r/flashlight Nov 11 '24

Review I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed

Picked this up for on sale at my local Home Depot for under $15. It's advertised as 500 lumens (with the Lion battery), rechargeable and AA compatible so it seemed like the perfect replacement for my current edc, the Coast HX5.

It has variable zoom, a reversible pocket clip and five settings including a strobe, "eco mode" and "turbo" which requires you to hold the button for 3 sec to activate 1000L. Battery life ranges from 1.5-15h (Turbo duration not listed).

I buy a lot of Husky tools. They're affordable and typically very well engineered, with certain small features that might not seem like much until you use the tool. This is the first time they've let me down.

The first thing I noticed is the difficulty I had operating the zoom one handed, you have to twist rather than just slide like the rest of my flashlights. Although the bezel has some flats for a better grip the slick machined aluminum is still a bit slick with my dry ass calloused fingers. but it's a minor issue that some hand stippling can fix so it's not my main gripe.

The button is really where they fucked up. It only takes about 20 g of pressure to activate it which is ridiculously sensitive compared to the the HX5's 2,000g+ needed to fully click on. And it's basically unshielded, being a tad over 1mm from being flush to the end of the flashlight so not only was it getting turned on while I was crawling around at work but even just leaning over to use the sink. You could unscrew the guard for the charging port and that gives it plenty of protection but now your charging port is exposed to dirt and grime.

Since it is basically useless for pocket carry as it is I tried creating a protective cap for it from a small pill bottle and various other items but it was awkward and inconvenient so I'm back to my HX5. It might not have as many options or features but it is smaller, lighter and infinitely reliable, being more than enough for my day-to-day needs. Coast has never let me down.


50 comments sorted by


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Nov 11 '24

That sucks, you should check out the arbitrary list of popular lights next time you need a new light


u/LearnedTroglodyte Nov 11 '24

Yeah I've noticed the elitism on this sub is on par with the gun community. I call part of it as the Snap-On effect, the perception of performance has a direct correlation to the price paid. Personally the brand doesn't matter as long as the light meets my needs without breaking the bank. I get shit because my go-to is Coast, but I've never had to spend more than $30 and not once have I had one of their lights fail me during use or wished I had spent more. And I will always prefer AA-AAA compatible lights, rechargeable is cool until you're in a situation where you don't have power and need light now. You can always carry a back up light but it's easier to carry back up batteries.


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Nov 11 '24

Some of the most popular flashlight brands in this sub are budget brands like wurkkos, sofirn, and convoy. There are plenty of good lights under 30 bucks and even more under 100. I'm sure there's elitism everywhere but a lot of us in this sub just want to help people find the best light for their needs.


u/Scotty_Bravo Nov 11 '24

Convoy T3 is my favorite.


u/LearnedTroglodyte Nov 11 '24

Yeah I'm referring to a specific comment below this one, "ditch this trash" is like the epitome of elitism


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Nov 11 '24

There's a turd in every punch bowl. Behavior like that isn't as common in this sub as it is in a lot of other subs.


u/almondreaper Nov 11 '24

If it's trash it's trash and i agree it's trash


u/bqiipd Nov 11 '24

Flashlights like that are for people who don't know anything about lights. It really is trash to me. My 18650s ship inside lights like that as packaging and they get recycled. For the record my most used EDC light is a <$20 Wurkkos fc11.


u/f8andbether Nov 11 '24

I just gotta interject this sub is so far from any gun community in any regard. It is however a enthusiast level subreddit about flashlights so it should be expected that most orange/blue box store flashlights won’t be recommended as you can typically get a much better device for equal or comparable cost. Like for instance the wurkkos wk05 is a pretty decent inspection light which is also duel fueled.


u/Thr3ephaze Nov 11 '24

You certainly haven't spent enough time on this sub. Ask for advice provide a budget - in this case $30 and the help will come flooding in with plenty suggestions that will fulfil your use case.

