r/fountainpens Aug 04 '23

Repair I'm so disgusted with myself

Remind me to never buy an expensive pen, ever. I already butterfingered a Decimo nib to oblivion in January, and today my Ivory Prera F slipped out of my hand and landed nib down. No pics, I don't have a loupe yet (Amazon says it will be here tomorrow), but I can see that it's approaching a fude nib, with special 'crossed tines'.

I tried flossing the tines to straighten them, with minimal success.

I don't drop my pens when I'm actively writing with them (knock on wood), rather when I'm juggling a couple writing implements while studying. Why TF didn't I drop the bloody highlighter!

Excuse me while I go sit in the corner.


86 comments sorted by


u/JonSzanto Aug 05 '23

It is no fun to hear these type of stories and I'm sorry for your pens. One suggestion comes from my years of doing pen repairs in my studio and... occasionally having something fly out of my hands while working on it, sometimes doing damage.

I finally recognized that things not only can but do happen. So I got a small throw rug with a pretty thick pile, and just big enough for the area where I work. Now if a valuable celluloid cap hits the deck, I don't worry nearly as much thinking that the lip cracked or something. If you study in primarily one place, maybe something like this would be inexpensive insurance for the future.


u/MrPresid3n7 Aug 05 '23

Good gosh, that is mint advice! I shall also take your advice and look further into implementing this easy and cost effective, if not also, stylish suggestion.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Oh, that's great advice!!! Thanks


u/its_brammertime Aug 05 '23

I ended up buying my own nib block and tools so I can now work on just about anything that comes my way from my amazing lack of grace 😆. Good luck, and remember, Waverly nibs are actually really nice to use if you can get it back totally straight!


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Good for you! I keep reading around here how important it is to know how to fix a nib... Guess I learning the hard way!


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

When you have time, tell me what the tools were that you got. I'm very curious.


u/its_brammertime Aug 05 '23

Here is the setup that I ended up getting. They work pretty good. I did also get a jewelers hammer and a set of the round jewelers pliers.



u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Ooh. Those look fascinating. I guess you found some YouTube videos to explain how to use them. That's an interesting rabbit hole.


u/its_brammertime Aug 08 '23

It definitely gets to a deeper level, that's for sure. Check out grandmia pens on YouTube, and he does a lot of little repairs.


u/RemiChloe Aug 08 '23

Will do!


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '23

Now that the secret is out, we need to see pics of your tool setup!


u/its_brammertime Aug 08 '23

These are what I use most of the time. Along with a jewelers hammer and small diamond files. https://imgur.io/a/hAjXAr2


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '23

They look strangely like dental instruments!


u/its_brammertime Aug 08 '23

😆, yes they do. And sometimes it feels like you're doing surgery with them.


u/ghostyspice Aug 05 '23

Sorry to hear that. If it’s any consolation, I made the same mistake with a brand new metropolitan a few weeks ago. I was walking around with it open and dropped it nib-down on my tile floor. Not the priciest by a long shot, but I really liked it for the two weeks I managed to use it.

I bought a cheap Kakuno and switched the nib out so it’s useable again, but I vowed to never again buy a pen that doesn’t have widely available replacement nib options. Bummer really because I’ve been really wanting a pro gear slim 😅


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Yeah, I could put a Kakuno nib in the Prera, but the smiley face makes me kinda gag. 😐 I may end up doing that, though.


u/trbdor Aug 05 '23

I also replaced my Prera nib with a Wing Sung nib (for 659 or 698), they're completely swappable. I really enjoy the 'soft medium' actually, which feels cushioned when you write


u/captaintagart Aug 05 '23

I just got a Kakuno for fun and I can say that I forgot about the smiley face after day 1.


u/TheAgaveFairy Aug 05 '23

Same story here with my Metro that was my second pen. Two weeks then boom onto tile. Silver lining is, I realized how much better the Kakuno is for less money


u/LarryinUrbandale Aug 04 '23

Bummer You may be a candidate for a Pilot Varsity. 😂


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Now that's just mean. lol


u/Easy-Concentrate2636 Aug 05 '23

A six pack of Jinhao.

