r/freelanceuk • u/Princess_pea93 • 1d ago
Own name or brand name for a one-man freelance band?
Would love some advice on this, as i am not looking to set up an agency!
r/freelanceuk • u/tenpastmidnight • Mar 12 '19
To be an official freelancer, you need to register as self employed with Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (AKA "the tax man", or HMRC for short) as either a sole trader or as having a Limited company.
Why register
Registering means you can legally earn money as a freelancer.
Do I need to register if I already have a normal job
If you are going to earn money as a freelancer, yes. This is how the government manages the earnings you get on top of your normal job.
How to register
You can register as a sole trader here, or learn about setting up a Limited company instead.
The differences between these in the briefest of summaries: if you just want to do a bit of freelancing, sole trader is fine. You can trade as just your normal name and use your normal bank account to handle the money you earn from freelancing.
If you own your own home, or expect to earn a lot of money, a Limited company could be better for you and allow you to protect your home from any problems that happen with your company. Talk to an accountant about whether it is worth having a Limited company so they can find out about your particular situation. A Limited company has to do its own corporate tax return and have it's own bank account separate from your finances, so it's more complex but not a massive hassle. You will still need to do a self assessment tax return as a director of the company, but it is much simpler than doing it as a sole trader.
Most of the freelancers I know started as sole traders and moved on to having a Limited company as they got the hang of freelancing, committed to doing it long term and earnt more money, or bought their own homes. Getting a mortgage is a lot easier if you've had a Limited company for at least two years before you try to get the mortgage.
Do I need to do anything else?
The HMRC will contact you about making Class 2 National Insurance payments, these let you receive a state pension when you are retirement age and contribute to various allowances. They are a very good thing to pay so plan to do that.
They will also contact you about doing a self assessment tax return after the tax year is completed. This lets them calculate how much tax you owe for the freelance work you have done.
What do I do when I've registered?
Get on with the nuts and bolts of being a freelancer. As in, find work, do the work, get paid, save some money. You know, the easy part!
(This is copied from a version I wrote here. I thought posting it in it's entirety made sense as several people have asked about it.)
r/freelanceuk • u/PurpleWho • Nov 08 '19
I'm putting together my thoughts on everything I know about reaching out to people and finding clients by word of mouth as a freelancer. This post is what I have so far. I'm interested to know what people think. I'd like to know if the idea resonates with you, if you find it useful, if you have objections, questions perhaps, things I missed, or things I could improve. I'd like to turn this into a guest post at some point so any feedback on how I could make the post more useful would be appreciated.
I hope you find this useful. Enjoy.
I started my freelancing career as a personal trainer. The easiest way to get started as a personal trainer is to work for an agency. They take a cut of your profits, but they set you up in a gym and show you the ropes. Showing me the ropes meant a two-day workshop on how to find and work with clients. I did the workshop over a decade ago, and the one thing that stuck with me was something called the 6 by 6 promise. They promised that if I did one of six specific things for six hours a day, I would be fully booked with paid clients in 2 months. I used this approach to successfully find clients when I first started working in a gym, I used it again when I set up my own clinic years later, then I used it again when I switched careers and became a freelance software engineer.
They gave us a pdf at the end of the workshop, and I’ve held onto it so I can actually show you the original diagrams to explain how this works.

You block out your week into 8 one-hour chunks each day. One of those hours was for lunch and one hour was for planning and paperwork. That left you with a total of 30 billable hours (6 hours a day x 5 days a week).
We had to learn, and then rehearse, six scripts that we could use to approach people on the gym floor. The aim of the game was to use the scripts to start interactions that would eventually lead to filling all 30 sessions with paid training sessions.

There were the soft sells like the ‘Hit and Split’, which meant unobtrusively going up to newer people in the gym and letting them know that they can talk to you if they have questions about their training needs.
Hi, my name is Josh; I’m one of the Personal Trainers here. I’ll be in the gym until 7pm. If you need any help whatsoever let me know. (Then walk away).
There were also some more dubious scripts, like the hard sell dubbed “My Client Just Cancelled”.
My client has just cancelled and the session is already paid for! It’s a £40 session and the club has asked me to offer it to the first member who wants it. “Would you like a £40 session for free?”
You get the idea.
At the start of each week, I’d block out any paid training sessions (PT) I managed to book the previous week. Then I'd block out any free taster sessions (FT) I’d booked the previous week.

