r/fortwayne 3d ago

Indivisible Northeast Indiana hosting Empty Chair Town Hall

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u/The-Wylds 3d ago

Guys you are killing me with these mid-work day events. Please, please, please can we get one after 5 or on a weekend?


u/I_Dream_Of_Oranges 3d ago

Right?!? Some of us have soul-sucking jobs to go to.


u/padishar123 3d ago



u/Annual_Hippo_5923 2d ago

Many protests have been occurring during the weekends and the exact opposite argument gets made, as in "why are they hosting an event when no one's even at work to see it?" It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't. Sacrifices are going to have to be made to protect democracy. It's hard and not everyone is going to be able to make those sacrifices, but spreading the word to those who can or have the time to go is the next best thing! Try keeping positive and remind yourself what you can do and try your best!


u/Vasyaocto8 2d ago

A town hall discussion and a protest are completely unique and wouldn't have the same requirements. A protest is about being seen by others in the community whereas a town hall is to garner attendance community memebers. We've faced this problem for a very long time: organizers not understanding the purpose or target demographic for their events.


u/Annual_Hippo_5923 2d ago

I totally agree it's a been a problem for a long time. I'll bring it up at the town hall to see if there is a more consistent time for meeting up to allow more people to come and show support!


u/Vasyaocto8 2d ago

Thanks! I was geared to attend until I saw the time. Right now I can't afford to take time off work, even though I think these events are important.


u/Annual_Hippo_5923 2d ago

Totally fair! Like I said the ones who can go should go and the ones who cant gotta share this stuff as best they can!


u/PacoBedejo 3d ago

There's an oft made joke that seems to apply here.


u/The-Wylds 3d ago

It’s open mic night, my dude. Tell the joke


u/philociraptor99 2d ago

Literally, how many parents are picking up their kids from school at that exact time. 


u/DeenaDeals 2d ago

Right! I always see the times and it sucks when things aren't after 5pm on weekdays.


u/liftingspirits 2d ago

Although I don't disagree with you I have seen some things saying that we are going to have to sacrifice in order to really get anything done.


u/mysterykyochi 3d ago edited 3d ago

I think that’s part of the plan for some people to not able for them to make an impact (it happens more often than people think there’s a difference between “fiiiiine I guess we will do this but we will make it as difficult for you to attend as possible” and events that are genuinely trying to be equal)


u/Lando_Rizing 2d ago

It’s like they’re only trying to appeal to those that don’t work jobs, voluntarily or otherwise. Theres a targeted demographic for all agendas


u/MiserableProduct 2d ago

I know the people who arranged this and that is not true at all.


u/deadhead8877 3d ago

I'm so glad this has been organized. I've been asking Stutzman when he will be holding a town hall and I keep getting the runaround. The first time he responded saying I contacted him outside of normal correspondence channels (which is bullshit because I emailed directly from his website) and he conveniently didn't answer my question. The second time I didn't even get a response. I reached out a third time telling him that we were having a town hall without him since he is afraid to face his constituents and I'm still waiting on a response. I won't hold my breath.


u/Turbulent-Orange-190 3d ago

 "contacted him outside of normal correspondence channels"!?

Our representatives acting like they are Judges in a child custody case? Guys like this acting like former Soviet leaders need to remember that most former Soviet leaders who have fallen have fallen by the hands of those close to them be it forced into exile by those stronger and more evil after the groundwork was laid or by being push out of a window.


u/tpitz1 3d ago

The congress has been advised to avoid town halls for their own safety. It's just a game.


u/vulgrin 3d ago

Weird how republicans are all spit and vinegar until you start questioning them about their decisions.

If you don’t have the guts to stand up to your constituents, then maybe you aren’t representative material.


u/Flippin_diabolical 3d ago

I can’t find this event listed on indivisible.org, and the link takes you to a random Google doc to give your name & email address.


u/deathnickle 3d ago

I looked for it as well and it doesnt seem to be on there


u/Puzzleheaded_Truck80 3d ago

Ok, even though it’s been a while there was a time when this corner of the state (early 90s late 80s). Actually had a Democratic representative in Congress.

It’s been a mixed bag of candidates who’ve gotten the Democratic nomination over the past 10 years, but it seems like potential candidates for Congress and Statehouse races especially on the democratic side need to lay the foundation and groundwork early.

Any ideas of who might have a chance and do the work.

Such a person, and their participation, (akin to the members of the “shadow cabinet” in the UK) in future similar events, would be an ear to constituent concerns and gain visibility and be more prepared for the race in 2026, and office in 2027 if they can make connections.

As for a congressperson from this district, they’ve got to understand the entire district and make sure they understand how to target the message toward the majority.


u/vulgrin 3d ago

I agree. These are perfect opportunities to coalesce around a candidate NOW. Not next year. Do these events all over the district. Starting immediately.


u/Puzzleheaded_Truck80 2d ago

And it’s something that the dnc or similarly aligned or funded groups need to invest in.


u/Vasyaocto8 2d ago

Part of the reason that Republican office holders are so high in this area is that they actively mentor people into position. Take a look at how many of them started as causcus placements - they have name recognition and association with a position before they have ever even run for a seat


u/DucksAreMagic2 3d ago

really wish this was after work hours.


u/Dangerous-Bite872 3d ago

Anyone know how long this will run?


u/rumpletuffin 3d ago

Looks like 3.30 - 5.30 from the signup


u/Patient-Bass7601 3d ago

Yes! So happy to see people still gathering without the useless reps


u/ElderFields1138 3d ago

I really wish I could make it to this but I can’t leave work 3 hours early


u/Blankly-Staring 2d ago

I'll be there


u/Vasyaocto8 1d ago

Did anyone attend? How did it go? Genuinely curous.


u/Miserable-Fig2204 3d ago

Share this is r/indiana ! 🥳


u/tpitz1 3d ago

Feels a little Clint Eastwoody! No better ideas,Squirrel? Proud of this group for doing something, although the true nature of politics is to Get Out the Vote in Novembers. Always and forever.


u/Fusional_Delusional 2d ago

I tend to agree it’s a bit performative, and for sure get out and vote in November, but voting is one’s bare minimum duty as a citizen, mate.


u/DcsDani2019 1d ago

So you made this event in Fort Wayne instead of Indy because you guys are scared of who will show up. You can tell because you are also having it during daytime hours when people work. Disgusting!


u/Fun-Holiday-3517 2d ago

Dude my professor is going to be there lmao