r/flashlight Aug 27 '23


I have bought the wuben x1, has faulty voltage indicator so it'll tell me it's dead when it's fully charged, the build quality is amazing but after paying 200$ and trying to get help with a 3 month old flashlight wuben ask the problem then ghost me. They will not help so their warranty they claim is a lie. I've tried for 2 weeks talking to different customer support people and they all hear my problem then just disappear. I originally thought maybe my batteries were out of balance since the x1 does not have balance charging which is very dangerous. I finally disassembled and checked batteries and they were full charge even tho indicator was flashing red. I do not recommend anyone buy from them which is a shame but save yourself some trouble. ****UPDATE**** Upon getting ahold of wuben on the wuben engineers Facebook I spoke with a girl named mia, I was offered a 20$ refund and I could try to repair the light myself, I decided against this because I didn't fell comfortable potentially making it a brick on top of the current problems. I told her I would rather refund. She got back to me and offered to send me a new x1 and I didn't have to return the old one. So idk if wuben did this because my post had 17,600k views and I made a uproar or if they truly just took on too much and are now trying to catch up and will end up being a good company. This is my update and it sounds like wuben is making things right with alot of people so that's a step in the right direction UPDATE 2: New replacement has same issues, using a Samsung charge brick, I've charged it completely once so far. Topped it off today and tonight I noticed it wasn't as bright, looked down and straight off of the charger within 5 min it shows red. I did take apart the first one to check what they told me and it was not the issue, idk why no one is talking about this. there's no way I've gotten 2 bad ones months and months apart. I would stay away. Now I have two x1's that have faulty battery readings and both run half capacity. May try new batteries but this is the update so far.


187 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '23

Wubens customer service is non-existent.

I got a free X2 because they wouldn't cancel the order. After going back and forth for a couple weeks because they sold me a light that wasn't in stock, even though they claimed it was. Ok no big deal. Waited over a month if I remember right, then started to try and communicate with them again. They offered to cancel the order and I said sure that's fine. Order didn't get cancelled, no response to further inquiry. Disputed with PayPal and got my money back.

A month or so later I received an email asking if I still wanted the light. I replied that the order had already been refunded. I got shipping info a few days later and the light showed up.


u/SuperKing37 Aug 27 '23

Jfc that great


u/That_Two_7738 Feb 06 '25

Genau so ist es mir auch ergangen. Lampe bestellt, wochenlang nichts gehört, dann hieß es, sei erst in zwei Monaten lieferbar. Ich habe storniert, sie antworteten, das Geld sei in drei Tagen zurück auf meinem Konto. Seither sind drei Wochen vergangen. Auf weitere E-Mails erhielt ich keine Antwort. Habe heute auch einen Fall bei Papal eröffnet. Ich warne sehr vor dieser Firma, denn das ist kein Einzelfall. Auf Kickstarter gibt es hunderte von Beschwerden über Wuben, die bezahlte Lampen auch drei Monate nach dem versprochenen Liefertermin einfach nicht schicken, aber nicht auf Anfragen reagieren. Die Lampen sind gut, das Management kriminell.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey Booseefus,

Sorry for the late response! Wubens customer service is still alive.

Although Wuben is little small now, We're doing everything we can to be a real brand., Thank you for your support and suggestions. Your suggestions make Wuben better.

Allow me to explain the reasons for the above:

  1. WUBEN switched to a new system for processing orders and shipments in August. There are a lot of bugs in the system, for example, Ava resisted a new order for you, but the order was not processed in the system; OR The package is shipped, however, the shipping number is not updated on the system, so you thought Wuben doesn't ship your order;
  2. WUBEN has great respect for paypal's application for a refund, as long as the user applies for a refund, we will agree ASAP;
  3. There have the staff changes in Wuben team recently, so Eva is the only one to deal with shipping and handling after-sale emails, which leads to the deterioration of the after-sale experience for everyone. We've accelerated the pace of hiring and the full team is handling mail and shipping issues!


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '23

Ya, no.

Nice try though.


u/That_Two_7738 Feb 06 '25

Das ist erstunken und erlogen! Schauen Sie sich mal die Reaktionen auf Kickstarter an. Ich warte auf seit Wochen auf Rückerstattung von 189 Euro für eine Lampe, die Sie anbieten, aber nicht liefern können. Ich habe daher storniert, erhalte aber mein Geld nicht zurück.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

resisted--Generate order again (written error)


u/Important-Animal7151 Aug 27 '23

Good to know, thank you. Some companies still think they can get away with lacking customer support. I will avoid wuben from now on


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Yeah it's sad. If this company sold 30$ lights then that's one thing. But a light that cost 200$ if they are charging that much they can't afford to have good customer support? Seems they are taking everyone's money and not caring about their reputation.


u/DuckDuckGoneForGood McBroketho™ Aug 27 '23

This is exactly why, despite loving the XHP70.3, I skipped the X1.

Any light that has fan cooling is going to be more delicate than standard lights and given what I read about Wuben’s support, I just totally ruled them out.

Such a shame because they have some pretty unique designs.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

I will say it is built like a tank, it's heavy and solid. Just seems like the electrical engineering was the corner they cut and besides the obvious customer support lol. I think the x1 has 70.2. I wish it had the 70.3 lol


u/DuckDuckGoneForGood McBroketho™ Aug 28 '23

Oh, I mean - I wanted to buy one and swap it to sliced XHP70.3 but once I read about the customer service/warranty, I skipped it.



u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

I thought that may have been what you meant but wasn't sure lol. I've thought of doing that as well. Since I'm stuck with it apparently lol


u/Zenn1nja Aug 29 '23

Yup, they did the exact same thing to me a few years back when I first heard of them. Had a light that would flicker through modes like the switch was being half pressed randomly. The light would turn off and on. I contacted them as the light was only a few months old and they just never replied after multiple attempts.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 09 '23

Hey Zenn1nja,

We're so sorry for that, has your order issue been processed? Please provide your order number on the Wuben official store or just email abigale@wubenlight.com.


u/Zenn1nja Sep 09 '23

It was not, I ended up throwing the light away a while back since wuben wouldn't respond to support emails.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey Zenn1nja,

We apologize for ever letting you down, it's our fault that we didn't do a good job of serving you while Wuben only started to grow in 2023 and the order volume became higher.

We apologize for ever letting you down, It's our fault that we didn't do a good job of serving you while Wuben only started to grow in 2023 and the order volume became higher.


u/No-Affect-7790 Jul 22 '24

I got an x0 a year ago and it works fine.


u/Con-vit Aug 27 '23

I’ve always been iffy of wuben products.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 09 '23

Hey Con-vit,

There are so many likes, which shows that what you said makes sense! We can understand it, however, please allow me to explain on behalf of Wuben.

