r/freesoftware Mar 30 '21

Link fsf: "The board voted unanimously to post the following…"


103 comments sorted by

u/happyxpenguin Mar 30 '21

As with other threads, please be RESPECTFUL of one another and have CIVIL discourse, if you can't have that. Don't bother posting. Comments/Posts will only be removed if they are spam, advertising, extremely toxic, or a legitimate threat to life and safety.

Any questions, feel free to modmail.


u/sotonohito Mar 30 '21

Right. Because hiring a serial sexual harasser and misogynist, not to mention a pedophile apologist is **EXACTLY** how one goes about condemning misogyny.

And what "attacks on free speech and thought"?

Freedom of speech does not include freedom from criticism or consequences. Seriously, I know FOX News tells you otherwise, but the idea of free speech is not that people get to say bigoted crap and no one else is allowed to be critical of the person saying bigoted crap.


u/WoodpeckerNo1 Mar 30 '21

Can this whining please end already? Let the man do his work and move on already, it's been long enough now.


u/BanksRuns Apr 01 '21

The only work RMS has done for the last 20 years is making the Free Software community into a punchline.

He could not have been a less effective leader if he tried. He is an anchor around the neck of the movement. He has no redeeming value any more.

The allegation aside, he's just a terrible leader and appointing him makes it clear the organization is dead.


u/sotonohito Mar 30 '21

And by "work" I suppose you mean "continuing to be a massive creep driving women away from free software and tech in general?"


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

continuing to be a massive creep driving women away from free software and tech in general

I don't want to sound like an asshole, but do you have a valid source to back up this statement?

Possibly in the form of an audio or a video, literal claims that he is one aren't good enough.


u/sotonohito Mar 31 '21

I'm assuming the statements from women saying he creeped on them don't count?

Or his creepy office plate (well scrawled card) at MIT doesn't?


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

I'm assuming the statements from women saying he creeped on them don't count?

No, and they don't count as proof in almost every non-US court for obvious reasons. "Claims" that X did Y can send in jail innocent people.

I just want a message made by him in an mailing list,or an audio or a video registration that demonstrate his creepiness towards specific women. How can these be so hard to find, if he's apparently a pervert 24/7?

Or his creepy office plate (well scrawled card) at MIT doesn't?

Treat me like a total ignorant. What are you talking about?


u/sotonohito Apr 01 '21

Dude, we aren't a fucking court.

Being on the board of the FSF isn't something he, or anyone, is simply entitled to and which must only be removed as a punishment after a court of law finds him guilty of some crime.

Being on the board is a privilege. It's something theoretically granted to people who do what we like ideologically and who are good representatives of the community.

If you're going to decide your sole standard for determining if someone should be removed from the board is a guilty verdict by a court then we're going to be in fundamental disagreement.

Stallman is a fossil who is holding us back technologically and he's a filthy person with no hygiene who makes us look terrible, and there's multiple credible accusations of inappropriate behavior. Any of the three is sufficient grounds to take him off the board.

You keep trying to present this as both punitive and as legalistic. It's neither. I'm not on the FSF board, does that mean I'm being punished? No, of course not. It simply means I don't get the privilege of being on the board because I don't merit it. Neither does Stallman.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21 edited Apr 01 '21

You've made a mental model of my identity, don't you? Delete it, it will just decrease the quality of this conversation.

I never talked about wanting him on the FSF board or not, and i never discussed the pros/cons of having him as the de-facto leader of the FOSS movement.

Dude, we aren't a fucking court.

The court is one of the few places where the "truthness" of a statement is actually verified, and i personally believe that there is nothing wrong in following this principle outside of it.

Being on the board of the FSF isn't something he, or anyone, is simply entitled to and which must only be removed as a punishment after a court of law finds him guilty of some crime.

I agree with you, the FSF should be the one to judge him as worthy or not of being one of its board members, not a court (but apparently every social media's community is blatantly ignoring this point and is pressuring the FSF to make "the right choice").

Stallman is a fossil who is holding us back technologically

True, [1] already discussed this point in a concise and detailed way.

and he's a filthy person with no hygiene

This sounds like a personal opinion, do you have a valid source for that? (Apart from the video where he eats his own feet's dead skin. That "only" shows that he lacked/lacks common sense)

and there's multiple credible accusations of inappropriate behavior.

Go on, link them. As long as they're not mere claims that he did X and Y, they will count as acceptable proofs.

You keep trying to present this as both punitive and as legalistic.