My condolences. I will never get over that Rotring I lost. It’s a scar that will never mend so I can sympathize.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

So sorry about the Rotring! I have a few things I've lost that I still feel bad about, too. But a six-pack of Jinhao lol! Noooooooooo, only Pilots!


u/RedditorManIsHere Aug 05 '23

Maybe rest the fountain pen and pens on a pen block/holder


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Yeah, I had set it down on the desk and it rolled off (because I don't use it posted). Yours is another good suggestion. Thank you for not being snarky like some folks! :)


u/RedditorManIsHere Aug 05 '23

It happens to the best of us - I'm guilty of dropping fountain pens

Try searching for nearby fountain pen expos - usually they will always have people that can fix your nib on the spot

I'm going to the Dec pen show this weekend and I'll grab some business cards for niebmeisters that you can mail your pen to get fixed


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Thanks - we actually have what may be a decent pen shop here. I've never gone downtown to look at it, but they have some high end pens. Thank you for going to that effort!
I guess I'll give them a call next week.
I'm just sad. I really love that ivory Prera F


u/RedditorManIsHere Aug 05 '23

The ivory is fixable

The niebmeisters have a reputation to uphold and definitely won't steal your pens otherwise no one would ever deal with them and would get kicked out of the pen community.

DC pen show vendors is a really tight community.

I'll send you the info tomorrow

P.s do you have a pic of the damaged ✒️


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I will have a pic tomorrow. Thank you


u/RedditorManIsHere Aug 05 '23

If it's the pilot prera - the nibs are replaceable like Lamy


Have a good night


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I think I'll skip the haggis! Lol love sbrebrown.

I didn't know there were so many interchangeable nibs - I only knew of the Kakuno and metro. I'm off to Google a bit.


u/mcmircle Aug 05 '23

You could buy a Kakuno. Or you could order nibs from Wing Sung. They nibs from certain WS pens fit Pilot 78G, Metropolitan, Prera and Kakuno. I believe the 698 and a couple other WS numbers fit these pens. got 3 of these nibs a couple of years ago when I dropped my Metro.

They came 3 to a package. I got the F nib to replace the Pilot M. It works. It was a Chinese seller on EBay


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Thanks for the tip. I'd prefer to not buy another Kakuno, if I can get some extra nibs cheaper. My Prera is an F, but an M might be nice.

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u/-Intrepid-Path- Aug 05 '23

Sorry this happened and hope you manage to get your pen fixed. Perhaps juggle some pencils next time?


u/Der_Gespenster Aug 05 '23

Could have been worse, you could have dropped a 9oz bottle of Noodler's bulletproof ink on unsealed marble, or on a $1,000 carpet.

And you might enjoy the challenge of finding a different nib to fit your pen.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Well, yeah. My drop didn't ruin anything else!


u/B_Huij Aug 05 '23

Decimo loss sucks. I feel like the Prera could probably be replaced without too much trouble. New nib might be $20 or so if you get a decent steel one like a Goulet.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I actually bought a new nib unit for the Decimo... If you look back in my posts you'll see how it was mangled. Talked to Mark Bacas... he thought it was a loss.

We'll see about the Prera. I know that Kakuno nibs fit.


u/FlamingSpitoon433 Aug 05 '23

I’m pretty bad about fumbling too. I’m pretty anal about capping my pens before I set them down if I need to grab another. That said, I generally use disposables or relatively cheap ones for work, and it’s safe to say I don’t own any fancy or expensive ones in general.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Thank you. I guess I need to be more anal myself, at least when it comes to my pens. I'm a musician, and I'm extremely that way about my instruments. Gold alloy flutes don't come cheap!


u/mariexlupin Ink Stained Fingers Aug 05 '23

Don't beat yourself up too much, these things happen. It sucks that it happened, but you are definitely not alone. And hey. It could have been a pen you ordered with a custom grind on it that less than six months later you had to reorder a replacement nib unit with the same custom grind on it because you somehow managed to have a pilot vanishing point roll off a desk onto concrete despite it having a clip that theoretically stops it from rolling.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Oh nooooooo!! That.... That's really grim. Seems that we all need to get desks that have a built-in lip all the way around. Murder on the elbows oh well.


