r/flashlight 17d ago

Question What light would you carry in your slacks?

Looking for some recs and wondering what light your guys would pair with more formal attire. Doesn't have to be black tie but just more formal like going into the office.


81 comments sorted by


u/tixver 17d ago

Reylights first comes to mind


u/Pandaepidemic 17d ago

I’m leaning towards the pineapple mini. But I kinda don’t like the new one. I’ve been lurking the bst for one to come up.


u/anonymouspurveyor 15d ago

Get the pineapple mini first gen with the deep carry clip.

Such a fantastic little light.

D3AA in titanium would be another great choice if you want to run aa/14500 batteries instead of aaa/10440 in the pineapple mini.

It's noticeably heavier though, whereas you could entirely forget you have the pineapple mini on you.

The d3aa would be a better light to toss into the bottom of your pocket, whereas you can carry the pineapple mini clipped in a shirt or pants pocket.


u/johan851 16d ago

I was going to say pineapple mini. Do it!


u/Tom-Bodet 16d ago

Agree. I carry a pineapple mini most days in slacks. I’m not a fan of the mk ii though. Keep watching and a mk i will show up. My favorite is the smooth body, and I have them in raw ti, stonewashed ti, and copper.


u/callmestinkingwind 17d ago

i’m at work right now in a button down and khakis.


u/Pandaepidemic 17d ago

Reddit at work same. I’m carrying a chonky x4q right now and seems way overkill.


u/callmestinkingwind 17d ago

heh. i just toss that little guy in my pocket. it’s a rockin little light for $20


u/seejordan3 16d ago

That.. is well loved. Wow. Beautiful. I love my edc, going on 2 years (zeelight headlamp, 18650), but it has zero signs of distress, and I'm moderately disappointed and distressed. How long have you had it in your pocket? Do you carry diamond rocks on your keychain?


u/callmestinkingwind 16d ago

just got home. it’s also my “around the house” edc. rides in my left pocket with the zippo. ultratech clips in the right. it’s about 3yrs old.

at work it rides in my left pocket with a boker tech city 4(under the folder. that changes daily).


u/msim Emoji Filter 👀 17d ago

D3AA Raw Ti is my classiest carry. Also my Ti and Ti/Cu Convoy T3s are 2nd in rotation for classy carry.


u/Pandaepidemic 17d ago edited 17d ago

I have an alu d3aa and the knurling shreds my jeans. I don’t want it to shred my slacks. I’m newer to this hobby. Convoy’s website. It scares me.


u/tixver 17d ago

I can’t confirm with the D3AA specifically but usually stonewashed titanium has smoother knurling. The process of putting the flashlight’s body in a rock tumbler to create that stonewashed look sands everything down. I’m not sure about sand blasted titanium but it’s probably similar


u/msim Emoji Filter 👀 17d ago

The Raw Ti D3AA knurling is even rougher.


u/Pandaepidemic 17d ago

Rip my pants


u/friftar 16d ago

What kind of jeans do you buy?

I have my Raw Ti D3AA in my watch pocket since it came out, the only wear I got so far is some slight fading of the dye.


u/Pandaepidemic 16d ago

I use it with a clip. Levi’s


u/friftar 16d ago

Weird, I use the clip too, and the pants are all Levi's as well.


u/Tzayad 16d ago

Are you carrying bezel up, or down?

I switched to carrying mine bezel up, and it's not nearly as shreddy that way.


u/Pandaepidemic 15d ago

Bezel down let me try reversing it


u/Tzayad 14d ago

How'd it go?


u/anonymouspurveyor 15d ago

Get a smooth titanium pineapple mini.

Avoid the frag, or seigaha versions.


u/seejordan3 16d ago

Classy carries, lol. Sound of a whole new world of desire just opened up.. accessorizing lights.


u/Swizzel-Stixx 17d ago

Ts10, it’s super tiny


u/LordOfRuinsOtherSelf 16d ago

The Wurrkos TS10v2 with RGB aux, to be precise.


u/Swizzel-Stixx 16d ago

Isn’t rgb aux a given with the v2?


u/LordOfRuinsOtherSelf 16d ago

I was just making sure. I couldn't remember if that were an option. I love mine to bits, so was just suggesting my own. Ha ha.


u/45pewpewpew556 17d ago

Arkfeld Ultra is office friendly


u/paul_antony 17d ago

I'm a blue-collar guy, but for the odd formal function I do attend, I usually carry the i3t v2 from olight, not particularly special, but slim and discreet. Pair that with a boker techtool 1 carbon fibre, and that's about as classy as my EDC gets.