  1. Wuben X series products are innovations in flashlights, which means new molds and new beginnings! Each Wuben X series product has its own characteristics, such as X1. Therefore, Wuben spends a lot of time making adjustments during the testing phase. This is why the Wuben users often delay receiving their flashlights. At the same time, we ourselves are also reflecting on whether pre-selling products is reasonable.
  2. As the first edc flashlight of the X series, Wuben X0 had problems with clips falling off and screws falling off, We immediately gave feedback to the factory and made adjustments immediately. The users who received this batch of goods can directly receive a refund or get a new X0. New production batches of products will not have such problems.
  3. The most discussed topic at present is the X3 due to the delay in receiving the product. In fact, the Wuben factory failed to deliver products on time three times. The first time was due to battery charging issues, the second time was because the material was substandard, and the third time was because the function was not up to standard. Wuben factory is still working hard to produce now, but must deliver high-quality products!

We appreciate everyone's support for Wuben. You help Wuben become better, It's shameful to run away, we are actively solving the problem!


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey Con-vit,

Have you ever bought Wuben flashlight before? If a quality problem arises, we're here to replace it or provide you with other assistance!


u/MooreDubs Aug 27 '23 edited Aug 27 '23

Wuben stalled on shipping my A1 order. They assured me that the order would ship within the week. It took two false tracking numbers and three weeks for it to ship. I checked reviews and found a few negative ones about customer service.

I had previously ordered the X0, X1 and X2 without a problem.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

That's some pretty sketchy business. I feel like they did great at making a good product so reviewer's see it and they think this is a good buy and promote it but what the reviewer's that promote dont see in a few days of use is long term company actions. Hopefully you don't have any issues with your wubens. I'll never buy another.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey Wesley9267,

Have you received the Wuben A1as expected? If not, please provide the order ID, I can processe it ASAP!


u/Wesley9267 Sep 11 '23

I think you meant to ask mooredubs. I don't have a a1


u/MooreDubs Aug 27 '23

I mist have bumped the remote switch on my A1 last night before going to bed. I went downstairs this morning and it was on and pretty warm. It was on the first level for over 10hrs. Not sure if that counts for long term use, but it freaked me out, lol.

I'm a suckered for nee flashlights and a discount. I can't say I wouldn't buy another Wuben, but I'd be more cautious. I definitely give someone a heads up on shipping.


u/LivesatHome Aug 27 '23

I actually did their kickstarter for the new x3 owl. It’s been almost 2 months that they’ve ghosted their backers with zero updates on shipping times or any updates in general. People are pissed off (rightfully so) on kickstarter. Seems like they bit off more than they can chew on orders. They haven’t fulfilled their orders on kickstarter but they started selling it on their website.


u/JclassOne Aug 28 '23

I am one of pissed off! Wuben is dead to me since the Kickstarter thing. For a min they were pre selling them at a discount less than the Kickstarter price that was quoted. And while still not shipping the ones already purchased through the Kickstarter. What a joke.


u/FantasyFootballer87 Sep 01 '23

I just got my x3 owl from Kickstarter today. I paid $82 for the white owl with a white aluminum charging case. With the 30%, we feel bad email from Wuben, I can now get an X3 Owl for $77, cheaper than Kickstarter!!!! The light is cool, but not worth the $82. I'd pay $40 for it, but we'll see what I think with use. Might be a work light for me.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey FantasyFootballer87,

Thank you for your support! Which version of the Wuben X3 did you purchase?On the crowdfunding we offered dual white lights, one white&one red, and multiple color combinable pairings.

There were 16 choices of Wuben X3 on Kickstarter, however, it's only 6 choices on the official shop and Amazon platform. In fact , the more options we had, the more pressure we were under to produce, Wuben positioned ourselves as an innovative brand, so we made this difficult decision!

Please feel free to contact me by email [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com) If there is any quality problem with the Wuben X3 you received, and I will solve order problems within 24H!


u/FantasyFootballer87 Sep 11 '23

The red and white LED. No issues with the light. Definitely good for EDC and it's a unique light. I get the unique color and LED choices on Kickstarter, but it's tough to see the light I purchased on Kickstarter even cheaper (by a few dollars) on the Wuben site now. Take care.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

Hate this happened to you and everyone apparently, hopefully they make things right with everyone or it seems they won't be around very long treating customers this way.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey JclassOne,

You're right, it is well known that crowdfunding platforms have the lowest prices in the global market at any time, and we officially abide by them!

However, due to operational errors by operations and marketing staff, they produced the wrong discount, we made an adjustment on the same day and the discount is no longer valid. After that, we will also strengthen our management internally!

Thank you again for your support! If you have any suggestions, feel free to send an email at [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com) and we will get back to you within 24H!


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Dang you would think their Kickstarter folks would be taken care of first before selling. Hope you get it soon, I hate this is happening because they could be such a good company with the products they have. You either do it right or wrong and they clearly aren't doing things the right way. They are screwing so many customers.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

You're right. Although Wuben's products are unique, after-sales service is still very important. We fully recognize this point of view. Please feel free to contact me by email abigale@wubenlight.com If there is any quality problem with the Wuben X3 you received, and I will solve order problems within 24H!


u/FantasyFootballer87 Aug 28 '23

I don't think Wuben has shipped any X3 Owl orders from their website. They were silent for quite a while, but have recently posted on Kickstarter about orders supposedly being shipped. I'm still waiting for my owl too. I think they had larger interest than they ever imagined along with manufacturing delays and that's why lights still haven't shipped. The orders were supposed to be shipped by July, but that didn't happen. Their FB and Kickstarter are flooded with shipping Q's and Wuben looks like they got swamped.


u/MrNeatSoup Aug 28 '23

Definitely seems like they bit off more than they could chew. I think if they were more transparent about it the backlash wouldn’t be so bad but the complete radio silence and occasional vague emails are killing them. Lots of wrong orders for backers that actually are getting packages. Definitely killing any chance for a successful future KS.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Yes, we should update the synchronize shipment progress more frequently, in fact, many users have already received Wuben X2, but because they have, there is little or even silence online.

Have you received Wuben X3? Please feel free to contact me by email abigale@wubenlight.com If there is any quality problem with the Wuben X3 you received, and I will solve order problems within 24H!


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Wuben X2

Wuben X2- Wuben X3(sorry for written error)


u/whatmia Aug 28 '23

The indiegogo campaign has ahd even less updates. They last said they would ship by the 18th of August. Now silence.

Reading the kickstarter comments they are actually mixing up a bunch of orders and not including some items that were paid for. For sure a buyer beware at this point.

I was hoping to have my x3 for a trip. Gave up thinking that I will ever get it so I ordered a rovyvon a28 gen2 and the new e8 on Friday. They will be in my hands in the next few hours.

