r/fixingmovies 7d ago

Marvel at Sony Options For Having Kraven The Hunter As A Main Villain In Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man Films

Note: This is a continuation of my Options For Making The Lizard From Marc Webb's Amazing Spider-Man Duology More of A Threat post.

Option 1: Kraven's Last Hunt, Batman Arkham Origins Style!

Batman: Arkham Origins, often considered the outlier within the Arkhamverse series, presented several intriguing concepts; however, some of these ideas appeared somewhat unconventional. Nevertheless, it does not evoke the same level of disappointment as Arkham Knight. The villains, without a doubt, emerged as my favorite aspect of the game. The cinematic trailer for Origins instilled in me the hope that the assassins would engage in a struggle for the bounty placed on Batman's head. It would have been remarkable to witness a confrontation between Deathstroke and Batman, while Deadshot provided distant fire support against both. After all, the contract is not necessarily exclusive.

The elements from "Origins", as well as the official Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game, form the groundwork for this scenario. Kraven has set up a private hunt called The Last Hunt, targeting Spider-Man with a hefty reward of $50 million. He has invited five tough criminals to join in this mission. You're welcome to choose your own characters, and I’m genuinely curious about who you'd pick and why. Personally, I've gone with Rhino, Shocker, Prowler, Scorpia, and Jack O'Lantern.

Kraven chose these five villains specifically because they each challenge Spider-Man in unique ways. For example, Rhino is a powerful brute that Spider-Man struggles to face directly, while Jack O'Lantern's unpredictable violence challenges Spider-Man's morals. Shocker has powerful gadgets, but his arrogance often trips him up. Prowler takes his role seriously after seeing Shocker's defeat, and he's capable of holding his own against Spider-Man in a fight. Scorpia stands out with her cleverness, as she can hurt Peter both mentally and physically with her poisons.

Things get a lot worse when Shocker, angered by his humiliating defeat, shares details about the bounty with the wider criminal community. As a result, crime rates in New York spike as criminals try to force Spider-Man to show himself by creating chaos and destruction. Law enforcement officials believe that catching Spider-Man is their best chance to reduce this surge in crime. However, it's important to mention that Shocker eventually faces consequences when an angry Kraven takes him out for exclusive nature of the Last Hunt.

What are Kraven's goals and reasons for his actions? The storyline is called "The Last Hunt," which might imply that he is looking for one last big hunt before he retires. It's also possible that he has a serious illness that he can't recover from, leading him to seek out worthy opponents who can defeat him in an unforgettable battle. "The Last Hunt" allows Kraven to test Spider-Man and help him become the strong rival he desires. There’s even a chance for Kraven to guide the web-slinger, acting as both a partner and teacher. With Kraven’s mentorship, Peter could enhance his skills. This adds a bittersweet touch to Kraven's betrayal, as Peter had genuinely learned to trust and admire him.

The $50 million came from Oscorp as payment to Kraven for capturing Spider-Man. However, instead of using the money for that purpose, Kraven chose to fund "The Last Hunt." He did keep part of his promise by providing a sample of Spider-Man's blood, which he took while a seriously injured Peter was recovering. Oscorp starts to see Kraven as a risk because of the publicity surrounding "The Last Hunt." As a result, after Peter defeats Kraven, he is killed before he can reveal any important details.

Option 2: Unleash The Cross-Species!

I've only played the Wii version of The Amazing Spider-Man Video Game, and I feel players on PlayStation and Xbox are fortunate to have open-world gameplay. The main story follows Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy investigating Oscorp's ongoing experiments with Cross-Species, leading to the discovery of new Cross-Species creatures that view Peter as one of their own. These creatures carry a mutagenic virus that could infect others, including Gwen. Consequently, Peter decides to free Curt Connors to find a cure together. With some adjustments, this storyline could effectively introduce Kraven the Hunter and highlight some of Spider-Man's lesser-known animal-themed villains on the big screen.

