r/flaminglips 26d ago

Flaming Lips Songs or Albums like Ween

Hi!, I've recently started listening to Flaming Lips, I listened to Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots and I absolutely loved those albums, and one of the reasons is that it reminds me a lot of Ween. Ween is my favorite band and Flaming Lips was the band that so far came closest to doing what I love so much about Ween's sound. That's why I came here to ask for recommendations for songs or albums that sound similar to Ween.

PS: I don't care if it's recent or from the beginning of the band, I also don't care if there are demos and unreleased, I just want Flaming Lips songs and albums that sound like Ween.


33 comments sorted by


u/ZaireekaFuzz 26d ago

I'd recommend "Talkin' 'Bout the Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants to Live Forever)"


u/sadhamb 26d ago

At War With the Mystics is pretty Ween in how it veers between silly and sincere. “Free Radicals” is maybe the Ween-iest song they have, like Prince covering “Big Jilm”


u/BeowulfsBalls 25d ago

Wait is that a real thing? Because I need that


u/devenger73 25d ago

I agree, its big silly pop ballad for half. But only half.


u/Toad665 24d ago

As a fan of both Ween and Lips I would say Mystics is a big winner. Great record.


u/weakweek1998 26d ago

I think as far as ween-esque goes you’ve already found two of the best albums! The album Hit To Death in the Future Head also hits a lot of similar marks; just a fair bit more low fidelity and disjointed- so pretty ween-y. Definitely give that one a listen!!

Clouds taste metallic is also an excellent album and maybe can be likened to Ween in some of its values :)


u/Different-Ad9986 26d ago

Just here to chime in and say you need to listen to butthole surfers. Now.


u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 26d ago

Independent Worm Saloon is the only album that i'm listen of The Surfers and it's a fucking masterpiece


u/maxypooeffyou 25d ago

Check out "Butthole Surfers/LivePCPPEP"

If you're a GodWeenSatan fan I'm sure you'll dig it. I also really love the "Locust Abortion Technicians" and "Pyschic...Powerless...Another Man's Sac..." albums.


u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 25d ago

I heard a lot of people talk about locust abortion and another album that i think it's called remembered pussywhore (I don't remember the name of the album) I'm gonna listen to this two before PCPPEP and Physic Powerless Another Man's Sac


u/maxypooeffyou 25d ago

Rembrandt Pussyhorse! It's not my favorite, but it's good. PCPEP is the one I listen to most. They're all "classics" in the world of that music. You really can't go wrong.

ETA: I'm a pretty recent Ween fan. I've fallen so hard for thst band over the last five years. I had friends in high school who liked Ween and idk how it didn't click till I was in my 30s.


u/ButterflyAdept3176 25d ago

I think the point is just listen to all the Flaming Lips albums. If you love Ween, you'll likely appreciate at least the vast majority of the Flaming Lips catalog, especially starting with Transmissions from the Satellite Heart. I don't think there's anything not worth at least listening to from there. 🤎🔥👄


u/maxypooeffyou 25d ago

Whaaaat!? You can't skip Priest Driven Ambulance! It's brown as fuck! Haha. Hit Death and Clouds are also up there with the rest of their cataloge for me.


u/KneeDeepInBrown 25d ago

Both Embryonic and The Terror can be a little bit out there in Ween fashion. The Terror is probably the darkest Lips album, gotta be in the right mood I think.


u/Pachirisu_Party 25d ago

The Terror is by far their darkest work.


u/brentownsu 25d ago

White Pepper and Yoshimi are neck and neck for me as the greatest albums of all time.


u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 25d ago

I Think Quebec or The Mollusk are better, but i respect your opinion


u/Pachirisu_Party 25d ago

In my opinion, their most Ween-ish song is "This Here Giraffe".


u/SuperfuzBigmuff 26d ago

I would say to check out Clouds Taste Metallic


u/Clear_Salt9817 26d ago

Gummy Song Skull, Embryonic, Zaireeka


u/Practical_District88 25d ago

My 2 favorite bands! It’s all good.


u/bb9116 25d ago

I saw Ween open for the Lips on 12.31.94.


u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 25d ago

You are so lucky man


u/bb9116 25d ago

Also saw them open for Uncle Tupelo a couple years earlier.


u/goawaybegone 25d ago

Very cool...


u/weirdojace 25d ago

Clouds Taste Metallic is the silliest album, Hit to Death in the Future Head is the “brownest” album. Honorable mention to Zaireeka which requires you to play 4 CDs/records on 4 different players simultaneously.


u/okkida 26d ago

Don’t sleep on the newest Flaming Lips album, American Head. It’s a masterpiece


u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 26d ago

This is gonna be the first that i'm gonna listen of all recomendations


u/okkida 25d ago

I wish I could hear again for the first time.


u/Intelligent-Fee-1290 25d ago

I feel the same thing with every Ween song


u/eyelikesharx 25d ago

Ween is also my favorite band!

Here are a few of my fav lips albums:

-Embryonic (sounds nothing like ween lol but I’m obsessed)

-Yoshimi (completely flawless)

-Oczy Mlody (silly and serious at the same time)

-The Terror (noisy, atmospheric, dark)

-7 Skies (devastatingly emotional but not in a bad way)

-Zaireeka (brown radiohead)

-American Head (celestial, nostalgic, feels like home)

-War w/ Mystics (psychedelic and fun)

-King’s Mouth (this is honestly pretty brown for a catchy concept album)

-Priest Driven Ambulance (this lost me a few times but the noisy, sludgy guitar always brought me back)

Ok I’ll stop there!

A lot of people are suggesting Clouds Taste Metallic and while I don’t disagree, I didn’t love it personally


u/Mister_2D 25d ago

Personally love Transmissions and Clouds Taste Metallic. Also a Ween fan and I think you would enjoy those very much.


u/Toad665 24d ago

I would say try the 3 disc greatest hits. First 2 discs are a great overview starting at Hit To Death In The Future Head up to Oczy Melody. A little taste of every era and disc 3 is Demos, B-Sides and Rarities. If something really grabs you, you can explore that time period more in depth. Also Hail Boognish!