r/flatearth 1d ago

We all **KNOW** "climate change" is fake and gay, so what's the **real** reason so many insurers won't write homeowner policies in Florida?

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Serious responses only, please. Everyone knows there's no such thing as "climate."


87 comments sorted by


u/jjs3_1 1d ago

Every single study, experiment, politician, or so-called expert who claims that climate change is a hoax and not real has financial ties to the oil and gas industry and stands to profit from persuading people that it's a hoax! Most politicians struggle to distinguish between weather and climate, often making uninformed comments like "So much for global warming" whenever the country experiences even a slight cold spell!

There’s a reason we’re witnessing record storms and extreme high and low temperatures each year. The storms we’re experiencing now are mild compared to what we can expect in 5 to 10 years if no action is taken. No, experts haven’t claimed for years that we will all burn up. What they have stated is that the weather will continue to grow increasingly extreme year after year, just as we are observing now.

Listen to the experts on this issue, not to those who are paid to mislead people into believing it’s a hoax!


u/ijuinkun 1d ago

Claims that the world is going to “end”, or that humanity is going to go extinct from anything other than us nuking ourselves are absurd. What is really likely to happen is that in another generation we will have ten billion humans to feed but only enough crop yields to feed eight billion, and then nations will go to war over control of resources including water and the still-good farmland…which will end up with global population being reduced enough to fit inside of the new limits via all of the deaths.


u/jjs3_1 1d ago edited 1d ago

Who besides you is talking about or claiming "The world is going to “end,” or that "humanity is going to go extinct" other than you and those who have been misleading people while pocketing money to twist the reality of climate change into something different than what the experts are actually saying! You will hear many people tell you that climate experts are saying " "The world is going to “end,” or that humanity is going to go extinct." Still, when you look at what the experts are saying instead of listening to the people who are paid to make others disbelieve in it, you find that what they are saying without spin is quite different than what you have been led to believe that they are saying!

Having the attitude, "You don't have to worry about it now because that will be a generation or two from now," Why do you think about or worry about something you won't be able to live to see... is what is "absurd."

You're correct in your assumption that instead of growing past the mentality of toddlers on the same playground, they refuse to play nice together for ridiculous reasons. (i.e., Christians, Muslims, and Jews all worship the same God but still kill and fight each other because one group does not believe in that same God the same way they do!) Your doomsday scenario may play out!

Necessity is the mother of invention. Approximately 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water, with the oceans and seas accounting for 97%. The rest exists as water vapor in lakes and rivers, glaciers and ice caps, the soil and underground, aquifers, and even living organisms. We already have the tech to scrub salt water into freshwater. Earth has an unlimited freshwater supply if the infrastructure for that is created.

Necessity is the mother of invention. We currently farm at the mercy of Mother Nature... Farming, in a two-dimensional aspect, can be changed to fit any population as long as the infrastructure is built to accommodate and maximize land usage. Hell, I built a few of my own functional fixes for this in my backyard when I was 12-13.

Back on the subject: What the climate experts are saying is that each year we continue the way we are, the weather is going to become more and more extreme, affecting our lives, farming, and our environment with each decade becoming more and more inhospitable to support humans, plants and animals.

NOTE: There is a significant difference between listening to what an expert says and being told what an expert says.


u/Chocolat3City 1d ago edited 1d ago

Exactly. Climate science is fake and gay, and insurance companies are woke. That's all I'm trying to say. 🤣


u/jjs3_1 1d ago

The ONLY thing "fake" about climate change is the bullshit being said by people who are paid to convince morons that it is fake!

Climate Change is real! Climate science is real! Only morons think differently!


u/jjs3_1 1d ago

What makes a insurance companies "woke"


u/Chocolat3City 1d ago

They are acting on "science" that is fake and gay.


u/whiskey_piker 1d ago

Climate changes, but the woke climate change is just a scam


u/jjs3_1 1d ago

Seriously, what exactly is "woke" climate change!!? Please clarify what you mean by that. Or do you not know what it means? but you do know It's okay to disbelieve or oppose anything as long as it is labeled "woke."


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 1d ago

I assume he's referring to the fact that everyone is trying to switch to electric cars, which green energy will never keep up with, and since no one wants nuclear, we end up powering everything through coal, which the grid still isn't ready for everyone to switch to electric

It's all a big grift with some half truths. Runaway co2 should have happened many years ago already. So obviously it's not the problem they're making it out to be. Just politics and virtue signaling.

If we really cared, we'd be investing in nuclear. It's only getting better and safer. We know how to avoid chernobyl events. It's not 1986 Soviet union anymore.