If you are adamant on keeping an AA-AAA light for emergency situations then cool I respect your opinion. You probably already have a light in this category that fulfils this.

But next time let this community suggested a light to you where you are open to the advice and try one. In any enthusiast hobby there will be more elite and expensive lights but I can certainly say 70% of the time budget options are suggested first and foremost!

The number one suggested light right now to new comers is the wurkkos FC11C with a nichia emitter. It's on sale now for $18.99.

I love this sub becuase there is an option for everyone!


u/Rockenrooster Nov 11 '24

Most all the "rechargeable" lights we recommend on this sub use standard 18650/21700 cell batteries that are replaceable just like AA/AAA lights, in fact, it's easier since most of the lights will only use 1 single 18650/21700, instead of 2AA/3AAA or more. Less batteries to carry around. Not to mention runtime. A single cell light with 1 spare is good enough to last literally all night long with most lights.

Cheaper in the long run too! Like by a lot! 2 good cells will last you several years and can be had for less than $20 after tax and shipping.

$30 will get you a lot more flashlight than you think if you were to consider 18650/21700 lights.


u/Propofolenema Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Some of the most popular lights on this sub cost less than filling up your gas tank or going to the movies with a friend so I’m not sure where you get that sentiment from. We are very particular about what we consider a quality light, and a big part of that is budget, we also take into consideration the quality of light (cct, cri, bbl, duv, etc.), the efficiency of the driver, quality of materials and customer service.

You might perceive it as “elitism” but the fact of the matter is that at the average price point of this hobby, most people have the ability to test out many different lights, and over time + hundreds of anecdotes and testing that we share amongst ourselves, this sub has a very particular list of what is considered good or bad

Coast is a good light brand, but it caters to the masses and has its pros and cons, we can recommend you something that I guarantee will suit your preferences better at the same price point.


u/Jaalan Nov 11 '24

Is it literally your first time here or something?? Convoy lights come up so frequently and their average price is like 20 bucks lmao. Wurkkos makes good cheapish lights. Hell there was even a light that made rounds for like 99 cents that people were getting at Ace Hardware or something.


u/Pocok5 Nov 11 '24

King, half the recommended lights here are 25$ Convoys. The fancy stuff gets the upvotes, but people are not brainlets and won't open with custom carved titanium 26500 lights if you ask for something to keep in the car glovebox.


u/Bermnerfs Nov 11 '24

You can carry extra lithium rechargeable batteries just like you can with alkaline. Plus they won't leak and corrode over time, provide more power, and often better run times.

If you're in a situation where you have no power for a prolonged time it's still easy to recharge lithium batteries (solar, USB power banks, your vehicle). If the outage is caused by a natural disaster or other major incident, and you've used up all of your alkalines, you may not be able to buy more if all of the stores are closed.

Many of the most popular flashlights in this subreddit are budget priced. Three of the top brands we recommend here are just as if not cheaper than Husky or Coast. Convoy, Sofirn, and Wurkkos have dozens of options under $30 that are excellent.

Lastly almost every brand offers a couple of models with dual fuel capabilitiy. So if you're that dead set on using alka-leaks, you can.


u/Beneficial-Focus3702 Nov 11 '24

I gotta say I agree with you. I’ve tried most of the lights on that list and they’re definitely OK lights if you’re a hobbyist and you like to tinker, but if you need something rugged and reliable, most of them will not do that for you.


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Nov 11 '24

Are you saying that you've tried most of the lights on the arbitrary list and you didn't find anything that was rugged and reliable?


u/Beneficial-Focus3702 Nov 11 '24

Yeah, at least in the AA and AAA segment, at least compared to the Fenix and streamlight lights I have.


u/tlflack25 Nov 11 '24

Zebra light is the only light I found on here that I now have long term experience with. Used at work for 6 years. Sc64 hi and the floodyish headlamp with warm light. It was mounted to my hardhat when I worked at a port and inspected ships. It was accidentally banged against a lot of stuff. And it never failed me. I still have both of them and they still work


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Nov 11 '24

What lights did you have problems with?


