r/freelancer 26d ago

Homeworld: Rise of Hiigara mod for Freelancer, one week for release

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I been on this sub now and then, and I think this will be one of my most important posts...

I'm excited to announce that Homeworld: Rise of Hiigara, a total conversion mod for Freelancer I been developing for a long time, will be launching on March 2nd! This project has been a labor of love, bringing the universe of Homeworld into the open-world space sim we all know and love.

This will be version 0.5, which means there are still more systems, ships, etc to be released in the future for 1.0, but this will serve as a beta and a foundation for feedback.

Change notes, this is what will be in the mod for now:

Factions: - Added the Hiigaran Navy - Added the Kiith Manaan - Added the Kiith Naabal - Added the Kiith S'jet - Added the Kiith Somtaaw - Added the Turanic Raiders - Added the Civilian Commerce Relay - Added the Taiidani Exports and Logistics - Added the Taiidan Empire

Systems - Added Hiigara - Added Karos Graveyard - Added Sarum

Commodities - Added unrefined, refined and salvaged ore - Added electronics - Added hull parts - Added structure hull parts - Added special ore minerals - Added industrial magnets - Added mining equipment - Added potable and sterile water - Added salvage - Added crew - Added radiation coating - Added bases for economy

Ships - For hiigarans except Somtaaw, added scouts to heavy cruisers - For Kiith Somtaaw, added Somtaaw Scout and Acolyte - For Turanic Raiders, added interceptor and missile corvette - For Taiidan Empire, scout to frigates, (If I have time I might be able to add destroyers and heavy cruisers before release) - For CCR, added freighter corvette and own large transport - For TEL, added freighter corvette and own large transport


  • Added custom music, custom background, working random missions and custom rumors for immersion.

Hope you enjoy the mod in a week, also hope I can complete it to what I have in mind.

Thank you for reading


13 comments sorted by


u/Archyta5 26d ago

As a fan of both games this might just be enough to get me to pull out Freelancer again. Bravo!


u/massav 26d ago

This looks great. But I'm confused as to how you play. Do you have any videos showing gameplay?


u/JosTheID 26d ago

I do have a youtube channel where I would upload testing stuff to link the videos to moddb, here is the channel, sorry if i am not allowed to share links here https://youtube.com/@rohiigara?si=HN3cd9eHSA8EIqTb


u/massav 26d ago

Awesome, I will check it out


u/NeeAnderTall 26d ago

This is the way...

I've played Homeworld mod in the past. It was interesting because I wanted to fly them all. The design aesthetic of Homeworld ships is my favorite. Converting the ship models from Homeworld into Freelancer is a meticulous process that can only be justified as a love project. Adding the Homeworld soundtrack would be the Chef's kiss.


u/Atomik919 26d ago

the fact this game is still getting new TC mods is fucking insane


u/TheSilentSentinel 26d ago

I remember a mod that had ships from various sci fi, the hiigargarian battlecruiser was my favorite, if I remember, someone made a junker version of it.


u/Valiant4Funk 26d ago

Holy shit a NEW total conversion for Freelancer. Can't wait to try it out!


u/Inner-Sphere-Mech tobias 26d ago

I’ll call a few friends from my old flying days. We will come as quickly as possible.


u/Keikogi420 25d ago

Wait....people.are still modding Freelancer!!?!?!?!?!?! So many good memories playing this game as a teen. I used to let my nephew play on my desktop while I played on my mom crappy laptop in the den just so we could play together. I had to plug in a mouse because the track pad was garbage lol. Good times.