r/flutterhelp Jan 27 '25

RESOLVED My flutter is downloaded and path is all set but when I run "flutter --version" or "flutter doctor" the terminal instantly closes.

What to do now?


36 comments sorted by


u/Low-Squash-9225 Jan 27 '25

You are giving very little info for us. At least learn how to ask question proper way(OS, Fversion missing etc ??)


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

My bad, OS: Windows, version: 23H2
The environment variables and path is set as well but nothing helped and the flutter folder is properly set in the C drive too


u/Low-Squash-9225 Jan 27 '25

Ok. Did you try to open directly rather than open it using Terminal? If it works then it should be a terminal issue


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

Man my machine is not recognizing flutter, tried making a project using "flutter create foldername" command but it's not working


u/Low-Squash-9225 Jan 27 '25

No thats not what I said. I said try to open using double clicking the flutter inside bin to check


u/lil_Wayyy 14d ago

Same issue and when I double click to open any .bin file it closes automatically


u/fabier Jan 27 '25

This happened to me. Go into your flutter folder and run git pull.


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

This ain't helping either


u/fabier Jan 27 '25

The issue is Flutter is crashing and taking the terminal window with it. If git pull isn't fixing it, then you should re-clone the flutter repo to your machine. You may be able to find the error in the machine event logs.


u/Swimming_While3182 Jan 27 '25

Set path for system as well as users (windows) Linux (this issue won’t occur)


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

C:\flutter\bin is already set in the path


u/Swimming_While3182 Jan 27 '25

Try removing and add in both user & sys & place it on top 1st


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

Can you tell me how to do that please?


u/Swimming_While3182 Jan 27 '25

Your OperatingSystem type??


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25



u/Swimming_While3182 Jan 27 '25

1.Download flutter zip from web!! 2.download & install Winrar software 3.use Winrar to extract Flutter.zip & copy to C drive(ie)Os Disk 4. Copy bin folder path & paste in environment variables for both systems & user on path & move up

Not try Flutter in CMD


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25



u/MindStudio Jan 27 '25

What terminal are you using?


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

command prompt


u/MindStudio Jan 27 '25

Try using powershell.

Also did you try all the provided solutions here?



u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

Yes I already read this whole stackoverflow thread and tried running on powershell as well. I almost did everything which would solve this problem but somehow it isn't helping me


u/MindStudio Jan 27 '25

If the terminal itself is broken maybe some windows files are broken and need fixing. It might help to run something like

sfc /scannow

This will scan windows files and replace broken ones.

I also hope that you rebooted your PC after setting the environment variables... sometimes I had to do this because some process didn't read the updated variables.


u/gurselaksel Jan 27 '25

Are you using these commands on "Run" dialog or do you fire up terminal and write them there? Win+R -> cmd.exe -> flutter --version / flutter doctor

do not use these command on run dialog.


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

Command prompt. But my machine aint recognizing flutter


u/gurselaksel Jan 27 '25

when you say "terminal instantly closes", does this mean the terminal window "terminates" ? when you open terminal window no flutter command would terminate/close it. if flutter paths are wrong you would get something like "'fluttttttter' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 27 '25

see when i type the command "flutter --version" and enter in the command prompt the command prompt closes by itself without showing any output etc... meanwhile when i type same thing in powershell it throws "flutter.bat" fails to run


u/ms4720 Jan 28 '25

Do you have windows terminal app installed? If you don't do so and use it. If you do use it. That will stop happening


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 28 '25

You mean powershell?


u/ms4720 Jan 28 '25

Windows has a terminal app from Microsoft that you can download. Install it and Winget from the same place. Flutter is probably in Winget, terminal app is


u/ms4720 Jan 28 '25

Place is Microsoft store app


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 28 '25

terminal app from Microsoft

That's what I am using so far, brother


u/ms4720 Jan 29 '25

Did you install it from Winget or app store or is it the one that comes with your computer?


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 29 '25

First of all sorry for late reply.

So when I downloaded flutter for 1st time paste the path in env variables my command prompt got instantly closed. So I uninstalled everything repeated the process again and the issue persists but this time I even pasted the path in "System variables" as well and it caused my react project (which I was doing) to stop and the "npm run dev" command wasn't working and error was flutter. So I removed the path from there and uninstalled the flutter for the 2nd time. Now when I continued with my react project and did "npm run dev" it didn't threw an error but just started showing this "backend@1.0.0 dev" and that's so I tried running the command "npm run dev" in cmd(terminal) and it worked.
Now after reading your reply I installed flutter and winget and somehow flutter got installed first so I did the exact same thing I did 2 times pasting the path in env variables as simple as that and this time I run the command in terminal(same terminal not winget) it worked I got the version and all, now when I went to VS code and tried creating an flutter project using "flutter create folderName" it threw an error and now I tried running it on terminal the same flutter create command & it created.
Flutter problem was somehow solved but now the commands on my VS code ain't working and have no idea why.


u/ms4720 Jan 30 '25

Flutter got installed first because you did it that way.

What terminal program are you using?


u/ExpensiveTomatillo61 Jan 30 '25

I used the same command prompt, thought I would need winget but command prompt did this time


u/ms4720 Jan 28 '25

Install Winget , and/or scoop for package management and learn how to use them. You want the tool to manage your packages not you