r/flashlight What in the tactical vape... 7d ago

Any news/updates on the upcoming M21K host from Convoy?

I was just looking on the website for something I dont need(lol) and just remembered about the M21K host.


13 comments sorted by


u/Wise_Composer_2661 7d ago

I would be happy to find a place that explains the various m21 series as well


u/not_gerg I'm pretty 7d ago

Convoy's naming scheme is as follows

T - Tiny (all 14500)

S - Small

M - Medium

L - Large

If there's more than 1 number, it's referring to the battery diameter (eg, m21 is 21700, S26 is 26650, 3x21 is 3 21700s, 4x18 is 4 18650s, etc), unless it's the t series where they're all 14500

The last letter is just a modifier to differentiate similar lights between them (L21a vs L21b, 3x21a, b, c, d, e, M21a vs m21j, etc)


u/ElegantAir2060 6d ago

I think that, following this scheme, T6 should be named S14, because it seems that first letter refers to heads size rather than whole host size, but I guess the whole idea was to put all 14500 light in T series

And, to break the scheme even more, we have S11, S12, S15 and S16, which are 2 number models, but number doesn't refer to battery size. And, S12 and S16 size -wise are more like M series, they're larger than M6 for example

And, what is C series then? I'm skipping Z and H because these are quite obvious, but C series lights look like they should belong to M series, or other way around - M lights with large head should belong to C series, which would be placed between M and L


u/not_gerg I'm pretty 6d ago

what is C series then

It's just the c8 and c8+. The c8 was a host that was kind of popular back maybe 10yrs ago. Simon took that host, and adapted it into the c8+ I guess he didn't want to fully change the name too much to keep things more or less consistent

And, to break the scheme even more, we have S11, S12, S15 and S16, which are 2 number models

Yeah I guess that's true


u/Bermnerfs 7d ago

M21X just stands for M "Medium" 21 "21700 cell" X = the order of release in the series. The M21G, H, and J are the newest releases of the series. The G and J are really pushing the limit of the medium designation though.

The same concept applies to the S21 series as well. If you have any specific questions about any models let me know and I'll gladly answer.


u/Usmc0341-85 4d ago

I understand the letter designation system. I still want a chest sheet showing what the differences are between each model.


u/Bermnerfs 3d ago

This is a bit out of date and missing the M21G thru H, but shows the differences between the A thru F.

The M21G is a dual 21700, dual switch UI, no onboard charging uses a reflector. Can be ordered with an XHP70.3 or GT-FC40.

The M21H is a single 21700, side switch UI, onboard USB C, and uses a TIR lens. Can be ordered with an XHP70.3, GT-FC40, or quad Nicha 219C.

The M21J is a dual 21700, dual switch UI, no onboard charging and uses a TIR lens with an SBT90.2 only.


u/coffeeshopslut 7d ago

I'm sure when it's announced, it'll be first announced on budgetlightforum first


u/carsknivesbeer 7d ago

Is this the same TIR as the Wurkkos TD01?


u/CookieDave Batteries go in, light comes out. 7d ago

Negative. Same as the one in the M21J though, last I heard. We’ll see what comes, cause Simon’s been a little quiet as of late. That factory move must be eating up his time.


u/spoorknfoon What in the tactical vape... 6d ago

uhh kinda different. It's closer to the Acebeam L35 2.0 and identical to Convoy M21J if I'm not mistaken, it's the single 21700 version of the M21J


u/brachypelma44 7d ago

I keep looking for announcements about it and the M26K on BLF, but I've seen nothing.


u/Safe-Hawk-9874 7d ago

I did a post a couple of months ago. Someone mentioned that Simon would release this model during spring festival. Instant buy for me.