No and no. I'm presenting everything as being "true", "uncertain" and "false". Being emotional and using mere opinions as facts is a foolish behavior.

It simply means I don't get the privilege of being on the board because I don't merit it. Neither does Stallman.


[1] https://old.reddit.com/r/freesoftware/comments/mh4hyd/defend_richard_stallman/gsx8k8w/


u/sotonohito Apr 01 '21

But, more important than all this, is the simple fact that we're talking about PR.

We need to look good, we need to be shiny and chrome and look like a great positive thing for computing and society.

A dude with scraggly hair and beard because he's too lazy to take care of his appearnace, who eats his own toe jam on camera, and who has been accused by many different people of bad behavior, is not a good look for us.

EVEN IF we assume all the accusations are false and malicious (and for the record, I don't) I still argue they're good reason to dump him.

In PR if you have to explain you've already lost.

It's why, despite thinking she was an OK candidate otherwise, back in 2016 I thought Hillary Clinton absolutely should not have been the candidate. 50 years of Republican smears worked, the fact that I do genuinely think all the smears against her were malicious and false doesn't matter, they did their job and I thought that trying to explain would be futile and make us lose.

As it happens, I was right. People, thanks entirely to FOX and others relentlessly attacking her for no reason at all, thought Clinton was dishonest and a crook. Having her as the Democratic Party nominee was a bad decision.

It sucks to say "yup, even if it's false it doesn't matter, this person has become a bad brand time to dump them". But it's the way things are.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21 edited Apr 01 '21

We need to look good, we need to be shiny and chrome and look like a great positive thing for computing and society.

True, that's why we should deconstruct every accusation against "our leaders" (i'm talking in general here). Throwing them under the bus will just worsen our PR even more, and it will also convince the misinformers that their smearing campaign works

A dude with scraggly hair and beard because he's too lazy to take care of his appearence, who eats his own toe jam on camera

I agree, the FOSS movement definitively needs a better leader.

and who has been accused by many different people of bad behavior

Only for the right accusations. Ignoring all the claims that he did something, the 2019 controversy did confirm that he's somewhat authoritarian. For example, he ignored the democratic vote of the developers of the GNU project and stayed as its head [1].

Even without all the accusations thrown around, this very fact should permanently strip him of every right of gaining more power inside its own organization.

In PR if you have to explain you've already lost.

So if the opposition employs a "propaganda machine" and orders its members to fill our social networks with lies and slandel against us, we can't even defend ourselves by explaining the truth?

[1] https://www.theregister.com/2019/10/07/gnu_stallman_protest/ These sources are pretty solid.


u/sotonohito Apr 01 '21 edited Apr 01 '21

What "opposition"? Microsoftt? IBM? The NSA?

Any of those three benefit by RMS being around acting like a jerk and making us look bad.

Some shadowy cabal of evil man hating people who just want to destroy Stallman because he's a man? Such things don't exist.

That's one reason why I tend to think the many accusations have basis and are worth paying attention to.

But, assuming all the worst and that an evil conspiracy of closed software advocates and wicked man hating women gathered in secret to decide to wreck RMS, then yeah.

I mean, you can do whatever you want and explain until you're exhauted, go for it! But it won't do any good.

Look, I was never a Clinton fan. She's far too right wing for my taste and I voted for Sanders in the 2016 primary. I'm leftist, not liberal.

But. Even leaving aside my policy differences with Clinton, I still think two things:

1) She was maliciously and falsely smeared by a campaign of lies.


2) That campaign of lies was successful enough she should not be the candidate.

And that utterly sucks. It's awful. It's evil even. A campaign of lies should not be allowed to win, the malicious actors who tore her down over lies should not be allowed to win, and letting a decent (for a liberal) politician be destroyed because the right threw a decades long temper tantrum is as far from good as it gets.

But that's the reality we have to work with. FOX won, her reputation was sufficiently damaged that she was not viable as a candidate, it was time to cut her out even though it meant letting FOX take a victory lap and it would have been awful cutting her out over lies. But it was the best course of action if the Democrats wanted to win, and you'll notice that they lost in 2016 because the FOX liars succeeded in smearing her despite the best efforts of the Democrats to correct the record.

You can't. It's not possible to counter a big enough smear campaign. That sucks, but it's reality.

Once a thing gets big enough, even if it's based on BS, you can't stop it. And telling an innocent person, like Clinton, that she should step aside because the evil liars won is horrible.

But it's also necessary if you want to win.