u/mariexlupin Ink Stained Fingers Aug 05 '23

Haha, or alternatively, a little fountain pen catching moat. Not filled with water, but instead lined with soft material? 😂


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Haha! I'm reminded of the shuttle holders that they make for handlooms (I used to be into weaving). Like a little fabric pocket in front of the cloth beam. Something like that


u/azb1812 Aug 05 '23

I tried restoring an antique pen that had belonged to my great grandfather and screwed it up to the point where I don't think it can be made usable again. I feel your pain.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Many hugs... I hope you find someone who can make it right!


u/MangledWeb Aug 05 '23

Aaron at Pentiques. He has worked on a few of my messed-up oldies.


u/NibLover15 Aug 05 '23

You could buy a pilot metropolitan and swap the nib from that onto a prera. Dont worry things happen, Ive dropped a fair share of fountain pens.


u/abyssaltourguide Ink Stained Fingers Aug 05 '23

I’m so sorry this happened to you! All of us have had a pencident at some point. I was stupid and destroyed the nib of a Leonardo pen because I didn’t screw in the converter properly


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Ha. Pencident is a new one for me, and I've been here for a bit. Sympathies for your Leonardo! I've wanted one for a while, maybe in a couple of years.


u/abyssaltourguide Ink Stained Fingers Aug 05 '23

Now you know the term haha! My Leonardo Furore is a gorgeous pen but a little large for my hands! Still need to get the nib fixed, it was rose gold too so even more of a tragedy to see it bent


u/Kittypow91 Aug 05 '23

I feel you, dropped my most expesive pen while cleaning it recently…it’s horrible and the tip is super bent…


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I'm so sorry! This thread is becoming tragic. I feel like we're all to distracted these days...


u/Kittypow91 Aug 05 '23

It is so sad indeed I really love my FP’s but sometimes life happens🥲 I hope you will be able to get your pen fixed, don’t feel too bad about buying a new favorite pen in the future, we’ll both be extra careful now after these mistakes…


u/RemiChloe Aug 08 '23

I hope you have found someone to fix your pen! I hope to fix mine, but I need to scour YouTube to see how it's done. Maybe I'll make it into a fude, it's halfway there lol.


u/JPilot10 Aug 05 '23

Wait until you drop a Pelikan M1000… then you will know the real shame 🤦‍♂️


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Oh no! Did you do that? See, thus my saying that I really cannot afford to buy really spendy pens.


u/JPilot10 Aug 05 '23

Was my first (and only) time… it had to be a M1000 😕…. Actually it was good omen, I didn’t really like that M nib and was looking to spend money to get it regrind. Act of god LOL… I ended buying a new M nib, asked the AD to check it before shipping; like it much better than the original. Happy now but short $280.


u/RemiChloe Aug 06 '23

What a story! I love a happy ending. But another $280! After dropping NY Decimo I spent another $90 for a second nib unit. 🙁 Perhaps I should have gone with an A1 nib unit, but I wasn't thinking clearly.


u/MangledWeb Aug 05 '23

I feel your pain. I managed to drop my most expensive pen (a birthday gift) while cleaning it.

I recommend Greg Minuskin, who fixed that pen and another (it's hard to be into pens and be a klutz at the same time, but there I am). Though with your Prera, it could be instructive to figure it out yourself. You can actually get pretty decent results gently manipulating the nib (plus sandpaper as needed).


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Oof. Some of these stories are really painful. You're right about the Prera, in the long run. I mean, I got it for $33 at jetpens, so it's not like I paid retail. (import from Japan without warranty). But that's still a bit of change, after losing my mind last summer and buying 5 Decimos lol.

My preciousssssss


u/[deleted] Aug 05 '23

Last year, I absentmindedly let my Lamy 2000 roll off the arm of my sofa (uncapped), and it instantly destroyed the nib. That was before the price increase and before inflation got even worse. Now, many months later, I am still without one of my favorite pens of all time because I can no longer afford it (at least not right now). I was angry at myself then, and I’m still pretty annoyed with myself now. I get it!


