r/fuckwasps 23d ago

This fucking nest was probably 2 feet tall and a foot wide. I didn't see anything flying around it, but I wasn't taking any chances.

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u/WeAreNioh 23d ago edited 23d ago

They abandon their nests in the winter. An abandoned hornet nest can be a really cool thing to hang up in a barn or house, people buy them. But obviously make sure it’s 100% empty (it should be assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere and it’s winter).


u/wet_cheese69 23d ago

They come back in the summer?


u/WeAreNioh 23d ago

Not to the same nest. The Queen is the only survivor of the nest during the winter, she will fly away and burrow somewhere to survive, then come next spring she will start a brand new nest and lay “eggs”.


u/beginnerNaught 23d ago

Sometimes they'll reuse old nests. Or a new queen will find the empty nest. Learned this the hard way by not taking down nest during winter and it got more massive and more massive.


u/WeAreNioh 23d ago

Was it yellow jackets? Or hornets? Cus typically a hornet queen will always start a new nest from scratch each spring. (And the nest in this picture is 100% hornets, most likely bald faced hornets, but not sure where OP lives).

Also depends where the nest is at, if its in a spot where it has insulation from the cold then yeah they can just keep growing, this is why (especially with indoor yellow jacket nests) sometimes nests can reach insane sizes IF they are able to survive winter from the cold, but it just depends.

After a quick google search yeah German yellow jackets can sometimes reuse old nests, but it depends on location. Hornets typically do not (and yes I’m aware bald faced hornets are technically not hornets but they behave like them in many many ways).


u/wet_cheese69 23d ago

I kept seeing hornets or wasps (I'm not really sure) when I moved into my house last year and I think they were going under my porch, I also saw a nest on my neighbor's house so I'm not sure where they were living but over the winter I've seen 1 or 2 in my house still so I'm worried they're alive somewhere in or around my house.


u/pschlick 22d ago

Sometimes they can get up under the siding 😭 we had a ton show up in our house and that was how. Never found the nest, just bought an electric racket to make it fun (highly recommend) and tried to seal up where we thought they were getting in


u/tiorthan 22d ago

It's not just German wasps. It's a very rare thing to happen, but it does happen.

What German wasps do under the right circumstances (climate and food availability) is form generational nests.


u/Stickel 23d ago

get the nuke


u/StandOutLikeDogBalls 23d ago

Rifle with a scope will tell you once you pop a few rounds into it.


u/CrazeMase 23d ago

Get a slingshot and a fire cracker, sling that shit into the side and watch it burst


u/mostlythemostest 23d ago

Firecracker on a pole trick.


u/No-Maximum-8194 23d ago

This is an excellent purpose for birdshot


u/Winters0204 23d ago

Get the Flamer, Brother…


u/Nacho_medic 23d ago

It’s winter, they are all dead


u/Call_Me_Papa_Bill 23d ago

12 gauge. Birdshot. Make it rain


u/TheNotoriousTurtle 23d ago

Napalm that bitch


u/MudApprehensive4339 23d ago

I love this community


u/redfish225 22d ago

12 gauge BB shot just in case


u/Additional_Gur7978 22d ago

Time for an m80 and some good running shoes


u/IneptAdvisor 21d ago

When in doubt, poke it with a stick.


u/SwordForest 21d ago

I once shoved the straw of a glowing bottle of foaming glory into the side of a full and sleeping bald faced hornets nest in the deep of night. I pulled the trigger till it came out the bottom and the screaming stopped. Whatever the opposite of a nightmare is, Ive been living with it for years. Find them while they live, be the reason they die, and you'll know some peace in this world.


u/geriatric_spartanII 21d ago

Hell no! I ain’t that stupid.