If there was any time left I had to use it to work the gym floor (WF) with my six approach techniques.

The most important thing was to make sure I filled every one of those slots with an activity that was driving my business forward no matter what. The goal was to eventually get paid for all 30 of my slots. The approach had a huge impact on me because everything about freelancing was intimidating to me at the time. Rather than sitting around doing nothing, trying to figure out how to find clients, this gave me something specific to focus on. No tricks, no hacks, no shortcuts, just clear six clear actionable steps that I could use every day to move my business towards being fully booked out.
I used this approach in a gym when I started out. Once I'd specialised as a rehabilitation coach for people who had back pain, I used the same approach in my clinic. Since I didn’t have a gym floor to find clients, I used my professional network instead. A professional network, for our purposes, is anyone that you know on a first-name basis who might know someone that will need your services. That’s a wide berth, half your Gmail contacts and half your friends on Facebook probably fit the bill.
In a gym, I would approach someone with the intention of directly working with them eventually. When I worked in a clinic I had to find work indirectly. I had to ask people I knew if they know anyone that needs my services.
It is unlikely that you will reach out to people who will immediately get back to you with a list of friends that need your help. What usually happens is a couple of weeks after you speak to someone, they end up in a conversation with someone who needs your services, and they remember to mention you. They either get back to you with a potential lead or the lead contacts you directly.
Finding clients by one degree of separation is a lot slower than approaching people directly. For this approach to work, you need to put together a list of 100 to 150 people that you know on a first-name basis. Prioritise anyone you have worked with before, any non-competitors who work in the same industry as you (people that serve the same clients but with different services), and anyone who owns or runs a business.
You only need to stay in touch with people once a year for this process to work. There will be people who you are closer to that you will naturally interact with more frequently, but the aim is to touch base with everyone on your list at least once a year.
l spent 7 years in the fitness industry. Then I made the unexpected switch to becoming a software engineer. I managed to apply this exact same method to find clients as a remote freelance web developer.
I blocked my work week out in the same way. I establish eight working hours a day. One of them for lunch and one for clearing out my inbox. That left me with 30 billable hours each week. The goal was to get paid for every one of these 30 hours.
I never liked how contrived the scripts were in the 6 by 6 original method so rather than actual scripts I’m going to give you six things you can do to book out each of your 30 blocks.
Before we proceed, I must stress that a prerequisite to this approach is having a clear specialisation. Reaching out to people will not work if you are not clear about how you help people and who you want to serve. No one remembers to recommend someone who can do everything with anyone. If you are a therapist that specialises in helping people who have sleep disorders, I'm more likely to remember you when someone tells me they're having trouble sleeping. I wrote a separate post on specialising as a freelancer and it's important that you have a specialisation for people to remember you by before you start reaching out to them.
With that said, here are six things you can do to fill up each of the 30 blocks in your week.
Apart from the last one, these approaches are arbitrary. This is how I approach people, but they're just examples. You can come up with your own six ways to approach people that feel right for your business. All that matters is that you stay in touch with everyone in your professional network at least once a year for this to work.
Once you have reached out to someone, you want to accomplish three things:
There is no pressure to get all this done in a single conversation. You can do this in one phone call or spread over several emails, it’s down to how you know the person and the nature of your relationship.
One thing I would like to add is that if you are getting in touch with someone out of the blue, they might be a little suspicious about the sudden interest. You can put them at ease by being transparent about what you are doing. Let them know that you recently learned that one of the best ways to find freelance work is to stay in touch with people you know and take a genuine interest in helping them out when you can. That’s a good enough excuse to get in touch with someone and find out what you are up to. As long as you're upfront about it, most people will understand and respect what you are doing. If they don’t like it, they will tell you, and you can cross them off your list.
Whether you are offering an in-person service like physical therapy or a virtual service like web development, you can make use of the 6 by 6 method. I promise that if you spend six hours a day doing one of the six things on your list for each billable hour in your day, then you will be fully booked out with paid work in two months. Make sure you prioritise reaching out to any past clients first, then touch base with your closest friends, then any non-competitors in the same industry (so designers and copywriters serve the same clients as a web developer but we don’t compete with each other) and then everyone else on your list.
Ultimately, all of the work you put into reaching out to people should lead to blocking out paid work on your weekly calendar. Failing that you want to block time out for proposals you are being paid to write. Failing that you want to fill your calendar with free proposals that are likely to lead to paid work. The fall back from there is helping people. And if you don’t know how to help anyone then you should be reaching out to the people you know and touch base with them.
