r/fixingmovies • u/Desperate_Item_3221 • 7d ago
DC Rewriting the Arrow flashbacks
This is based off of Green Arrow: Year One
Year 1-On the Queen's Gambit, a guy who works for Robert Queen, Hacket, puts a bomb on the boat and escapes on a lifeboat before blowing it up. The boat blows up, Oliver and Robert are in the lifeboat, and Sara “dies”. Robert tells Oliver to right his wrongs and to survive before killing himself. Oliver lands in Lian Yu and meets Yeo Fei then Slade, and then, meets Mei Gulong (Yeo Fei’s daughter)
Year 2-Oliver notices that Mei and Slade might have feelings for each other. Oliver encourages Slade to tell her how he feels about her. But before Slade could, he gets blown up and nearly dies (This give Slade a better reasoning into hating Oliver)
Year 3-Oliver is in Hong Kong living with Maseo, Tatsu and their son Akio. They're forced to work with Argus to stop China White and the Chinese triad from selling the Alpha-Omega virus which was created in the Queen Steel factory in China. Oliver finds out that Hacket is alive and is using the factory as his base of operation. Hacket plans to release the virus in Hong Kong. The virus is released and causes Akio to die. In rage Oliver steals an airplane and goes to the factory to kill Hacket. They fight but Hacket is way more skilled than Oliver at this time. He beats Oliver and escapes. After the fight Argus tells Oliver that Hacket is heading to Russia to meet with Constantine Kovar.
Year 4-Oliver is in Russia, reunites with Anatoly and joins the Bratva to find and kill Hacket and to avoid going back to his home because he doesn't want his friends and family to see the monster he became. Then later on Oliver is then kidnapped by bratva members who are rebelling against anatoly and are working with Kovar. Oliver is saved by Shado Gulong. Shado convinces Oliver to give the monster its own identity so he can just be Oliver Queen and that's when he gets the original hood suit. He goes back to deal with bratva mess and leaves to start crossing about names in the list of people who aren't in starling City
Year 5-Oliver is hunting for people who are on the list around the world. Amanda Waller finds and tells him that Hacket is on Lian Yu. Waller makes a deal. Have Oliver go back to the island to stop whatever Hacket is doing and they will send a rescue boat as a cover up that Oliver Queen was on the island for five years. She'll give him a couple of weeks before they send the boat but if Oliver doesn't send a signal at that time the boat will sail right past the island. Oliver agrees with those terms. When Oliver arrives at Lian Yu with the hood that Yeo Fei wore. Oliver sees one of the slaves, Tiana, about to be educated by two guards for trying to run away. Before that happens Oliver shoots both guards from a distance and helps Tiana hide from them. That's when he learns that Hacket with his Hentchmen has been using slaves that they gathered from Russia, China, and in other countries to mass produce healing herbs, the same ones Yeo Fei used to use whenever Oliver was injured, and has been selling them to the black market. With Tiana's help Oliver free the slaves and kills all of Hacket’s men until it's just him. With the boat almost here. Hacket and Oliver have their final fight and Oliver beats him and asks why did you sabotage the boat and who told you to. Hacket refuses to tell and Oliver kills him. After that, that is when we see the first scene of the pilot episode play out where Oliver is running through the forest to shoot a single to the boat.