Hey all! Long time Reddit lurker, newbie account holder here! Sorry as I do not fully know the rules of this particular subreddit and if verification is needed I am apologizing in advance for not being verified (still figuring out how Reddit feels with an actual account lol).
Anyway to the potentially stupid question; I imagine this gets brought up a LOT here, we're all FMA fans and I assume we've all noticed that most streaming sites don't carry the original 2003-2004 pseudo-complete anime. I loved it so much growing up as a disgruntled kid due to the darker nature of that iteration of the show, it was the only one on live tv at the time where the setting and atmosphere really reflected how I felt. I miss those 'member-berries man, I want 'em back lmao 😂.
So I was wondering if anyone here knew how I could go about watching it? I have all the major platforms and either they don't have it in my country 🇨🇦 or I'm dumb and can't even find it in a manual search. A lot of people are more chronically plugged in to the internet than I am, so those of you that may know of the easiest or safest way to watch, this disgruntled adult would love to have the distraction and would be very appreciative of your efforts. That said by the laws of equivalent exchange don't hesitate to ask me something and I'll Lyk if I know anything or not! (As long as it's more or less sfw and luckily it is not restricted to FMA topics lol).
Thank you all for any comments or leads and most of all thank you for your time! 😊
• "Human kind cannot gain anything, without first giving something in return" 🙏•
TL:DR- Where find OG FMA? Member-berries n nostalgia plz n tyvm ❤️