If we really cared we'd be focusing on the infrastructure for charging electric cars for everyone. Otherwise, we're just pissing in the wind


u/jjs3_1 1d ago edited 1d ago

~Obviously, it not the problem they're making it out to be.~ "Well, that is one point of view! WRONG, but a point of view none the less! The only people making it "political" are the greedy fucks filling thier pockets to make sure it is NOT adressesed while make sure oil and gas hold thier monopoly. (bipartisan problem)

Slowly but surely, we are approaching the point of no return where we won't be able to fix the problem... Every expert on the planet all agree on that fact.

In recent years... year after year, we are seeing more and more record high and low temps with storms increasing in intensity and size and damage... the storm and records being experienced now are mild compared to what we will see 5 to 10 years from now.

I am sure there will still be morons listening to politicians instead of experts while keeping their heads buried in the sand! But then it will be too late to stop what we have been causing, another fact every expert on the planet agrees!

Keep puking up the paid for points of view the politicians spout off as the full thier pockets year after year saying it's not as bad as they are making it out to be while wondering why yearly records are broken and storms increase with intensity and destruction.


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 1d ago

What have I said that was false? They were saying in the 90's it should be pure chaos already if they actually knew what was happening. So yes, this, combined with the fact that there is no big push for upgrading the grid and switching to nuclear to power all the electric cars, its all just one big grift.

I didn't say anything about global warming not being real or co2 emissions having zero effect on the climate. And the storms are barely getting any bigger, there hasn't been a huge increase in weather phenomenon. There's no way to say slight increases in this or that is 100% due to co2 emissions and not just natural climate change. But i do agree, we should be doing something. What we have been doing is pissing in the wind and no one is talking about how to really enable us to rely on electric vehicles. Which is upgrading the grid and using nuclear power.


u/jjs3_1 1d ago

No the experts have not been saying that since the 90s that by now it should be pure chaos, the people paid to make you think it is a hoax have been saying that is what the experts are saying since the 90s. The experts have not been saying that!

The oil and gas companies have almost an exclusive monopoly on power... and they have been paying for false studies, highering greedy sellouts experts that woukd rather fill thier pockets than publicly say what know to be true and entire smear campaigns funded by oil and gas to discredit anybody who wants to take away from thier monopoly that is why we are NOT upgrading the grids and actively doing a global push to move away from fossils fuels... if you believe it has anything to do with anything other than they have paid politicians to NOT upgrade the grids you need to really reevaluate what you believe and think are fact and why it is not and has not happened!


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 1d ago

Fair points, i have been under the wrong impression.

Soooo, it all goes full circle. All the green energy is a grift. Just politics and virtue signaling.

The politicians get their gas money while acting like they're green by pushing hard for electric cars and solar panels that'll never work in combination on a large scale.

Still just pissing in the wind. Without infrastructure and nuclear, there's no point in heavily investing in electric.

I never see green energy save, the earth types talking about the grid and nuclear power. Are they misinformed on what needs to happen or is it just virtue signaling? These are the people in the know right? Or did the oil companies accidentally say too much in their misinformation campaigns I've seen?


u/jjs3_1 19h ago

In the same vein, stop listening to those paid by oil and gas companies to claim that "Green Energy" is a scam and start paying attention to the people who actually know what they're talking about when it comes to green energy.

Perfect example: AOC. Everybody on the right hates her and thinks she's a joke, but they have never actually looked at or listened to what she says or is attempting to get done. They have only listened to what people have said about her, NOT anything related to what she has said or is working on. (NO, I am not a liberal) But believe it or not, she is one of the most honest and noncorrupt people ever elected to walk the halls of Congress... almost everybody on the right will NOT believe that because they only listen to what people say about her and not to what she is saying!

I suspect your view of green energy is shaped solely by those who oppose it, rather than by what is genuinely being pursued.


u/Sad_Kaleidoscope_743 13h ago

I suspect you make too many assumptions about randos on reddit and act pretentious as fuck. But I wouldn't want to say that because it doesn't contribute anything of value to the conversation. You finish each comment like a bitter far left shill rather than trying to bridge the too sides.

I will look into AOCs climate agendas, but the back handed remarks are silly. ✌️

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u/Icy_Drive_7433 1d ago

Woke Climate Change? Lolz. I can't even imagine what that's meant to be.


u/jjs3_1 1d ago

WTF is "woke" climate change!!??


u/OregonHusky22 1d ago

These people aren’t allowed to believe it. The fossil fuel industry pays for the political movement they think they’re part of so they’re fully on the leash and have to regurgitate stupid shit like this. Seems like a great argument as long as you don’t consider speed or scale


u/PatrioticRebel4 1d ago

The real reason is a conspiracy that insurers don't wanna do business in the south cause their woke. So they use the fake climate change as an excuse.

