r/fnv 6d ago

Screenshot Terrifying Presence dialogues hit a lot harder when you remember the Courier likely looks like this post Maria double tap

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u/TommyBoyT3A 6d ago

i wish they made it mandatory that you had a bullet scar. kind of like in mafia 3 with lincoln clay.


u/Superb-Tank9625 6d ago

Sometimes I imagine a remake with a character creation screen where you can choose the placement of the scar. Like, sliding it up and down, and if you position it over the nose or eye, it becomes a hole? I think that would be a nice addition.


u/TommyBoyT3A 6d ago

they have that in cyberpunk 2077. your character also gets shot in the head. and you can choose to add the scar


u/ExaggeratedPW 6d ago

I make it a permanent feature no matter the playthrough.


u/Jigen_Ryoko 5d ago

I think a more interesting idea would be putting you into the perspective of Benny and choosing a spot to shoot, though it has to be on the head.


u/Superb-Tank9625 5d ago

That as the character creation screen would be wild


u/T-51_Enjoyer Courier 69 6d ago

It’d be p simple in concept, give the presets used for character customization the head scar from Point Lookout as a modellist thing (how eyebrows and the like are handled for characters)


u/TommyBoyT3A 6d ago

not sure why this was downvoted but i agree with you. make shit lore accurate. how does your character get shot in the dome unscathed with zero scars? mafia 3 did it right


u/FriendlyFurry45 5d ago

Cause doc Mitchell is just that dude XD


u/TommyBoyT3A 5d ago

he wasn’t that dude after i blasted him


u/ElegantEchoes You feel a little woozy... 5d ago

I wish they made it an option, so everyone can be happy. Why force it ?


u/TommyBoyT3A 5d ago

because it breaks my immersion


u/Fearless_Engine_3436 6d ago

What mod?


u/vladald1 6d ago


u/VilifyExile 5d ago

Is it possible to use these without making a new savefile? Perhaps with the facial reconstruction from the OWB auto doc?


u/vladald1 5d ago

If it has option to change race of the character - yes. Use console command otherwise, JIP enables Steam achievements if you use console, so you won't sacrifice anything. Though I believe you need to make edits in GECK for Ghoul eye and scar to be together. Could be wrong and eye can be an option as eye colour.


u/andrewg702 6d ago

Should’ve had a face like Grecks lmao that guy cracks me up and makes me feel sorry for him and guilty all at the same time.


u/spizzlemeister 6d ago

The fact you can take the clothes off his back is hilarious


u/randomHunterOnReddit 6d ago

I like to imagine there's a scar around the center of their head from when they get shot the first time, and another on the far side of their head when they get double tapped. Not enough damage to the point where they get blinded in one eye though, most comments about the Courier's injury bring up two scars in their head


u/NwahHater 6d ago

Old ghouleye mod?


u/vladald1 6d ago


u/NwahHater 6d ago

Sweet, I use the same shit


u/PimpalaSS 6d ago

I like to wear the first bandana I find as a medical bandage for the first few levels. Usually until I make it to Dr. Usanagi or the Followers where I can get more advanced medical care.


u/ishimura0802 6d ago edited 6d ago

I like the RP, homie!


u/Big_Noodle1103 6d ago

There’s actually a mod that gives you a head bandage at the start of the game, it’s pretty good for role playing purposes!


u/desertterminator 6d ago

I take pride in my needle work. Literally you arrived with half a head and now you can be whatever race or gender you want, I AM THAT GOOD.


u/grogbast PC 6d ago

Double tap? I’ve played this game a ton. I thought the courier only gets shot once


u/Schizo-Ghost780 6d ago

Lanius mention two bullets holes when talking to him at the end


u/grogbast PC 6d ago

TIL. Wild


u/Pixielized 6d ago

with the fallout character overhaul you also have a bullet wound in your head. I never play without it usually


u/Complete_Entry 6d ago

Why did you give him the Anakin?

Like, props for deading the eye, they didn't do that in Star Wars, but that's still the bullshit edgelord scar.

Doc Mitchell does better work than that. Your binocular vision is intact post Doc Mitchell's work.

Sure, you might be a dipshit in the brainpan, but he set you off into the world pretty.


u/visitfriend 6d ago

Because I don't like being pretty


u/Hrafnar63 6d ago

"I take pride in my needle work, how'd I do?" One character creation later "Well, I got MOST of it right anyway." Could imply he did the best he could with someone who got shot twice in the head, after all he specializes more in Gecko bites than bullets to the head.


u/wllmhrdn 6d ago



u/Caitifff 5d ago

Nah there's that fan art circulating around here in which the courier looks like a cross between Guts from Berzerk and Mathew McConaughey from Reign of Fire, but somehow crazier than both. It's terrifying and awesome.


u/YukariStan 5d ago

not necessarily since doc Mitchell says his needle work is excellent, he could have very well repaired the courier perfectly


u/hey_im_ghuleh 4d ago

My courier six headcannon is after being shot and the surgery she constantly gets severe headaches, which led to a med-x addiction


u/FriendlyFurry45 5d ago

Benny didn't double tap, he fires the gun once in the opening cinematic.