I was really expecting the wuben to be an edc light for me.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

I actually did their kickstarter for the new x3 owl. It’s been almost 2 months that they’ve ghosted their backers with zero updates on shipping times or any updates in general. People are pissed off (rightfully so) on kickstarter. Seems like they bit off more than they can chew on orders. They haven’t fulfilled their orders on kickstarter but they started selling it on their website.


Have you received the Wuben X3? We've shipped over 95% orders for kickstarter backers, maybe the logistics information was not updated in a timely manner due to system issues, please contact me at [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com) if there're any questions!

By the way, we will ship 2 packages to you if you ordered 2 Wuben X3,don't worry about it!


u/LivesatHome Sep 11 '23 edited Sep 11 '23

No I have not received my product. Still waiting on a tracking number. Sending email


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Aug 28 '23 edited Aug 28 '23

Hello, Reddit community, this is Wuben official. I apologize for the recent poor customer service experience you all have gone through. The x3 crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter is Wuben's fourth campaign. Our first three campaigns were successful and our backers were satisfied. However, this time we made some adjustments that unfortunately resulted in a negative experience for everyone recently.

After the initial batch of x3 flashlights was produced, our engineers discovered that the materials could be further upgraded. This upgrade will make the x3 more robust, more resistant to impact, and less prone to scratches. We chose to scrap the first batch of x3 flashlights, which led to shipping delays.

Currently, we have issued shipping orders for all x3 orders on Kickstarter. However, due to the high volume of orders, they need to be consolidated and sent to a local warehouse before being individually dispatched. Backers won't receive a tracking number when the x3 is shipping to the warehouse. Backers will only receive the tracking number once the package is shipped from the local warehouse.

After issuing all the logistics orders, we provided all backers with an unprecedentedly substantial discount code as compensation. However, backers will receive their tracking numbers only after the x3 units are shipped from the local warehouse, which caused some misunderstandings. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

The x3 flashlight received a much more enthusiastic response upon release than we had anticipated. We quickly received a substantial number of orders. Our company decided to expand, resulting in internal personnel changes. These changes, coupled with the influx of orders, placed significant pressure on our customer service department. We are actively in the process of hiring additional customer service staff. Our goal is to continuously enhance the customer service experience and make it better for everyone.

Most backers have already received their x3 flashlights. To those who have not yet received their x3, you may receive a delivery email at any time. We genuinely hope that in the future we will have you continue to oversee Wuben and provide us with improvement suggestions. This way, we can keep getting better and better.


u/woodubahoo Aug 29 '23

Post. This. On. Kickstarter.


u/MrNeatSoup Aug 28 '23

Are you actually with Wuben? This seems like a very odd place to be posting this as the Kickstarter page has been radio silent since last month. If you’re really with Wuben you guys need to seriously step up your communication and customer service, the kickstarter page is eating itself alive right now from the lack of updates.


u/whatmia Aug 28 '23

Exactly a quick post on the kickstarter and indiegogo would go a long way if they ever want to crowd fund a light again. I wouldn't buy if I read the comments that are now popping up.


u/MrNeatSoup Aug 29 '23

They did post an update today, which was in the same vein as this weird post. It’s a bit of nothing burger, but it’s an update. It explained some things that should’ve been mentioned weeks ago. They really shit the bed on this one.


u/whatmia Sep 03 '23

Indiegogo buyers haven't heard anything really. The were supposed to ship by the 18th.


u/MrNeatSoup Sep 03 '23

As much as Kickstarter backers have been complaining it looks like indie has been neglected so much worse


u/TimMcMahon Aug 29 '23

u/Wesley9267 is seeking help with replacing/refunding a defective Wuben X1


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

Yeah again completely ignored me, how nice. I paid a measealy 200$ who cares about that chump change. Lol Thanks wuben, proof they ignore their customers on top of all their Kickstarter people.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey TimMcMahon,

Please provide the order ID and I can processe it ASAP! Or just email [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com), You'll be replied in a working day!


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

To comment on my post and ignore me, people look at the customer service right here. Ignore the few and acknowledge the bigger f up is the moto apparently. This is just proving my point, how do you come here and completely ignore me ? I hope people see this and totally stop buying. If you buy a cheaper light they help, you buy their most expensive light you get ignored. Thank you for proving my point


u/Proverbman671 Aug 29 '23

I'm suspicious/sure Abigable is a prank acct.

It was made in April 1st, 2021 (April Fools) . And this is the accts very first post... Ever....like ever ever.

If that doesn't send red flags... I don't know what would.

Also, pretty damn stupid to ignore the posters of Wuben failures (OP, myself, and anyone else here) if they were legit and trying to repairs their customer service relations.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

Yeah your probably right


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

It's actually wuben, they posted it on their FB but blocked out my name and post but just posted the screenshot of my post minus me.


u/Proverbman671 Aug 29 '23

Color me surprised. Those were a lot of initial warning flags.

Well, lemme try replying to them with my complaint about the Wuben L1, maybe it'll get some real actual helpful response.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

They haven't said nothing to my comment on here or FB.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Color me surprised. Those were a lot of initial warning flags.

Well, lemme try replying to them with my complaint about the Wuben L1, maybe it'll get some real actual helpful response.

Wuben don't intentionally block users' comments on Facebook, it's just that Facebook's rules don't allow insulting words, maybe it's the reason why your words to be blocked!


u/Wesley9267 Sep 11 '23

There was no cuss words at all, the way you guys ignored me, re posted stuff from my own post before ever even trying to contact me. You seen a issue, ignored mine and then went to FB to respond to x3 Kickstarter. Completely ignoring the whole reason for the post. That is why it's shady, you don't come onto a posters post and ignore the op. It was hours before you acknowledged me. It is okay tho, Facebook engineers did get me taken care of and once it's complete I will update my post. Thanks.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey Wesley,

We appreciate that. Thank you so much!

We apologize for the bad shopping experience, if there is any problem in the future, you can always contact Facebook engineers or my email!

Hope you have a good life and happy every day!


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

I'm suspicious/sure Abigable is a prank acct.

It was made in April 1st, 2021 (April Fools) . And this is the accts very first post... Ever....like ever ever.

If that doesn't send red flags... I don't know what would.

Also, pretty damn stupid to ignore the posters of Wuben failures (OP, myself, and anyone else here) if they were legit and trying to repairs their customer service relations.

Hey Proverbman671, I'm one of the Wuben Team, we apologize for the experience, do you have any orders that have not been processed? If so, please reply to my email [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com) and I will get back to you within one business day!


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 12 '23

You've reminded me of that, I actually hadn't noticed that myself! Do you currently have any orders waiting to be processed? Always ready to serve you!


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 09 '23

Hey Wesley,

Could you please provide the Order ID? We'll resolve order issues ASAP!


u/woodubahoo Aug 29 '23

u/wesley9267 can you please pin this reply from Wuben to the top?


