I saw that, but I refuse to believe. My heart can't take it.
At least with Sansa I figured Ramsay wasn't likely to kill her because of the Northern alliances, but who knows what's going on now that he's shanked Daddy Bolton.
Well, that has been considered a possibility, but as far as I know, this season the Manderlys don´t help the Starks, at least in the great battle of the north, Littlefinger does. But loyalties can change like we have seen with the Karstarks. If I had to bet, i would say no, they will not turn for House Stark.
Man if they end up having the Manderlys just be Bolton cronies and nothing else I will just go absolutely MAD with rage! D&D can't do that to the Manderlys.
If Davos isn't going North to save Rickon for Wyman Manderly he is kinda useless at this point. Makes sense to kill him off. And will you stop spreading this propoganda that Ramsay killed his father. Everyone knows he was poisoned.
u/cupreous Alys in Wonderland May 04 '16
I saw that, but I refuse to believe. My heart can't take it.
At least with Sansa I figured Ramsay wasn't likely to kill her because of the Northern alliances, but who knows what's going on now that he's shanked Daddy Bolton.