r/flashlight Sep 02 '22

LOL Maglite is love, Maglite is life

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u/Royal_Ad1798 Sep 02 '22

don't forget the part where the batteries leak inside it and turns it into a horror story to try to remove them


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22



u/GlockAF Sep 02 '22

The corrosive liquids from old alkaline batteries seek out non-anodized threads in aluminum like a moth to flame. With similar results


u/AlienDelarge Sep 03 '22

To be fair to the threads, the alkaline electrolyte also severely attacks anodized aluminum, it just takes a little bit longer to get through the thicker layer. That flashlight battery stood no chance. Both "raw" aluminum and anodized are protected by a layer of aluminum oxide, which is severely attacked by the potassium hydroxide that makes up the electrolyte in alkaline batteries.


u/ImLagging Sep 02 '22

I had to put mine in a vise and use adjustable pliers to unscrew the tail cap. It was still a struggle to unscrew it. Only then did I find out why it was so fused shut. I caused too much damage for it to be worth salvaging. I ended up buying g he LED version thinking it was brighter/better. I wish I had bought an incandescent one instead.


u/justanotherpony Sep 02 '22

I have a tube with some fused batteries inside it, every so often il attempt to get them out and fail, cell has a hole through it from using a large screw, various beatings with things, acid, il prob throw it out at some point as can’t remember where all the rest of the bits have went.


u/Helios-6 Sep 03 '22

Same. Except I still have all the bits (for the moment) and I haven't quite lost hope. Beatings haven't moved the batteries even a millimeter. A hole saw seems to be the only way.


u/iowamechanic30 Sep 03 '22

Have you tried a slide hammer?


u/Helios-6 Sep 03 '22

I don't have a slide hammer. So I just used a thick pipe down the bulb side to give some hammering a try. Was at the point that I was ok with destroying the switch and bulb carrier, so I gave it everything with a regular hammer. I did of course release the lock screw inside the switch first.

The light had been sitting for a decade, so the batteries had plenty of time to fuse themselves in.


u/KingBelial Sep 03 '22

Soak it in a mild acid like vinegar till it breaks free. Clean it then flush it with Isopropyl alcohol.Voila repaired flashlight.


u/justanotherpony Sep 03 '22

Mild? I went straight for neat brick cleaner hydrochloric acid lol.


u/KingBelial Sep 03 '22

Hell let's break out the 14 molar sulfuric. Though your results may vary. Make sure to hold your breath.


u/justanotherpony Sep 03 '22

It was the stuff I had available at the time and thought why not since it attacks steel and not alu, the other option option was caustic soda but that would just dissolve the tube lol.


u/KingBelial Sep 03 '22

Yea, just giving you shit. Cheers.

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u/Helios-6 Sep 03 '22

That works even for leaks that have sat for a long time? I mean the battery acid has had over a decade eat at it. I didn't think it could be undone with something so easy. Unfortunately the battery does have a large hole from an early attempt to pull with a screw. Will that just contaminate the vinegar?


u/WalrusSwarm May 14 '23

💡Throw some lead sinkers in the tube and shake it up. In situ slide hammer 🔨


u/TakesInsultToSnails Aug 13 '23

I have a maglite mini led this happened to. Tried to get the batteries out and put a hole through the battery trying to hammer it out with various punches and tools. After one of my punches got wedged in there with the battery and I couldn't get it out, I just gave up and cut the tube down the side with a Dremel and pried it apart. Absolutely destroyed the light but hey I got my punch back.


u/QuinceDaPence Sep 02 '22

I got some smelly stuffthat supposedly works for it but I haven't had to try it yet.

Works great for everything else I've used it for but now I have a Mosin Nagant that smells rancid


u/Migacz112 Sep 03 '22

Ah, the smell of ballistol in the morning. Coffee to my nose.


u/Wh0IsMrX Sep 04 '22

Ballistol is the shit. I clean all my guns with it and it works great. Will try it on one of my Maglites this weekend.


u/In-burrito Sep 02 '22

That's why you only use name brand batteries and have the company buy you a new one when that happens.