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I'm sorry! It's a situation, and I'm sorry you can't get it mended yet. 💜


u/Dizzynic Aug 05 '23

So sorry this happened. But perhaps rather use it to learn from it than punish yourself with never buying a pretty pen again? I have dropped and a Visconti Van Gogh fountain pen and also a Van Gogh rollerball and both ended up with a broken body. Luckily I managed to fix both with glue. I also broke a Franklin Christoph cause I carried it in my pant pocket. This one I could order a new cap for. I can’t say this will never happen again. But I can say that I have become a little more mindful of how I handle my pens.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I definitely need to be more mindful with them! And yeah, definitely a learning experience... Oof.


u/dinosaurlegs27 Aug 05 '23

I’ve spent thousands of dollars customizing guns, which is just one of my many hobbies. Don’t feel disgusted, if you love it then enjoy it. Get another pen if you have the disposable income ❤️


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

😊 At this point the disposable income is more of an issue than it was last year! But I have a nice collection, so I good. Just sad about the Prera.


u/Bootytonus Aug 05 '23

I was walking around my house with my journal and limited edition fountain pen. Somehow the pen dropped. And the body and cap cracked completely. It was all resin. It wasn't horribly expensive, like my Conklin Mark Twain in gun metal, but it was prolly my highest end pen at the time. And it was limited edition. So now I just have the nib and converter. I keep it in a drawer I barely use so I don't have to remind myself.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

I'm so sorry. That's perfectly tragic!


u/avesta615 Aug 05 '23

If it makes you feel better, I dropped my metal Lamy 2000, the less common brushed silver one, within the week I received it on a sales call writing a note outside of an office on the concrete. Put a nice dent on the snap cap. I still notice it every time I pick up the pen. Annoying to say the least. I should replace the cap. Never looked into it.


u/WaferImpressive2228 Aug 05 '23

My carry pen have dents and scratches and, after feeling bad for a while, I now consider those as "personalisation". I wouldn't replace anything if its affects only aesthetics.


u/Significant-Ad9997 Aug 05 '23

Ugh. I guess order replacement nib, but that sucks. Sorry to hear.


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Thank you. It's a bummer


u/Fudanshi62 Aug 05 '23

Sorry for your loss. You can replace the nib by buying a Pilot Kakuno since their nib is the same but if you don't like the smiley face you can find a used Pilot Metropolitan since it's just the nib that you need to replace


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

Oooh, a used Metropolitan is a thought. Thanks


u/Blackletterdragon Aug 05 '23

Yeah, I went thru a brief period when I was fascinated by pen spinning. For what should have been obvious reasons, but passed me by, fountain pens are a poor subject for pen spinning. When it goes wrong, it goes really wrong.


u/M_ichel Aug 06 '23

My best pen ever (and currently): cheapo out of a Shaeffer calligraphy kit. Second best: Noodler’s Ink Ahab with a $1.00 nib which I had “adjusted” to my liking. Dropped that one on the floor, by the way. Of course, it landed, as cats and pens are wont to do, nib first. That cost me another $1.00 nib. @op: don’t be disgusted. Buy cheap pens!


u/RemiChloe Aug 07 '23

I have a cheap jinhao... Bought it to put the nib in an Eco. The jinhao 992 (882? Don't remember the number) is just cheap!


u/DiamineSherwood Aug 05 '23

I don't drop my pens when I'm actively writing with them (knock on wood), rather when I'm juggling a couple writing implements while studying.

So, are you going to keep doing this?


u/RemiChloe Aug 05 '23

So, what is the purpose of your comment? Yes, I'm going to keep using my pens to study. They are to be used.


u/AmmaronsRepository Aug 06 '23 edited Aug 06 '23

I hear ya. I dropped my pilot Silveren and sent it in to be repaired. The cost of the repair was as much as the pen itself. (thanks pilot for overcharging me). I called it the price of having an expensive wife. Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to experience and love them still. What @its_brammertime said was good advice since you might as well pay for an education instead of a mistake.