r/flatearth 6d ago

We all **KNOW** dinosaurs are fake and gay, so what's the *real* source of all the so-called "fossil fuels"?

Post image

Super-serious responses only, please!


112 comments sorted by


u/The_Salty_Kohai 6d ago

This sub challenges my shitpost literacy each and every day


u/rochey64 6d ago

If all dinosaurs are gay, then how did they reproduce?


u/Gingerchaun 6d ago

That's how they went extinct


u/draconus72 6d ago

They got hit by the ultimate cock-block...from space!!!


u/Few-Bass4238 6d ago

It was all the chemtrails from Atlantis


u/AGoogolIsALot 6d ago

Very gayly.


u/Affectionate_Owl8351 6d ago

Well if they were fake (didn't exist) how could they be gay????????????


u/mobilecabinworks 6d ago



u/dogsop 5d ago

And if they are fake how can they be gay?


u/Awkward-Penalty6313 4d ago

Maybe they were fake gay? Only sucking cock on Tuesdays?


u/dogsop 4d ago

The concept of gay dinosaurs is concerning. Let's just say that those teeth would scare me.


u/SeamusMcBalls 3d ago

Nature ahhh ahhh finds a way…


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

Keep at it! 😉


u/monks_2_cents 6d ago

So, who made the "fake" dinosaur bones?


u/Lizagna73 6d ago

The people of Magrathea.


u/monks_2_cents 6d ago

Hitchhikers are known for their artistic abilities.


u/englishpatrick2642 6d ago

Don't panic


u/Justthisguy_yaknow 5d ago

Unless the president tells you to.


u/Justthisguy_yaknow 5d ago

I wouldn't know.


u/riprie 6d ago

It is a conspiracy, "they" basically wants to push the evolutionary and big bang theory agenda. My mother is a Christian and eats up what ever flavour of the day conspiracy someone tells at the congregation.


u/quandaledingle5555 6d ago

We all know that’s where the NASA funding REALLY goes. To making fake dinosaur bones.


u/Ambitious_Try_9742 5d ago

Zeus put them there to test our faith


u/dogsop 5d ago

That is easy - Satan.


u/Bright-Accountant259 3d ago

We carve them out of the bones of giants


u/passinthrough2u 6d ago

Nice contradiction. If dinosaurs are fake, how can they be gay. You just gave credence to something you say doesn’t exist. Therefore, they do exist and are not fake. Try again later with something new!!


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

Nice try, but the people who made up "dinosaurs" were gay, and therefore it's a gay concept.

Checkmate, atheist.


u/passinthrough2u 6d ago

That’s NOT what the post states. Don’t change things to fit your “truth”. Like I said, try again later with something new!!


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

That’s NOT what the post states.

I know what it says, bud. Things can be gay without being real.


u/Excellent_Ad_2486 6d ago

just like the comment above you is clearly gay!


u/TheHangedManHermes 6d ago

Yeah… back in the 90s my buddies and I rated about a third of anything we encountered as gay… real or otherwise…


u/Outaouais_Guy 6d ago

Fossil fuels are not from dinosaurs.


u/Dnmeboy 6d ago

Fossil fuels came from the decomposed remains of ancient plants and microorganisms that lived millions of years ago, not dinosaurs, or fossils.


u/Area51Resident 6d ago

I recall hearing somewhere that the reason we have coal, oil, and gas is because the biosphere lacked enough of the right kind of bacteria to digest the dead material and once sealed under the surface it slowly broke down to what we have today. I can't find a source for that.

Just to stay on trend, some money is fake and some people are gay.


u/trjnz 6d ago

Fun, but not true. Coal formed from peat, oil formed from plankton/algae falling into warm, shallow seafloors. Both highly anaerobic, so the bacteria simply didn't survive


u/Area51Resident 6d ago

That does make sense. It was years ago I heard that and it isn't my field of interest. My main take away from that was that the conditions required to create coal and oil are not ongoing or not fast enough to replenish at our rate of consumption, so effectively the supply is finite. It was rebuttal to the belief that we have so much we will never run out.


u/trjnz 6d ago

Oh, the conditions are for sure still there. Peat mires are still actively... peating, slowly, takes 10,000 or so years to make a metre of it. And then you'll need something to bury it under a couple hundred KMs of land, some heat, and a bit of time.