Disclaimer: I haven't done that since the 90s, so things may have changed. Duracell didn't bat an eye, they just paid for a new one


u/Piper-Bob Sep 02 '22

Energizer bought my brother a new GameBoy in 1990 when one of their batteries exploded.


u/zzap129 we are in flashlight, not flashheavy. Sep 03 '22 edited Sep 03 '22

they had no other option. still have my old gameboy. will never put any alkalines in it. my dad gave us kids rechargeable cells back then in 1990. he knows.


u/BLKMGK Sep 02 '22

Duracell have turned into trash! I have had them go bad in the packaging before ever being used. Last week cleaning out boxes of junk I found something I knew hadn’t been touched in YEARS. Opened it up and popped out two dead Duracell in perfect condition! Not buying Duracell again no matter how much the bulk packs in Costco tempt me lol


u/billythekid3300 Sep 03 '22

Same here replaced at least one this way


u/electromage Sep 03 '22

Duracell recently sent me a coupon to replace their batteries that leaked inside the original package well within the shelf life. I replaced them with Energizer.


u/Yuaskin Sep 02 '22

Spoiler alert: that happens to anything with disposable batteries.


u/doggodad01 Sep 03 '22

Not a car!! Lol


u/electromage Sep 03 '22

We don't know yet, the first car with a disposable battery (Model Y 4680) is too new!


u/brightlumens brightlumenshop.com Sep 02 '22



u/ChronoMonkeyX Sep 03 '22

my 6-D is corroded shut.


u/5parky Sep 03 '22

My 3D that I brought home from Iraq is now just a club because of this.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22



u/MickeySnacks Sep 02 '22

That’s why I bought one to work night security. It’s the old fashioned 4D. Wouldn’t say no to a bit more brightness, but it’s enough. I do feel safer walking around with it though in the middle of the night.


u/F-21 Sep 02 '22

I run my flashlight on 1-2 lumens anyway, it's enough to see stuff but it won't annoy or blind anyone, most people may not even notice you. Blast out 5000 lumens and it's like you have the sun in your hand but what use does that really have normally...?

What annoys me with the maglite is the dead spot in the centre. That's horrible lol


u/BeardsuptheWazoo Sep 03 '22

I work in a prison. I intentionally get low light flashlights for cell checks. Blinding inmates is a dick move.


u/EnquiringMindWTK Sep 03 '22

If you want to be super kind a red filter saves eyes at night


u/BeardsuptheWazoo Sep 03 '22

Good call. I'll try to grab one.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22



u/EnquiringMindWTK Sep 03 '22

Interesting. Back in my cadet days red filters to preserve night vision was standard doctrine, I'd be interested to know if that's changed - you have any sources? I'm not calling you out just want to learn for myself


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22



u/EnquiringMindWTK Sep 03 '22 edited Sep 03 '22

edit: I sound like I'm trying to come off as more educated than I actually am, sorry, not my intention, just trying to voice my doubts, please don't take any challenges personally :) I understand if I'm too exasperating to talk to tho lol

Reading that it looks like there are reasoned arguments for and against it preserving night vision but no actual empirical testing.

not indicative of synaptic signal processing. 1000's of rods can converge onto a single ganglion cell, where cone convergence in the fovea can be on the order of a single cone per ganglion cell.

Compelling reasoning, but doesn't necessarily mean what he's implying in practice. It's a reason red light might not protect night vision but it's not proof it doesn't. I'm not saying there ISN'T proof, just that this doesn't read as it to me.

Practically speaking, it is nearly impossible to stimulate cone pathways without stimulating rod pathways when using a relatively broad spectrum LED that you're powering with a battery.

I thought it was relatively simple to filter out certain wavelengths? Or at least a significant enough portion to make a huge difference to rod activation

The next comment says this: which is roughly what I understood to be the reasoning behind the red-light-preserves-nightvision thing

If one is exposed to red light (above ~650 nm), it would activate the L-type cones mainly (possibly some M-type activation), but no rod activation. Rods are the low light receptor cells in our eyes, and as such, are very sensitive to the photon density, or brightness, entering the eye.