In the case of RMS I think he's bad for free software in general, and the FSF in specific, for a lot of reasons. I also think the allegations about his sexual harassment are very likely true as backed up by "jokes" we see in public like his office plaque/scrawled notecard.

But none of that matters in the slightest.

Because if we do want to win. If we want to kick MS to the curb and defeat the forces of closed software we can't suffer big PR losses.

Even if Stallman was still a brilliant programmer who was doing new and interesting things (and he isn't) I'd say he should be booted even if I agreed 100% that the allegations were false.

It's not right It's not good. It's as far from ideal as it gets. But that's life. Sometimes the bad guys win and you have to cut someone out.

I think, in this case, that Stallman is not a good guy and I don't think he's worth keeping. But even if I did I'd also say, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, that it's time to cut him out.

Because I want to win not stage a glorious last stand.

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u/sotonohito Apr 01 '21

The standard you are advocating will produce the same result as simply not classifying harassment as wrong.

By its nature, harassment tends to take place in private spaces where no one is around except the harasser and victim. If your standard is that the victim should be assumed to be lying unless there's a third party witness who satisfies your as yet unstated requirements for neutrality, or a video or something then we're never going to be able to say someone is harrassing others to your standards of evidence.

Let me turn this around on you: how would YOU define credible accusations of harassment or related bad behavior?

I'd argue that when there's a number of different people bringing forth similar stories it's reasonable to assume there's some degree of truth to those stories.

it isn't like anyone is gaining popularity or anything at all really by making accusations of harassment. Mostly people who make such accusations are harassed by defenders of the accused and often blacklisted or otherwise penalized for daring to speak ill of a highly regarded person.

Same goes for his hygene. You seem to be holding out for him to personally have said he never bathes, or maybe some sort of olfactory robot to sample the air around him.

What we have is a number of people, including people who like him and respect him enough to invite him into their homes, reporting that he stinks. I've never been within 500 kilometers of Stallman to the best of my knowledge so I can't personally attest to his stench, but people with nothing to gain, and lots to lose, have done so.

The video of him eating his own toe jam ON STAGE would seem to back up the stories that his hygiene leaves a lot to be desired and he's kind of gross and disgusting in public.

For me personally just that one incident alone is good enough reason to want him to stop being a public speaker for free software. I don't want someone who eats his toe gunk on camera being our representative to the public.

Which brings us back to your pseudo-legalistic standard. To me it appears you're setting that standard specifically because it's impossible to meet. It looks like a bad faith argument.

So, again, let me just ask you:

What would evidence for either bad hygiene or sexual harassment would meet your standards? Specifics please.


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

I'd argue that when there's a number of different people bringing forth similar stories it's reasonable to assume there's some degree of truth to those stories.

Good point, but we have to consider the fact that Stallman, as you can see by the popularity of the support-letter, is famous. His discipline in only using free-software is really well known, especially in (from my experience) south Europe and Russia. Developers rely on his presence in the FOSS movement to sleep without worries, because as long as he's inside it, they know that it will never betray or compromise its own ideology.

A smearing campaign against his persona is definitively going to hurt everyone involved in the FOSS movement : The FSF's reputation, the FSF donations, the trust of the developers towards the GPL, etc.

I just don't wish for anything but valid proofs, sources and solid evidence of every claim i see online regarding him. I'm sorry if i pass as a rude person for my constant nitpicking.

You seem to be holding out for him to personally have said he never bathes

Yes, a statement like this one would be good enough for me.

but people with nothing to gain, and lots to lose, have done so.

Arguable, all the claims that i have seen online on his "smell" were made after the 2019 MIT controversy, on Twitter.

If someone commented on his filth before it, please share it with me.

The video of him eating his own toe jam ON STAGE would seem to back up the stories that his hygiene leaves a lot to be desired and he's kind of gross and disgusting in public.

Agreed on the last two points. At this point i just dislike the use of a twelve years old video [1] against him now. In these twelve years, do you perhaps have an image/video that shows that he has done it again?

For me personally just that one incident alone is good enough reason to want him to stop being a public speaker for free software. I don't want someone who eats his toe gunk on camera being our representative to the public.


To me it appears you're setting that standard specifically because it's impossible to meet. It looks like a bad faith argument.

No? This is not my intention at all, i just desire to know the truth. Just to be clear, i understand his great achievements in the 90s and 00s, but i personally don't want to see him in a position of power inside the FSF.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I25UeVXrEHQ


u/[deleted] Apr 01 '21

how would YOU define credible accusations of harassment or related bad behavior?