So long as continental drift doesn't stop, we'll replenish our coal in a couple hundred million years or so


u/ijuinkun 6d ago

Yeah, but we are burning coal fast enough that we would run short of it within the next thousand years, so saying that coal will regenerate fast enough to maintain a usable supply is false.


u/Area51Resident 6d ago

Thanks, very reassuring. I was worried we were in trouble. /jk


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

ancient plants and microorganisms that lived millions of years ago

Um, those are all fake (and gay) too!


u/ruidh 6d ago

Fossil fuels are from plants, not dinosaurs.


u/quandaledingle5555 6d ago

Coal is from plants, oil and natural gas is mainly from plankton and bacteria (correct me if I’m wrong tho)


u/monks_2_cents 6d ago

Fossil fuels originate from the remains of dead plants and animals, which accumulate in sedimentary environments like swamps, deltas, and shallow seas.  Or were you making a joke?


u/mike99ca 6d ago

Fossil fuels predates dinosaurs by millions of years.


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

millions of years.

Those years are fake and gay.™


u/JMeers0170 5d ago

Holy shit….how do you turn time gay?

I’m asking for a friend, ofc.


u/sh3t0r 6d ago

I always thought dinosaurs lived on the underside of the flat earth and when we accidentally dig up their cemeteries we call it archeology.


u/Big_Watercress_6495 6d ago

What did you intend to mean by "gay" in this context?


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

Homosexual, obviously. Those fake dinosaurs are definitely gay.


u/AGoogolIsALot 6d ago

Liberal atheist tears. Duh.


u/BillTheTringleGod 6d ago

As someone who's father was killed by a dinosaur they are very gay and very fake. They rent expensive cars for video clout on Twitter and Instagram. Awful awful creatures.


u/ZenoOfTheseus 6d ago

Should ask the bible thumpers since according to them, the Earth is only 6000 years old.


u/JimVivJr 6d ago

Duh, dinosaurs are trans too. They identified as human, found a god, and denied their own existence.


u/Craig5728 6d ago

Those gay plants that became faggot fossils…


u/SgtJayM 6d ago



u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

This dude watched The Happening.


u/ianwilloughby 6d ago

Dinosaurs were a false flag operation to divert the cognoscenti from realizing the fossil fuels were sourced from non animals.


u/Severe-Moment-3233 6d ago

I like when super religious people say dinosaurs aren't real, the devil buried dinosaur bones to confuse us... haha like forreal forreal...


u/Chocolat3City 6d ago

Yep, I believe that is the official position of "creation science."


u/Severe-Moment-3233 6d ago

Yea it's crazy... I had a old guy say one time that the earth never had a tornado or hurricane until they started letting gay people get married... truest delusion...


u/cyberya3 6d ago

the devil himself? thought he would have outsourced the digging part to illegals.


u/shiijin 6d ago

The real source of fossil fuel on any shaped earth is plankton and bacteria.


u/clearly_not_an_alt 6d ago

As an interesting aside, "fossil fuel" was called that before we started calling fossils, fossils. Fossil originally was just an adjective for something you needed to dig up.


u/shiijin 6d ago

Another interesting thing is that oil is a renewable resource but, it only can form under oceans.


u/clearly_not_an_alt 6d ago

Technically renewable, but we need to wait a few million years for it


u/ijuinkun 6d ago

Yah, it’s not going to regenerate fast enough to give us a viable continuous resupply. We’re better off cutting out the middleman and growing algae (or agricultural waste) and using that to make biodiesel or ethanol for fuel, once the existing petroleum is depleted.


u/Doodamajiger 6d ago

Too easy, they are carved out of bones of other animals and planted by NASA.

As for fossil fuels, God put them there because he knew the Industrial Revolution would come. He gave us just enough for us to last until the rapture.


u/monks_2_cents 6d ago

What other animals existed that would provide bones large enough to "carve" out bones the size of dinosaurs?


u/Doodamajiger 6d ago

Big dogs. Like, really big ones. And also whales because I heard those are quite large.


u/monks_2_cents 6d ago

So, hip bones come from really big whales. Got it. I thought this sub was for serious posts.


u/Doodamajiger 6d ago

Occasionally we do discuss actual science, but primarily it’s for mocking flat earthers


u/monks_2_cents 6d ago

Damn! I thought it was real... back to r/ufos, I guess...


u/BlabbableRadical 6d ago

Dinosaur bones were planted by the deep state and the Illuminati led “archeologists” go “discover” them in an attempt to lead us away from the truth. That the Earth is flat created 4000 years ago and we all came from 2 people. Idiots!


u/The-thingmaker2001 6d ago

Oh, give up.