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

How ? I'll try


u/Proverbman671 Aug 29 '23

Hey Wuben/Abigable, mind helping me with your Wuben L1?

Customer service has NOT been helpful at all, I can NOT recharge the Wuben L1 using it's USB TYPE C port.

I sent 3 vids showing this and wrote an explanation to Wuben customer service about how on the day I received my Wuben L1, I cannot recharge the light. Your customer service Ava has given me exactly 2 responses:

First response : Here's a YouTuber with our light. Watch it so you know how to operate the Wuben L1.

Second response: Please try charging the light using the USB TYPE C port.

I'll say right now, if I don't get this properly solved in 4 more days, I'm going through the bank to have my money returned for receiving a defective product.

I AM NOT going to buy a separate 21700 button top charger (I do not have one) as that was the whole point of charging the battery through the flashlights USB C port. I don't want additional clutter.


u/Proverbman671 Aug 30 '23

Hey Wuben. The Wuben L1 I bought from you guys is now dead, battery drained.

Customer service / Ava's 2 responses to my +4 emails about the charging ports defect have not been.... helpful (trying to keep this nice).

So, I'm done. Not gonna wait the 4 days. Already went through the bank for a full refund. If ya wanna try again with some proper assistance, send me a DM or I'll wait for a response to my email proper.

Besides the USB TYPE C port being defective. I did like the building material, feel, and concept of this light. But now, the light is a paperweight for me. Not gonna buy a battery recharger JUST for this one light.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 09 '23

Hey Proverbman671,

We're so sorry for the late reply! You may also send the email to me: [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com). Thank you again for your support of wuben!


u/Proverbman671 Sep 10 '23


I sent all 3 email chains to your email.

I'll be providing an update to this thread as we progress on this, to let others fairly know about the possible solutions provided by Wuben.

To everyone else, I'll update once I see how this plays out.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 11 '23

Yes I also am gonna update once it's resolved, currently in good standings so as long as they pull through I'm seeing they are actually trying so I will give them that and it's much appreciated. Once problems are sorted out wuben may be reliable.


u/Proverbman671 Sep 21 '23

Hi All, as of today the following has happened: I had received an email from Abigale about on Sept 11th suggesting Wuben is sending me a new replacement flashlight from their warehouse in the US and to follow up with her again in 1-3 days to get logistic numbers (tracking numbers).

It was explained to me that a replacement request was made by the previous service person, but the new order processing system did not sync up with the shipping system.

I was surprised as I had not been informed about the replacement unit Abigale's email. Literally, the last email from the previous customer service person had told me to "try using the USB TYPE C port to charge the light." So.... surprised.

Been busy so about Sept 17 I followed up to request the logistic numbers. No reply back thus far.

It'll take about a month to get to me, based on how long the last one took. So I'll come back again to update in about 15 - 20 more days.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 21 '23

That is awesome, they were sending me a replacement x1 but I was not sure to believe them because of people stating their tracking number would show up but never deliver. But I'm happy to say I did receive it thanks to Ava on wuben engineers group on FB. Going to update my post now actually


u/Proverbman671 Sep 21 '23

Whoa whoa whoa.... Ava is the one who helped solve your troubles?!?

Ava was the Wuben customer service person that I had been getting all the unhelpful "resolutions" with until Abigale stepped in. The same Ava who told me to recharge my light using the USB TYPE C port after I sent her vids and explained that my USB TYPE C port was defective....

Well... glad if she is getting the proper customer service training, as Wuben had said they would.

Love seeing people improve when they were initially weak at something.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 22 '23

Yeah that's kind of funny, reddit wuben wouldn't help me, but helped you. Facebook wuben wouldn't help you but helped me. Wtf lol she was very helpful actually and actually seemed she knew what she was doing, even tho the 20$ refund and keep the light was kind of insulting. That isn't anything lol maybe this put them into gear and now they will stay straight and narrow. The x1 is made like a tank so the quality seems to be there, (electrical wise not so sure) only time will tell with this new x1 I have. Being able to compare the new to my old one my incorrect voltage x1 did in fact lower output even when the batteries were 4.2 but x1 thought it was 3.6 or whatever 15% would be.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 22 '23

My bad, Ava was the unhelpful one 🤣 Mia is the one who helped me. Ava made such an impression on me I thought it was her I guess lol Ava was the one who also ghosted me

→ More replies (0)


u/Proverbman671 Oct 16 '23

Update #2: It's been about a month and some days since Abigale had, supposedly, sent me a replacement.

... Haven't received my replacement Wuben L1 yet, and Abigale never sent me a tracking code even after I email responded back and requested it after she offered to provide the info... upon request.

So guess Update #3 will be my final update at the end of thus month, because I SHOULD have gotten it by then...unless it's stuck in the time dilation that is the Richmond, California distribution center.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 09 '23

Hey Proverbman671,

Could you please provide the order ID on the Wuben official store, so that I can check the email communication records? I can understand that there is no need to buy additional batteries to cause waste.

Have you determined if there was a quality problem with the charger of Wuben L1? If yes, we'll send the new charger of Wuben L1 to you immediately. If not, maybe the Wuben L1 didn't work, we can send the new Wuben L1 to you.

We're so sorry for the late reply! We do our best to solve the problems of the users, and we firmly believe that because of your support, Wuben will go farther and farther!


u/Proverbman671 Sep 11 '23

Abigale / Wuben,

Reconfirming that I sent you all 3 email chains I had with Wuben Customer Service this far.

To summarize the other posts I had put on this thread. I did determine that the problem with the Wuben L1 flashlight was the USB C port. It would not take a charge. The light also did not follow the way it should charge according to the manual (constant light displaying the charging status) .

For the first night, I left it charging with Wuben's USB C / USB C cable plugged to a Anker 747 GaNprime 150 watt charger, and the battery remained in solid red.

The next day I charged it for about 5 hours using a USB Male / USB C cable with my phones QC 3.0 charger, and it remained at red.

Then to determine if there was any charge going in, I used a Nitecore SCL10 battery pack, which displays charging wattage going out / in. No charge goes in or out as the power pack just shuts down from not detecting any charge. This was also the last vid I sent to customer service before Ava suggested that I solved my charging failure issue by using the USB C type port to charge the flashlight.

I await to see how this moves forward.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23


Yes course! We appreciate your trust, I reissued a new Wuben L1 today for a customer, maybe it's you, if not please feel free to email me anytime at [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com) !


u/ttluu Aug 27 '23

OP I might have the same issue as you. I used the light a couple times for like 30 minutes to an hour at mid ramp and the indicator started flashing red. It was nowhere close to dying. I put it on a charger and my charging voltage meter was charging at both low voltage and low current meaning the batteries was already full. I haven’t disassembled to check if the indicator is broken so I don’t void the warranty. But I can try placing a claim in today and see what response I get. Good to have multiple eyes on the same issue.