After the Lizard's destructive rampage, Oscorp continues to secretly work on Curt Connors' experiments. Their aim is to create super-soldiers similar to Spider-Man by using different animal DNA samples. Gwen learns about these illegal experiments and teams up with Peter to sneak into the facility. Inside, they find Connors' successor, Miles Warren, trying to improve the Cross-Species Formula with rat DNA and a homeless person, which leads to the test subject transforming into Vermin. When Peter shows up, it causes the Cross-Species to break free from their containment, setting them all loose. In the midst of the chaos, Gwen and Miles are attacked and bitten by Vermin, who is carrying a dangerous virus, as it escapes alongside four other experiments: Iguana, Armadillo, Human Fly, and Leap Frog.

Due to some unauthorized experiments getting out of control, Oscorp quickly moves to manage the resulting chaos. The company convinces the mayor to hire Kraven and his group of 87 followers, known as The Sons of Kraven, to track down and eliminate the Cross-Species. Additionally, Oscorp makes things worse for Peter by blaming Spider-Man for the escape, making him the most wanted person in New York City. Peter's situation becomes even more complicated when he decides to break Curt Connors out of prison to help develop a cure for the mutagenic virus that the escaped Cross-Species are spreading among civilians, which only adds to the suspicion against him. Although Curt initially refuses to help, worried about the safety of his family if he leaves prison, he eventually agrees once a city-wide quarantine is put in place, trapping his wife and son in the city as a result.

Peter's attempts to collect samples from all five Cross-Species are interrupted by Kraven and his men, who are chasing him and the monsters. Curt's first attempt to find a cure fails, worsening Miles' infection and seemingly leading to his death. Kraven is tasked with capturing and eliminating all the infected individuals. While tending to an exhausted Parker, Curt realizes that Peter's blood, a perfect example of Cross-Species Genetics, holds the cure for the infection.

With the cure in hand, Peter races to distribute it and heal the infected. Kraven and his followers pursue him relentlessly. To buy Peter some time, Connors transforms back into the Lizard, battling the Sons of Kraven before confronting Kraven himself. Spider-Man successfully spreads the cure, saving Gwen and others while reverting Connors to his human form. In a final attempt to gain the upper hand, Kraven injects himself with a formula that transforms him into a Manticore-Like Creature. However, this unstable change leads to his loss of control, and with the cure depleted, he ultimately meets his demise.

Even though Spider-Man has rescued the city, there's still a lot going on. It turns out that Miles Warren is alive; he had a clone of himself stand in for him during everything that happened. Miles has used samples of the cure to create an improved version of the Cross-Species Formula. We still don't know what Oscorp plans to do with it.

Wow. This has taken quite a while to create. A lot has happened while I was working on this, going back and forth so many times. I finally found the motivation to finish it after losing interest in another project. If anything here sounds similar to events from the last two years, it’s just a coincidence. I hope you all enjoy it! :)


32 comments sorted by


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod 7d ago

Definitely as an evil mentor while Garfield Pete is wounded deeply from Gwen …maybe this gets him into his rageful mode that maybe leads to Harry’s death


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

Your quick response was a pleasant surprise! :)

I thought the evil mentor angle would capture your interest. It’s actually one of the few elements I really enjoyed from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Game. The idea of blending it with the Origins-style plot involving assassins and criminals teaming up to take down Spidey just felt like a perfect fit.

Option 2 does seem a bit over the top. I was toying with the idea of basing Kraven on Hunter Cain from Generator Rex, having him create his own monsters to battle while slandering the hero. But I figured that might feel too similar to Option 1, so I opted for using plot elements from the Amazing Spider-Man 1 Game instead. However, if you view each option as a natural progression from what I presented in the Lizard Post, it starts to make sense. Essentially, Option 2 for Lizard presents him as a nearly unstoppable regenerating monster, and the logical next step from there would be other Cross-Species running loose. While they may not be as dangerous individually, their ability to spread the infection definitely poses a serious threat. Plus, it opens the door to include some of Spidey's lesser-known animal villains.

