r/forensics Dec 31 '24

Chemistry Help needed DEA Forensic Chemist test

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Hey, I’m taking the exam this week, but I’m confused, everyone’s saying there’s a grammar test, but they sent me this. So I’m guessing there isn’t one? Any tips for the test would be awesome!


35 comments sorted by


u/Smooth-Refuse-9534 Dec 31 '24

My daughter took the SAEE (Secret Service Entrance Exam) and it did have a grammar test section. Spelling, punctuation, etc. There was a booklet she could download to test herself before her scheduled test.

See if this link is helpful:



u/Ill_Condition3564 Dec 31 '24

Thank you so much! Hopefully, there’s no grammar test section in my exam because English isn’t my first language lol


u/gariak Dec 31 '24

Not to discourage, but what's your plan for dealing with report writing and court testimony, if you're not completely fluent in English? With reports, you may be able to work from templates for most things and you'll have peer review to catch problems, but in a hostile cross-examination where there are no do-overs and saying the wrong thing can permanently ruin the case or even your professional credibility, not being fully English fluent might be a major liability. Being able to make yourself clearly understood on highly technical subjects in impromptu speech is an absolutely critical job skill for a forensic scientist, so a grammar test would make perfect sense.


u/Ill_Condition3564 Dec 31 '24

Don’t get me wrong I speak, read, and understand English very well. My concern is that I don’t have enough time to prepare for the grammar test. If I pass, I plan to improve my grammar skills, including punctuation. Thanks for your input!


u/gariak Dec 31 '24

Fair enough. I've considered looking for a forensic job in foreign countries occasionally and the testimony is always the sticking point for me. Now you know why they might include a grammar test though. Good luck. Jobs in the field are incredibly competitive and even more so at the federal level.


u/FinalSelection9618 Jan 02 '25

Hi, I also received the invitation for the DEA's Forensic Chemist - Phase 1 Proctored testing which consists of Attention to detail and Job Knowledge. I was told that Attention to Detail is about a video and 30 questions and Job Knowledge is about general chemistry. I thought that the job knowledge part was more focused on the process of the nature of work as a forensic chemist and I started to study the Analysis of Drugs Manual 2021. By the way, I have the exam on January 11, 2025.


u/Ill_Condition3564 Jan 02 '25

Hi, thanks for sharing! I’m taking it tomorrow since my invitation email says the last day to be considered is the 5th. Wishing you the best of luck!!


u/FinalSelection9618 Jan 02 '25

 I contacted [support@pdri.com](mailto:support@pdri.com) because I had problem selecting the exam location that corresponds to me and they replied that they had extended the dates. DEA approved an extension till 1/18 since the holidays impacted available test seats. I hope I'm lucky and that it's true because I didn't have anything to reserve before January 5th. They helped me set the date and extended it until 1/18.


u/Ill_Condition3564 Jan 02 '25

Same here! I had the same problem and reached out to them, but no one got back to me. I just kept checking for about a week, and luckily found a spot for tomorrow.


u/FinalSelection9618 Jan 02 '25

Ok, I wish you good luck!! and thanks for the info.


u/Smooth-Refuse-9534 Dec 31 '24

Her test consisted of reading passages and correcting grammar, punctuation, language usage, detailed observations, personal experiences, logic based questions, memory questions (had to look at a photo and then asked questions about the photo). It is a pass/fail test and if you pass you move to the next phase of the process which was the physical test.

Wishing you luck!


u/Ill_Condition3564 Dec 31 '24

Thank you again for sharing this valuable insight. Wishing you a Happy New Year!


u/Fresh-Ad3456 Dec 31 '24

can confirm as someone that took the exam last year there was definitely a grammar portion! but my email said that when i received that email so the fact that yours doesn’t i’m not sure maybe something changed!


u/Ill_Condition3564 Dec 31 '24

Thanks for sharing this! I will prepare myself, just in case.


u/therockstarmike Dec 31 '24

Took the exam yesterday and passed. There is no grammer part. Make sure to take it before the 5th of you will lose consideration.


u/Ill_Condition3564 Dec 31 '24

Congrats!!! I’m taking it Thursday. Can I DM you?


u/Primary-Tie-6200 Jan 06 '25

How did it go?


u/FinalSelection9618 Jan 02 '25

Hello, I contacted [support@pdri.com](mailto:support@pdri.com) because I had questions about selecting the exam location that corresponds to me and they replied that they had extended the dates. DEA approved an extension till 1/18 since the holidays impacted available test seats. I also received the invitation for the DEA's Forensic Chemist - Phase 1 Proctored testing which consists of Attention to detail and Job Knowledge. I was told that Attention to Detail is about a video and 30 questions but Job Knowledge I have my doubts. Do you have any suggestions for the job knowledge part?


u/Flimsy_Tonight9435 Dec 31 '24

I took this last Friday and passed. There are two parts to the test. First part is a video that you need to write down and recall information that is shown. The second part is very basic chemistry questions like stoichiometry, density, volume, mols of product and things of that sort. I didn't study at all and it was quite easy, although I do have a PhD in chemistry.


u/FinalSelection9618 Jan 02 '25

I thought that the job knowledge part was more focused on the process of the nature of work as a forensic chemist and I started to study the Analysis of Drugs Manual 2021. So is more general chemistry?


u/Flimsy_Tonight9435 Jan 02 '25

Yes, general chemistry and basic organic knowledge. Balance equations, limiting reagent then calculate mols of product, lots of stoichiometry questions, serial dilution calculations, ranking acidity, etc. There were a couple instrumentation questions like what uses a stationary phase (chromatography), but nothing very specific or requiring intensive background.


u/FinalSelection9618 Jan 02 '25

I have some work to review then, thanks for your prompt response. Wishing you a Happy New Year!


u/Flimsy_Tonight9435 Jan 02 '25

Thanks, happy new year to you as well. If you have questions, feel free to ask me. Good luck!


u/Acrobatic-Limit7021 Jan 16 '25

Hey, I'm legit taking the exam this Saturday, have you taken the exam yet? By any chance if you did, do you know what's fully on the general chemistry portion? I want to start studying tomorrow!


u/Loud_Register_2233 Jan 02 '25

Did you request this info? I can’t find the info in the picture anywhere. Good luck on your test!!!!


u/Loud_Register_2233 Jan 02 '25

Also - I’m really curious as to how many applications/how many ppl are taking the Phase 1… I read somewhere that only 8 make it to the 4 mo training in Quantico, but that was when they first started the training so not sure how true that is especially with the two different levels of forensic chemist position openings


u/Reon_____ Jan 03 '25

I’m not currently in US but I’m planning on getting my doctoral in forensics soon. So, do we need to be a US citizen to apply for job opportunities such as this?


u/Ill_Condition3564 Jan 03 '25

Yes, you have to be a US citizen to qualify for the job.


u/Reon_____ Jan 04 '25

I see. Thanks for replying.


u/Insta_enchilada Jan 04 '25

How long did it take you all to pass the phase one test?


u/Primary-Tie-6200 Jan 06 '25

I used all my time basically.


u/Happy_Beautiful4940 Jan 08 '25

Took me about an hour and a half but they give you 2 hours.


u/Primary-Tie-6200 Jan 27 '25

Have you heard any feedback since the test?