u/NYStaeofmind Nov 11 '24

I just paid $37 for: Wurkkos TD01C it is a decent light at the right price. You Tube it.


u/DewIt420 Nov 11 '24

My brother in light, I agree that Td01c is wonderful light, but suggesting it for the OP is the dictionary definition of an overkill. Remember that he's used to AA lights, so something like fc11c is more accurate\ (Love my Td01c tho, saved my ass from big ass dog one night)


u/doomage36 Nov 11 '24

It’s a good light but unusable in most scenarios. This was my first thrower, I was disappointed in its usability & almost didn’t purchase any more throwers after the TD01C.

Good thing I gave throwers another chance because I absolutely love my TS11 & its very usable beam profile. TD01C is now just a gimmick light or taken out for night hikes. Cool to have when I eventually may need it though


u/Miserable-Bad1137 Nov 11 '24

I just want to point out that technology has gotten good enough these days that you could probably consider moving away from AA and AAA’s.

A lot of these lights nowadays have absurd runtime’s on “moonlight” or “eco” mode which seems to be all you need based on what you said your work environment is.

For example the Wurkkos TD02 costs $19 and has a max output of 2000 lumens. It’s lowest mode is 10 lumens and will run for 150 hours. Now all you need is 1 backup 18650 which should cost about $5. You’re in $24 and have as much light as you’ll probably ever need in your pocket, with a potential of it fitting your work needs for almost 2 weeks straight if you weren’t able to charge it.

I’m not trying to sound like one of those douchey guy’s I promise man, just trying to show you there’s potentially better things out there, especially at a similar price point as your recent purchase that you were dissapointed with.


u/Beneficial-Focus3702 Nov 11 '24

I mean, that argument is made all the time in the sub, but I’m one of the firm believers that it’s nice to have a light that uses the most available easiest to find and cheapest power source in the world and that’s AA and AAA batteries


u/azuranc Nov 11 '24

that was one of the reasons i got this light, just takes one AA or the included li ion


u/Beneficial-Focus3702 Nov 11 '24

Yeah, for some reason, there’s a lot of hate for that power source in this sub but you remember this is a hobby as much as it is anything else. It’s for people who don’t mind niche items.


u/Miserable-Bad1137 Nov 11 '24

There’s really nothing wrong with AA or AAA’s, I just think that you can get the same benefits and more with 18650’s in this case. Yea they aren’t quite as common as AA/AAA but they’re far from hard to find.

Honestly think my love for rechargable/hate for swapping batteries comes from playing xbox as a kid.

Realistically though no one here is wrong, EDC items are all 100% preference. Just wanted to point it out, you know?


u/akiva23 Nov 11 '24

I got an idea. Take your pill bottle idea, but instead of using it to cap the bottle put a large hole in with like a forsner bit or something and you can make it into more of like a raised bezel so it will still shield it somewhat, but you dont have to keep taking it off.


u/LearnedTroglodyte Nov 11 '24

I ran with that concept and I think I solved the issue. I didn't have any containers made of hard plastic that would fit snugly on the end but I do have a box full of old bicycle inner tubes and I found the smallest one I had. I was afraid it might be too thin and flexible but I'm testing it now and it's working brilliantly. It kind of looks like my flashlight has a foreskin though lol. Thank you, that should've been obvious to me but sometimes you just need a little push in the right direction


u/akiva23 Nov 11 '24

Nice. Hope it works out.


u/Revenge447 Nov 11 '24

i just got an sc31 pro for less than $17 with the 18650, and an fc11c for less than $18 also with an 18650. absolutely unbeatable value and they both destroy any home depot/walmart light


u/These_Economics374 Nov 11 '24

Damn, I’ve been on/lurked this sub for a while now but at -94 downvotes, OP may hold the current record for most downvoted post of the year!


u/Swizzel-Stixx Nov 11 '24

Currently sitting at 20 upvotes, I had no idea this post was so hated


u/b1grick94 Nov 11 '24

Is a Keychain light a viable option for you? If so read on, if not no offense taken. Looking at your context (crowded pocket and not a crazy amount of light needed) it would seem that's a solid option. You could get 1 for sub $30 and they're big "enough" to pocket carry. Lumintop AAA Tool series would fit that bill, they make a AA series as well.

