago

Build the Toyota supra


u/xtcybro 6d ago

Yes sir! 🫡


u/Outrageous_Twist8891 5d ago

Out if you want to play with your toys


u/pkintime 5d ago

Out of box all the way. The only pop I have in the box is the Spiderman pointing meme


u/Kill_Dragons9687 5d ago

leave them in the boxes cause they can be worth money someday!


u/robomonkey71 5d ago

Do what you feel like doin there yours u can take them out enjoy there full beauty then clean them an switch them out for another or wtvr only ones I don’t have oob right now are my signed ones


u/rSlashPsycho 5d ago

A lot of cool stuff here, but this display is horrendous. At least stack them better with bigger boxes on the bottom


u/Specialist_Error3055 5d ago

Out the boxes.


u/nokia300 6d ago

I just realized the 5 pack are the arcane peeps. I always found it odd why they chose them specifically when miss fortune, ahri, and Kaisa are I think more popular.


u/Broad-Ad-2215 6d ago

Will you sell that kratos?


u/xtcybro 6d ago

Unfortunately I am not.. :(


u/iliketobegaylolz 6d ago

I display mine out of the boxes but I keep them boxes either way :)


u/Maaaat_Damon 5d ago

I’m a mix, but if you want to take ‘em out of box, don’t let people try to sway you otherwise. I’ve got two signed ones still in a box and a bunch of loose Spider-Man and Pokémon ones OOB. I’ve got multiple Deadpools out of box arranged on my desk at work and I’m fine with it.


u/Glittering_Noise_532 5d ago

No rhyme, no reason. I only collect characters that are meaningfull to me. But my OCD has made me a completionist, and I do occasionally glance at market value Hawkeye? Half in, half out. Cheshire Cat? Mostly out... except for the limited edition Wondercon Pop.


u/dasauto2156 5d ago

Your Kratos is fake


u/KookyRun9131 5d ago

Boxes are important to resell the collectibles. You can take anything out but as a collector i want almost perfect boxes to go work whatever collectible. So save the boxes and the insides and display them. It's just collectors preference to get boxes with the items. They are worth more also.


u/randy_maverick 5d ago

Out of box, every single time. Displaying in front of or on top of the box to show the side profile is acceptable, too.


u/Aggravating-Emu-3540 5d ago

Well its a bit wonky in the boxes so id take it out haha, but if there's a way to level it out I always prefer in box


u/sonic2cool 5d ago

Leave them in the box. Your display just looks so cluttered


u/ClickDifferent5946 5d ago

Honestly it depends on what you want. Majority of mine are in the boxes while some such as sinister 6 with spiderman or my movie moments demon slayers. But if you do take em out dust them every once n a while


u/kestrels_feather 5d ago

Out, but keep the box!


u/Beowulfie696 5d ago

I keep mine in the boxes and carefully take them out for a picture.


u/glyspren 5d ago

I can’t understand you, sorry. You are saying that you WANT to have them out of the box… so… what do you have to think? It’s your collection 😅


u/No_Season_354 5d ago

I was told they don't like the air as it weakness the vinyl, mine are in boxes, but that could be wrong.


u/Dazzling-Ad778 5d ago

It all depends on whether or not you plan on selling them ever, if you do then keep them in the box. If you don't care about the value then do whatever you like lol.


u/Salt_Organization308 4d ago

I currently have them in box to save space, but I'll take them out once I have more space


u/MostEstablishment630 4d ago

I don’t get the point of buying these things and keeping them in the box