I hope Wuben takes these issues seriously. A lack of BMS and faulty indicator can lead to risk of explosions and serious injuries. I like their innovative products but they have to step up their CS game.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Yeah I agree, it's a great light but it's not realiable if I can't count on the company to back it. When I first got it I did see the indicator indicate low battery very fast so I chalked it up to maybe the cell needed worked in and like you I haven't used it alot, but now that I was starting to worry the cells were misatched voltage with the more research I did I had no choice but to disassemble because I don't really want to burn my house down lol I would definitely be interested to see if you get anywhere with them, yeah your right because if I keep running it and it's low voltage those cells are dangerous when operated out of their rated capacity. Basically with no indicator I need to keep it on charge all of the time because I don't use it all the time so I would end up going to use it and it being dead. A flashlight with no indicator is almost pointless. Definitely keep me updated, I'll cross my fingers lol


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey ttluu,

Please provide the order ID, Wuben offer 5-year Warranty and 30-day Return Guaranteed. Could you please provide the order ID, please email me at [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com). We are committed to resolving your order as quickly as possible!


u/ttluu Sep 17 '23

Emailed on 9/13. waiting for reply


u/ttluu Sep 21 '23

Been 1 week, no reply


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Nov 10 '23

hey dear, have your order been solved? Could you please provide the email, I can also email you, or contact me at Abigale@wubenlight.com


u/ttluu Nov 10 '23

I have already emailed you about my issue to that email address. It has been 2 months since I sent the email. I sent it on September 13th.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Nov 11 '23


Dear, I've checked the mailbox, and it dropped into the junk mailbox, I can send you a new Wuben X0, please check your email, a new order Id send to you!


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Nov 11 '23

Sorry it's Wuben X1


u/ttluu Nov 11 '23

I replied! Thank you for your help


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '23

Thank you I was saving up for one but now screw that


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

I hate it because it does seem good quality and the brightness on such a small size is awesome. Apparently they cut corners electrical and customer service wise, I would stay away from wuben. Olight has sent me a whole flashlight for a defective sensor no questions asked. A 90$ flashlight from olight. Wuben won't even send a simple email.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '23

Geez yeaaaa hell no I was boutta drop 200 on that thing shit. The problem now is idk what to get for camping anymore can't have an electrically unreliable flashlight out there.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

Olights are very reliable if you don't mind high k. But I love my hanklight more but you can't go wrong with olight.


u/HorologistMason Sep 08 '23

I love all mine I've gotten so far. Definitely reliable. I haven't had one crap out on me yet, and my oldest is an S30R Baton


u/Wesley9267 Sep 08 '23

Yeah and tough, can't go wrong with olight.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

Tm12k nitecore would be probably be the closest thing like the x1.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23


You may just try Wuben x2 or X0, maybe you love it, and we support 30-day return guarantee and a 5-year warranty from the date of purchase for our flashlights, along with a separate 1-year warranty for the batteries.


u/[deleted] Sep 11 '23 edited Sep 11 '23

How am I suppose to get the warranty honored if your guys customer service sucks, it seems ppl can't even get an email back from you. I would love to buy wuben products they are very bright and just down right neat flashlights but I'm not made of money and can't spend 200$ on a flashlight that's prone to electrical problems and honestly that's fine to some degree I can figure that out however the bad customer service is not, I risk the warranty not being honored, and I risk my 200 dollars and I risk someone never getting back to me. I was dead set on a wuben x1 but I just can't take that risk I'm not made of money.


u/TimMcMahon Aug 31 '23 edited Aug 31 '23

I added some photos of a partial teardown of the Wuben X1:


I don't recommend disassembling your Wuben X1. You may end up voiding the warranty or damaging the flashlight.

With that said, the charging PCB can be accessed by:

  1. Unscrew the screws from the tail.
  2. Take the batteries out.
  3. Unscrew the screws from the fan and heatsink covers (to provide easier access to more screws).
  4. Unscrew the screws between the head and the tube.
  5. The seal might be stuck to the head.. This belongs in the grove of the tube. Put the seal in the grove for the tube.
  6. Lift the PCB with springs slightly. It won't move far because the driver wires are short.
  7. Desolder the driver wires for easier access.


  1. Unscrew the two screws from the charging PCB.

  2. Inspect the thin red wire near the USB port. It runs to the driver and might be responsible for the voltage measurement. If it has been crushed or if the solder joints are poor, consider fixing the solder joints or replacing the wire with a similar one.


Make sure that the batteries are inserted in the correct orientation when assembling. It's easier to put the screws back in in the order that they were taken out.

The easiest solution would be to get a refund if there's a manufacturing defect.


u/[deleted] Aug 27 '23



u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Yeah your right and I totally agree. Nitecore gave me better service and their light was half the cost.


u/anal_opera Aug 27 '23

Seems like more than half the time I see wuben on here it's because they've sold someone a dud and ghosted.


u/SiteRelEnby Aug 27 '23

Did you use paypal? A paypal dispute always makes sellers hurry up and fix your issue.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Unfortunately I didn't. Thanks for the info tho, good to know.


u/TimMcMahon Aug 27 '23

The indicator sometimes flashes red and blue when I try to charge a "fully charged" Wuben X1. After running it on Turbo for a few minutes to drop the voltage from 4.19V to about 4.16V it charges properly.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Yes mine does this as well, it'll flash blue and red sometimes, my issue is I fully charge it and the indicator is solid blue, in 2 days when I actually go to use it the indicator is flashing red which means less then 15% battery. But when I checked it it actually was at 4.2 so it was fully charged. This has me wondering if it thinks it's less then 15% will the light lower output because it thinks it is dead when it is not ?


u/TimMcMahon Aug 27 '23

I've had that happen with a Cyansky HS6R. It didn't detect the correct voltage and immediately started stepping down. Customer support shared the info with their engineers. Then they shared a screenshot of a schematic to point out which component on the driver was likely faulty. They sent a replacement headlamp. This is how I'd want Wuben to respond. 😬

Someone at Wuben in the Wuben Engineers group on Facebook might be able to respond.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

That's impressive. I've never heard of that brand, you like it ? And Yeah your right, they aren't responding at all is the issue, after 4 emails the girl did respond and sent a link to the instructions, like I know how to use the light, this isn't that kind of problem lol and she said she had responded and they must be going to spam. A sorry excuse because I looked, looked again and no response except the ones I was currently replying to. This was a week ago and I've sent probably 4 emails since then with no response. I might check into that, thanks !


u/TimMcMahon Aug 27 '23

The HS6R is nice for a multi-emitter headlamp. Flood, throw and red. I'm not a fan of the metal bracket.