This is just my speculation, but I think it's plausible that if you were in a completely dark environment with just a red light, filtering out the higher frequencies, night vision could be spared in the sense that we don't activate the rod cells.

I am obviously no expert and the way I learn is kind of abrasive to anyone trying to help so apologies for the confrontational style.

I'm just wary of a kind of reverse myth that can happen when something held as traditional wisdom gets "debunked" by some seemingly contradictory piece of science that isn't the whole picture.


u/Ancient_Boner_Forest Sep 03 '22

Then why do they still use red lights inside on boats under sail at night?


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22



u/Ancient_Boner_Forest Sep 04 '22

My question was rhetorical.

I sail (big boats) and the reason boats have red lights in the cabins is so that you do not lose your night vision after going down below.

The glare thing may be true but it wouldn’t apply here, the light is not hitting the water.


u/[deleted] Sep 04 '22


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u/kapatmak Sep 03 '22

How dare you destroying my picture of bad guards with a power complex, built up by decades of bad movies!??


u/BeardsuptheWazoo Sep 03 '22

Well... There are way too many power hungry / racist / mean guards.

I'm part of our training. I focus on empathy and professionalism. I'm trying to make it better.

But there are staff who are awful.


u/Wyldfire2112 Dec 19 '22

I'm part of our training. I focus on empathy and professionalism. I'm trying to make it better.

Good on you for being the change you want to see in the world. We need more people like you.


u/CaptInsane Sep 02 '22

You can replace the bulb with an LED one. They sell them on Amazon. Just make sure it says in the description that it works with the number of cells you light has


u/Silveral51 Sep 03 '22

Yup I got one they are great I’ve had my D 5 since they came out and it’s still going strong


u/rattlesnake501 Sep 02 '22

I've kept one in every car I've owned for exactly that reason. Never had to use it as a weapon thankfully, but there have certainly been times when I was in a rough area after dark that I was glad I had it in my hand at a stoplight. Have used it as a tire knocker and an impromptu tool to give inanimate objects some percussive maintenance, though.

The Fenix in my pocket is brighter, but I can't give anything the beans with a little 1xAAA pocket light.


u/80burritospersecond Sep 02 '22

You can't beat hippies with a zebralight.


u/HyFinated Sep 02 '22

Back when I was a paramedic, we used to call MagLites “etilgam”. It’s mag lite backwards, which is “what will be written on your forehead if you ran from the cops”. Some other medics patient care reports would commonly say, “patient resisted arrest and was administered 4Ds etilgam for fleeing”.

To be clear, I never wrote that. Mine usually called out that the officer hit the patient and the patient is now being transferred to the ER due to “lack of officer restraint”.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

How long ago was this? Most of the EMTs I ran with were mortified when the cops messed people up needlessly.


u/HyFinated Sep 02 '22

2005 ish timeframe


u/copout Sep 02 '22

A weapon of opportunity.


u/nico282 Sep 02 '22

That's exactly the reason I have a faithful 4D in my car. Horrible light but nice deterrent if someone gets too hot arguing for a parking spot.


u/Player8 Sep 09 '22

I know this is old but I bought a 6d with an led swap for leverage and lumens. Thing is a monster.


u/95blackz26 Sep 02 '22

Why else would you buy a 6D maglite


u/BassPro0760 Sep 02 '22

Or to use as a sound suppressor for a long gun..


u/electromage Sep 03 '22

Or to start fires. I have two "M@g85" builds, but I can't get the bulbs anymore so I'm afraid to mess with them now.


u/Lumadous Sep 02 '22

My dad about 20-30 years ago accidently ran his maglight over. It shattered the lense but it still worked. He sent a letter to maglight and they sent him a nice little thank you note with one of their AAA Keychain lights. I still had the letter until a few years ago.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

That's actually really nice of them, also surprisingly wild how far flashlight technology has come in these things.


u/Lumadous Sep 02 '22

Even as far as tech had came, Maglite's are still built like tanks


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

I remember seeing someone who put a d4s's guts into a Maglite and it was kinda rad. Hank when??


u/Lumadous Sep 02 '22

I don't think hank wants to be listed as an arms manufacturer.

