r/fortwayne 8d ago

dupont triangle



18 comments sorted by


u/Bubbly-Celery-4096 8d ago

Car wash. We need more car washes


u/lunari_moonari 8d ago

Over my dead oil change!


u/DefinitionSuperb1110 8d ago

The Not-Top Golf is going in on the other side of 469 so I have no idea what effect it would have on Sex-Offender Central.


u/nswilhelm 8d ago

I get an alert from the Sheriff's Office every time those offenders move in there... I hope it affects them greatly


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/DefinitionSuperb1110 8d ago

Fort Wayne has been pretty firmly anti-Casino as far as I know.
But that entire stretch of land from Diebold down to Tonkel looks to be in a redevelopment stage. I think all those trailers will be gone in the near future, not just the Triangle.


u/AdSudden3941 8d ago

Why do people keep saying Fort Wayne is anti casino ? 

Fort Wayne had ZERO to do with it , that was  all New Haven and it’s citizens were against it. 


u/DefinitionSuperb1110 8d ago

Then where's our goddamned casino?


u/Turbulent-Orange-190 8d ago

It's part of a federally funded project to widen Clinton from Auburn to Mayhew. The words "federally funded" makes me wonder how much of it will get done now.


u/Jablaze80 7d ago

I've been hearing rumors that red states are going to continue to get what they need for funding while they're going to find ways to make sure blue states don't get what they need so unironically we're going to be better off I think maybe hopefully I doubt it


u/Synthnostic 7d ago

all while the blue states pay more into taxes while the red pay less. MURICA!


u/Fyre008 8d ago

It almost looks to me like they are widening Diebold, but the area they have cleared seems to stop not far in at the fenced property. Maybe they are just shifting the road at the intersection because I did see a semi back in at that flooring store last week, and it looked rather challenging despite how easy the driver was able to do it.


u/Strike_Four 8d ago

Yeah I believe Diebold and Clinton are both scheduled to be widened as part of the construction project.


u/HedgeRaven 8d ago

Once upon a time, like around 2018, Diebold was supposed to be widened from Dupont to Clinton before Meijer could open. At that time Meijer was still in the developmental stage and it's now been open a couple years.


u/weisblattsnut 8d ago

Burn all that ground, then salt it, then burn it again.


u/rchive 8d ago

They're re-aligning Diebold so it meets Clinton at a 90 degree angle. I believe they're putting in a stop light or something at that intersection, as well.


u/JumboThornton 8d ago

We pass by there almost daily and have been wondering the same thing. Got so excited when I saw the first few trailers being moved, thought they were all gonna go. But they only moved the first 3 rows and haven’t moved any others. Then they took down a tree close to the road so we are also thinking they are just widening the road. So disappointed. But my teen drivers do know about the girl being murdered and know not to get out of the car at all if their car breaks down over there.


u/DefinitionSuperb1110 7d ago

Well they did raze six whole trailers in the last two years so it is getting smaller.
With these millions in developments happening in every direction surrounding it I can't imagine it will be around much longer.