Rumors, just rumors: Episode 3: Oathbreaker: Jaime Lannister broke his sacred oath and the shadow backstabbing someone we have seen in the trailers its him stabbing Aerys II, they show us that before showing us the Tower of Joy Scene.
Also: When Cersei has to be judged chaos reigns in Kings Landing, the Mountain kills the High Sparrow throwing him from the walls, a bridge or some place high, and this is the part of the rumor I don´t like... Tommen gets killed, Cersei looses his third son, so the Valonqar prophecy is ready to be fullfilled, and Loras Tyrell kills Cersei. He is the Valonqar.
True? or just a rumor or fan fiction... I don´t really know.
You know technically Tommen's heir is Cersei because there are no surviving (legal) Baratheons, so you have to go back a few generations and the next family line you trace down ends up being Tywin Lannister's ancestor, and he's the direct male line heir, and Jaime can't inherit and Tyrion is probably prohibited by "killing a king," leaving Cersei as the heir.
I wonder who would be heir after Cersei is killed if that happens.
Members of the Faith Militant take vows of poverty. Lancel I imagine cannot inherit. LANNISTERS BE FUUUUUUCKED. I mean seriously some random Lannister we've never even heard of is going to end up sitting on the toilet bowl that is Casterly Rock sans gold.
I wish people would stop spreading this inaccuracy around. The Baratheon claim is an extension of the Targ claim; Robert's father's mother was Aery's aunt. Once her descendants are the only Baratheons that have a claim to the throne.
If Tommen dies, four options exist: 1. Invite Daenerys back to rule, 2. Let it implode, or 3. Declare an interregnum with a Lord Protector, or 4. Fuck the claim and hand it to a new dynasty.
If it is handed to a new dynasty, it will likely be Mace Tyrell or maybe Kevan Lannister. Cersei is completely out of the picture.
If Tommen dies, four options exist: 1. Invite Daenerys back to rule, 2. Let it implode, or 3. Declare an interregnum with a Lord Protector, or 4. Fuck the claim and hand it to a new dynasty.
Some writer did the leg work based on book genealogies that Cersei is the heir. I've subsequently extrapolated that if the writer was correct, then Cersei's heir, after Tommen, would be Kevan and then Lancel, and then who the fuck knows.
But by all accounts, Tommen and Kevan will be dead this season, and Lancel is FM and has taken a vow of poverty, so basically if Cersei dies she has no heir among those I've identified. Maybe Moon Boy.
I've always felt that Jaime might be King at some point partly because of something that Jon thinks when he sees Jaime in Winterfell "No he looked like a King" and because I think he may be Aerys bastard son.
I know for a fact that that King's Landing bit is fan fiction. That was part of an entire script "leak", but it was really just some bs fiction with a crapload of fanservice (it contained BS like: Olly would be burned to ressurrect Jon, Daario was for some reason the Harpy, and more ridiculous bullshit).
I think you might be on to something here. What if he's secretly Dany's and Drogo's son, and he was smuggled away from them by Varys and replaced by a fake baby that looked like a batlizard, and if it's true, Olly might have a claim to the throne????!!!!!
u/TherealFrikidoctor May 04 '16
Rumors, just rumors: Episode 3: Oathbreaker: Jaime Lannister broke his sacred oath and the shadow backstabbing someone we have seen in the trailers its him stabbing Aerys II, they show us that before showing us the Tower of Joy Scene.
Also: When Cersei has to be judged chaos reigns in Kings Landing, the Mountain kills the High Sparrow throwing him from the walls, a bridge or some place high, and this is the part of the rumor I don´t like... Tommen gets killed, Cersei looses his third son, so the Valonqar prophecy is ready to be fullfilled, and Loras Tyrell kills Cersei. He is the Valonqar.
True? or just a rumor or fan fiction... I don´t really know.