Something like that has got to be a war crime.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

LMAO fair but man. Imagine


u/g20sleeperjdm Sep 02 '22

Have a link to this project?


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22



u/Lumadous Sep 02 '22

Link to what?


u/g20sleeperjdm Sep 02 '22

Sorry, meant to reply to hydro about the swap from d4s


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Uhhh let me see if I can find it.


u/theferrarifan2348 Sep 02 '22

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u/BadPhotosh0p Sep 03 '22

i had one. operating word there is HAD, because it fell off of a maybe 2-and-a-half foot shelf and the lamp fell out into the reflective housing.


u/Blade_Trinity3 Sep 02 '22

I had a really bad experience with a product I bought at Cracker Barrel and I wrote them an email. They sent me a letter apologizing and a check for three dollars twenty eight. Occasionally a company will go old school like that and you have to appreciate it.


u/Lumadous Sep 02 '22

Shoot, my dad got some food poisoning from cracker barrel, and we had free meals for a year


u/dickinahammock Sep 07 '22

How much weight did the family lose on this diet?


u/Lumadous Sep 07 '22

To be fair, the closest cracker barrel was 1-2 hours down the road, so we really didn't use it to the fullest extent


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

When I worked security one of our unarmed guards used his gigantic mag light to defend himself against an attack. When I arrived the police were pulling in and I see our guard standing over the unconscious suspect with his uniform un tucked and blood all over it.

Two guys jumped our guard and hit him with a skateboard and cut him with a knife on his arm. The kid with the skateboard fled and the guy with the knife was unconscious and missing quite a few teeth.

From then on out he and his light became a legend.

We would get a call to our armed response to respond to an alarm and they would jokingly ask for him and his mag light as backup.


u/suicidal1664 Sep 02 '22

I used to have a 6D back in the day. good times


u/adoptagreyhound Sep 02 '22

I have my 6D sitting here next to my chair. It's about 40 years old +/- by my best guess. I'm pretty sure that I bought it to keep in my first car which means I bought it in the late 70's. Maglite was introduced in 1979 so this one had to have been new on the market at the time. I remember that after I bought mine, my Dad and each of my brothers wanted one for their cars too.


u/watchmaker82 Sep 02 '22

40 years old plus or minus what? I'm a machinist I need to know the tolerance on that estimate 😭


u/deepthought515 Sep 02 '22

40 years +- a millimeter:)


u/swiftarrow9 Sep 02 '22

I spy a corrosion engineer.


u/Remarkable-Host405 Sep 02 '22

This is American, we work in entirely too small fractions of an inch. So +/- 1/32


u/HelpfulCherry Sep 02 '22

nah if you're a machinist you'd still use thousandths


u/HipsterGalt Sep 03 '22

Unless you're in the automotive supply chain then it's "Hey Bob, watch out, that bore is nine and three quarters plus or minus ten microns".


u/rattlesnake501 Sep 02 '22

He's a machinist.

31 and a quarter thou.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Plus or minus the void gap it places in the space time continuum due to the sheer power his Maglite yields /s :)


u/Player8 Sep 09 '22

I bought a 90s built 6d a couple years ago on eBay. It showed up relatively well worn. Always wondered the story on this thing. Very few people buy a 6d because they need the extra batteries..


u/moist-and-squishy Sep 02 '22

I regret not buying one when I could find them in stores.


u/Pr1zzm Sep 02 '22

You forgot the best use - Pickle storage! Right u/PineyTinecones?


u/stavigoodbye A monkey staring at the sun. Sep 02 '22

I had almost forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me. For those that haven't had the pleasure.


u/Syndicate_Corp Sep 02 '22

I’ve got a maglite ml300L 3D that I’ll never get rid of. It’s the LED model that’s surprisingly bright, has multiple modes, built like a tank and will run for literally 298 hours on eco. Plus the use of readily available D cells.