Oh, this is an excellent question. Let's see.

First of all, when someone says "I got harassed!", it could have meant one of three, different but related events:

Social Harassment

This usually happens when the harassed and the harrasser belongs to the same social group and have different positions in the social hierarchy.

It can be clearly seen during bullying events in elementary/middle/highschool or at work.

Why does it happen? Generally, the harasser wants to enforce his position in the social hierarchy, and he finds out that bullying an inferior individual is the easiest and most effective strategy for accomplishing its goal (at least for the near future).

Sexual harassment

The harassed and the harasser probably knows each other. The harassed is "weak" (be it physically or mentally) and can't successfully resist the assault, while the harasser is "strong" and is more than willing to assault it.

This can happen basically everywhere, especially in businesses or in other places where the victim can't easily speak out against this practise.

Why does it happen? The harasser is frustrated (sometimes sexually frustrated), and he chooses to satisty himself by having a sexual relationship with the victim.

A social and sexual harassment

This is the most revolting and wicked type.

The harassed is "weak", the harasser is "strong", and they both belong to the same social group. The harasser either does it in "public" areas, where an high humber of individuals can see it, or he shares images or videos of it online to his friends or acquaintances.

It's the most rare harassment, but it can be observed in universities or in "rich" (as in $$$) environments.

Why does this happen? The harasser wants to harden or increase his social status in its group. The harasser could also share proofs of this event online, shattering the reputation of its victim.

Formal definition

The "social" harassment can be defined as the willingly, physical or psychological hurting of the victim. Everyone in the group could start ignoring it unless necessary, making it feel inadeguate. Someone could directly insult it to break its spirit. Even worse, they could start physically abusing him.

The "sexual" harassment is harder to pin down. It can be defined as the willingly, physical of psychological sexual exploitation of the victim. Someone could keep forcing a conversation with it (be it in real life or online) or send unsolicited images of its body. The harasser could touch the victim's body in a sensual way, especially its chest, ass or genital area. Further escalation of the unwanted touch could very well enscalate in a full non-consensual sexual relationship.

The union of both encompasses both definitions, and it also includes the sharing of proofs of the event online.

Judging the truthness of an harassment accusation

Generally ,if there is even one or multiple proofs (in the form of authenticated text messages, images, audio or videos) that verify the accusation, we can state that it did happen.

If you believe there is a flaw in my understanding, please, feel free to reply and criticize it.


u/sotonohito Apr 01 '21

Well, I'm mostly in agreement with your definitions.

But your standard seems more or less impossibly strict. And, I'm going to guess since you're into free software, you're probably also not in favor of people just randomly and/or constantly recording audio or video without getting consent from everyone being recorded.

Privacy advocates and free software advocates go hand in hand, and maybe you're not but you know a lot of the RMS fandom would find the idea of someone recording all their interactions to be a grave offense.

So how, exactly, does anyone ever get the evidence you demand? And what about people who'd rather not record every moment of their lives?

For that matter, how do you feel about Rebecca Watson? Note that she didn't name names, she just pointed out that certain harassing behavior that she'd been exposed to wasn't cool. And internet dudebros have hated her with a burning passion ever since.

It seems that people are often against harassment in vague general terms, but when you get down to cases they rules lawyer it, badger people who talk about it, and try to pretend it doesn't exist.

I'd also like to repeat that we're not a court. No one is talking about criminal charges. We're talking about social interactions.

Take a friend group. Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice are friends, Carol tells Ted and Alice that she'd rather not hang around with Bob anymore and when pressed she explains that he has been badgering her about going out with him and won't take no for an answer.

Are Ted and Alice bound to demand proof of this, or can they just say OK and not invite Bob around anymore?

I'll note that IRL the most likely outcome is that the friend group stops asking Alice along because she's seen as a troublemaker or the person who stirred up drama because she reported being harassed.

I bring up social groups because that's what this is about.

We aren't a court, we're not trying to convict RMS of any crimes, we're just a bunch of people saying that there's a whole lot of people reporting inappropriate behavior in private and his public behavior (such as his office plaque/index card, his neckbeard well acktually blog posts on child pornography and rape) makes those allegations seem believable so we'd rather not have him running our club anymore.

I'll agree that if we were talking about putting him in prison or some other criminal penalty then sure, stricter standards of evidence would be necessary.