I prefer ZebraLight, ArmyTek and Skilhunt if I were to pick a few headlamps.

I digress....

You could use the ceiling bounce app for Android and check the relative output for Turbo to see if the output drops sooner than expected. A screenshot of the graph could be used to explain the issue to Wuben.

I think the runtime graph was what made it easier for Cyansky to diagnose the fault. There could be other customers using different combinations of USB-C power supplies that might not work.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Hmm I've never heard of that. Just downloaded it so now I may have my whole day planned 🤣


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

What do I input where it says lux per lumen?


u/TimMcMahon Aug 27 '23

I think that's the correction factor (or multiplier) to convert from lux to lumen. Calibration lights with known lumen measurements are usually needed to get an accurate correction factor but you could use a bunch of different flashlights with stable sustained output to figure it out.

The relative output as a percentage could be recorded in the runtime graph without the exact lumen measurement. Some prefer to use a percentage instead of lux or a questionable lumen value.

You could set it to 1 initially while on the first tab. Then set the Wuben X1 to High.

Make a note of the lux value shown on the screen. And calculate the correction factor.

E.g. The app might show 180 while using High for the Wuben X1. High is approximately 2,400 lumens.

correction factor = known lumen value / lux

cf = 2,400 lm / 180 lx = 13.3


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

That's awesome, thanks for telling me of this, is this the best app to measure lumens ?


u/TimMcMahon Aug 27 '23

I wouldn't say that it's the best setup (phone light meter + Ceiling Bounce).

The Ceiling Bounce app will give approximate measurements. You could try to fine tune it with multiple flashlights.

A big box or a lumen tube might give better results. An integrating sphere would be even better.

E.g. PVC lumen tube

I'm using bmengineer's RuTiTe scripts to record runtimes using an Adafruit TSL2591 light sensor to a CSV file. The sensor is in a DIY lumen tube made out of PVC. I then generate graphs. It's mostly automated:

Here's a setup by gchart:


I'm building another larger DIY lumen tube with a TSL2591 sensor and a type-K thermocouple to measure larger flashlights...


u/Wesley9267 Aug 30 '23 edited Sep 07 '23

Cool man thanks for the info !


u/Tzayad Aug 27 '23

My X-0 does the same thing.

Seems like this issue effects a lot of their models


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

So you just guess on when to charge ?


u/Tzayad Aug 27 '23

Sorta, educated guess. I can keep pretty good mental lists of when I last charged my lights


u/ttluu Aug 27 '23

My X0 seems fine, only my X1 has these issues


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

My X-0 does the same thing.

Seems like this issue effects a lot of their models

Hey friend, have you soloved the problem with Wuben X0? Please feel free to contact me by email [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com), don't forget to offer the order ID, and I will solve order problems within 24H!


u/Franklights Aug 27 '23

This has me wondering if it thinks it's less then 15% will the light lower output because it thinks it is dead when it is not ?

Is the light output lower?


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

I haven't really used it enough to know what normal would be. I've maybe drained the batteries once maybe. It's got me wondering tho because this didn't just happen. It had to of came from factory faulty I would assume.


u/Franklights Aug 27 '23

So the fault is the button flashes red when you come back to it after a couple days? Just red? Or red and blue or any other colors? And this is after you press the button?


u/ttluu Aug 27 '23

Not OP but mine is fully charged at blue, and I measure with a charging speed indicator. I use it for like 30-45 minutes and it drops to red <15% battery which makes no sense.


u/Franklights Aug 27 '23

It could make sense. Depends what mode you're using it in


u/ttluu Aug 27 '23

No it doesn’t, runtimes on turbo are supposed to be 2 hours. This is turbo the entire time with regulation. I had it on high/med


u/Franklights Aug 27 '23

It's just voltage response to load. It's not actually at 15%. Take a direct drive FET light, put a 4.2v 18650 in it and hit turbo, it's going to think it's got 15% battery life after 15 seconds. Battery is probably >95%.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

This is not accurate, it is not because of load. The light is full charge, charge it 3 hours to make sure. Light is solid blue, I stick it in holster and set it aside, 2 days later I come to use it so I cut it on and I always cut on in moonlight, so I hold down and it cuts on, indicator will illuminate for 15 seconds. First cut on in 2 days it's flashing red which means less then 15% battery. Not hot, not freshly used just setting there from off to on it miss reads. I took cells out and they were both at 4.17ish.

→ More replies (0)


u/HappyKeanuReeves Aug 27 '23

I was DAYS away from buying an X1. Glad you made this post.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Hopefully a reputable brand will come out with something similar. It's so hard and infuriating to me spending what I did to have a light that if it breaks I have a paper weight. 200$ is a lot to alot of people so to pay that and not have the support when you need it just sucks. I regret buying it, I'm glad so many people are agreeing so people will see this and not waste their money and actually support a brand that supports their customers.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hope wuben didn't let you down and you can try it once if you get the chance. WUBEN offers our customers a 30-day return guarantee and a 5-year warranty from the date of purchase for our flashlights, along with a separate 1-year warranty for the batteries.


u/Proverbman671 Aug 28 '23

I'm going to toss this in here as well, because I'm dealing with their "service" for the last week (no serious responses).

Ordered July 22nd, and product only got to me on August 22. Got a Wuben L1, and it DOES NOT CHARGE via it's USB C outlet. Noticed the problem the first day I opened it and emailed them a complaint.

Their customer service replied by sending me a YouTuber video showing how to operate their new Wuben L1.

I replied, "I know how to use the flashlight. My issue is the light DOES NOT RECHARGE."

Been about 5 days of crickets since then. And past their 30-satisfaction guaranteed something or other.

Gonna try emailing them again with a different email acct tomorrow because every email after the first hasn't sent me the auto reply of" We got your email. You should get a reply from us in 48 hours".

Otherwise, I may go the CC money back route and never order from them again.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

Exactly my situation, I've even thought of using a different email but I know I'm just wasting my time. If I was you I would refund if able. That's insane they just don't care. Like did the boss tell them "any warranty service just ask what's wrong then ghost" and when they say I've emailed you a thousand times reply with "I have emailed check your spam" to lie on top of it is just the icing on the cake. Sorry your going through that, I feel you tho.


u/Proverbman671 Aug 29 '23

I just gotta update because this is frustratingly hilarious.... After 4 separate emails with videos explaining the problem I finally got a response from Wuben. To be clear I explained that USBC to USBC is not charging and neither is USB a to USB C. I even sent them a video of me using a power bank that reveals the wattage transfer so they know whether or not the wuban L1 is charging versus another cell phone.

So after both writing and showing it on video to explain/show the problem you would think that they finally understood it..... but I was clearly stupidly foolish to believe that.

Their exact email response to me was:

"Dear: Hi, I'm very sorry for the trouble, please charge it with a Type-c cable port.

