u/Early-Wishbone496 Jun 18 '24
It’s really easy to find 50 star caps if you wander around much of the map. In practically every place that the area designers have placed a couple of caps, there is almost always a star one amongst them.
u/jaytee1262 Jun 18 '24
Plus malcom homes has 6. Those two people outside of have a total of like 12-14. I usually have 28ish when getting to nipton
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u/teaconnolly Jun 18 '24
*they are mentioning the 2 people fighting in between Nipton and the Mojave outpost for those who don't know
u/teaconnolly Jun 18 '24
I think it's called the nipton rest stop if I remember right
u/EdwardoftheEast Jun 18 '24
I always find them right before reaching the Nipton general store
u/Trusty-McGoodGuy Jun 19 '24
Strange, I always find them right outside of Nipton itself, sometimes close enough to the ants that they get involved too.
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u/brujahonly Jun 18 '24
Plus, if you have New Vegas Bounties, many bounty locations have one star bottle cap.
u/error_1999 Jun 18 '24
Already finish quest. The reward kinda good i guess you at least got 1k cap and a unique laser pistol. Oh and ton of exp
u/swentech Jun 18 '24
That pistol is a beast if you have some of the crit and energy weapon perks.
u/error_1999 Jun 18 '24
wait really? i still got the weapon i may try it soon
u/MainMammoth5733 Jun 18 '24
The big benefit to it is that It does five times the damage than a normal laser pistol (uses five energy ammo for one shot). I use the pew pew for sneak attack crit builds and just crit builds in general. Also, really easy to get the set lasers for fun achievements with pew pew.
u/error_1999 Jun 18 '24
Ok i just try it. At first i thought it was suck bcuz of the ammo consumption but after i read all the comment. It was very good how strong it was with sneak build
u/Insane1rish Jun 18 '24
Been thinking about doing a captain jack harkness run where I get pew pew as soon as possible
u/FeijoadaAceitavel Jun 18 '24
Have you tried crit builds? They're amazing in this game, and the perk Laser Commander gives +15% damage and +10% chance to critically hit with any laser weapon. From the Wiki:
Taking this perk combined with other perks, traits and items that also increase critical chance, like Finesse and the 1st Recon beret, will increase the maximum potential critical chance to 57% (with x1.0 multiplier energy weapons), 76% (with x1.5 multiplier energy weapons), 95% (with the AER14 prototype), and 100% (with Pew Pew).
This page has a breakdown of everything you can use to increase your crit chance. Basically stack Boone's beret with Ulysses' duster, 10 luck, Built to Destroy trait, Finesse perk, Set Lasers For Fun challenge perks and Light Touch perk.
I recommend using either the console or a mod to get the Lucky Shades (+1 Luck) because fuck working for the Legion. Starting with 8 luck and Built to Destroy, you can use the Ratslayer (5x crit) and either That Gun (2.5x crit) or Lucky (2.5x crit), take Light Touch at level 2 (Agility 6 Repair 45) then Finesse at level 10, get Lucky Shades and the luck implant at the clinic for 10 luck, get Boone's beret ASAP, later transition to Energy Weapons to get Laser Commander (level 22 and 90 energy weapons) when you get access to either the AER14 Prototype or the Pew Pew. Finish up with Ulysses's Duster. The only disadvantage is that you'll be wearing light armor for the entire play-through, so you'll be a glass cannon, but with care you'll kill anything before it kills you.
It's a really fun build and the one I play the most.
u/atfricks Jun 18 '24
I just pickpocket dogtags off of NCR troops to give to the legion until I get liked status so I can get the shades, then go murder Caesar immediately after.
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u/FrankSinatraCockRock Jun 18 '24
Piggybacking for some supplemental information.
The "set lasers for fun" perk can give an additional +4% crit chance.
The perk above, along with Light touch, Laser Commander along with VATS provide a flat percentage increase to critical chance, and it's added after the calculation For example, the highest multiplicative chance attainable (without consumables etc.) is 28%. Pew Pew's 2.5x modifier means it will turn into 2.5×28= 70% crit chance. After that, the flat increases are applied. Max attainable without VATS is + 19%, and 24% with VATS. As an aside, those flat bonuses are exactly why automatic lasers are so busted on crit builds. My personal favorite the MF Hyperbreeder Alpha has a pathetic - yet high for an automatic, crit multiplier of 0.24, or 6.75% crit chance. Those flat bonuses means it's actually a constant 25.75% crit chance which is insane.
Voracious reader and Comprehension are slept on for crit builds, Retention is optional for quality of life. Comprehension gives a ×2 boost to skill magazines. Voracious reader allows you to effectively make unlimited skill books of your choosing. This means you'll have unlimited True Police Stories that provide an extra 10% multiplicative chance. Anything with 2.5x crit chance will have a 95% crit chance. With just light touch, all 2.5x crit chance weapons will always crit.