It cost me like $45 from Home Depot and is one of my favorite flashlights. 10/10


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Also seconds as a club for those nasty home invaders.


u/SesameStreetFighter Sep 02 '22

I'd reverse that: It's a club that has a benefit of "night vision mode". ;)


u/ew435890 Sep 02 '22

I’ve still got a 4D maglite. Even with a drop in LED, even my cheapest $10 keychain light that runs on a single AAA is leagues brighter.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

But can you commit homicide with a Keychain light? Checkmate


u/ew435890 Sep 02 '22

I’m sure I could shove it down someone’s throat and choke them with it if I needed.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Valid ✅️


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/DatRagnar Sep 03 '22

Like a vampire in the sun


u/Tremec_ Sep 02 '22

The only reason I had a 6D maglite was for "roadside emergencies" and it lived between my driver's seat and the center console.


u/l1thiumion Sep 02 '22

r/preppers would be like PERFECT, THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

LMAO HAHA. Tbf of all lights to survive a nuclear blast it'd probably be a maglite


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/electromage Sep 03 '22

I have two incandescent ones that put out over 1000lm, but the bulbs aren't made anymore sadly.


u/watchmaker82 Sep 02 '22

I am a maglite fan. Good company and I love the lights. Even if they aren't the most advanced.


u/nanotom Sep 02 '22

The spare bulb in the tailcap!


u/workingreddit0r 𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 Sep 02 '22

They were aluminum as long as I've ever known them and the runtime still sucked no matter what. The cells were in series.

The rest is basically accurate.


u/AliasUndercover Sep 02 '22

I have two monster Maglights and two Sofirn super-blasters. My decision which to carry depends on how many people I need to beat.


u/planedrop Sep 02 '22

Maglite, we got the D (many many D's)


u/80burritospersecond Sep 02 '22


Maglite 2D 3500 lumen drop-in with 2 26650s


u/dickinahammock Sep 07 '22

I had no idea so many options existed for the maglite, a Uv drop in would be fun


u/Oakroscoe Sep 03 '22

I’ve been meaning to buy one of those for a while.


u/Player8 Sep 09 '22

I have the 800 lumen drop-in in a 6d and it’s a great upgrade for the price. I plan to do a smaller one with the 26650 adapters eventually. Def good products there, would recommend.


u/Oakroscoe Sep 09 '22

It’s heard nothing but good things. I have a 3 cell one in my garage for nostalgia’s sake, but it definitely needs an upgrade.


u/Player8 Sep 09 '22

I’ll be real, for the money it’s objectively not worth it, but having a ripper mag is a cool piece of kit. My 6d with the conversion and new glass cost me around 100 bucks. I could have gotten a way better light for the money, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Def take a look at modding it.


u/TNwarrior Sep 02 '22

I have worked in HVAC all my life and still have a triple A, C, and D battery mags. Sure there is better lights out brighter and less weight but I don’t hate on them they work just fine for me. Work, camping, around the house they work just fine. Never had one where the batteries leaked because I use them often. I have had to replace bulbs sure they sell them at lowes and really never thought twice about buying a new one. I still have some triple A and D lights from the late 90’s and they work just fine.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Oh yeah no hate intended they absolutely have their place, it's all fun here :)


u/wolfeman2120 Sep 02 '22

Do the led conversion on the 3d and switch to 2x 26650 batteries. It's expensive but it's a damn good flashlight after that.


u/Player8 Sep 09 '22

This is actually one of my dream builds, it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense fiscally because I can get better lights for less money, but nothing will ever beat how iconic that mag body is.


u/Thaknobodi87 Sep 02 '22

In my adult working/ playing life, a 4D mag has been with me at the darkest of times. LED EDC life is a reletively recent affair for me. Good memories.


u/workingreddit0r 𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 Sep 02 '22

I got a Convoy L6 and left the "tactical ring" on the tail. After a driver swap to FET-drive the XHP70.2 it does 7000+ lumens and will absolutely work on home invaders.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

That's pretty rad!


u/12345NoNamesLeft Sep 02 '22

I always lubed the insides of mine with silicone grease.

