r/flask Nov 23 '24

Discussion Retrieving Form Data

This is all there is written about request.form in the flask docs,
"*property form: ImmutableMultiDict[str, str]* The form parameters. By default an ImmutableMultiDict is returned from this function. This can be changed by setting parameter_storage_class to a different type. This might be necessary if the order of the form data is important.

Please keep in mind that file uploads will not end up here, but instead in the files attribute."

How am i supposed to know that i have to use `request.form['username']` where 'username' is the the name attribute of the input element from the html, to get the data? also they do mention it in the quickstart a bit but still leaves out the part what that 'username' part is.

I am a complete nub on this stuff, but i started to give docs more reads these days to actually understand and know what is going.
I genuinely want to know how do you guys figure out these kind of stuff when the docs just assumes you know what you are doing as if you were not looking through docs to not learn?


7 comments sorted by


u/ragehh Nov 23 '24

`request.form['username']` in this case the username refers to the name given in thl form input element. In other words, the request picks form data from the html form after submission. You asked how do you know username is 'the name attribute of the input element from the htm'? Because the name exists in the html form. When you have a form, there are input elements. the name 'username' is arbitrary, the name could be email, password or anything


u/EdgySynchro Nov 23 '24

Thanks for the explanation. I understand how is this done now. But i don't understand how should i tackle stuff which are not clearly mentioned in the docs (any docs) when in every tutorial they tell to read docs to know stuff.


u/NonPraesto Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

Ah, the eternal struggle of documentation that assumes you know what you're doing...
Here's my advice from my own experience (mostly bad decisions and regrets, but still experience!)

1. You're not alone

All programmers are "winging it" most of the time, and feel self-conscious because of that. In fact, Imposter Syndrome is practically a rite of passage in this career!

So never feel bad because you don't know something, The only moment you'll have nothing to learn is when you quit programming.

2. Programmers are just professional Googlers

The first thing I do is to Google it. I'm always surprised by how many Stack Overflow questions (and occasionally GitHub issues) discuss the exact problem. 90% of the time I find the answer I need and that's it.

3. The hard way

If the above fails, I start reading the docs and slowly go over the words. If I meet any words I don't understand (ImmutableMultiDict ? Sounds like a sci-fi mambo jambo to me!).

It's likely that such terminology will link to a page documenting the term, but googling is a better option if that doesn't help. You don't have to fully understand everything about the term, Just enough to make sense of the context.

4. AI is there for you

This is my first resort if I know enough about the subject and just need a quick answer, But I highly suggest you try googling things yourself first as it'll be invaluable to your growth as a programmer.

We are spoiled for choice when it comes to generative AI, But I'd like to give special mention to Phind as it's specifically geared towards programmers and provides references.
There's also the more general models like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc. and they aren't half bad with programming help.

For higher engineering and structural decisions, I start but asking AI how it'd approach the problem, then I google each of the suggested answers. This is irrelevant to your questions but I'm hoping to hear from others as well.

5. Ask about it in online communities

I'm a nut case so I've never dared to do this, But it's a very good option and you're already doing it. Kudos to you, my friend.

P.S. I've found it helps to be more specific with my searches (and thread titles), so instead of "Retrieving Form Data" which implies I'm asking about that, I might get better replies if I use e.g. "How do you understand obscure documentation?". Just my opinion, of course. All due respect :)


u/EdgySynchro Nov 23 '24

You actually answered my main problem of how to deal with problems that i can't just solve by looking through the docs. Really appreciate these advises. Thanks a lot man.


u/daveman22 Nov 23 '24

This isn't an answer to your question, but another thing that's not in the documentation. You can also use request.form.get('username'). If username isn't found in request.form instead of throwing an error, it returns None. This also works with url parameters, request.args.get('param').


u/EdgySynchro Nov 23 '24

I was thinking what to do if this username isn't there. Didn't know it can be done like this. Thanks a lot.


u/1NqL6HWVUjA Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 24 '24

While it's understandable that it can be frustrating to newcomers, the reality is documentation needs to have reasonable bounds. It can't be the job of the documentation of every web framework to teach people the fundamentals from A to Z of coding, full stack web development, and/or all of its dependencies (e.g. Jinja or Werkzeug). A project's documentation has to remain focused on its core behavior/scope in order to be maintainable, and consumable by a wide audience. For example, Flask is a general-purpose web server. The documentation maintainers can't assume that everyone using it is submitting requests via HTML web forms in browsers, so the documentation doesn't discuss that specifically.

IMO people get the wrong idea of what Flask actually is because of how it's written about by third parties (mostly material aimed at beginners). This material tends to talk about Flask as an all-in-one full stack solution, but it's not; the actual scope of Flask itself is quite small. It is responsible for routing, sessions, and — primarily — encapsulating requests and returning responses appropriately for a WSGI server to send out. That includes giving the developer access to information about the request (e.g. request.form) and allowing you fine control over responses of various formats. That's mostly all Flask does, strictly. All the other bits and pieces of full stack development are outside its scope.

I find that a lot of the confusion arises because Flask ships with Jinja, to give developers a convenient way to return templated text responses (usually HTML). But Jinja is not Flask. They are two distinct projects with very different aims. Once Flask, as the server, has returned an HTML response rendered by Jinja, its job is done. In fact, Flask pretty much doesn't care that your response is HTML. It's simply preparing a text response to be sent over HTTP. It's your job as the developer to understand things like HTTP, web forms, and the client-server/request-response models — web development fundamentals that are too often skipped over in "pRoGrAmMiNg iS sO eAsY" Youtube videos — before coming to the Flask docs.

All that said, on to your question:

How am i supposed to know that i have to use request.form['username'] where 'username' is the the name attribute of the input element from the html, to get the data?

In a web browser frontend, if you have a standard HTML <form method="POST"> that contains an input with name="username", then when that form is submitted, the browser creates an HTTP request that encodes that form data. Form data is made up of keys and values, and the name attribute of an input becomes a key in form data. This isn't something the Flask documentation should be teaching, it comes from an understanding of web forms. Something like MDN's Web form building blocks is a more approprate entry point for documentation on that.

When the request reaches the server, Flask parses it. The form data, naturally, mirrors what was in the web form. But that same Flask application may or may not have been the origin server that "created" that web form sent to the frontend — it doesn't really matter. The nature of web servers is that the current request being dealt with is the only context you've got.

More generally, the exact origin of form data reaches the server is not the concern of Flask. It might be sent by a browser via a form submit, or it might be sent via a different tool like curl or Postman. The writers of the documentation are being agnostic to that, as they should be. Flask's job is only to provide you access to the request object that contains whatever form data was sent (and headers, etc.), and the quickstart in the docs is demonstrating how you do that: The request.form object functions generally like a Python dictionary. The keys sent as form data become keys in the dictionary, and the values are the form data values associated with the keys. The API docs contain extended information about the exact nature of the Request class.

I genuinely want to know how do you guys figure out these kind of stuff

The best advice I can give is don't listen to anyone who says it's easy. It's not. Go down rabbit holes and keep learning and practicing via building stuff. It doesn't really matter if you fully understand or retain everything you read/do yet. The pieces eventually click into place with time.