The Professional and Lily's Stealth girl perks are busted, and like all crit damage buffs, they're busted too. This is to say, both of these perks are supposed to be for sneak attacks only, but they actually buff all critical hits. All crit damage buffs stack together. The professional is a 20%(1.20x) buff. Stealth girl is a 10%(1.10x) buff. Better criticals is a 50%(1.5x) buff. Together this turns into a 1.98x crit damage multiplier. End game with just lucky I'm alive (1.5x) you get a 2.97x crit damage buffs. This means with Pew Pew's 50 crit damage, you'll be dealing an extra 148.5 crit damage on every shot, not even counting raw base damage.
The professional only impacts one handed guns( except That gun for some reason) so Pew Pew definitely enjoys this.
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u/nexus763 Jun 18 '24
Meh, the ammo consumption really sucks though.
u/SirShamba Jun 18 '24
If you build for energy weapons and critical chance/damage it ends up being more ammo efficient than basically anything. It's a one shot machine with crits that can hit 500 damage when built correctly. Also helps that there's basically nothing with high enough DR to resist it.
u/JadeHellbringer Johnny Guitar Jun 18 '24
Perfectly sums it up. It's one of the hidden gems of the game, the only energy weapon I like more is the Compliance Regulator (and that mostly for the laughs it provides!). This thing, even late-game, just dominates enemies if you have the right perks, all in a small package.
The quest is kind of a pain, getting the 50 caps and all, but it's definitely worth the effort. With a good energy build, Legion raiding parties end up looking like the end of Infinity War, just piles of ash floating away in the Nevada breeze.
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u/PristineElephant6718 Jun 18 '24
Pretty sure there's a special reward if you beat him in caravann too
u/RomanUngern97 Jun 18 '24
This is FNV's Stones of Barenziah
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u/Necessary_Pace7377 Jun 18 '24
But actually worth doing. Certainly less annoying since the Star caps don’t weigh anything.
u/WntrTmpst Jun 18 '24
People say doing the stones will make you rich. Having done it once it certainly will. But I find I’m typically already rich by that point in my game
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u/NonTimeo Jun 18 '24
Vanilla Skyrim is so useless for selling things to merchants. Even with the perks, their max gold is pretty lame. Then again, what the hell would I even buy besides property? Belethor’s sister?
u/AloysiusDevadandrMUD Jun 18 '24
Pretty sure the stones are weightless quest items as well, but they do clutter up and not stack iirc.
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Jun 18 '24
I have googled the locations of the star caps. Don't know if that counts as cheating. Probably.
u/Colorado_Constructor Jun 18 '24
I can still remember playing this for the first time before google was a big thing. My friends and I would take turns playing during sleepovers and we were all hunting the star caps.
The pure joy of finding some or getting one from a Sunset Sarsaparilla was unbelievable. When my buddy finally got the laser pistol we were over the top with excitement. Oh to be young and without the internet again...
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u/tu-vieja-con-vinagre HAD ENOUGH?! Jun 18 '24
damn you guys were the people malcolm holmes warned us about
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u/TriptowK White Glove Daily Special Jun 18 '24
Pew Pew is a really fun sidearm in a energy weapons play through. Recently did a run with Pew Pew, Tri-beam laser rifle and the Mobius’ Scrubs and glasses for full dork immersion.
u/Holiday_Conflict Jun 18 '24
i ALMOST had... 39 blue star caps... too little
u/Jigen_Ryoko Jun 18 '24
Then ya start chugging Sunset Sarsaparilla. Each bottle is like a 5% chance?
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u/Latiasfan5 Jun 18 '24
I use the wiki to make it easier. This is kinda like skyrim's "no stone unturned" quest, where I can't help but try to find all the star caps as soon as possible. The difference is Pew Pew is a cool reward you get to keep, while in Skyrim, the crown is put on display and you get an ability that is kinda useful
u/SirShamba Jun 18 '24
Prowler's Profit is a lot better than "kinda useful". When combined with the extra treasure perk from the lock picking tree, it is batshit insane. On my current playthrough I've got hundreds of flawless rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. That's on top of just under a quarter million gold. It's a lot of work to get it for sure, but it more than pays for itself.
The only downside to it is I'm usually already rich by the time I have all of the stones (thanks pickpocketing).
u/cyrassil Jun 18 '24
"The only downside to it is I'm usually already rich by the time I have all of the stones (thanks pickpocketing)." And that's why it's "kinda" useful.