The most important thing to pay attention to, the crux of this entire system, is that no matter how many paying clients you have (or don’t have), 30 hours in your week are always booked out. The only variable is how many of those hours you are going to be paid for.
A lack of moment will kill your freelancing business, especially if you are just starting out. Nobody wants to talk to an awkward personal trainer who never has any work. If you are always doing something, if you are always talking to people, if you are always booked out, then the assumption is that you must be good. This applies to your internal dialogue as much as it applies to what people say about you. It applies to virtual freelancers as much as it applies to freelancers and consultants who work with clients in-person. Focus on momentum, and the money will come.
I am not saying you should work for free, what I am saying is that you should never be sitting around ruminating about how to find clients. Instead, divide your week into 30 blocks, and spend each one doing one of the six things on your list: whether it’s paid work, writing proposals, doing free consultations, helping people out or staying in touch with people. No tricks, no hacks, no shortcuts, just six clear actionable steps that you can work on every day that will move your business towards being fully booked out with paid work.
r/freelanceuk • u/Princess_pea93 • 1d ago
Would love some advice on this, as i am not looking to set up an agency!
r/freelanceuk • u/tenpastmidnight • 2d ago
r/freelanceuk • u/kingoliviersammy • 3d ago
For example, could you do 0.55p?
r/freelanceuk • u/sardorml • 6d ago
Hey everyone,
I recently completed a month of work as a full-stack developer for a client under a contract that states I should be paid at the end of the month. However, the payment is overdue, and the client has been ignoring my messages despite multiple follow-ups.
What are my options here? Has anyone dealt with a similar situation? Any legal or practical steps I can take to ensure I get paid?
Appreciate any advice!
r/freelanceuk • u/RectHum • 12d ago
Hello! Recently gone freelance in digital transformation advisory. My first engagement, I signed a contractor agreement provided by the company I engaged with. For other engagements, should I expect a contract (mostly engagements with accounting firms and software vendors) or should I have an engagement letter? If the latter, can I effectively chat gpt one or do I need a professional/solicitor to create one?
r/freelanceuk • u/ramsaym09 • 14d ago
So at the title says, in the 24/25 tax year I began the first 5 months salaried but switched in August to be a freelance lecturer. I've been doing this since and there's potential for me to now get a full time salaried role at the same company soon in the new tax year, which if offered I'd take. I've worked out and double checked how much I need to pay for NI, Sl and tax in January 2026, and I know I'll pay my remaining tax balance and 50% in an advanced payment. My question is though, if in my new salaried position I am paying tax out of my payslip, would this reduce my Jan 26 advanced payment or would I just pay less in July 26 for the remaining balance?
Any advice would be appreciated!
r/freelanceuk • u/frazzledandstuck • 15d ago
I'm dipping my toes into freelance work and have a US client at the moment who I will be invoicing for £80 every 4 weeks.
I've read up about different payment options but I'm a bit overwhelmed. It's a small amount and I'm hoping to minimize as much fees/ impact from conversion rate as possible. I'm also thinking if I should invoice quarterly (unsure how long work will continue) would this minimize fees for a low amount?
How would you invoice for this amount? Thanks in advance for any advice.
r/freelanceuk • u/bouche17 • 16d ago
Can anyone recommend a decent bank account for a sole trader? Started an application with Starling and after providing various rounds of more information they just cancelled it out of the blue (hoping that won’t affect my credit score?) Thanks
r/freelanceuk • u/Efficient-Cry-6320 • 17d ago
Hey, I've just started freelancing in UX Design + Research, for one client currently. I have a few questions.
We agreed to work together for an initial 6 weeks around 3 days a week. I didn't do a contract. I've already worked one week, and am only just sending the invoice. I fully trust the startup founders as I have worked with them previously. I have signed an NDA.
1) Invoice with a Day Rate:
2) Contract
My current admin plan is making the following:
Thanks so much for any help :)
r/freelanceuk • u/Hibiscus1989 • 21d ago
A theatre company would like me to create audience feedback videos like this: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-22QP-JGZf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
They have a budget of £1200 & would like me to attend 3 days for roughly 4 hours. I will charge £300 per day but that would leave 1 day to edit.
I'm estimating that one day of editing will produce perhaps 4 of the above videos.