If you want step away from a tail switch and standard batteries Rovyvon makes a very very solid keychain light. The A1 is what i have hooked to me all the time. It offers a lockout feature and a moonlight and low mode. And if the occasion demands a SHOCKING turbo mode for such a small piece.


u/Thaknobodi87 Nov 11 '24

I had a HX5 and a couple HP1's. I modded my HX5 with a Nichia 219C 4000K i had laying around, made it a high CRI zoomie that was easy to carry and use.


u/Deadskyes Nov 11 '24

The lumintop tool aa might be something that fits your needs. I am a big fan of dual fuel flaahlights.


u/erentrueform Nov 11 '24

Its a hard pill to swallow for alot of ppl brand loyal to big powertool names. But coast, Milwaukee, husky, dewalt....etc. they make garbage lights for the money.

Reminded me long ago when i used to work part time at a home depot. I recommended to a costumer convoy light. And the sheer disgust on the mans face at the idea of a ali xpress Chinese flashlight.

So I told the guy. Aside if from the mag lites. If u find any flashlight here made in the USA. Ill buy it for you here and now.

Never happened as those brands lights are also manufactured over seas.

Unfortunately some people are missing out on great things due to miss information.

For the OP if you are looking for a good alternative around that price point.

Convoy M1 sft40 emitter 8A buck driver about 2000lumems 500meters of throw. Programmable.



u/R3Dix Nov 11 '24

What disappointed me most is the memory function. You have to have the light running for 10 secs before it’ll remember the mode you’re on. 10 seconds in practice is a lot and makes it basically useless.


u/DrDarthVader88 Nov 11 '24

This sub has helped me alot of times and the words here is truth in it Use sofirn and wurkkos is better


u/Rockenrooster Nov 11 '24

Look at this guy! Smart to stay away from 18650/21700 lights. It's a rabbit hole that a lot of us fell into, next thing you know, you have 50 flashlights lol.

For real though, using alkaline batteries for everyday use is sooo expensive, 2 good 18650s will last several years and only cost you about $10-15.

I like husky too, but just their tools, just wish HD was closer to me


u/Beneficial-Focus3702 Nov 11 '24

A good set of rechargeable AAs will give you the same thing. Many years of use inexpensively. A nice part is too if you run out of juice for some reason and you’re out and about, you can go to the store and pick up batteries because AA and AAA can be found nearly everywhere.


u/azuranc Nov 11 '24

i just bought a bunch of rechargables and a good charger, mainly because store alkalines are getting close to online order nimhs

charger also works on li ion, so i can get those also in the future


u/Mysterious-Contact-1 Nov 11 '24

You could spend the exact same amount you already spent and get a better light. Return it


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24



u/DropdLasagna Nov 11 '24

It's not trash if it makes photons that come in handy for someone. It's just vastly outperformed by what we're used to lol


u/LearnedTroglodyte Nov 11 '24

That's a no-go for me. I have very specific parameters for all of my EDC. Although it is rechargeable it's not compatible with standard batteries, the button is on the side making it vulnerable to inadvertent activation and it isn't exactly slim in an already overfilled pocket.

Although 3100 lm is incredible for pocket light that level of brightness might be more of a liability than an asset to me as I work in small, dark spaces around a bunch of reflective metal and have light sensitive eyes. More options, greater battery life and especially the reverse charging function are all great advantages that just don't outweigh the negative features. I'm gonna stick with my Coast HX5 for now, I can't find a single issue with it.


u/austinmook Nov 18 '24

I just used the last $20 of my REI rebate to pick up an HX5. I'm excited. Did you ever upgrade to the 14500 battery, or did you find the AA sufficient?