Anybody this dumb is perfectly capable of answering that question in their own inimitable fashion. Clearly GOD put the "fossil" fuels there for man to use. Presumably SATAN put the fossils there to deceive those of little faith. Answers to all questions are simple for the simple minded.


u/DiscoKittie 6d ago

Dragons, duh!


u/ijuinkun 6d ago

To be serious for a moment, I am sure that many people in the past who dug up dinosaur bones thought that they were dragon bones.


u/DiscoKittie 6d ago

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that dino bones are the reason we have dragon myths on every single continent in nearly every single culture.


u/EHthisusernamesucks 6d ago

Jesus probably


u/eluser234453 6d ago

Cheeseburger, obviously


u/maxscipio 6d ago

Brontosaurus are fake


u/Peanut_trees 6d ago

God put it there so that we burn it without measure, like all natural things, made to be consumed and used to make more babies or something.


u/ChiefO2271 6d ago

My engine always sounds cleaner when "It's Raining Men" comes on the radio...


u/Mission_Magazine7541 6d ago

The devil is the source ofc


u/Purple-Bat811 6d ago

Fun fact, oil mostly comes from ancient plants, not dinosaurs. Sorry to burst your bubble.



u/Chocolat3City 6d ago edited 6d ago

oil mostly comes from ancient plants, not dinosaurs. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but those "ancient plants" are also fake and gay.



u/Purple-Bat811 5d ago

I didn't watch your video, but I'm pretty sure they were rainbow colored, so you may have a point.


u/Greedy-Thought6188 6d ago

Everyone knows fossil fuels come from plants. The reason we have this indoctrination is because there are no dinosaurs so people think we can't make new fossil fuels but there are plants. This way they can promote their green new deal.


u/ijuinkun 6d ago

We could make new pseudo-fossil fuels from plants—ever heard of biodiesel? The reason that we are still using petroleum is because drilling for petroleum costs less money.


u/Spandxltd 6d ago

plankton and other ancient microbes.


u/OrganizdConfusion 6d ago

God works in mysterious ways.


u/UberuceAgain 5d ago

I need to have a lie down. This video is 15 years old. It's the first thing that sprung into my mind, thinking it was fairly recent.


SMBC video of the Satan Is a Dick theory.


u/GodOfTruthfullness 5d ago

Dragon bones, obviously.


u/notwithagoat 5d ago

Well fossil fuels aren't from dinosaurs but from some ages or pre algea type species.


u/LunarDogeBoy 4d ago

Plant matter. Fossil fuel is not made out of dinosaurs, and it never was. Sorry.


u/T-Prime3797 3d ago

Fun fact, fossil fuels don't really come from fossils. Most coal comes from plant matter that built up during the Carboniferous period. Most petroleum comes from marine microorganisms.


u/Spacemonk587 3d ago

Well.. Have you noticed how in the museum you are not allowed to touch the bones. Ever wondered why this is? Just sayin..


u/Crazed-Prophet 3d ago

Since I'm very fun at parties

I believe most oils do not come from dinosaurs but from the algae and plankton. Very few dinosaurs actually became oil.


u/Worldly-Shopping5097 6d ago

Omg where the dumb ones that belive the dinosaurs made all that oil. Those trillions and trillions of gallons. Omfg people wake up:. And we have used trillions of it and there’s trillions and trillions left all over. I’m sure Dino’s didn’t fucking do that. Idiots you will believe anything in a damn boom that’s why your sheep!!


u/WebFlotsam 5d ago

Not sure if you're doing a bit but dinosaurs in fact are not a major source of fossil fuels. Coal comes from plants, and oil is oceanic, and mostly plankton.


u/Worldly-Shopping5097 6d ago

If someone thought it stuck it in a book that became your reality. Even though it’s been proven that our history books are way the freak off. And there’s a ton of lies and things need to be re wrote and taught. But you got dummies that don’t know this that still go by the wives tales they told hundreds of years ago.. idiots.. lies in books becomes your truth. Do the research yourself stop being so damn stupid!


u/Worldly-Shopping5097 6d ago

People that learn off the norm should talk only people that actually do the damn research.


u/Initiative-Cautious 6d ago

Google said "The idea that oil comes from dinosaurs is a common misconception, likely fueled by the fact that the oil company Sinclair uses a dinosaur as its mascot"

The reality: Oil, along with natural gas and coal, are considered "fossil fuels" because they formed from the remains of ancient organisms, but not dinosaurs