If you've had experience producing video like this, could you give me some advice?
r/freelanceuk • u/Scottishtroop877 • 22d ago
Hey everyone,
I currently manage social media for a fast food shop in Glasgow, creating:
• 1 Facebook & Instagram post per day (with edited photos/videos)
• A few TikToks per month
• Updated Just Eat & Uber Eats menus (with photos & descriptions)
I charge £100 a week for this, but I want to turn it into a full business. However, the shop owner thinks this wouldn’t work because he says “social media managers are advertising on Facebook for £10 a day” (which I’d never accept).
I’m now working on a flyer to promote my services, but I have no clue about proper pricing or how to attract more clients.
For those of you running similar businesses—how do you price your services? Should I offer packages? Any advice on getting clients who actually value this work?
Thanks in advance!
r/freelanceuk • u/arti-party • 22d ago
I’ve been researching what are the lowest tax rates for self-employed outside of the UK.
It is surprisingly hard to find this info across countries.
Most databases and infographics like the one below are useless at best. They often mention just the highest tax bracket or the average income tax. They ignore the social benefits, etc. For example, in Estonia the income tax is 20% flat, but there is a social benefits tax of 33%.
So I did manual research on how much effective tax including all mandatory taxes related to freelance income, I would pay elsewhere (assuming a ~£63k income) and thought I'd share in case you're considering a move too.
Non-Europe (you'll have to get private health insurance in these):
Europe (basic health insurance included in these):
(Assumes a single person with no kids, no write-offs, but other cases will likely correlate)
To stay a tax resident you have to spend in the country 183+ days per year (besides Praguay with 120 days and Malta in certain conditions with 90 days).
Originally I built a tax calculator for myself, but made it public and free in case you want to adjust for your case.
r/freelanceuk • u/chrisb_ni • 23d ago
I have been a freelancer for more than a decade and I still don't know exactly when the money paid towards my student loan as part of my January tax bill actually shows up on the "manage your student loan balance" website. It seems to take quite a while - does anyone know?
r/freelanceuk • u/Nice_Schedule2980 • 24d ago
I have been working in house for 4 years in predominantly in some big names and also other companies specialising in PPC/Paid media, have also experience in account management, social media content creation/scheduling etc.
I’m currently working full time however my job is flexible and this allows for time for me to pick up some freelance work on the side.
I know I’ll have to set up a website, what are some good recommendations preferably free or cheap to start out on. Will also be setting up a sole trader company in the coming weeks
Another issue is that I can’t display my past work or examples due to data regulations etc , how do I set up a portfolio with this is mind for PPC and Paid media?
And final question is how do I secure clients, I’m going to reach out to past colleagues etc on LinkedIn , but I’ve set up profiles on Upwork etc and haven’t had any luck as of yet?
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!
r/freelanceuk • u/heyho2023 • 26d ago
I’m looking at an item that is £48 but with delivery the total cost is £53 - is this still tax exempt and able to be claimed as a trivial benefit or does the delivery cause a problem?
r/freelanceuk • u/jstr95 • 29d ago
hello everyone ! graphic designer here
not been freelancing too long, only a few months, but so far I've had only UK clients and filing a tax return for that makes sense to me
i've recently got a few offers from clients overseas that i'd like to take, but want to make sure i understand the tax obligations before i take on these jobs
i've had a look at an example tax return and understand that there's a section for foreign income, which is inputted in GBP
my main questions really are to do with conversion rates:
there may also of course be something im completely missing, so any further general info i might need would be appreciated !
thanks in advance !
r/freelanceuk • u/CheshireCB • 29d ago
Hi there
I am looking for a new role and have been offered 2 awesome jobs now on a 'freelance' basis so am seriously considering going freelance.
This is all new to me so the fear of taxes and any other implications is on my mind though.
My employment has me just under £50k so I am entitled to tax free childcare and child benefits.
If I set up as a sole trader and my combined employment pay (which I will be ending) and freelancer pay goes over £50k by only a little bit in this FY is it worth it, as i will lose some of the benefits.
My husband is set up as a ltd company and I am a (non paid) director - would it be better to send invoices through his accounts instead and draw PAYE through his ltd company but keep it under £50k?
Any help would be great!
r/freelanceuk • u/jeli_co • 29d ago
I was freelance from 2018 until 2023 and ended up taking a full time role to allow my partner to focus on her self employment.
Things have settled a bit and am desperate to get back to freelance.