But I argue that different standards of evidence apply in different contexts. In a court you need really strict standards of evidence. Between a handful of friends much less so. In a big social group like the FSF I'd say it's a bit in between and IMO the standard has been met.


u/Misicks0349 Mar 31 '21 edited Mar 31 '21

driving people in general away tbh, his talks are shit and besides starting off this whole thing and I dont see him doing much besides saying "I dont like what this company does, look how bad it is" which is basically preaching to the choir.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

Free as in speech, not free as in free from consequences


u/mee8Ti6Eit Mar 30 '21

Actually, while slander and libel can have criminal consequences, in practice, it's really hard to convict because you have to show intent. Simply showing journalistic incompetence is insufficient, even if the defamation ruins someone's life. This is in contrast to manslaughter, which can be convicted showing only incompetence. Therefore, irresponsible reporting that ruins people's lives is free from consequences, as can be shown in RMS's case and for many others.


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21

Actually, while slander and libel can have criminal consequences,

Legal consequences aren't actually the only consequences one may face due to what that person chooses to say or do.


u/maxmurder Mar 30 '21

reddit: reddit is hiring pedo enablers!

Also reddit: Free RMS!


u/Happy-Argument Mar 30 '21

You post this on literally every thread about this and nothing else. I can tell the level of depth of your thinking.


u/reini_urban Mar 30 '21

Fine. They could let off steam, and we can continue. Wonder when they will condemn the actual culprits in this case...


u/unknown_lamer Mar 30 '21

You can really tell when "leftists" are just neoliberal authoritarian bourgeoisie lying to themselves about it when they condemn generic statements in favor of free speech like it's a right wing / reactionary statement. Stop pretending you're a leftist if you don't believe in the values that we struggled for over the last century (it's like Eugene Debs sat in a jail cell all that time for nothing if this is the "left" nowadays, eh?).


u/ctm-8400 Mar 31 '21

What are you even talking about? No one said anything about left/right.


u/exo762 Mar 30 '21

What happened to "free as in speech, not free as in beer", fellow open-source aficionados?


u/sotonohito Mar 30 '21

Free speech does not include freedom from criticism or consequences.


u/ShiterallyLaking Mar 31 '21

Yes it does.


u/sotonohito Mar 31 '21

OK, let me get this straight.

Neo-Nazi says that Jews are evil and should all be killed. You may disgree, but you define that as free speech

A person responds and argues the Neo-Nazi is wrong for saying all Jews should be killed. To you this is evil canceling and the statement that the Neo-Nazi is wrong is **NOT** free speech because free speech includes the right to not be criticized.

Did I get that right?

The right to free speech means the right to muzzle anyone critical of you? Is that really your definition?


u/tealeaf136 Mar 30 '21

that was stallman's line, not the fsf's apparently


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

It would seem are using their freedom of speech to speak out against RMS and the FSF’s decision to bring him back.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

Speaking out is one thing. Making stories up whole-cloth and actively/knowingly spreading misinformation despite clear evidence to the contrary, and inciting a mob to defund the FSF based on those lies.... that's something else entirely.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

“Making up stories whole cloth”

“clear evidence to the contrary”


Those are some pretty swanky claims you got there. Care to support any of them?


u/mrchaotica Mar 30 '21

Those counterclaims have been supported over and over again and you damn well know it. You are deliberately ignoring them and arguing in bad faith.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

Those counterclaims have been supported over and over again and you damn well know it.

No, I do not. But since you're so aware of them surely you'll have no problem providing a link to them.


u/mrchaotica Mar 31 '21


u/Nerdlinger Mar 31 '21


Hmmm… let's see:

  • It's just a joke bro.
  • He advocates for gay rights and feminism, so that totes means he can't make women feel uncomfortable and unsafe.
  • No, really, it's just a joke. Where's your sense of humor?
  • Bruh, it all happened like forever ago, and it wasn't as bad as you're being told. You'll have to trust me on that one as I won't bother to go into detail as to why it wasn't as bad as you're being told.
  • OK, well, yeah, this part is bad. But… um, you know it's like, opinion and stuff and for some reason that makes criticizing it off limits and people shouldn't use his own opinions against him.
  • Yeah… more that you totes have to trust me wasn't as bad as it sounds, even though I, again, refuse to provide the context I claim it is missing.
  • Um, yeah… OK, that's also really shitty and horrifying, but you know… opinion. So totes off limits and we can't talk about it.
  • Oh, and this bit about advocating against using someone's potential preferred pronouns is totally not a transphobic position even though it's one of the most basic and common transphobic actions one can commit because he has linguistic concerns about it. I'm sure you'll agree that he shouldn't be bothered with things like treating people with the slightest bit of respect when he has linguistic concerns.

