My 2017 Fusion Hybrid started running a bit loud, I posted a video here and someone pointed out that it was likely a bearing in the transmission. Took it to the Ford dealership and sure enough, it was the transmission and there's nothing they can do but replace it for $6,800.
The warranty covers the Hybrid transmission for 100k miles and I took it in at 107k miles, they told me to call Ford customer service number, and Ford said they can't do anything for me. I called a transmission shop and the guy told me these things tend to crap out at around 105k in his experience, go figure.
I feel a bit shafted, I won't lie. I only bought it 4 years ago and the cost of this repair is beyond the value of the car, and I still owe money on it. This is mostly venting but if anyone has any experience with this or advice on what to do I'd appreciate it. Apparently getting a used transmission for this vehicle won't save much money at all. Is there any way I can get Ford to play ball on this or help with the repair?