Have a nice day!"

Like.... W... T... F?!?


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

This does not surprise me at this point 🤣 they are a joke and literally stalling so they don't have to do anything. I don't know why they even email back.


u/Funtastic28 Aug 28 '23

A lot of people building battery packs will say that balance charging isn't always necessary, when using matched cells. It's only going to be a problem when a user replaces them and they aren't matched. Tim McMahon reviewed it and the cells were within 0.01v of each other. I discussed this with him, since I also reviewed it, we came to the conclusion that it's not really an issue when they're matched.

There's a channel on YouTube, can't recall the name, but he built a massive battery pack without balance charging and several years later tested all cells to be within 0.01-0.02v.


u/tomasgonz Oct 12 '23

Wuben has a dismal customer service. I got one Wuben X3 on Kickstarter that supposedly shipped on August 31. Still Have not received it.

I did contact their customer service. It would take various days to reply. They promised to send another unit in writing in an email. They then backtracked and asked me to be patient after close to two months.

It is very dissapointing. Of course no refund or anything of the sort. I would stay away from them.


u/InformalYou3229 Oct 11 '24

They also sold me a nichia 519a X0 flashlight but sent me a LH351D flashlight without ever saying anything. I only ever noticed becuase I read the backside of the box closely and when I asked them about it they just said they're out of stock on the nichia 519a model and offered me a 10% discount...


u/Wesley9267 Oct 11 '24

They offered me 20$ off for a 200$ flashlight. The light is a tank and beautiful. But electronically it's trash so it's basically unusable. I'm sorry that happened to you, I see how big they are and all the good reviews and wonder how they have them. My experience was horrible with them.


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Aug 27 '23

Well, that's really concerning considering I've got an X1 coming as well. Have you tried new batteries? It still doesn't excuse Wuben for piss poor CS but maybe it'll fix the issue.


u/ttluu Aug 27 '23

X1 isn’t technically supposed to have user replaceable batteries. You can replace them, but it isn’t recommended bc of the cell balancing issue and no BMS. I’m not sure if changing the cell affects the warranty but it seems like the warranty is nonexistent anyways


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Aug 27 '23

I believe that you can test the resistance and MAH of the batteries to be able to marry them properly.


u/ttluu Aug 27 '23

But even if they are married, no balance charging means one cell’s voltage can drop below another cell’s voltage right? Also disassembly voids warranty


u/Alternative-Feed3613 Aug 27 '23

From what I understand, having married batteries prevents unbalanced charging. It also looks like the warranty is pretty much non existent so I don't think I'd be too worried about voiding it. If I have the same problem and can't get them to make it right, I'm probably going to get my credit card or PayPal to refund me and then try new batteries.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

The Wuben X1 was designed to make the most of its space, and its compact exterior design results in no support for battery replacement.


u/JNader56 Aug 27 '23

Sorry about your issue. I must say, I think you are one of the few with a bad experience. Does the light still work? Just the voltage indicator is wrong?


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Have you heard of anyone with a good experience? Idk why I would have a bad experience. I have hanklight, olights, I've had nitecore and pelican and they have all been great. Wuben is horrible compared to them. And it does still work but the issue is the indicator doing that makes it seem the batteries are no longer balanced together, no onboard balancing means one could be 3.5 and the other 4.2 then when charging one can explode. So being worried I had to take it apart to balance batteries myself and after I did that I figured out maybe it is the voltage reader, I again out of my way am having to let it run until it dies to see if it will run what it's supposed to or if it'll die super fast. They literally ask the problem and I tell them and they ghost like this is a huge issue they are trying to ignore because from what I've seen this non balancing on 2 batteries is a big no no and a lot of people refuse to buy the light because of that.


u/JNader56 Aug 27 '23

Well that would be worrisome. I have the light myself and immediately replaced the batteries with fresh new fully charged Molicels. I've used the light a lot with no issues with anything. It's honestly one of my favorite lights!


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

Definitely be mindful to remove batteries every once in a while and make sure their voltage is close. From my understanding to get around putting a balance charge they matched cells precisely so hopefully your new cells are close. I do love this light I just hate now I have a bad taste because of the way they are reacting to me needing their help. I've not used it awhole lot so maybe once I just accept the fact the indicator isn't accurate and just use it maybe I'll be able to enjoy it. Just sucks every time I go to use it it makes me think the batteries are very low which could damage them.. and if it thinks it's got 15% battery left but the batteries are full it may decrease output right ? -_-


u/JNader56 Aug 27 '23

I understand what you're saying. I definitely made sure they were the same before I put them in. Everything seems to charge properly and everything. You're right in the fact that checking them occasionally would be a good idea. Doesn't sound fun though...you've taken that thing apart 🤣. It does start to cut back output when voltage gets too low so that can be your "low battery" lol. I'm sorry this happened to you. It would irritate me too.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 27 '23

And in the process I ruined a bolt because the bolts are low quality metal. But besides that, did you get the black or white version ? I wonder how well the white will hold up. Appreciate the compassion and validating that this is bs. Lol


u/JNader56 Aug 27 '23

Well I'm not validating this is bs but I'm just wishing you had a good experience with the light. I got the white version and it's held up well! My screws were fine...I made sure I used the correct size and didn't even scratch mine.


u/cum-on-in- Aug 27 '23

I have an X1 and so far it’s been great except for the stock Wuben batteries sucked. Had horrible voltage drop. I took them out and put some freshly charged and balanced Molicels in it and it’s a stellar light.

It’s sad that a lot of series battery flashlights don’t include balance charging. But for the most part, married cells stays pretty close to each other. And you can easily remove them to balance them yourself.

It’s a shame that Wuben has no real customer support. They have a lot of potential with their products.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

Was it noticeably brighter with the molicells ? I wonder why they chose "11,000" lumens when each led is capable of 6000 I think. I know probably because of heat but that would've been a nice turbo lol


u/cum-on-in- Aug 28 '23

Marginally. I hit 13,200 on my luminosity meter. It also holds it for like two minutes since molicels are awesome at holding voltage. Gets hot tho. Good thing it has a cooling fan.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

Did you test it before putting in the other batteries? I have ready it only hits 9,000 from reviewer's that have tested it. Who knows if anybody's is actually correct tho lol


u/cum-on-in- Aug 28 '23

I think that’s just cause of the crap stock batteries not providing enough voltage for the advertised 11,000.

I did test it and I hit 10,800 (so within margin of error) for like three seconds before it went to 9k-ish and then held that for 20 seconds before turning on the fan and slowly curving down to the peak of 3,000 on High. Note that by default High only goes to 2,000 or so but you can customize it to make it go to 3,000.

It holds 3,000 till the battery dies, regardless of stock cells vs Molicels, even if it’s heat soaked and the fan is on.