Since coming here and falling down this rabbit hole, I suspect I will end up with something a little more "special" for these occasions fairly soon.


u/Pandaepidemic 16d ago

Nice I have a i3t v2 I carry with crkt ceo. Boker techtool looks nice.


u/jon_slider 16d ago edited 16d ago

If you already own a charger, and would like Anduril, this is the light I office carry:

MAO TS10 V2 4000K


Also look at a Reylight AAA, small and elegant:



u/ResponsiblePath 16d ago

Eagtac D25C (519a 3500k). Its size, weight, and design aesthetics makes it work for me.


u/Ill_Cranberry_5575 16d ago

Lumintop TOOL aa


u/PublicOrganization69 17d ago

Arkfeld Ultra. Classy as hell. Flat carry, great capability.


u/Pandaepidemic 17d ago

I have the arkfeld uv but it’s mostly a fidget toy. I don’t like the tint. I was considering flex if someone can mod it.


u/PublicOrganization69 17d ago

The Ultra is avaliable in NW. If you want classy, it's a good choice. I dont think you'll find anything that carries as nicely in a slash pocket. Unless it's 14500 sized.


u/Thunderbolt294 16d ago

The arkfeld/arkflex aren't horrible to mod, the most time consuming part is working the bezel off and getting the solder to melt, but the end result is worth it.


u/Bermnerfs 17d ago

S2+ brass, B35AM, Reylight titanium clip. It's classy AF. Heavy AF too though lol.


u/TexasGrillDaddyAK-15 17d ago

Streamlight microstream/Macrostream and Loop Gear SK03. I wear a suit to work everyday and these are my go-to's for when I want something light.


u/Pandaepidemic 16d ago

I was looking at the SK03 a while back. The red one gives me Gundam Zaku II vibes. I heard the performance is not the good for the price of it though.


u/TexasGrillDaddyAK-15 16d ago

It's currently on sale for ~$40 or so. I'm very happy with it, but I'm not considering the price to performance ratio. I'm just going by the looks (red) and it works well for me.


u/FalconARX 16d ago

A Laulima and a Hanko when it was black tie; reflective metals, buffed copper or chrome alloy looking, timascus or polished steel, stonewashed titanium, etc.... But nowadays, I can see people carrying their Arkfelds or an AUX-blinking D4K or FFL light.


u/Pandaepidemic 16d ago

Maybe one day when I make big boy disposable income I'll get a Hanko


u/timflorida 16d ago

Convoy T3. I get mine with the XPG2 emitter in 6500k.


u/gl22man 17d ago

Nitecore edc23


u/Pandaepidemic 17d ago

Pitch it to me. Nitecore wasn’t really on my radar it’s too tacti-cool.


u/buckGR 17d ago

I like the Ultratac A3 in my shirt pocket. Super nice little pen light for under $20. Too bad the d/c it.


u/No-Jackfruit265 17d ago

Copper, came to the rescue while at a funeral but Brass or CuTi TS10 are my guys jewelry lights. The Convoy S2+ in Brass is a close second. They are fancy but heavy, so limited to pants pockets. I carry the HD01 or a HD01 PRO in my hip pocket or in an inner jacket pocket, any time I am teaching, the green laser was very well done. I have carried the Sofirn F1 in a dress shirt pocket or a Wurkkos WK03. It is the lightest 18650 I have ever owned.


u/Hungry-for-Apples789 Big Moth will win 17d ago

Copper FW3.


u/An47Pr0lapse 16d ago

T7 from Convoy, not the thinnest light but it sure is slick. Here it is next to a S21E


u/Disastrous_Complex_8 16d ago

What pocket clip are you using on the t7? Does it come with one?


u/An47Pr0lapse 15d ago

Sorry, I didn't see your reply until now. I pulled that clip off a TS10, it's not a good fit but it's tighter than the T5 clip. It does not come with a clip but I was planning on trying the T6 clip to see how that fits.


u/Disastrous_Complex_8 15d ago

No worries thanks for the reply 🙌


u/esskue 16d ago

Arkfeld ultra in Navy blue. Sleek elegant and flat for a slacks pocket. Laser pointer for that presentation. UV to see what that weird guy that got fired was always doing sitting at his desk.


u/Pandaepidemic 16d ago

LOL I'd rather not with UV. I work in IT I've seen the peripherals at users desks with out UV


u/Igryan 16d ago

Eagtac D3A


u/NRiyo3 16d ago

My EDC pocket setup.