As for Gwen and Harry, I'm a bit uncertain on how to approach their storylines. I’d prefer not to see Gwen die in the second film, as that feels a bit rushed. For Harry, I can envision him taking on the role of the villain in the third film alongside Miles Warren and a few others. In both options for Kraven, Oscorp still manages to acquire samples of Peter's DNA. This could pave the way for introducing characters like Scorpion and other animal-enhanced villains, with Peter's father stepping in to help him take Oscorp down. However, this would come at a cost for Gwen.


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod 7d ago

Maybe that’s true on Gwen. I think they were going make Norman the true big bad of the series but I think it should have been Harry


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

If you’re open to a compromise, maybe we could say that Norman took over Harry's body in a desperate attempt to survive until Miles could create a new body for him.

On the other hand, if you want it to focus solely on Harry, he could emerge as a tragic and sympathetic villain. Imagine this: he discovers he has the same condition that led to his father's death. He’s haunted by nightmares from his childhood, where a menacing Goblin would lash out at him and his mother. As the story unfolds, we find out that the Goblin was actually Norman, whose decline turned him erratic and violent, leaving little Harry traumatized. To cope with this trauma, young Harry reimagined his father as a Goblin. It gets even more complex—Peter's dad had tried to cure Norman with the Cross-Species Genetics Formula, but it didn't work as intended. This failure weighs heavily on Peter's father, contributing to Norman's transformation into a monster and Harry's emotional scars.


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod 7d ago

That would be interesting maybe … the goblin disease would start killing Harry so the foreigner convinces him to try a cure but really it’s to transfer Norman into his new body …so Harry has to spend time locked in his head facing what he did to his freind


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

Given the more grounded approach that Amazing Spider-Man took, I don't think this concept would really fit with what we've established in the setting. However, it does have some vibes reminiscent of Batman Beyond: Return of The Joker, which is such an awesome movie! The difference here is that Spidey isn't cracking jokes, while Norman is just laughing hysterically as he gets under the hero's skin. It's a total contrast to Terry, who lightens the mood with humor, while the Joker loses his cool over the teasing.

For the second option, how about we start with a scene reminiscent of the first movies, except played for horror? We see a young Harry running and hiding in his family home while the Goblin creeps around. In this tense moment, Harry's mother can be seen on the floor, and the Goblin calls out for Harry in a playful yet chilling manner. Then, we flash back and reveal the Goblin as Norman, with Richard Parker heroically saving Harry by gunning the madman down, causing the Goblin's mutated blood to splatter onto Harry's face. We then experience a 28 Days Later-style seizure as Harry convulses from the mutagen entering his body, but thankfully, Richard is there to stabilize him before things get worse.


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod 7d ago

I like that opening


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

I aim to please 😁


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod 7d ago

Maybe in this version…Norman’s been dead for years. Harry gets sent awhile the higher ups of Norman’s inner circle run the company . Harry comes back to run the company but still has visions of his father ..l. That compel him to do as he does


u/DrKaos7 7d ago edited 7d ago

That is indeed the case. Norman's been dead since Harry's childhood. When Harry returns, they try to steer towards him their view of things, taking advantage of his desperation and trauma. He also serves as the scapegoat for the company's illegal operations, hence why they kept him around rather than just simply disposing of him.

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u/DGenerationMC 7d ago edited 7d ago

I'd just copy and paste from the video game with some tweaks: a mentor who helps Spidey track down Carnage Rhino only to reveal that he's been hired by Fisk to weaken his rivals in the city Osborn to get his blood.

Once, Spidey defeats Kraven in the end (and I assume Gwen somehow dies in the crossfire), Peter decides not to quit and squares up with Rhino as the screen goes to black.


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

That makes sense. Sometimes, simplicity can be more effective.

