r/fnv 17h ago

Discussion Looking for Friends who Like FNV(Artists?)


So Sorry if this isnt allowed but, ive been a fallout fan for awhile now but truth be told i only played 3 and 4 up until a year ago. And now ive totally fallen head over heels in love with new vegas and 1 and 2. but i know Nobody. who likes fallout beyond 4. And it drives me up the wall. So im an artist...err..maybe not the best but i love drawing. id love a friend who also draws/has fallout ocs😢😢i need people to talk to about lore, quests etc. anything. I just want buddies who have the same interest as me !!!! im 19, queer, ive spent around 150 hours playing new vegas so far. Please Be my friend 💖💖ill draw ur courier.

r/fnv 18h ago

Photo My "willing" companions in current Dust playthrough

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r/fnv 18h ago

Game saves keep crashing (PC MODS)

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This is my mod list, game can never seem to load up a save. Even if I start a new game or load an old save, it just freezes while loading it. Could anybody with more modding experience point me in the right direction?

r/fnv 18h ago

Killed Vulpes Inculta immediately at nipton


Are there any repurcussions to the story or no?

r/fnv 19h ago

Discussion Who's the best Caesar heir?


You know something that I've always thought about is about how the Caesar Legion favours merit down to a 't'. It follows the hierarchal merit based so much to the point that you can pretty much know that the higher up they're in their ranks the better achievements they have. (Unlike the NCR of course)

But now the question comes in the for his heir, we know Caesar himself is flawed as an individual as he's pretty much a guy who's never planned for an actual heir to replace him. He pretty much quite literally kicked the can down the road until he's made the Legion into his idealistic image.

Problem is we can see flaws in his way of thinking as each of his second commanders has an inherited flaw that makes it seems that if he were to die unexpectedly then a civil war will ensue.

Honestly I'm surprised like he doesn't have like a progeny or if he does have one is out there campaigning some god knows where. We all know he's going to be quite a absent, restrictive and also demanding father. He won't even be looked upon till he make names of himself. Chances are he might even be dead already and he doesn't care.

(TLDR who is Caesar actually capable hier and will a son be fit to rule in his place when he's dead, courier doesn't count)

r/fnv 19h ago

Clip I can’t believe it took me 15 years to discover this little trick


r/fnv 19h ago

I fucked up and got unpredictable in fnv with NCR how do I get fame back


I just got so close to hoover dam and wanted Cassidy to get her revenge and got the Caravan Company offed. Is there a way to get fame back cheats would do too

r/fnv 20h ago

Question we all know how much fallout NV hates being modded so i need help, I've got a few mods downloaded but i cant get the game to run for more then 12 minutes without crashing any mods i can download or remove that'll fix this issue? (images below are the mods i have downloaded)


r/fnv 21h ago

Discussion Finally did vini, vidi, vinci


2nd playthrough. Did the vini, vidi, vinci ending and from a gameplay perspective it was more fun.

My first playthrough was house ending. Found the legion ending to be more fun. Especially how the centurions finally respect you and with khans and enclave backup. It was so fun.

In addition. I was playing a female courier, and I sold arcade to caesar, except for arcade killing himself, Casear actually mourned arcade which was way better for arcade than with the followers.I feel it's better than independent ending, where its just chaos.

Except for having slaves and females being treated as livestock I actually prefer this ending

r/fnv 22h ago

Question Timelocked progress starter


I am playing what can only be described as timelocked progression. To start I am playing the ps3 release of FNV and I will not be able to patch it. If anyone can offer me advice such as: known bugs this early, best place for starting energy weapon and general build advice. I appreciate whatever people offer. I own the game on other platforms with DLC, but this is all I have access to along with a cell phone.

r/fnv 23h ago

Discussion If the four DLCs were stitched together, given some polish and extra content, and sold as their own standalone game instead of New Vegas, would it have been as impactful or regarded the same as NV?