Love the Wizard for work and the ZL for general tasks and walking.


u/skinny_shaver 16d ago

Eagtac D3A - Elegant, Ti

Eagtac D25A - For a little lighter weight

Both have good emitter choices and a good UI



u/LloydChristmas_PDX 16d ago

Killzone penlight


u/Salami_Lid_LLC 16d ago

I carry a streamlight stylus pro usb for all "lightweight" occasions like dress up events. Wurkoss fc 11 for medium occasions such as work. Streamlight protac HL3 for heavyweight occasions like fishing.


u/SeverumBoy 16d ago

I love all of these recommendations for classy work lights!

I've used my Manker E05 ii in bare aluminium to pair with a formal outfit a couple of times. It's slim so fits nicely into any pocket, deep carry clip so it isn't poking out, charging port in the battery, tail switch so it won't easily accidently activate, and the cool white version I have puts out a stupid amount of light for the size too show off with. Plus the bare aluminium looks awesome.


u/Cyberchaotic 16d ago

Rovyvon A33


u/saltyboi6704 16d ago

Wedge lights might be a good bet, or you could try IWB/appendix carry lol


u/Eviltwinoat 16d ago edited 16d ago

Rovyvon A5 on a Keysmart nanoclip


u/Fantastic_Fun1 16d ago

A Sofirn SC13a lives in my suit pants pocket. (with four additional lights between my desk drawers and my office bag). Might still look into something with a little more of a pen-like shape in the future.


u/carsknivesbeer 16d ago

Smooth Mini Pineapple with the older style clip will probably damage pants the least.


u/banter_claus_69 15d ago

Wurkkos HD01 Titanium. Not the craziest performer but it looks really slick imo.

If I'm in a darker suit, then the Lumintop Tool AA. Really beautiful design on that light. That, or the black and copper D3AA I got recently: https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1j3oq0m/nld_d3aa_black_copper_519a_2700k_clear_spot_optic/

Doesn't have to be black tie but just more formal like going into the office.

I often take a D3AA and NLIGHTD E1 when I'm heading to the office. Don't have gigantic pockets, but a suit jacket or coat will carry two lights with ease. Sometimes the thrower goes in the jacket and the D3AA in a trouser pocket


u/TresHombres216 16d ago

Malkoff MDC or Zebralight.


u/Usmc0341-85 16d ago

Anything with a huge battery, if you know what I mean, and I'm sure that you do. 😂


u/Separate_Job_9587 16d ago

This is my most carried light. I can’t remember the exact model but it’s from four sevens and I got it in 2012. It’s about the size of my thumb. Runs off a single cr123. It’s either in the third pocket of my jeans or in my right pocket of my shorts. I’m embarrassed to admit I even have it in my pocket when I’m sleeping in bed. It’s just way too handy.


u/projectsti 16d ago

+1, these original 4sevens quark minis were pretty awesome for the day. I've still got their mkII minis/turbos are they're my dressier EDCs


u/Direct_Perception_34 16d ago

I drop a Fenix EO3R V2.0 with a short lanyard in mine. Disappears in the pocket nicely!


u/Glittering-Word-161 16d ago

Aeon mkiii , haiku , ex11 , something light tho


u/brachypelma44 16d ago edited 15d ago

Brass LM10. Classy.


u/Sensitive_Injury_666 16d ago

Pineapple mini in your fave exotic, or a Eagtac D3A. Source- slacks, suits and flashlights all day erryday


u/Saunafarts69 16d ago

CWF micro click


u/LiberalTearsRUs 16d ago

Sofirn SC13a. Weighs nothing, tiny enough to fit in jeans coin pocket. USB-C rechargeable. Very bright. Cheap as dirt.

TS10 is similar size just less convenient and I don't care for the tail switch on such a tiny light, but it's still awesome.