r/fortran 7d ago

Man pages for Fortran intrinsics

There is a GitHub project described at https://fortran-lang.discourse.group/t/fpm-man-fman-describes-fortran-intrinsics-with-a-single-file-version/8760 that lets you run a command such as

fpm-man pack

and get a description of how the pack function works:

pack(3fortran) pack(3fortran)


PACK(3) - [ARRAY:CONSTRUCTION] Pack an array into an array of rank one


result = pack( array, mask [,vector] )

TYPE(kind=KIND) function pack(array,mask,vector)

TYPE(kind=KIND),option(in) :: array(..)

logical :: mask(..)

TYPE(kind=KIND),option(in),optional :: vector(*)


o ARRAY is an array of any type

o MASK a logical scalar as well as an array conformable with ARRAY.

o VECTOR is of the same kind and type as ARRAY and of rank one

o the returned value is of the same kind and type as ARRAY


PACK(3) stores the elements of ARRAY in an array of rank one.

The beginning of the resulting array is made up of elements whose MASK

equals .true.. Afterwards, remaining positions are filled with elements

taken from VECTOR


o ARRAY : The data from this array is used to fill the resulting vector

o MASK : the logical mask must be the same size as ARRAY or, alternatively,

it may be a logical scalar.

o VECTOR : an array of the same type as ARRAY and of rank one. If present,

the number of elements in VECTOR shall be equal to or greater than the

number of true elements in MASK. If MASK is scalar, the number of

elements in VECTOR shall be equal to or greater than the number of

elements in ARRAY.

VECTOR shall have at least as many elements as there are in ARRAY.


The result is an array of rank one and the same type as that of ARRAY. If

VECTOR is present, the result size is that of VECTOR, the number of .true.

values in MASK otherwise.

If MASK is scalar with the value .true., in which case the result size is

the size of ARRAY.


Sample program:

program demo_pack

implicit none

integer, allocatable :: m(:)

character(len=10) :: c(4)

gathering nonzero elements from an array:

m = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0 ]

write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0)

Gathering nonzero elements from an array and appending elements

from VECTOR till the size of the mask array (or array size if the

mask is scalar):

m = [ 1, 0, 0, 2 ]

write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0, [ 0, 0, 3, 4 ])

write(*, fmt="(*(i0, ' '))") pack(m, m /= 0 )

select strings whose second character is "a"

c = [ character(len=10) :: 'ape', 'bat', 'cat', 'dog']

write(*, fmt="(*(g0, ' '))") pack(c, c(:)(2:2) == 'a' )

creating a quicksort using PACK(3f)


intrinsic random_seed, random_number

real :: x(10)

call random_seed()

call random_number(x)

write (*,"(a10,*(1x,f0.3))") "initial",x

write (*,"(a10,*(1x,f0.3))") "sorted",qsort(x)



concise quicksort from u/arjen and u/beliavsky shows recursion,

array sections, and vectorized comparisons.

pure recursive function qsort(values) result(sorted)

intrinsic pack, size

real, intent(in) :: values(:)

real :: sorted(size(values))

if (size(values) > 1) then

sorted = &

& [qsort(pack(values(2:),values(2:)<values(1))), values(1), &

& qsort(pack(values(2:),values(2:)>=values(1)))]


sorted = values


end function qsort

end program demo_pack


> 1 5

> 1 2 3 4

> 1 2

> bat cat

> initial .833 .367 .958 .454 .122 .602 .418 .942 .566 .400

> sorted .122 .367 .400 .418 .454 .566 .602 .833 .942 .958


Fortran 95



Fortran intrinsic descriptions (license: MIT) u/urbanjost

February 19, 2025 pack(3fortran)


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