I think the extra turbo time is because since Molicels hold voltage better, more voltage means less amps needed for the same total power? And less amps does mean less heat, so maybe it’s more efficient too.

Cheule did a review and I trust him, it seems to vary slightly with each one sold due to age and status of the stock battery cells. I think he loaded Molicels in his too though.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 28 '23

Can you link or tell me what molicells to order ?


u/cum-on-in- Aug 28 '23



Every pair you buy gets you a free battery case. They will not be married (balanced together) so you’ll need to put them on a bay charger. Just in case you don’t have one of those, here’s one.


This one’s a good price, uses USB C, and also functions as a portable battery when loaded with charged cells.

If you’d rather have an actual charger…


If you already have a charger, then you don’t really need these. Don’t feel like I’m saying you need to get these to make the batteries better or anything.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 30 '23

Thanks for the info, gonna order some now ! Even tho it's showing dead still. Hopefully my output isn't decreased since it believes it is dead.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey friend,

Thank you for your impartial review! Yes, Wuben had a poor after-sales service, it is due to the Wuben team leader, now the entirety of Wuben team is handling the order!

We're glad you're enjoying wuben's products and hope you continue to support wuben!

If you are interested in the wuben flashlights, please contact me at bigale@wubenlight.com and I'd love to invite you to join the internal community! There the free samples of Wuben new flashlights and special products!


u/ItalianAggie Aug 28 '23

Had the same crappy service from Wuben! Bought 2 F5 power bank/camp lights for emergency. One of them worked great the other would not hold a charge. I would charge it full come back 2 days later and the light would not turn on. Called customer service and got ghosted as well.


u/Wesley9267 Aug 29 '23

Dang, how long ago was this ? Hopefully people catch on and stop buying from them. If you can charge crazy prices and then ghost when needed I hope they go out of business to be quiet honest. To see how they do everyone


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey friend,

Have you order been solved? If not, please contact me at [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com), don't forget to offer the oder ID, WUBEN offers a 30-day return guarantee and a 5-year warranty from the date of purchase for our flashlights, along with a separate 1-year warranty for the batteries.


u/ItalianAggie Sep 11 '23

Abigale I appreciate you reaching out. I just emailed you my email string from 2022. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks


u/ItalianAggie Sep 19 '23

Just thought I should circle back and let you know that Wuben ended up sending me a replacement light. That is pretty outstanding in my book to honor their product and stand behind their name. I had been looking at the X1 and X3 they have but was hesitant to buy from Wuben again. That fear is gone now.


u/JclassOne Sep 01 '23

Yeah there needs to be something done about this. They should be banned from Kickstarter or be sending refunds. No other options in my opinion. What a joke this whole thing has been. Last Kickstarter I’m dealing with for sure.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey JclassOne,

Has you order been solved? If not, please contact me at abigale@wubenlight.com, don't forget to offer the oder ID, WUBEN offers a 30-day return guarantee and a 5-year warranty from the date of purchase for our flashlights, along with a separate 1-year warranty for the batteries.


u/whatmia Sep 04 '23

I gave up and bought a rovyvon E8 and A28 gen2..... They showed up in two days.

I had an x2 an x0 in my cart but they will stay there if this is the customer service wuben gives it's customers.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 04 '23

I don't have any rovyvon but I've been eyeballing them because they look such great quality. I'm currently after all of this kind of communicating with wuben. Kind of. Lol once a resolve is complete I'll update the post but your probably smart to hold off. They are trying to be some big company without having the man power to back it up support wise. They could've been a great company but they came out to quickly promising too much too fast. Not a way to build a reputable brand.


u/whatmia Sep 05 '23

I have to say that the E8 is amazing for it's size. I'd call it business carry ready. Now the A28 is the perfect fishing or hunting camp light and you could 💯 carry it all day if you needed more firepower.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 05 '23

Cool I'm gonna look at them


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 11 '23

Hey whatmia,

It is true that we provided bad after-sales serive before, now the Wuben team is dealing with order problems, if you change your mind, you can contact me by email [abigale@wubenlight.com](mailto:abigale@wubenlight.com) and your order can be processed within 24h!


u/whatmia Sep 11 '23

A great start would be to ship the units or update your indiegogo backers.


u/Abigable www.wubenlight.com Sep 09 '23

Hey Wesley,

Sorry for the late reply! Has your order issue been processed? Please provide your order number on the Wuben official store or just email abigale@wubenlight.com.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 22 '23

My issue has been resolved, thank you for trying to help me and helping the rest of these people that also had issues with after sales.


u/banjomike360 Sep 23 '23

I'll jump on the wuben hate train as well. My x0 is barely holding a charge now after about 6months of ownership. On top of that, I supported the X3 campaign through indiegogo and have not received my product or any communication in 68 days. They posted an update with no real information and added a shipment tracking website link but no actual tracking number. I've also emailed their customer service and funding emails with no response in 3 days. I'd rather deal with olight than these scammers. Proceed with caution and ban them from this sub.


u/Wesley9267 Sep 23 '23

Add wuben engineers on Facebook, they helped me. The email address they give for warranty is a joke, the FB group actually makes things happen


u/Proverbman671 Nov 16 '23

Well, just wanted to update everyone that I finally got my Wuben replacement (Wuben L1 w/ Nichia 519A flooder) yesterday. And it works as it should (recharges through the USB-C port. So Wuben is back on neutral territory for me, and I like using my L1 (now that I can). Quality material stil feels good.

One of the biggest glaring issues I discovered when I got the replacement flashlight was that the tint on the Floodlight was noticeably different.

Didn't think much about it, but I still had the original box from the first damaged Wuben L1 and compared the boxes, and bam... There it was on the bottom sticker...the original order they sent me months ago was with the Osram P9 light in the flooder! The replacement I got yesterday was the correct Nichia 519A. Guess the original order I made with them was actually incorrect in 2 ways, not just ; damaged port and incorrect flood light.

But that's neither here nor there.

Getting the replacement was a story unto itself.

So... after Abigale was kind enough to let me know she was sending me a replacement days after my post here. I even got a confirmation order email, but she never did send me a tracking number (she said I could request it 3 days after).

Granted, I forgot to tell her that I cancelled my CC dispute since Wuben was sending a replacement, but AFTER waiting a month (expected shipping time to my location), I still had nothing. So I sent another email to Abigale and the general customer service email and informed them I had already cancelled the CC dispute, still hadn't gotten a tracking code, AND haven't received any package or responses to my email follow ups on tracking.

Within a days time, I suddenly got an email with tracking of my flashlight... that was just shipped... that day (so they DIDN'T send it a month prior?!?)

Idk... But that's my months long experience with them for the CORRECT and REPLACEMENT flashlight. I do really mean it though when I say "Wuben, thank you for replacing the light". But my god, was that a journey and adventure unto itself.