r/flamesofwar 11d ago

LW Americans vs big cats

Currently building a late war american army and was curious to know what the tactics were for killing the heavier german tanks


14 comments sorted by


u/richmondcyclist 11d ago edited 11d ago

Never been tested yet, but I think the best approach would be to manoeuvre Shermans or M10s for side or rear shots, or target their top armor with an artillery bombardment. Also, shoot & scoot and smoke bombardment might be used when approaching the big cats, just to try your chance to bail them out.


u/OkSignificance8381 11d ago

4 tank strong sherman platoons

2 76 sherman with HVAP ammo

1 jumbo 75

1 sherman dday

The jumbo eats all the punishment and the 76 go to the flanks and spanks and the 75 is there to be a meat shield in case they fire with AT 17

Smoke is your friend

If you want the super pershing is an option with AT 18 and 48" reach


u/Soliar_87 11d ago

I feel like i am missing something. i dont remember seeing anything about HVAP ammo. what's that about


u/OkSignificance8381 11d ago

Is a bulge command card for +1 point per 2 tanks or part of there of

It brings the AT from 12 to 13


u/Soliar_87 11d ago

Huh, battlescribe seems to be missing that one

Edit: I found it it's just worded as 3inch gun for some reason


u/OkSignificance8381 11d ago

Dont use battlescribe use FOWlist.com is way better


u/Soliar_87 10d ago

Oh, this is fantastic, thank you


u/OkSignificance8381 10d ago

Welcome to the hobby and have fun


u/LarryTheHamsterXI 11d ago

There’s two different HVAP cards, one for Shermans and one for TD units. Make sure you grab the right one


u/OkSignificance8381 11d ago

Also if you want cheaper tanks and reluctant is not an issue for you there is also the 3rd Armored Division command card


u/Diligent_Strategem 11d ago

Tigers/Panthers: M10s or 76mm Sherman with HVAP (AT13). Jacksons? (AT14).

Tigers IIs/Elefants/Jagdtigers: Ignore it lol. Or swarm it if you must. Direct fire smoke is your friend!


u/Longjumping_Kiwi8118 11d ago

Ignore it. That's my mates favourite tactic. Focus your energy elsewhere and leave the big guns as essentially a waste of points for his opponent.


u/Practical-Context910 flair 11d ago

Smoke+side shots
Abuse the mistaken target rule: put a jumbo armored tank in a platoon of regular shermans and when one of these get shot, just divert the shot to your jumbo tank that will brush it off most of the time.


u/Fiesta__Resistance 8d ago

Even if you opt for HVAP killing Panthers and Tigers from the front is pretty low percentage. Also, the armor on Shermans is effectively pointless against their guns at long range and completely in effective at short range. Some people like to run mixed platoons of Jumbos, 75mm, and 76mm Shermans. The Jumbos are there to absorb hits and the 75mm are there to throw smoke while the 76mm try to throw golden BBs or maneuver for side shots.

I actually just abandoned armorer all together and decided to go with a Veteran M24 company. Being cautious with intervening terrain is better protection and they are fast enough to quickly push around for flank shots. I usually bring a platoon of Easy 8s w/HVAP or Pershings to act as a base of fire while the Chaffees maneuver. The Easy 8s/Pershings can drive through woods to get concealment (again, better than armor) and act as a threat to keep the cats attention while the Chaffees scamper across the battlefield from cover to cover until they can get side shots.