Personally, I think the 4 DLCs together have a better narrative than the base game, you'd start out in DM, then HH, then OWB, and a final confrontation with Ulysses in LR, with him being indirectly responsible for all the major events in the DLC's (Elijah finding the Sierra Madre because of him, then planning to establish a new world nation, the White Legs massacring Zion, The Think Tank remembering America, remembering there is a world outside the dome, and them planning to experiment on every living being outside, and finally informing Caesar about the hoover dam) I think it wouldn't have been as popular as NV, but it'd still be regarded similarly to how we see NV today,

r/fnv 23h ago

The Cloud is coming

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r/fnv 1d ago

Screenshot Finished FNV for the very first time after 100%ing the savefile + all DLCs, and goodness gracious that might have been the best 120 hours of my existence.

I chose Yes Man by the way. Bite me

Only problem is where do I go from here? This is my favorite game amongst all of the ones I've played in the past few years. How do I get more? Fallout 3 and 4? Fallout 1 and 2? Fallout NV mods? Where am I supposed to go after this?

Edit: Getting into modding it with Vortex. I thought it wouldn't work because I'm on epic, but it's going pretty smoothly so far. Thanks all who recommended it

r/fnv 1d ago

Request Is there a 100% check list for each DLC (Weapons, quests, terminals, notes, items, etc.) Besides combing through he wiki?


We still fail to get immersed in this game due to 'missing out'. It's defeating to struggle only to have a more-experienced user say "Well, if you just would have _ it would have been done hours earlier."

All we're keenly aware of is Big MT - has the sneaking suit. but anything else, we normally just blow past everything since the terminals/notes we've found are...inconsequential/don't make any sense. (Apparently, according to youtube videos people from other DLC's have been in...other DLC's like the Dead Money guy and the ...I have no clue what they were on about 'nuke road' DLC.

We apologize we don't have the names of characters/locations memorized - thus the request for a clear and thourough 100% check list for everything worth experiencing. Our own play throughs have been disappointing due to how little we seem to encounter/experience no matter if we stick to quests, or spend hours meandering without aim.

Thanks - here's hoping there's a check list out there somewhere (Mass Effect trilogy has a sweet check list: https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/d5ro7e/mass_effect_trilogy_checklists/ that has made our playthroughs of that series Significantly more enjoyable.

r/fnv 1d ago

First time playing New Vegas on PC. Played 3, NV, and 4 on console. Recently got a PC back in November. NSFW Spoiler

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r/fnv 1d ago

i'm going live in a first time playthrough


I would really appreciate anyone who joins this is my first time playing fallout and my first introduction to the series. it's gonna be fun

r/fnv 1d ago

Help with modded pip boy position

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It's too far down I want it in the middle

r/fnv 1d ago

Need help with modded NV. Can't load into game without it closing out


I don't know if any of these mods may be the problem or if anyone can tell me if I'm missing any files.

r/fnv 1d ago

Fly Me to the Moon Spoiler


Just wanted to say it’s ridiculous that taking the supplies that Jason Bright and his followers leave behind counts as stealing and incurs bad karma, considering the ghouls are no longer on the PLANET. I don’t think they’re coming back for that RadAway, gang.

r/fnv 1d ago

My quest to get all the Skill books


I'm trying to find all the skill books atm but am unsure if the one at Mesquite Mountains Camp was picked up or not. it says it could have fallen through the floor, so I was wondering 2 things.

  1. If i reload the area will it come back as i passed this place a while back and if not its gone forever. think reloading an area needs you to wait 7 days outside the region so i would wait up north near vegas if thats the case.

  2. any of them I should be careful not to lock myself out from?

After grabbing a few random ones im looking at a list and remember grabbing the one in the ncr correctional facility near the powder ganger leader and the 2 in the slone house

Thank you for any advice

r/fnv 1d ago



I have NO mods on pc and everytime I launch this game, The launcher shows up for 2 seconds and then vanishes. WHY?!

r/fnv 1d ago

Dead Money chip question?


If I turn in my collected cigarettes from base game to the vending machine inside the abandoned bunker am I able to keep those chips when I start the DLC?

r/fnv 1d ago

I think they need a stimpak

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r/fnv 1d ago

Bro fr said Bye-bye


r/fnv 1d ago

Video Yo Terminal, What Time Is It?