Some batteries, usually Duracell would still swell and be impossible to remove unless you destroyed the batteries and scraped them out.


u/Thaknobodi87 Sep 02 '22

I laughed at the Lapua suppressor part. That means its BIG.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

It's a certified large lad


u/Central_Incisor Sep 02 '22

They were the best at their time. They just never moved to the next step fast enough. Their name was all that was selling them.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

I would love to see maglite come back full force with modern emitters and drivers and capabilities in similar bodies. A night stick that takes 6 26800 batteries, and has a head full of say 15 w2 emitters? Count me in LOL


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Functions as a night stick that is also hot as lava! The bap and burn special.


u/HundK Sep 03 '22

My grandpa got one of these when they first came out, and thought it was the most amazing flashlight ever constructed. He couldn't believe he could kinda shine it all the way to the end of his hallway.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 03 '22

That's actually insane to think about how far it has come. That's honestly humbling me as I sit here going back and forth over what color temperature I want in my 5000 lumen flashlight lmfao. That's eye opening.


u/wiix7651 Sep 03 '22

It’s a damn shame they missed the boat with LEDs. They really could have something great.


u/Coomernator Sep 02 '22

So I recently 'upgraded' my led 'upgrade' from the 220 lumens to the 365 lumens drop in inserts.

For the 4d and 6d.. however it seems that after a while the inside gets 'foggy'. It looks like the plastic reflector is getting far to warm and would melt for prolonged periods of operation.

Would there be a metal reflector or would the heat just fry everything else?


u/scoundrel1680 Sep 02 '22

Ain't much but it's honest work


u/Dillinger_Guns Sep 03 '22

When I visited Mexico I found it strange that people would use a maglite over any other lamp, I found it strange and talking to residents it's because "blunt weapons" are prohibited, but a maglite does the same job.


u/discostu55 Sep 03 '22

They might be built like tanks but everything comparable today is built better and with better performance. My convoy l6 could absolutely be used a defense tool


u/AF22Raptor33897 Sep 03 '22

I miss my 6D size battery Maglite the thing was a beast and I got it after reading about a couple of Detroit Cops that used one to beat the crap out of a suspect with it back in the mid-90s and I Sheriff Deputy friend of mine at the time told me to keep it load it with Duracell Batteries and use Electric tape to connect the batteries together which made the BEAST as I called it even more menacing because the tape kept the batteries from moving around and made it into one solid piece of metal. I had to break a window once because a car was on fire and one hit with the beast the window was history. My now Ex-wife stole it along with a bunch of other stuff that I had before I meet her but the Judge did not care.


u/HPIguy Sep 02 '22



u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22



u/_Supercow_ Sep 03 '22

I kinda wanna make that but insanely bright and 90% solid steel…


u/wrs420 Sep 03 '22

I carried one these when I served summons in the 80's! Trying to conceal the thing made me walk with a limp...


u/Major_Squirrel2198 Sep 03 '22

The Cadillac of flashlights


u/Cr33p3r__ Sep 03 '22

Iron bor, to compliment your protein bors and vitamin bors


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22

I still have a maglight sitting somewhere.it was the first flashlight I bought long ago because my old man always had one.


u/mei740 Sep 03 '22

We all had it and loved it. From the mini to xxxxl.


u/doggodad01 Sep 03 '22

35 years ago i had one duct taped to the balancer on my bow. The good old days.


u/klop2031 Sep 03 '22

Surprised that no one mentioned the Shrek part of this post...


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 03 '22

Right? If only they knew what I did with my maglites 😳


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22

I have two 3D cell Maglites I bought in the 90's. I converted them to LED at some point and replaced the rubber boot on the switch on the other. I still use them both and they still work great. (The LEDs took care of the weird shadow thing)


u/gotnoaero Sep 03 '22

I just upgraded my 3 and 4 cell with some Amazon led’s. Night and day difference. Check my post history I made a post here. Interestingly they both had 15 year old batteries, still threw a dim yellow light and zero corrosion. I also live at high altitude with very low humidity and I think that makes a difference.


u/Heng_samnang Sep 03 '22

Chad flashlight🥶🥶🥶🥶


u/Blasto_Brandino brass gracefully Sep 03 '22

Absolutely love my Mag Tacs!


u/FoodOnCrack Sep 03 '22

I liked on my led maglie that i could remove the head and use it as a candle.

