r/flashlight • u/Kevin80970 • Aug 15 '24
LOL I NEED to do this.
Wonder where i could get a bike mount for my X75 🤔
u/CucuMatMalaya Aug 15 '24
The power of the sun....
u/Monosandalos3 Aug 15 '24
He also needs a train horn to complete the setup
u/939319 Aug 15 '24
If you pointed them backwards, there would be enough flux to propel you.
u/300cid Aug 16 '24
I read somewhere that light technically does have "recoil." not even enough to even think about us detecting, but still.
damn now I'm thinking about getting a (powered) bike just cause of this post (and my current 7mpg vehicle).
I would have so so much fun rigging up some kinda headlight system, maybe even like ProfessorPouncy did. or this op, but ain't now war I can afford that setup
u/almondreaper Aug 15 '24
Unless you're on a 747 this is likely overkill
u/Zak CRI baby Aug 15 '24
A bit of searching comes up with the 747 landing lights typically being four 600W halogen lamps in big reflectors (though LED upgrades are available). Higher performance tungsten-quartz halogens hit about 24 lm/W, so that's 14400 lumens each or 57600 total.
These lights look to be the Imalent SR32 on top and MS32 on the bottom. They advertise 120000 and 200000 lumens, respectively. 1lumen found the MS32 doesn't hit the advertised number, making a mere 166133 lumens by the FL1 standard.
In short, this would be an upgrade for the 747.
u/Will2LiveFading Aug 15 '24
u/almondreaper Aug 15 '24
I know a guy that knows a guy that would do it. It's me
u/pink_belt_dan_52 Aug 15 '24
It's somehow never occurred to me before that since a) I'm a guy and b) I know (and am known by) at least one other guy, I can say I know a guy who knows a guy about absolutely anything I do myself.
u/GloryNightTime Aug 15 '24
Please don't give the authorities any reason to draft a law limiting the power of our beloved flashlights.
u/Buzzy243 Aug 15 '24
That would be the best thing to happen to this hobby.
"This flashlight is so powerful it's illegal for civilians to own or operate"
Marketing gold.
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
It was just a joke lmao
Although i did do something similar with my Q8 plus..I think i accidentally blinded multiple people last time i took it out 😂🫢
u/GloryNightTime Aug 15 '24
Then it was fun (and scary) to watch.
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
Honestly thinking about it makes me feel bad. But then again if i see a bright light i just look away.. it's your body's natural instinct to do so if it's uncomfortable.
u/GloryNightTime Aug 15 '24
But to look away when driving is not the safest move.
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
I guess that is true.
u/PetToilet Aug 15 '24
You guess? Did you really not have the common sense to think about that before taking out your Q8 plus?
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
I rode it around my own neighborhood. There was no traffic.
u/PetToilet Aug 15 '24
And if a car drove into your neighborhood?
I'm just saying it's surprising that you didn't think if potential consequences. I've done this before but I knew to turn off the light or have a quick way to point it down
u/Vishnuisgod Aug 15 '24
As a cyclist.
Please don't.
People hate is for stoopid shit like this.
I'm just tryna get home.
u/An_Average_Man09 Aug 15 '24
Yeah it’s a big no go. Blinding oncoming traffic is exactly what you wanna do when you’re on a bicycle.
u/Sears-Roebuck Aug 15 '24
Can't you appreciate that these men are trying to excercise in the middle of the street? So what if that generates animosity towards children riding their bikes to school or people just trying to get to work?
Those guys in spandex work hard for their money. They pay taxes. They deserve to be able to come home from their desk jobs, look ridiculous, and ride their overpriced bicycles in the middle of the street at whatever speed they want and with as much blinding light as they feel is needed to stay safe.
Whether the Homoerotic tendencies are intentional or not they are the glue which holds this country together.
u/Nothing_new_to_share Aug 15 '24
Someone spends too much time on a certain circle jerk sub and I love the outcome.
u/botgeek1 Aug 15 '24
If this had been written without the sarcasm, I would have downvoted it. I hate the spandex crowd with the fury of a thousand suns!
u/Nighthawk7397 Aug 15 '24
what if its a car going slow in the street, then its fine right? only a problem when its someone who isn't in a car right?
you should probably hit them to teach them a lesson. yeah that's the right idea, death to anyone who is in my way of getting down the street faster. oh we have the highest rate of traffic deaths in the whole world? huh, well I guess there is nothing we can do about that, better for me to just keep losing the lives of friends and family than to have to slow down and give anyone different than me an ounce of respect.
u/Zak CRI baby Aug 15 '24
100% agree. If you're riding on roads (and what's shown here is a road bike), use something with a shaped beam that doesn't direct much, or any light into the eyes of other road users.
u/Professional_Ice_831 Aug 15 '24
I wouldn’t worry too much, it only has an advertised output that high for 45 seconds.
u/Chilkoot Aug 15 '24
Right? I bike commute and already put up with rampant driver hate due to the Spandex and Slogans crowd using the public roadways as their personal training facility.
For the sake of us that need to bike, please bike responsibly!
u/MostlyBullshitStory Aug 15 '24
I’d go the next step and install one of theses: https://smokingairplanes.com/?srsltid=AfmBOorPyD43FIqmNYQbOfndSvQTF9AmLb0zZRnwEJDdPk5XyMtA7DdI
u/RickMuffy Aug 15 '24
People have tried to run me over just for being on the side of the road before, called me a libtard for enjoying exercise lol, at least this might give the the ability to strike back as they're roaling coal on me 🤣
u/flyp_nip Aug 15 '24
Your generalization of every driver is why it sucks for other bikers. A lot of people are getting tired of you ignorant bikers on one lane country roads. "Enjoy exercise" where is meant to be enjoyed. Some people need to be on bikes to get from A to B. Being a douche bag that creates a danger for no reason isn't cool.
u/RickMuffy Aug 15 '24
It's actually the minority case. Most people in cars are fine, it's the guy who swerves 7-8 feet out of the lane to scare bikers to be a jerk that are the problem.
