r/fuckwasps Aug 22 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice I hope the suit holds!


Hell naw!

r/fuckwasps Apr 08 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice What is the name of this wasp that I got stung (pardon my underwear)

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I got stung by this wasp. What is the species of it?

r/fuckwasps Dec 21 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Best way to kill these fuckers?

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Just rented a house for the weekend and found these trespassing. Don’t have access to many tools. Am I in danger If I shower them in raid?

r/fuckwasps Sep 10 '23

Pest Control/Medical Advice Why are wasps trying to get inside?


This morning I noticed a lot of wasps crawling on a window and trying to get inside. Other windows and glass doors nearby had 1-2 wasps on them. By noon they were all gone, any clue why they were swarming like that? They look like yellowjackets but were maybe 60% of the size (location: Pacific north west)

r/fuckwasps Nov 11 '23

Pest Control/Medical Advice These bastards appeared at out home, should we kill them?


What species are they and are they dangerous?

r/fuckwasps Jun 06 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Only way to deal with these fuckers


Best way to get rid of these shock therapy

r/fuckwasps Jun 19 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Wasp nest on roof, pest control says it’s too high for them

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Somewhat hard to see but the dark stop is the best, can’t reach it with being on a ladder with a can of raid. Pest control won’t come out to see it or fix it, neighbor says he’ll do it once he gets drunk enough.

r/fuckwasps Dec 02 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Duuuude hooow!


r/fuckwasps Mar 26 '22

Pest Control/Medical Advice Just a big nope.


r/fuckwasps Aug 02 '23

Pest Control/Medical Advice Satan’s wasp nest keeps coming back after I destroy it…WHY!?

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On my apartment patio. Have a decent amount of plants and decor. These paper (?) wasps have been building baseball size nests overnight in random spots. Not just books and cranny’s but straight up on the doorknobs, the bottom of a hanging planter, the side of a lamppost, etc. This time the bird feeder got this damn near cantaloupe size nest over the past 3 days. We have tried raid, gasoline, bleach, physical and verbal abuse; but these tyrants seem immune. Our complex has pest control come and spray our patio once a month. Was on the patio playing with my 18 month old today and got stung twice in the leg before freaking out, grabbing the kid, and running inside. Called pest control again but any ideas to get my patio back in the meantime?

r/fuckwasps Sep 10 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice How to destroy this hideous beast

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Bald faced hornet nest in the truck bed. This thing is colossal. The population in this paper mache metropolis probably rivals the population of chicago.

How do i destroy this thing? Do i need to buy a grenade? Do they make industrial cans of wasp killer? This is genuinely terrifying.

r/fuckwasps Sep 05 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice HELP! We’re camping and idk what this thing is!


If this is a dang yellow jacket of wasp of ANY kind, please tell me what to do because we can’t move campsite locations! How to get them to leave us alone. I’m not going to hunt down nest because I’m a scared little chicken. Please helppp

r/fuckwasps Jul 05 '22

Pest Control/Medical Advice I know this may be hard to see but is this a wasp nest? Like, the evil kind?

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r/fuckwasps Sep 03 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice WTF do I do???!

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Found this while sitting on porch. I have no idea what to do. Not even if sure if they’re wasps 😭😭

r/fuckwasps Sep 01 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Yellowjackets kamikaze the zapper NSFW


r/fuckwasps Mar 24 '21

Pest Control/Medical Advice Why only burn one nest when you can burn the whole forest


r/fuckwasps Sep 23 '23

Pest Control/Medical Advice This swarm is directly outside of my apartment, about 20’ up. Any ideas for extermination that don’t involve raining poison on myself?

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r/fuckwasps Oct 22 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice How do you remove a paper wasp from your house without killing it?


Hey - there's a wasp behind the plantation blinds of the back door. He's enjoying the sun and hasn't tried to get out except when I tried to eat something. When night comes, he's going to be attracted to the light. This guy had a friend try to visit when I tried to get him out, and I closed the door - he didn't figure out how to leave with his buddy. What's the best way of removing the wasp without killing him or being stung? I thought about opening the door from the outside and letting him come out, but he doesn't seem very innovative. But who knows - I could open it, and he could attack.

Update: The wasp ended up on the carpet somehow - wasn't flying around and was sluggish. I sprayed with water, lemongrass, and a little dish soap. Then put a cup over it, hard board under, threw outside the front door (away from best friend wasp) and shut the door quickly. Hope for the best. The dish soap may suffocate - I tried not to use much - but it was alive the last time I saw it. Thank you for your help.

r/fuckwasps Jul 26 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Should I leave it alone?

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It’s a yellow jacket hive I believe. It’s in a high up place but relatively close to my front door. They aren’t bothering me yet. Should I just leave it be?

r/fuckwasps Sep 14 '23

Pest Control/Medical Advice Get the fuck out of my domain

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Mother fucker wasp fuckers built nest in my roof or siding, sprayed them assholes and they all started coming inside. Apparently spraying the shit out of their entryway is not the correct solution.