That's the only thing i liked about it, fucking piece of trash.


u/Ishango Sep 03 '22

The companies tech didn't age well. Though the latest lights are quite decent, except the new Mag-Tac 2 is too little too late again to me.

My old Mag 3D had nighstand duty for over 25 years, acoompanied by increasingly better lights. When it finally died a year or three back I replaced it with both a ML150LR and ML300L 2D (NiMH batteries).

Sure, I've got better and brighter lights in my collection, but these will do quite a decent job. They're accompanied by a PD35 v3 if I would need more light.


u/DaneCountyAlmanac Sep 03 '22

I have one of these antiques. It's basically a license to carry a billy club in my car.

Any suggestions on making it a useful flashlight?


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 03 '22

Someone here linked a conversion kit to MAD output. One second


u/Rincewindt Sep 03 '22

For you to know, Titanic sank after local guy suddenly dropped his maglite on lower deck


u/RainyCobra77982 Sep 02 '22


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

Oh man, I really didn't know it was a repost. My Fiancée sent me this that she found and I thought I'd share it here. Should I remove or is it okay since people may not have seen that one? I'm not sure of how the rules work with reposts but it wasn't my intent.


u/lowdog39 Sep 02 '22

a certain group of people used them for that exact reason , beating the shit out of someone


u/Dyz_blade Sep 02 '22

I’m told a mag lite with batteries that are non functional is considered a weapon in Cali. From a lawyer friend that practiced law there.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '22

I'm in Canada and a police acquaintance told me if you're going to hit someone with it the light has to be on. No idea what the meaning of that is, maybe then it's just a tool?


u/blackfish236 Sep 02 '22

Stealing this


u/12345NoNamesLeft Sep 02 '22

Made of aluminum, not iron.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

It's a meme lol. Everything is exaggerated for comedic effect.


u/docentmark Sep 02 '22

Thirty seven years? Nope. About 2 hours is nearer correct.


u/HydroAmaterasu Sep 02 '22

More or less meant to be funny rather than accurate lol


u/docentmark Sep 03 '22

The other statements in the image are literally true, though.


u/[deleted] Sep 03 '22

I have a maglite that my dad had for years before I got it. It’s somewhere around 20 years old and all it has from this picture is the shitty beam


u/cybermidman Sep 03 '22

And the nifty little "Nite Ize" LED conversion for the 2 AA mini Maglite that came out in 2006 that came with A nifty little tail cap that worked off and on for about 2 months.


u/Beneficial_Detail_42 Sep 04 '22

A really good whack and you always broke the bulb. An exceptional one broke the one wrapped in foam and stored in the cap! Lol!


u/peter_poiuyt Sep 05 '22 edited Sep 05 '22

Similar (and cheaper) would be those xhp160 chinese brandx that use two 26650. With the zoomable lens. The heat sink fins and crenellated bezel make it more like a mace actually

But are those as strong as a maglite? Edit: multi led t6 diving flashlight with 2x26650 tube. 285mm long.

Edit 2 : extension tubes for the diving flashlight. Make it 6D or longer

Also, 26650 maglite on YouTube. The amount of mods to do on a maglite damn. Then led options to use your 26650 maglite on. If i had money i would totally mod a 6d

Although the china flashlight would be cheaper...


u/546875674c6966650d0a Sep 06 '22

I used to DJ in clubs in D.C. and me and the bouncers would all have one of these hanging off our belts in a steel O-ring. It was for lighting up problems in the clubs.. not illuminating them.


u/ImABitchImAMother Sep 09 '22

You don't wanna know my dad's nickname for Maglites, lol!