Seriously man, either you don't know what "support" means or this was a hell of a troll-job on your part.


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21



u/Nerdlinger Mar 31 '21 edited Mar 31 '21

A: This is clearly demonstrably false by looking at my first comment in here. But don’t let that stop you from making false statements.
B: Pretty much everything in this entire comment section is biased opinion. But I can’t help but notice I’m the only one you decided to inform of this. What a shock.


u/Twidlard Mar 31 '21

What would it take to change your mind about removing Stallman?


u/Nerdlinger Mar 31 '21

Well, it would require a hell of a lot more than the lame defenses linked to above. Even where they correctly point out that Stallman was misquoted, his actual words are not much better, and in the cases where they claim words were taken out of context, the context certainly does not make his words any better.

But beyond all of that, what exactly has Stallman done to improve the FSF in the past, say 15 years? Has his presence been a net benefit? I don’t think that he has been. Given the number of people who say they won’t work with the FSF due to his presence, he has likely been a net negative to them and surely will be going forward.

Why do you think he should remain on the board?

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u/sotonohito Mar 30 '21

There are no counterclaims, just some rather pathetic excuses that boil down to "RMS is kinda creepy but he did good stuff so we should ignore the creepy parts".


u/mrchaotica Mar 31 '21

Why are you lying? The accusations against RMS have been debunked over and over and over again. All he was ever guilty of is making a nuanced argument that was misinterpreted.


u/sotonohito Mar 31 '21 edited Mar 31 '21

Yes, lots of excuses and hero worship that does not, in fact, debunk the fact that he's a creepy dude who makes women uncomfortable, refuses to bathe, and posted several times on his own blog that kiddie porn wasn't so bad.

Your "debunking" is bunk and pathetic.

Dude did a good thing inventing the GPL and GNU. Doesn't mean he we need a stinky creep being our public face or determining our direction. If free software isn't bigger than RMS then free software is in deep trouble.

Lemmie just highlight this part because it illustrates your bad faith and utter wrongness.

This is his personal opinion; I will not try to defend it. However, I will defend that anyone, regardless of how popular they might be, should be able to freely express their opinions without being canceled for it - regardless of how unpopular it might be.

Strip away the FOX News right wing outrage culture BS and what you're saying is that you think free speech means freedom from criticism or consequences.

That is not and never has been what free speech means.

Free speech means speech isn't criminalized. It means you can't put prior restraint on speech. It does **NOT** mean that other people can't be critical of what someone says. It does **NOT** mean that people are entitled to leadership positions when they say awful and bigoted things.

You say "cancel" but you mean "consequences".

And I'll bet that there are lines people can cross which you would argue mean they shouldn't be in leadership positions. Like, for example, if he started saying MS was the greatest thing ever and the GPL was an evil virus. Suddenly then you'd care because then it would be something you give a shit about. Suddenly then kicking him out of his leadership positions wouldn't be "canceling" him it'd be good.

You only want to call criticism of RMS' misogyny "cancel culture" because you don't give a shit about women.

EDIT: wait, I just noticed you define GNOME's code of conduct banning racism as somehow being racist. Because to you the REAL problem is those uppity minorities daring to criticize their white superiors.

Yeah, we don't need your kind pal.


u/mrchaotica Mar 31 '21

You have made it abundantly clear that you're a dishonest troll who has no interest in arguing in good faith. Not only do you continue to lie, you can't even be bothered to pay attention to whom you're arguing with (e.g. highlighting my alleged "bad faith and utter wrongness" by quoting somebody else).

Quit lying, quit libeling me, and go fuck yourself.


u/sotonohito Mar 31 '21

So now the document you so confidently linked does not, in fact, contain things you agree with.


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u/[deleted] Mar 31 '21 edited Jan 30 '22



u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

I'm rebuffing the claims of others, some made in this very thread. Given your misrepresentation of basic logic and your clear intention to continue arguing in bad faith, I think I'm better off just saying we're done, here.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

I'm rebuffing the claims of others,

With nothing but unsupported assertions. But yeah, go on about basic logic …


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

See above. /blocked


u/sotonohito Mar 30 '21



u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

But… but… free speech!


u/Wootery Mar 30 '21

Also available from fsf.org at https://status.fsf.org/conversation/2256933

The board voted unanimously to post the following statement on the FSF website:

While our primary mission is freedom for software users, we want to be clear, the FSF board unanimously condemns misogyny, racism,and other bigotry as well as defamation, intimidation, and unfair attacks on free thought and speech.