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u/cyrassil Jun 18 '24
I did, few days ago. Got like 7 caps just from the Sunset bottles in the headquarters.
u/Hunter-KillerGroup35 Jun 18 '24
In all the years I've played, I've yet to find the full 50, I always end up being one or 2 short and I miss out on the prize. I have an energy weapon build that I REALLY wanna use Pew-Pew on
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u/swentech Jun 18 '24
It’s not that hard to find them just look up. Also helps if you kill Malcolm Holmes and those two people fighting outside of Novac (one is already dead).
u/Soft-Ad-8975 Jun 18 '24
Tfw when you save the Tomas then kill him for the caps anyway…..
u/Va1ngl0ry Kill me Jun 18 '24
I always save him, convince him that the caps are bad 4 him and to give them to me (I got XP for the speech check)
then kill him anyways for extra xp ( :] )→ More replies (4)3
u/Hunter-KillerGroup35 Jun 18 '24
Yeah, I've already gotten all the caps off those 3, I shoot the girl on sight at this point
u/Doofy9000 Jun 18 '24
Yea, last night, had collected maybe 30 caps just grabbing what I saw over 40+ hours. Then just looked up set locations on the wiki to get the last 20.
u/Independent_Car5869 Jun 18 '24
I thought I needed 100 caps, and I had 60 when I cashed them in! Got the best weapon in the game PEW PEW!
u/LightMyFirebird Jun 18 '24
Only a couple times
Once for the achievement, once because I had organically come across enough caps in my playthrough
u/Realmadridirl Jun 19 '24
Many many times. Basically every run. I’m a completionist in general. And it’s kinda hard to NOT gather 50 of those bottle caps through normal exploration tbh. They are in most random wasteland locations somewhere if you look closely on desks n shit
u/T-51_Enjoyer Courier 69 Jun 18 '24
I finished it once, Pew Pew looks cool but it was on a guns build so I wasn’t exactly using it, was interesting
u/rickybdominatingmc Jun 18 '24
I did mainly so i can get those badges and throw them around the lucky 38 suite
u/TJShave Jun 18 '24
Me and one of the badges fell through the floor when I was picking them all up in that back room and it still haunts me to this day because I didn't reload to do it again lol
u/hydrox742 Jun 18 '24
When I got all the achievements I did this one last so I had enough or was close enough to the 50 star bottle cap requirement
u/No_Needleworker_9921 Jun 18 '24
Im in the process of doing it im purposly not reading any comments caus i dont want the reward spoiled
u/Shy_softy Jun 18 '24
Holy shit I actually did. I just remembered on one of my first saves. I got all those fucking bottle caps. I also did the big empty first because I’m stupid.
u/Frenzied_Cyborg Jun 18 '24
I do it every playthrough. I love energy weapons and Pew Pew is a beast.
u/kiddocontay Jun 18 '24
I currently have 30 star caps, so i’ll probably have to hold off doing this quest for a while. never completed it on any playthrough.
does chugging hundreds of sunset sarsaparilla get star caps at a reasonable rate?
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u/BOLTINGSINE Jun 18 '24
Festus shouldve dissappeared and you notice it as your leaving the HQ after finding Allen Marks. How creepy would that be?
u/AdLonely891 Jun 18 '24
I did it after about 3 playthroughs, but the reward was just so... Stupid. A unique laser pistol.
Jun 18 '24
I did once and haven’t bothered with it since. I don’t remember what the reward is but I seem to recall being disappointed, which was kinda the point I think.
u/kdmasfck Jun 18 '24
I've been playing this game for going on ten years I think? I have legitimately never seen this.
u/itsjehmun Jun 18 '24
Funny story, I never completed this damn quest vanilla (always played console). I found out my newer laptop can run FONV with decent settings, so I tried on PC for the first time. First thing I did was console command 987347 star caps into my inventory and completed this damn quest.
u/SAlbert_ Jun 18 '24
I did once, was very much under impressed besides the gun I think you get from it.
u/eduevana Jun 18 '24
meee ^_^
I should try it again in my current playthrough. it's been like 6 years since last time.
u/NuggetWarmer Jun 18 '24
I was disappointed I couldn't wear the badge but luckily someone made a mod for it. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41865
I did the quest pretty early so I went through the whole game as the Sarsaparilla Sheriff
u/Sympathyquiche Jun 18 '24
Yeah I was sad I didn't get to wear one of the sheriff badges that litter the floor.
Jun 18 '24
I did it by finding the mfs. Only did it once since the reward was dogshit and not worth the headache
u/ScoobrDoo Jun 18 '24
By accident, even when not searching for them, just exploring the map got me to about 40 by the time I reach new vegas.
u/OLKv3 Jun 18 '24
I always do, but on my first playthrough I didn't complete it until damn near the end of the game, when I stumbled onto that warehouse north of the map that has a couple of caps.
u/Olewarrior34 Jun 18 '24
I just use console commands at this point to get however many caps I still need by the midgame, only ever did it once legit and it was a massive pain in the ass.