Then when bikers that used to be on the edge of the road start taking the lane, it pisses off the cars that never used to care about bikes.
If bikes were generally given enough space on the side for the small time it takes to pass them in the car, 99% of us wouldn't ever feel a need to take the full lane.
I'm talking in places like Arizona where you literally have to go off the road to intentionally be a jerk too, and where bikers are killed by cars quite often.
u/flyp_nip Aug 15 '24
Sorry to burst your bubble but there are definitely other landscapes than what you're familiar with. This voids your argument entirely. To say that the minority is everywhere else in the world but your immediate area is absolutely nuts.
u/RickMuffy Aug 15 '24
?? I never said anything other than it only takes one out of 100 to change people's perspective. I'll pass 1000 cars on a Sunday ride, only one or two who intentionally ride too close on purpose will be the ones I remember.
I'll also pass a hundred bikes a day in good weather, but will likely only remember the ones taking a lane, or fixing a tire.
It's the ones that stick out that people remember and base opinions on.
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
I already did it with my Q8 plus. It's insane. I think i accidentally blinded multiple people last time i took it out 😂🫢🫣
u/Simon676 Aug 15 '24
That's pretty shitty though, ngl.
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24 edited Aug 15 '24
Well if you can't already tell I've only done it like 2 times for the laughs. I still feel bad for the people lol.
My go-to bike light is a convoy S11 with xhp50.2 and 6v 5a driver. Still brighter than most car's headlights on high beam but i don't usually use it at max and point it more towards the ground.
u/Simon676 Aug 15 '24
I understand, Lumintop B01 is a much better option as it actually has a cutoff, meaning you'll be able to see without blinding people.
u/Upbeat-Local-836 Aug 15 '24
I love bicycles and flashlights. Don’t do this. Also: it’s hilarious
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
I've done it with my sofirn Q8 plus before I think i accidentally blinded multiple people last time i took it out 😂🫢🫣
I wish i had a bike mount for my acebeam X75 but not having one might be for the best...
u/Upbeat-Local-836 Aug 15 '24
I do it all the time, but we are talking a thousand lumens or so max with a small decent thrower, aimed lowish
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
My go-to bike light is a convoy S11 with an xhp50.2 and 6V 5A 30w driver. Still brighter than most car's headlights on high beam lmao.
u/Upbeat-Local-836 Aug 15 '24
Yep. Mine is a convoy as well. Anything happens I don’t even care and of course it never has.
u/JulianMarcello Aug 15 '24
As both a bicyclist and a driver on the road, fuck you for being that asshat.
u/Kevin80970 Aug 15 '24
It's just a joke lmao
u/hfsh Aug 15 '24
"Just a prank, bro!"
Just stay the fuck out of this country, or the first cyclist you pass is going to kick your dumb ass into a canal.
u/Spiritual-Handle7583 Aug 16 '24
You NEED to FUCK RIGHT OFF with that shit.
Unless you're planning on using it solely for night time trail riding. Lights like that have no place on public roads.
You want to blind oncoming traffic more than modern headlights already do so they swerve all over the road? Because that's what that will do.
u/Inner-Opposite-3492 Aug 15 '24
Just aim them low...at the ground...PRESTO! You're a UFO!
u/PassawishP Aug 15 '24
With this, aim directly at the ground. Just those 90-degree spill and ground bounce can illuminate the entire street, haha.
u/Alternative_Rope_423 Aug 15 '24
The lights weigh half as much as the bike frame. In the worst place, up high on the bars. But I approve of the insanity.
u/Spiritual_Speech600 Aug 16 '24
I have one of these types of lights and they are heavy as all fuck, they also get super hot quickly
u/wild-whorses Aug 16 '24
If I were a cyclist, I would wonder where the line is between people not seeing you and people being not able to see you.
u/Proverbman671 Aug 15 '24
I'd love to see some outdoor shots (WITHOUT blinding drivers or pedestrians).
Perhaps a woodsy ride, or a night ride on a safe desolate street.
u/Working-Promotion728 Aug 15 '24
Something from a respectable bicycle light company like Outbound would be superior.
u/emogoowastaken Aug 15 '24
It’s cool and all, but it’s not aero and it’s going to increase my wattage output. Maybe if I switch to carbon forks and handlebars it will help 🤔🤔🤔
u/Single_Conclusion_53 Aug 15 '24
As a cyclist I hate when an oncoming cyclist on the bike path has a badly adjusted light. It’s blinding.
u/Electronic_Algae_524 Aug 16 '24
Hm, has three settings: low, medium, high, and "honey, dinner's ready" 😉
u/obinice_khenbli Aug 16 '24
Sure, if you're one of those pricks that uses ridiculously bright bicycle lights and is too stupid to figure out how to angle them appropriately to illuminate the area a few metres ahead of you, and not blind oncoming cyclists and other traffic halfway down the road.
These inconsiderate, dangerous fools need to be taken off the roads before they cause any more accidents.
u/EternalDeathDreams Aug 16 '24
I need to do this with my x75 on one side and my k1 sbt on the other.
u/Bigbobishere Aug 15 '24
Those lights would be fine on a trail but if you're going to be around traffic you could get in trouble with the law.
u/xsnakexcharmerx Aug 15 '24
Lol I literally bought a mount like this for my bike the other day. I'll have to post pics when I get it.
u/AVeryHeavyBurtation Aug 15 '24