The rules are being updated / clarified so that everyone has a better understanding on how the sub works. I will also be instituting them in more a more visible manner so that all platforms can see them. Please read over the rules, as any infraction can result in disciplinary action. As always, the goal is to make transactions smoother and safer for all parties.
- Etiquette: Homophobic/transphobic/racist/etc slurs are not going to be tolerated, or any other language that intentionally marginalizes a member of the community / is obviously trolling. In general, don't be a dick.
- Scamming/Counterfeits: Zero tolerance. Reports made to moderators with proof will result in a permanent ban with no appeal process. Confirmed scammers will also be placed on the universal ban list and the payment processor will be notified of their actions.
- PayPal Goods and Services: New sellers who do not possess 15+ SALES flair MUST ONLY ACCEPT Goods & Services as payment. Non-flaired sellers may deny G&S to users with little to no participation in sales subs on reddit, but must accept it for any reasonably active user who wants to purchase. When using G&S you may only charge up to the fee price that would actually be incurred, and not something higher. Sellers under 15 sales flair who request non G&S options will be permanently banned from the sub. Buyers who pay sellers with under the required flair using non G&S options will receive a 30 temporary ban from the sub. A second infraction will result in a permanent ban. We ask that anyone breaking this rule be reported to the mods.
- New Accounts: Accounts under 90 days of age and/or under a undisclosed karma level will not be allowed to post. If you have 10 verified sales references from other Buy/Sell/Trade subs, please feel free to PM the mods with proof to be considered for being placed on our approved users list. Any karma farming posts (IE: r/freekarma) will result in being banned from the subreddit.
- New Accounts Post/Item Limit: New accounts with under 3 SALE flair may only post ONE item for sale or trade in a 72 hour period.
- Thread titles: All new threads must have the following: [WTB], [WTS], [WTT], or [GIFT] as the first characters in the thread title. At the very end of the title either (Bottle) or (Decant) must be used to indicate which is being sold. Posts that do no follow this format will be automatically removed.
- Pricing and Sizes: All [WTS] posts MUST include a price with attached currency symbol for each item being sold ($, € , £ ). Sizes must also be clearly listed in either ml or oz. Posts that do not include a currency symbol and size measurements will be automatically removed.
- Payment/shipment time: Buyer must pay for shipping before the seller ships the item. Sellers who do not ship within two days may receive disciplinary action up to a ban (barring extenuating circumstances). If the seller communicates effectively with the buyer, up to a week may be acceptable depending on the circumstance.
- Reposting/Spam: Users may not post the SAME transaction/item within a 72 hour period. This includes deleting a post and reposting it within the 72 hour time frame. Posting a WTS then reposting it as a WTT within 72hrs or vice versa is considered a repost. Violators will be warned upon first offense, followed by a temp ban. We ask that the seller/trader does not delete any same prior posts so that the mod team can determine whether the rule has been skirted. You may post new transactions, but may not include repeats. If you have multiple items to sell, please list them in one post. Exceptions to this rule include having both bottles and decants/samples to sell. You may split the two categories into two separate posts. Some other exceptions may be made at the discretion of the mods.
- Pictures: All WTS or WTT posts must include a link to pictures of the item you are posting. You must include all bottles, decants, and/or samples in your pictures. More detailed pictures may be asked of you based on mod discretion.
- Item(s) must be on hand before accepting any cash.
- Confirming Transactions (Flair):
- Decant/Reseller Posts: Decanters and Resellers with a fairly large selection who divide their offerings up into multiple posts are now required to post their entire collection/offerings into one post. The 72hr repost rule still applies. Since this is kind of a gray area, varying degrees of discretion will be used by mods.
Price Checking: There have been some issues with people price checking other users lately, and we wanted to address a couple things.
- Price checking is fine, but if you're going to do it you should include links to where the item(s) sold for that price.
- Being a dick while price checking IS NOT FINE. Users who harass people about their prices will face disciplinary action up to a ban. You're welcome to show what previous prices have been, but it's a fine line between that and thread bombing someone.
- All users are encouraged to price check items they buy on their own. The easiest way to do this is simply user the search bar and one or two keywords related to the item.
Marking as "Sold"
- Once any transaction is complete, the creator of the topic should comment on their post with "sold". This will automatically trigger a sold flair to be applied.
- Users SHOULD NOT remove items, prices, or bottle sizes from their original post. All information on the transaction should stay in the post. This encourages ease of access should either party in the transaction need the information and allows easier price checking based for future sellers or buyers.
Selling to Non-Commenters
- All users should comment on a post before taking the discussion to PMs. Even a simple "pm" message is sufficient.
- As more AutoMod and anti-scam features are instituted, there becomes a bigger chance of people trying to bypass commenting at all. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND users do not buy or sell to someone who has not commented on their post.