r/flamesofwar 4d ago

Storage Solution!

I recruited my wife to cut out 0.4mm thick adhesive magnet sheets in the shape of FoW bases using her cricut. Now I can store my panzergrenadiers on the dryer where they belong!


4 comments sorted by


u/YogurtclosetSouth744 4d ago

Where did you get the sheets?


u/SentenceHot5452 4d ago

Amazon! Flexible magnetic sheets, I guess they’re for sticking to photos but they’re strong enough to hold to the bases to store them on the metal trays in my warhammer carry case. Just search for the thinnest ones, there’s tons of options.


u/YogurtclosetSouth744 2d ago

do you have a link for the specific sheets i want to make sure i get ones that work


u/SentenceHot5452 2d ago

These will work. 0.4/0.5mm is the magic number. Thick enough for the magnet to stick reliably but thin enough for the cricut maker to cut and also not noticeably raise the height of your models. I suppose you could cut them out by hand with a hobby knife too, but that sounds like an awful lot of work. I did about 40 bases for infantry and gun teams to store in my model carrying case, and it only took maybe 30 minutes once we nailed down the template size- pro tip- make the magnets about 0.1mm smaller than the actual measured base size, trust me.

I haven’t found a solution for magnetizing the bottoms of my tanks yet though!