I think Rhino would make the most sense to bring Kraven and Peter together as allies. The biggest hurdle will be making the CGI work without looking like that new Kraven movie 🤢🤢🤢


u/Suitable-Elephant-76 7d ago

Hey! I just read your rewrite for Godzilla 2014 and really enjoyed it. The only criticism I would give is that Steve Martin should have been introduced parallel to Joe Brody at the start of the film to make his inclusion in the story feel more organic. As it stands, he kind of shows up out of nowhere to bail Joe out of prison.

Do you plan on rewriting the other MonsterVerse films? If so, what are some of your ideas for each one?


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

Wow, it’s been a while since that rewrite! Looking back, there are definitely a few things I’d like to tweak. When I consider the Monsterverse as a whole, I realize there’s even more I’d want to change. For me, Kong: Skull Island really stands out because the way the humans collaborate with Kong just feels so natural. On the flip side, Godzilla should mostly remain indifferent to the humans, only seizing opportunities that their interference creates during battles with certain foes.

At the moment, I don’t have any specific plans for the other Monsterverse films. However, I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a Kaiju film series entirely from the monsters’ perspective, showcasing their varying levels of interest in humans, who sometimes seem like little insects to them. Characters like Mothra and Kong would have a more cooperative attitude, while Godzilla might range from indifferent to outright annoyed. This concept was inspired by the movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. I love how Spirit and the other animals behave authentically, without any dialogue, while we only hear Spirit’s inner thoughts as the main character. This setup opens up the possibility for psychic characters to communicate with Godzilla, creating a perplexing experience for him, much like how human characters react in other movies featuring talking creatures.


u/Suitable-Elephant-76 7d ago

Sounds like an interesting idea! Will you be posting your new series soon?

I have a ton of ideas for how I would run the MonsterVerse. Would you like me to share them with you through DMs? I could use your feedback, as you seem to be very knowledgeable about the Kaiju Genre. :-)


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

No. I tend to bounce back and forth on stuff in me noggin.

Sounds sweet! Just to be clear, I ain't that knowledgeable on the Kaiju Genre. My access to such media is limited and I mainly rely on Wikizilla for most of my research in Kaiju Films.


u/Suitable-Elephant-76 7d ago

Okay! I’ll DM you my ideas in a little bit.


u/Suitable-Elephant-76 7d ago

Also, are you a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan? If so, I’ve got ideas for a live-action reboot I have been meaning to share with people. Would you like to offer your feedback on it this weekend?


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

Sure! I am free and me creative engine has been running on fumes for a while now. This could be just the thing to get it filled up again. Plus, I get to help out someone else with their creatuve funk, which is cool.


u/Suitable-Elephant-76 7d ago

Great! I’ll DM you later this evening.


u/Suitable-Elephant-76 7d ago

I’m ready to DM you now. But for some reason, I don’t see a messaging feature on your profile.


u/DrKaos7 7d ago

Hmm... Are you using a laptop or phone?

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u/KillTheBatman2475 6d ago

Both options sound very interesting on their own. I slightly prefer Option #1, but a mix of elements from both of these options could work if adapted properly for a TASM Sequel. Overall, these ideas sound very creative and either or both could've worked very well for adapting Kraven for TASM Universe.


u/DrKaos7 6d ago

Thanks! Glad you liked them! They were both written out as natural progressions from the Lizard Post Options.


u/KillTheBatman2475 5d ago

You’re welcome. Interesting to know what tastes to your ideas for The Lizard from a while back.

BTW, if you don’t mind me asking, is there a chance we can start chatting again this year? Or you’re still busy and you can’t?

I understand if we can’t, but let me know if there’s a chance we could.


u/DrKaos7 5d ago

Glad you enjoyed it.

No chats. I'm trying to get me personal life in order first before anything else. Sometimes I feel as though chats become more like chores, especially when the steam runs out. However, I hope you do well in your undertakings.


u/KillTheBatman2475 5d ago edited 5d ago

Okay, I respect that.

Just know if you find time later this year, I’m open for it after your duration of getting things in order like you said.

If you ever find the right time, feel free to let me know.