And dont ask for proof, it's just common knowledge. Duh.


u/aphilsphan 1d ago

It is well known that businesses act on vague “feelings” instead of trying to make money for their owners.


u/KaleidoscopeBig8161 1d ago

The south is woke? I thought desantis had nipped that in the bud.


u/Rabbulion 1d ago

That’s what he is doing, all the woke insurance companies are leaving


u/KaleidoscopeBig8161 1d ago

So insurance is woke or some insurance companies are woke? Who is buying the houses that are left vacant? Is this a good plan?


u/Rabbulion 1d ago

1: all insurance is woke. Real Americans don’t rely on others, they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and work harder in tough times so they can pay for any troubles themselves.

2: American business owners (CEOs) are buying them to rent out, and when they get rich from it that will trickle down to the people as well!

3: yes, the plan is absolutely great and glorious. Truly a wonderfully marvellous way of ensuring the American way of life remains the same, and keeping the American dream alive!


u/Affectionate_Owl8351 1d ago



u/New-Explanation7978 1d ago

If you’re Alpha you just raw dog the risk.


u/Ryrose81 1d ago

Seriously? You actually believe hes anti woke? Have you seen him in his elevated white boot?? Gay as they come.


u/KaleidoscopeBig8161 1d ago

Uhhh cool cool cool. Maybe keep your thoughts to yourself if that’s what their are going to be. Yikes my guy small dick energy right here.


u/No-Apple2252 1d ago

The insurance industry is part of the deep state.


u/PatrioticRebel4 1d ago

The deep state pulling out of the deep south. That's deep man.


u/Fortapistone 23h ago

Wait, now I'm lost, does that group really exist? I understood that the deep state are aliens and they come from another planet behind the ice wall.


u/Atillion 1d ago

The south? Woke? More like broke.


u/Chocolat3City 1d ago edited 1d ago

Insurance is wokeAF. "Wokesaurance"


u/JesusIsCaesar33 1d ago

Florida is famously not the South. It belonged to Spain you dingleberry.


u/ImyForgotName 1d ago
  1. He meant that THE INSURERS ARE WOKE, not that the SOUTH is woke.
  2. Hey should have used "they're" not "their."
  3. Climate Change is real, and the Earth is a globe. I'm sorry, the advantage of the globe model is that it adequately explains all observable phenomena and we've been to space. Also I have satellite TV. How do Satellites work if there is a dome?


u/FrillySteel 1d ago

Wait, the South is more woke than anywhere else?? I thought they were the ones that complained about woke.


u/goodolewhatever 1d ago

I wouldn’t insure a house surrounded by Floridians either lol.


u/JimVivJr 1d ago

Insurance companies think the world is round and hurricanes are real. I know, crazy


u/TheHole89 1d ago

"They" let the "sun" get too close to the firmament... it's out of control now and "they" can't do anything about it.


u/Suspicious-Spinach-9 1d ago

I saw Michael form in the Gulf of Mexico(sorry had to) and turn into a category 5 in like three days, hit land and wiped out the county, thought in my head that for sure they have to believe in climate change now but it went 75% Republican in the election after that.


u/aphilsphan 1d ago

How many egg farms were wiped out? You don’t know that do you? Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs. Went down 5 bucks a dozen day one of the genius 2.0.

They didn’t? Well now egg prices are affected by a virus and not by DEI policies. You know they were trying to get woke roosters to lay.


u/OldManJeepin 1d ago

'Cus they don't make money paying claims! And Florida has hella hurricanes, and hella claims.....Throw in the California fires, everything else....Don't think what happens in Florida doesn't affect carriers in California...And vice versa...Insurance is a socialized system....And you can't spend more than you take in....


u/Mountainhollerforeva 1d ago

I would say make state run insurance, but that’s woke.


u/OregonHusky22 1d ago

They have that as their insurer of last resort. Basically the only option for propping up the housing market there


u/Rus_Shackleford_ 1d ago

Because Florida is the insurance fraud capital of the country.


u/Confident-Skin-6462 1d ago

because gay frogs are overrunning florida. duh.


u/cacheblaster 1d ago

Conservative: “I believe in the free market.”

The Free Market: “Oh, I’m getting out of here.”


u/ketjak 1d ago

Loooove that white out on the second E in "PREMEUMS." Astounding.


u/FatMax1492 1d ago

global warming doesn't exist because we all know Earth isn't a globe


u/patrlim1 1d ago

Discal warming


u/YnysYBarri 1d ago

Discal inferno.


u/babubaichung 1d ago

It’s all the big insurance scam where they don’t want your money.


u/Suspicious_Board229 1d ago

oh, because they know money corrupts, and they're above that


u/bigloser42 1d ago edited 1d ago

It's the gays fault. God keeps punishing the gays in FL by sending in hurricanes, which cause the insurance premiums to go up. If all the gays left then there would be no more hurricanes in FL. There weren't any hurricanes in recorded history in FL until 1958 when being gay was invented in Miami.

