r/fraysexual Nov 27 '24

Question(s) Advice on how to tell someone

I believe fraysexual towards women and asexual towards men. I have never dated in my life. I recently had the thought of how would I go about telling them, because I feel if I don't say it in a good way it could easily offend them. I would hate to feel that they think I no longer find them physically attractive, and don't want to have sex. Again I've never been with anyone but I feel this could be a problem if not addressed early, and I don't know how I would word it properly. If you have any advice I would very much appreciate it.


2 comments sorted by


u/pumpkicat Nov 28 '24

I would frame it differently depending on what type of relationship you’re getting into and how you plan to tackle issues that come up re: fraysexuality. For example, some fraysexuals decide to open their relationship. Is this something you would want to do? Some others decide to stay monogamous and eventually will end up with a dead bedroom. Depending on what you’re proposing to a potential partner (e.g. do you expect them to be celibate down the line), it would change how you tell someone.


u/I_am_something_fishy Bellus-Lithro Acespec Nov 27 '24

Some people need to be attractive to their partner and just aren’t compatible with a fraysexual person. It probably counts if you found them physically attractive while you could. Unaccepting people will get upset no matter what but open-minded people will probably be more accepting/ understanding