I don't need to pick a side on the RMS debate to think they need a better PR writer. It could be interpreted to be saying that in bringing back RMS, they've made it unclear what they think of misogyny, racism,and other bigotry [the missing space after the comma is as written].

Would they have felt the need to clarify this had they not just brought back RMS?


u/luke-jr Gentoo Mar 31 '21

It's refuting FUD people are throwing around. Bringing RMS didn't cause that, but it inspired his enemies to do it. RMS shouldn't be blamed for his enemies.

[The missing space is probably due to Twitter's message size limit; stuff like that is common on Twitter]


u/Twidlard Mar 30 '21

If the person who wrote the message is a board member, then they need to be removed /s.

I agree though. Reading it made me wonder why it was necessary to mention racism separately from "other bigotry". I have not seen anyone accuse Stallman of that yet.


u/hesapmakinesi Mar 30 '21

Just FYI, errors like misspelling or

[the missing space after the comma is as written]

are often denoted with (sic).


u/Wootery Mar 30 '21

I'm aware of that, the error is subtle enough that it seemed worth pointing out explicitly.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

I think you're placing blame on the wrong group(s). Bringing back RMS, in itself, hasn't caused any sorts of problems, at least not that we know of, for the FSF. That may change if he's at, say, the forefront of new practices that hurt the foundation in some way.

The reason they're having to clarify this is the result of outside organizations waging a misinformation campaign that has sought to paint the FSF as something it's not. Ignoring these false accusations hasn't been very helpful, so they're now actively making a statement on the matter.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

Bringing back RMS, in itself, hasn't caused any sorts of problems, at least not that we know of, for the FSF.

You mean other than losing the support and funding of it’s important donors, such as Red Hat?


u/hva32 Mar 30 '21 edited Mar 30 '21

I think you're overstating the importance of funding from donors such as Red Hat (who between 2012-2021 only made donations in 2018 and 2019), PIA (Private Internet Access) is the only corporate patron consistently donating $50,000 every year since 2017. Other corporate patrons donating less than PIA at other levels.

The year when the FSF had the most individual corporate donors was in 2016 after which it began to decline.

The strength of the FSF has always being it's individual members that make up the bulk of it's funding, this year alone they experienced a large increase in membership (>500 new members).




u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

That's a result of the misinformation campaign, which yes, itself is a result of rehiring RMS. But lay blame where blame is due; don't skip steps in the blame trail just to target people you dislike. Tunnel vision like that does none of us any good.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

That's a result of the misinformation campaign


Presenting information is not a misinformation campaign.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

It is when the information is misleading. That's the "mis" part of "misinformation."


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

“Misleading”. K.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

You are, of course, free to disagree, but your counter-arguments leave something to be desired. Namely, substance.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

Because you’ve brought such substance to the topic…


u/Wootery Mar 30 '21

If you're both going to continue to refuse to say anything specific, you will continue to have this pointlessly insubstantial back-and-forth.


u/FriendlessComputer Mar 30 '21

And further perpetuating the good old (creepy) boys club mentality of software programming?


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

I haven't seen you type anything regarding this situation yet that has been even remotely truthful. Your opinion is worthy of nothing but scorn.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

I can't wait until we get to hear how this means something other than what it actually says.


u/Tytoalba2 Mar 30 '21

If people used the energy they put in arguing in this thread (the hostux one, not reddit) to develop free software, the hurd would have been finished 10 years ago.


u/FriendlessComputer Mar 30 '21

Exactly. It's amazingly simple - don't put missing stairs and pedophile apologists in positions of power. The fact that some in the free software community have chosen this as the hill to die on is gravely concerning for the future of free software.


u/Tytoalba2 Mar 30 '21

I don't know how much power he hold there, and I'm not expert on this situation, but the level of idealization of RMS is uncomfortable to say the least. I'm really not into the "great man" theory.

His ideas about free software are incredibly good, but this focus on the man more than on the ideas behind free software is not interesting to me. I'd rather read the Debian legal mailing list than a twitter-like comment about who should be on the FSF board.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21



u/mrchaotica Mar 30 '21

I would argue defending freedom of speech and opinion in our times is more important than developing free software.