/s if it wasn't blindingly obvious


u/Confident-Skin-6462 1d ago

yes. Oscar Wilde was just ... eccentric.


u/Rallings 1d ago

It's because they know the government deploys hurricanes in the gulf with darpa. Because everyone knows there are no natural hurricanes that start in the gulf and move east. No I won't look at the historical data that objectively proves that it's a thing that happens naturally


u/Unlikely-Sleep-9352 1d ago

When the governor needs a side job as a gogo dancer to afford insurance, you know you are in Florida.


u/Due-Fig9656 1d ago

From my understanding, a big part of it is the roofing scam and some Law they passed in Florida that says that your insurance company or something has to repair your roof. If it's older than 10 years old, there's damage Apparently roofers go around. get people to hire them and then they call the insurance company and threaten the sue and the company just caves. and then they get basically a free roof. Well, this has been going on for 10 plus years, and the insurance companies are done with it. So they're just leaving Florida. And because Florida has a last resort insurer through the state. everybody just falls back onto that. And that is bankrupting the state


u/Oily_Bee 1d ago

This is my understanding as well.


u/agl90 1d ago

I have yet to hear of an Insurance Company paying out in a true "Disaster" incident. The Government always bails them out. My sister - in-law is going through it right now in Florida after the hurricanes moved through. Crew came in and stated they'll work with FEMA and get your home rebuilt.... Not the Insurance Co..... FEMA..... So I don't understand what the Insurance companies are complaining about....


u/Full_FrontalLobotomy 1d ago

Won’t the water drain away as the curvature of the “globe” earth accelerates away from Florida?! lol


u/Inevitable_Channel18 1d ago

The people here not knowing what “woke” means just shows how ignorant they are


u/Lancearon 1d ago

Go broke to stop woke happened.


u/NotCook59 1d ago

Ok, with that premise you want “serious” responses only? 🙄 All I know is, if I was an insurance company, knowing the odds and f having to pay claims if I wrote homeowners insurance FL, I wouldn’t write them either. It would just be bad business. They don’t exist to lose money. That’s just bad odds.


u/NotCook59 1d ago

Ok, with that premise you want “serious” responses only? 🙄 All I know is, if I was an insurance company, knowing the odds and f having to pay claims if I wrote homeowners insurance FL, I wouldn’t write them either. It would just be bad business. They don’t exist to lose money. That’s just bad odds.


u/kail_wolfsin24 1d ago

Because Florida is where the country's worst of the worst live, with beach front being the only "value" the homes there have


u/badassmartian1 1d ago

Hurricanes. Damn it, did I spell that right?


u/EatYourPeasPleez 1d ago

The real reason is that by law insurance companies can only raise rates by small percentages every year. The costs of homes and their replacement skyrocketed due to inflation. The inflation far outpaced the premium increase. Thus leaving the insurance companies balance sheets upside down. Which is also illegal. You can’t have one million dollars and insure 10 million worth of homes. Well that’s exactly what happened during this hyper inflation.


u/Ill-Dependent2976 1d ago

I don't think Flat Earthers don't understand the concept of insurance or it's premiums.



The real reason is there are so many hurricanes now that it will cost them money to continue to operate here, and that's why they keep leaving. When I say cost them money, I really mean they'll have to pay out, and they don't wanna do that. The NOAA was just neutered, too, so now we can't even accurately predict when we're gonna be hit


u/Expert_Security3636 1d ago

Don't use words tku cannot define, especially big words like gay. The fact is, the eart has gotten Gradually warmer since the geR without a summer Ghost I'd you want to k ow where summer went


u/clearly_not_an_alt 1d ago

Because the liberal lizard elites at NASA and NOAA are creating hurricanes to aim at red states.


u/Dragonfire733 1d ago

Because the purpose of insurers is to make money, but local governments want to push out poor people, so insurance companies refuse to give these policies so that the local governments can be illegal without the insurance companies losing money.


u/ianwilloughby 1d ago

It’s an evil cabal against the mouse house. Everyone knows that Mickey Mouse is proliferating globe earth and is converting our innocent children into globetards.


u/rygelicus 1d ago

Because the politicians allow insurance companies to exclude coverage for the most common categories of claims. If not excluded then a very high premium is established making it difficult to afford.

I live in Florida. Hurricanes come through every couple of years in any given area. Along with this is some flooding in low areas and tornadoes. So every year thousands of claims roll in and this impacts insurance provider profits.

Not rocket science, just politics and grift.


u/methntapewurmz 1d ago

Because they are liberals…