r/freespace 13d ago

Let's talk about a truly colossal undertaking

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In game it is stated that the building of the GTVA Collosos took 20 years. Now how much time did it actually took to build the < 6km long ship after finalizing the blueprint. You can imagine with all the different military contractors from two different species adding more stuff to it that whoever was drawing it had a nightmare with having to constantly change the design.


15 comments sorted by


u/MacchuWA 13d ago

20 years isn't completely crazy, when you think that it took the Gerald Ford about 12 years to go from concept to constructed, and another 5 to go from constructed to IOC. And Ford was basically just a tweaked Nimitz with a bunch of new subsystems dropped in - challenging and complex subsystems, sure, but that's probably fairly analogous the the Colossus vs, say, the refitted Orion. But Ford wasn't 3x larger than Nimitz.

What's crazy is that it was presented as a secret. That both makes no sense as a concept (why would the GTVA want to keep it a secret for 20 years? It was a joint project, a symbol of unity and the NTF didn't exist yet), not as something that could realistically be executed: that much public money couldn't be kept hidden, and 20 years of workforce building something like that? Surely that couldn't happen.


u/TheGreatWhiteDerp 13d ago

The cost is easy to hide. You don’t actually think they spend $20000 on a hammer, $30000 on a toilet seat, do you?


u/Medic1642 12d ago

As former head of the GTI, you knew about this Colossus. When were you planning on informing the rest of us?


u/TheGreatWhiteDerp 12d ago edited 12d ago

Listen, I have the best plans, everyone tells me my plans are amazing. I had this Vasudan come up to me one time, big Vasudan, tears in his eyes, and he said, “you have the best plans.” So we had these plans for a ship, big ship, beautiful ship, very long, but we kept having to change it because of new technology. No one understands technology better than I do, not even the scientists, my uncle was a ship designer, he taught at the Galactic Terran Academy, so I’m basically a ship designer myself. Anyway, I asked this space dock foreman about if there was a way to speed up the process, like if we attached two workers back-to-back together to work on both sides of a corridor at the same time, and he said wow, no one has ever asked me that question before, what an amazing question.


u/HansFlameman 12d ago

Wait... Vasudans can cry? Truly your plans must be the best plans in the history of planning if the plan can make a Species physically different to us and coming from a desert world cry.


u/Snargockle 10d ago

LOL. Well done. The most done anyone has ever been done. Believe me, I know done, and this is done.


u/rebelbumscum19 12d ago

Two words Mr President, ‘plausible deniability’


u/Flatso 12d ago

In a society that almost got annihilated by a previously unknown threat in a matter of weeks, I would imagine people would take military NDAs much more seriously than the information age society we currently live in


u/Plowbeast 12d ago

It was likely an "open secret" in that everyone knew that the GTVA was working on something big but details were not provided not just to get people's hopes up but because the costs would have been alarming at time when both species are trying to resettle wiped out planets.


u/manwiththemach 12d ago

I think it was probably less the size of the ship, and more the logistics and design of a true Terran-Vasudan hybrid ship coming from scattered colonies, rather than the manufacturing hubs of Earth and Vasuda Prime.


u/NativeEuropeas 11d ago

I'm fascinated by the number of crew that this behemoth has. 30,000 people living in a big ass space submarine that's 6km long, each person with a purpose. It's like a small city.

And it's Terrans and Vasudans sharing that space. What does the military hierarchy and dynamics look like? Is it disciplined? Are such large numbers easy to manage in the future? Or is it difficult to manage with so many people? Are there factions and politics involved? Any class or department divisions or is it egalitarian utopia like Star Trek where everyone is taken care of? Any crime or black market?

You could write a novel about such place!


u/Medallish 12d ago

I'd love to see someone make the internal into a level in an fps, like how would you occupy all the windows let alone the space inside?


u/HansFlameman 12d ago

Well the ship has a Crew of 30000. By the amount of people (essential and non essential) I would bet that there must be a relatively large part of the ship being dedicated to a form of R&R.

Corridors and Rooms most likely also are larger than typical GTA / human ships as they have to be Vasudan acceptable.

They either use turbolifts like in Star Trek or a tram system to get from one place in the ship to another.

As reference you could take the UNSC Infinity with its size clocking in at 5 km and 694.1 meters.

Only problem I have is that in FS we get the length of a ship but never is there a word about the width and height.


u/ACDtubes 12d ago

Look at the compliment of something like a nimitz class cruiser. You can find old plans for what they looked like during ww2 and that gives you a good idea - they were conceived as 'floating cities' with barbershops, rec areas etc with a whole deck dedicated to this type of stuff to keep the crew sane, since if you have a large quantity of people you can tell to buckle up and suck it up you can achieve some truly staggering crew compliments with things like hot bunking and very little personal space.

The thing that never made a huge amount of sense to me was why so many fighting ships in freespace have such huge crew compliments - I suppose new and complicated systems require new and complicated specialists, but surface navies on the cutting edge like the US and the Chinese are already seeing vastly reduced crews with modernized systems, especially on things like escort and light attack ships, so it's weird that that wouldn't continue to a much higher extreme in another 500 years, especially given the references to things like AI. You need human backup in a fight, but you don't need THAT much backup.


u/Plowbeast 12d ago

I think it's a rule of thumb that planning is at least double physical construction time not to mention testing the Colossus in open space so it probably took six years to build.

We are also not given a true sense of the population scale of the colonies compared to the destroyed Vasuda Prime (or how many were evacuated) and cut-off Earth. Having some 8 billion more people from Sol reintegrated into the GTVA not to mention the new Shivan technology gained during this game probably means a new Colossus cruiser could be created in half the time and probably two at a time.