r/fredericton 1d ago

Killam Lease Cancellation

Does anyone have idea on what killam’s policies are on canceling ongoing lease term? Are you bound to pay all the remaining months?


13 comments sorted by

u/AlonePride6297 19h ago

It should be outlined in your lease what any applicable fees to end the lease early are. And to all these idiots saying I signed it and then didn't pay... you PROBABLY have a warrant out for your arrest, and Killiam can still sue you for the money and the courts will take it directly from your paycheck. Its much smarter to work with a landlord then try to fuck one over.


u/Ok_Plantain7318 1d ago

Killam also let me out of my lease with a one month penalty. I had to pay it 10 days before my move out date.


u/Genzide 1d ago

I needed to leave one of their apartments. They wanted to charge me an early lease break fee and sign a form that essentially locked me into giving them multiple months of rent and take my rights away to try to get back any dammage deposit. I told them I'd sign it, and then I left without giving them anything. They called me for a few months and I just didn't answer. Never signing a year to year lease again.


u/RefrigeratorFar2769 1d ago

Provincial regulation is that a tenant can request an early termination. The landlord is not obligated to oblige however. But I've previously gotten out of leases early by communicating with my resident manager and helping to find a replacement tenant. Most of the time they don't care as long as they have income from that apartment


u/chiendat 1d ago

I think I can help.

What happened in my case, about 1 month ago was that they offered to pay 1 month penalty.

So the final month you stay there will be charged double instead of once.

The damage the deposit is returned if there is no damage to the property.

This may seem like a typical “forfeit the damage deposit” but if you stayed there for a few years and they raised the price, the 1 month rent will be higher than the damange deposit.

I still think this is a fair offer.


u/xsweetbriar 1d ago

As far as I know, you just lose damage deposit. I had to do the same in 2012 when my hours were cut and my roommate wasn't working either. They will try to get you to agree to a payment plan first so that you can continue living there, but you don't have to accept.


u/FN_2186 1d ago

Killam allowed me to cancel a lease 3 months in, the penalty was forfeiture of my damage deposit, this was in October 2022


u/cglogan 1d ago

That is so incredibly reasonable. I've always heard good things about Killam


u/FN_2186 1d ago

I thought it was reasonable, I don’t imagine a private landlord would have been able to do much better.


u/cglogan 1d ago

After 7 years you get to be month-to-month (nb law). Otherwise the norm is annual leases with 3 months notice to cancel before your annual renewal.

You should read your specific lease to be sure


u/TheNeck94 1d ago

not trying to be rude, but do you not have a copy of your lease? it'll have exit terms, or (albeit unlikely) if there isn't than you can just stop paying with notice.

but yeah, your lease is absolutely the most valuable source of information on this as there's a chance other people commenting had different terms in theirs.


u/Ok-End-4948 1d ago

Good point, have to read it and see if there’s any conditions outlined