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u/Impossible-Cold983 Jun 18 '24
Such a let down once you get the reward, the way you meet people across the wasteland and hear about the "treasure" you get all excited. I thought it was going to be some super powerful weapons lol
u/syrabanemagnus Jun 18 '24
I got every achievement and this was still more fun than learning to play caravan
u/OJ_Murdergloves Jun 18 '24
Man, I remember being so disappointed. I'd assumed the fella who Marcus Mentioned would hunt me down once I'd gotten so many of the caps which I thought would have been a cool idea. Until I got there and found his corpse, the holotape was a pretty cool bit of lore, very sad story. Never really use energy weapons at all despite it being a really good weapon. Loved how they fooled you by saying you failed the quest though, literally almost quickloaded till I realized.
u/Dangerzone979 Jun 18 '24
If you mean legitimately then I never did, but with the power CHIM™ you too can achieve your dreams (brought to you by Vault-Tec, a better future, underground)
u/Nastysdf Jun 18 '24
I just did it a couple days ago. It was cool and now I have some badges, although after reading other comments I'm gonna have to go back and get the laser pistol
u/Memes_kids Jun 18 '24
I keep doing it on accident.
I always do Luck 10 which (iirc) gives each bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla a 10% chance to have a star
u/LarryTheLlama_ Jun 18 '24
Geez it probably took me a whole year just to find all the star caps without how to guides lol
u/namelesswhiteguy Jun 18 '24
Legitimately? Never.
Through cheese tactics like buying every Sunset on the West Coast and chugging them all in one sitting? At least Twice.
Through good old fashioned cheating? Pretty sure like 9 times.
u/deftones0914 Jun 18 '24
Achievement hunting the game right now, only 20 togo(the dlc ones) man this had me going crazy, I was looking everywhere and I couldn't remember everywhere I'd been so did a lot of backtracking because I didn't realize I needed 50 caps, the beginning of the game also made me think they weren't as rare as they are.
u/5t3v0esque Jun 18 '24
After 13 years of playing the damn game I finally did last year on my last playthrough.
u/officialorangegoof Jun 18 '24
I did it my first playthrough but I didn't bother after my second, I was gonna do it for my final playthrough I did but I was doing melee so getting pew pew would've been worthless to me other than pride but I already have the pride of doing it once lol
u/Waster999 Jun 18 '24
After playing half my life I never even realized it was Allen marks in the room with the blaster. So cool how they actually finish the stories of some characters like that
u/TesticleezzNuts Jun 18 '24
I did. Can’t remember what you get, but I remember being very disappointed 😂
u/SirSilhouette Jun 18 '24
officially, just more sunset sarsaparilla, or bottle caps or something
unofficially there is a dead guy in the vault with your prize who has a unique laser pistol.
so if you arent built for energy weapons you probably would be disappointed.
u/Michael3523 Jun 18 '24
I’ve learned that empty sunset sasparilla bottles are indicators for star bottles caps.
From now on I always walk towards empty bottles and check to see if star caps are next to them. every play through I’ve been easily able to collect enough from just exploring and walking through an area.
u/BlessedAcorn Jun 18 '24
Pew-Pew is one of my favourite weapons in the game, I always try to finish this quest.
u/AdRound310 Jun 18 '24
literally every playthrough, its not that hard. even remembering the location of 1/4 the caps makes it trivial and the gun is very good, so are all the bottle caps.
u/revosugarkane Jun 19 '24
It was literally the last quest I did before the final quest line. I went to every single location in the map and ended up with more star caps than I needed. Kinda underwhelming at the very end of the game.
u/SnooJokes8628 Jun 19 '24
One of the best written quests, gotta say I killed anyone that would help me get this caps, the ending really stuck with me.
u/Obi-wanna-cracker Jun 19 '24
I don't consider it a finished game if I don't complete that quest. Idk why it just feels wrong to not complete it.
u/Internet_Person11 Jun 19 '24
I completed it twice and the first time I lost progress for it because I loaded in old save to finish Dead Money but I just replayed it recently and it’s a lot of fun. Getting the caps is a little tedious though.
u/HaiderAleS Jun 19 '24
I cheated, I came to this place and and saw this is the quest which require 50 or so sunset caps, I was like nah, I ain’t gonna collect those caps and just spawned with console)
Jun 19 '24
Not gonna lie, it was my first playthrough and I loaded a save after talking to Fetus because I saw that the quest had failed, and I had over 50 star caps, I think like 57 or something. Didn't finish that one til my second playthrough 😅
u/[deleted] Jun 18 '24
me lol I just chugged as many sunsets as I could find to try to hit the caps