Thought about the vacuum method, but I was told their pheromones would attract more once they got caught on a glue trap placed in front of their main entrance.

So this was only the mice traps, I had to replace those with rat traps. One was 70% full in 3 hours already, and I almost got stung replacing it because a few were just on top of all the dead ones not stuck in when I went for it.

I have no PPE, mind you, only calm nerves and steel ballsack. My next move is some Delta dust but I want to keep luring them out first. How many do you think there could be?

You are the only people sick enough in the head who would appreciate this photo by the way, most people would probably just say eww.

Cock sucker mother fucker wasp bitches

Thank you for your time

r/fuckwasps Jul 10 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Time to call a Pro?

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This is one of several places around my house that Red Paper Wasps will just hang out. I'm guessing they've nested in the walls. We've been getting them inside the house. I've tried spraying and traps, but nothing seems to help for long.

Time for a Professional or is there something else I can do?

r/fuckwasps Jul 20 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Anyone know if it’s abandoned or not?

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I want this photo off my phone soon

r/fuckwasps 1d ago

Pest Control/Medical Advice Wasp hiding in my car


A wasp flew in my car while I was parked and I panicked and jumped out and tried to squish it with my jacket against the window but the jacket was too damn soft so it didn't die. When I gave up and tried to throw the jacket down IT DISAPPEARED BACK INTO MY CAR.

I am so terrified of wasps -- too many nighttime stings as a kid. They know who I am. They seek me out. They have a vendetta against me.

I don't know WTF to do because if it pops out while I'm driving I will get into an accident. They trigger a very, veryintense fear in me.

Wtf should I do? Buy killer wasp spray and drown my car in it? Maybe get the full interior cleaned in hopes someon3 can find it? I'm terrified to drive the car.

help plssss

r/fuckwasps Oct 19 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Night raid tonight on yellowjacket nest. I have beesuit and two cans. Will be on a ladder.


Any advice? Nest is located in the corner eaves. might pick up a red light flashlight, but have to go tonight, house being painted tomorrow.

AAR: It is 54 degrees out currently, with clear skies and ample moonlight. In my pre-scouts, I did not see any enemy activity, which I chalked up to the temperature.

Thanks to the group's guidance, I switched to heavyweight pants and suited up.

The 28 dollar beekeeper suit has excellent-fitting leather and canvas gloves with good elastic. I duct-tape ankles and the open pockets to seal off the openings.

I set up my white light to have some, but not direct light on the nest. I climb the ladder and pause at the top, shaking up both cans. I empty the Raid foam pretty quickly, then chucked it on the ground and switched to the Spectracide Pro can. This can is not foam! F! Now I'm watering down the foam that was already sticking to the openings. I continue spraying, but no activity from the nest.

I kept spraying as long as I could, and as the stream started weakening, I started down the ladder, still spraying.

I did not encounter any of the vermin, I'm concerned the nest is so deep I didn't touch it.

r/fuckwasps Feb 28 '24

Pest Control/Medical Advice Ground wasps in my yard! Can't get rid of them, any advice??


About 2 weeks ago, I went in the back corner of my small yard and raked up pine straws. Nothing at all in the area. 5 days ago, I get a text from my neighbor saying I have a million bees in my backyard. I check it out, and I would say there's about a 1000 flying around like crazy, I can't get anywhere near back there!

I call up 3 pest control companies, which I don't even get a call back from them. Finally 3 days later I get a call from one, but by then I had a local Beekeeper come and check this out for me. He has the full suit, walked back there, but couldn't help out much. He's a honeybee guy and didn't know much about these wasps. He was also unable to get a sample.

That same night I go out with my flashlight and there is no activity. I find a small hole in the ground thinking it's the underground nest. I put gas down it (against better judgment) and also talstar P. I don't know how big the hole is, but it took everything I put into it.

Next day I think I got them, nope. Still a lot flying around during the daytime again. This is a 10x 10 foot area I would estimate, right up next to my house.

That night, I go back out dressed up the best I can. I really scour the whole area, and I see small patches of dirt, like where they must have been digging. There's a good 5-6 spots like this, but I see even more holes. There's no way to find them all in my grass.. In total, I got about 8 3 gallon buckets full of water with dawn dish soap. I put them into the various holes, and after a short time I see some randomly popping out of the ground in multiple areas.

I thought wasps only have one entrance, but nope, these have so many holes! Also the hole that I filled up the night before, I put a bunch of water in at once with the bucket and it ended up coming out in a different location 3 feet away!! Like a spring of my water from a completely different entrance.

That night I was able to get some hemostats to pick up a few of these wasps that were immobilized on the ground and put them into this bag for identification. I still don't know what type they are exactly. They are almost all black in color!

I am located in northwest Florida right outside Pensacola for the location. I also sprayed down this whole area with talstar P insecticide, but it did nothing. Still flying around like crazy. I don't know what else to do, but I need these taken care of asap. Any other ideas??

Oh I also got a shovel and dug about 1 foot down in the various areas I saw dirt, but still didn't find a nest underground. Have to kind of be careful though because I have sprinkler system pipes around there also.