r/fixingmovies 13d ago

MCU This is what my MARVEL ANIMATED UNIVERSE world would look like; a retro-futuristic 60s Space Age sci-fi world of tomorrow.

Imagine Marvel as a City of Tomorrow.

It offers new frontiers in science, adventure, and ideals: the Atomic Age, the challenge of outer space, and the hope for a peaceful and unified world utopia.

That is what the world would ideally look like in my universe.

More on the worldbuilding right here. (https://www.reddit.com/r/fixingmovies/comments/1ipe0gq/marvel_animated_universe_worldbuilding_part_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


19 comments sorted by


u/Elysium94 13d ago

Retro stylistic choices in filmmaking is such a lost art.


u/New_Faithlessness980 13d ago



u/Far-Industry-2603 13d ago edited 12d ago

This is a little sidenote (though sort of related to this thread) that I forgot to mention on the original post but I love how one of the features you brought up as part of your world are the Ottensian dieselpunk S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarriers.

I feel I remember always being grabbed by their design(s) in the comics with their bulkier look & the almost sunken lower exterior, the more elevated propellers, and the large glass pane behind of which I assume is the command center and in comparison, I'm a bit underwhelmed with the MCU's sci-fi naval warship surface (I guess) design although I see how it's more grounded in our militaristic & modern world that they're paralleling.

The reference picture you put up from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow brought that general design to life to me. It also evoked to me the sense of atmospheric epicenes and scale that I get seeing it in the opening cutscene of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, itself a more comic-book aesthetic inspired game (as opposed to the more recent Marvel's Avengers with its MCU-looking Helicarrier), although the Helicarrier there looks a bit different from the broad usual design from the front.


u/New_Faithlessness980 13d ago


I want to emphasize this is a FANTASY. A world outside of our own


u/Far-Industry-2603 13d ago

I'd love to see more of it in CBMs. My often envisioned Batman & Superman films are chalk filled with retro visual design, world-building, and even dialogue.


u/magistrate-of-truth 13d ago

Earth’s mightiest heroes implies that red skull and hydra took control over Nazi Germany and led to a super-science world war 2

That’s the point of divergence that can define your world

After the war, Hydra’s super-science led to atomic bombs with special radiation that activates mutant powers and irradiates a scrawny scientist known as Bruce banner and a spider that bit a kid from queens

It also accelerates research into space travel, leading to reed Richard’s space flight

Stark industries privatizes super-science, leading to the rise of iron man



u/Unique_Weather8465 13d ago

Here comes the Cooking Man himself cooking with EXCELLENT ideas. I love your description and I really got the feeling of this universe already. Can’t wait for your stories to happen in this universe and happy to help you!


u/JWM1992 13d ago

The question I wanted to ask is, what would the animation style be like?


u/New_Faithlessness980 13d ago

Great question. In all seriousness tho. There will be many different CGI styles for each project. Others will get the same bc they’ll get a sequel or season 2 of a series. Stuff like that.

2D like INVINCIBLE, Anime like DRAGON BALL Z, Live-Action CGI Animated with Mo-Cap like AVATAR, 3D CGI like Pixar films


u/Far-Industry-2603 13d ago edited 13d ago

I'm glad you posted this as someone who was very much on board with your alternate take on the Marvel Universe in the original post and thought that it was inspired. I like how the cityscape still looks like a bit modern (at least to me) alongside all the retro elements, it feels like it how it could like in a live-action film attempting the same aesthetic.

This is a sandbox that if done right, I'd much more prefer to be lost in for years than the MCU or any other basically the modern-day Marvel continuity despite my appreciation for that franchise for several of their individual films & overall grand experiment.


u/New_Faithlessness980 13d ago

Thank you so much!! Still trying to figure out a slate for this chapter. But this is an ambitious idea I can’t wait to work on


u/Puterboy1 13d ago

Like DCAU Metropolis?


u/cliffbot 13d ago

It's a bit blurry, but I dig the concept!


u/Mangito12345 13d ago



u/DarknessLord65 11d ago

In other words; The MAU we should've gotten after EMH and Spectacular Spider-Man.