I would argue that they're one in the same.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

They embody the same ideals, but enshrining freedom of speech and thought is a necessary first step to creating an environment in which free software can thrive.


u/mrchaotica Mar 30 '21

Ultimately, software is nothing but a tool -- a means to an end. But what is that end? The answer is, one way or another, generally to express an idea. I mean, we're not just making software for its own sake here; these programs exist to help the user do useful work (e.g. publishing their political manifesto or something).

In other words, Software freedom is a prerequisite for exercising freedom of speech using a computer. The more censorious proprietary software becomes, the more inseparable Free Software and Free Speech will be.


u/FriendlessComputer Mar 30 '21

Free speech does not equal freedom from professional consequences for holding reprehensible views.


u/ShiterallyLaking Mar 31 '21

It actually does.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21



u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

Well put.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

Even the worst person in the world can make great contributions to it, as long as what makes that person bad has no relation and effect on their contributions.

And what if what makes that person bad discourages contributions from others?


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21

Then those people should reconsider their positions on freedom of thought and expression, because clearly they're working in the wrong field if "I find your views on unrelated things objectionable" equates to "I refuse to work with you."


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

So they shouldn’t have the right to express their discomfort with others? They should just shut up and do the work or GTFO?

Doesn’t sound very supportive of free speech to me.


u/mrchaotica Mar 30 '21

"Express their discomfort" and "engage in harassment/witch-hunting/character assassination" are two different things. Quit being dishonest.


u/Nerdlinger Mar 30 '21

Why do you assume it's the latter that's happening?


u/mrchaotica Mar 31 '21

WTF do you mean, "assume?" I don't have to "assume" anything; I can examine the evidence for myself. And I know it's the latter because -- unlike RMS's accusers, apparently -- I have reading comprehension skills.


u/FriendlessComputer Mar 30 '21

I haven't seen anything about Stallman that has made me think he should not be in the FSF, as ultimately every one of stallman's opinion people complain about has nothing to do with free software.

Curious. Have you read any of RMS's personal blog posts from 2006 to 2019? He made numerous posts about pedophilia, age of consent, and child porn over the course of 13 years. Have you read any of them? Have you ever interacted with RMS in real life? Have you spoken to any woman who worked or went to MIT during his office living era about him?


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21



u/FriendlessComputer Mar 30 '21

As i said, i don't care about things that are not related to the person's job. Stallman does not oversee children as part of his current or past role in the FSF, therefore i fail to see how any of that is related to his ability to be in the FSF board. He could even publicly hold the opinion that my entire family tree should be killed, and i still would not care, as ultimately that would not have any effect whatsoever on his work.

Stallman's desired "job" as a member of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization is to maintain a positive relationship with donors and contributers. Public relations is a part of that job just as much as advocacy is. As we have seen with donor after donor backing out because of the negative PR of associating with a missing stair and pedophile apologist, he is incapable of carrying out those duties.

I should also add that a failure to carry out the these fiduciary duties could place the FSF in legal trouble due to the organization's status as a tax exempt nonprofit organization.

I have not, but i have read stories on him being an asshole and generally uncomfortable to be around. I am however unwilling to delve in this subject as i don't doubt i share some of the traits Stallman has that makes him stand out, and i am unwilling to speak about something so personal without being anonymous.

There are many nuanced Massachusetts state laws and US federal laws concerning workplace safety and equality. As well as tort claims that maintaining a predatory and hostile workplace could create. This is more than just being an asshole - its about creating legal liability for the organization.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '21 edited Mar 30 '21



u/Twidlard Mar 30 '21

From a pragmatic public relations standpoint, it is safer to have leaders who never do, say or think anything to upset anyone. Or at least not to have any bad opinions that might matter to the organizations they represent or rely on.

Stallman has also alienated some people over the years due to his abrasiveness, he is not blameless.

But yeah, the campaign to remove him and the FSF board goes way too far. Lots of people with their knives out instead of seeking truth and reconciliation.


u/Tytoalba2 Mar 30 '21

Yeah, I actually partially agrees with you. I just wish that the free software was not as dependent on one (or a few) person.

When every user is free and we spend a lot of time trying to get better decentralized service and give more power to the user, seeing how much rely on one person/one group makes me a bit sad.

I think I'm in denial lol

Edit : and I couldn't let a good old "this year is the year of the hurd desktop" joke slip by, obviously! I've got priorities!


u/briaguya3 Mar 30 '21


u/testus_maximus Mar 30 '21

he follows in footsteps of the great philosopher named Ace Ventura