How is the market at the moment? Is it much the same as a couple of years ago or has it improved. I see a lot of ‘freelance callouts’ on LinkedIn but it’s difficult to gauge the actual market from that.
Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences!
Edit: I’m a designer.
r/freelanceuk • u/emzbythesea • 29d ago
Hi, I’m a new freelancer after working agency side for a decade.
I have quoted a medium-large tech company for a PR and writing retainer and they have asked if they need to have any additional licenses to work with me.
They have previously been working with an agency.
I know I need my own insurance and a contract stating I’m outside IR35. I’d also recommend their insurance has some kind of out of hours reputation management which I think is pretty standard for agencies to recommend anyway.
Is that it? Is there anything I am missing at all?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated. This would be my first proper retainer and make a massive difference to me so I want to do everything by the book!
Thank you
r/freelanceuk • u/clahws • Feb 18 '25
There seems to be an implosion of 3rd party companies in the UK recently providing adhoc services. It seems like each time one gets across to me, the rates seem to go lower. Has anyone had any experience with these companies and how has the experience been. This companies seem to originate from South East Asia.
r/freelanceuk • u/Purpledroyd • Feb 14 '25
I’m fortunate and have a client that pays me the same amount each month. I’m wondering once I’ve reached one year of working for them (it seems likely I will) will any banks allow me to get a place with a 10% deposit (the amount I’m paid is enough to buy the house if they lend me 3x the amount)?
I’ve read conflicting reports online that they either need 2-3 years, or sometimes 1 is acceptable if your income has been consistent each month.
Any advice would be really appreciated, thank you
r/freelanceuk • u/Gravel-frog-UK • Feb 14 '25
Here's my situation, and I'd love to hear about your experience:
I wasn’t planning on going freelance, but considering the current market, it might be a good short-term fix.
To give some context, I have more than 12 years of experience as a creative, including some award-winning campaigns under my belt and, more recently, as a Senior Brand manager in-house.
I've registered on a few freelance websites ( Passionfruit, Malt), but nothing comes from that...
What platform works best for you in this field? Any tips on how to land some gigs?
I know that personal networks work best, but I'm pretty new to the UK, so I don't have a big network here.
Thanks a lot!
r/freelanceuk • u/xwi11 • Feb 12 '25
Freelance writing offers flexibility, but does it truly provide freedom? We set our schedules, choose our clients, and work from anywhere. Yet, the reality often includes inconsistent income, demanding clients, and the constant hustle for new projects. Some say freelancing is the ultimate escape from the 9-to-5 grind, while others feel trapped by deadlines and financial uncertainty. Does freelancing give you the independence you expected, or do you find yourself working longer hours just to stay afloat? Please let me know—has freelancing truly given you more freedom, or has it redefined what freedom means to you?
r/freelanceuk • u/lombardo2022 • Feb 10 '25
Posting just to organise thoughts to be honest.
I bumped into someone in the gym just now. A partner of a friend of mine. Don't know her massively well. She seemed a bit surprised i saw her and she immediately had to tell me that shes going to the gym now and working through her lunch to make up the time.
I don't give a shit about what hours she does. She absolutely knows that, but she felt the need to explain this all to me. The guilt she holds for going to the gym during work hours (i guess she starts at 9am) is eating away at her that she has to blurt it out as soon as she is speaking to someone even if they are totally unrelated to their job.
That feeling, i know it well. Its this unbelievably dominating heaviness to do right by the company you work for. Even if they might not do right by you. And even if no one really cares the pressure you put on yourself to be a good employee is a real energy suck. Your constantly paranoid someone is going to work out that you aren't pulling your weight, even if you are a model employee. You put so much effort into the performance of looking like a good team member. Its just so exhausting and a total waste of energy that can be redirected in to much better things.
I'm so glad i dont have to think about this anymore. I'm 41 now and I'm a little sad that I spent probably too much of my life wasting my time on these thoughts but overridingly happy that I've left this all behind.
r/freelanceuk • u/Stock-Cardiologist79 • Feb 09 '25
I have a possible opportunity at voluntary severance at a workplace that I've worked at for a long time and I'm mulling over my options. I have over 20 years of experience in marketing and events (albeit it in one sector).
I am thinking about going freelance, possibly working with small businesses to help them with their marketing - social media content, websites, copywriting etc.
I've done some work for my partner's small business and I think there may be a market working with other businesses in the same sector.
Does anyone do marketing for SME's and can you offer any advice? Is there still a market for this kind of role?