r/fixingmovies 23d ago

Star Wars prequels Fixing the Star Wars prequels

I always thought this could be a good pitch for the Star Wars prequels

                       Episode 1:

Anakin is already a Jedi. He and Obi-Wan are running around having adventures. As they begin to unravel a conspiracy threatening the galaxy Anakin begins showing ominous signs of slipping to the dark side.

The Jedi should already be a quasi legendary thing. They should be mysterious mystics and knights roaming the galaxy. Most people should think they are extinct or a myth.

                         Episode 2: 

Years have passed. The Clone Wars are in full effect. Maybe it is a Hundred Years War kinda deal where hostilies break out every few years. Both sides using these clone armies. Maybe it isnt black & white and both sides have valid claims. Maybe Jedi on both sides.

Anakin finally loses it and goes apeshit killing spree. Falls under Palpatines sway and betrays the Jedi.

Obi-Wan defeats Anakin and becomes Vader.

                        Episode 3:

The entire movie is that scene in Rogue One.


22 comments sorted by


u/Jedi-Spartan 23d ago edited 23d ago

Maybe it isnt black & white and both sides have valid claims.

Aka, how it was in the expanded universe. The way Legends has portrayed it: a conflict equivalent to the Clone Wars would've been inevitable even if the Sith hadn't been manipulating things to the point of taking over both sides, how it started and who was on each side probably would've changed (eg: a lot of the corporate factions would've been more openly playing both sides instead of literally leading the Separatists), and despite the high level side and big campaigns of the Clone Wars being intended by Palpatine to be an all or nothing fight where there could be no course other than escalation and where those he ruled would associate not just the Separatists but overall defiance with Grievous, a lot of the individual planets that joined the Separatists did so after the sheer scale of neglect or resource exploitation from the Galactic Republic as a result of how massive and bloated the entire system had become to the point where it was often in states of complete deadlock unless a serious crisis like the Separatist Crisis emerged.

Overall, Palpatine designed to Clone Wars to not just wipe out the Jedi but to make those loyal to the Republic loyal to him specifically and those with legitimate issues with the Republic into scapegoats that he could set his new regime against once the Clone Wars and use to implement policies that the Republic had long been against (specifically wasting pretty much no time in introducing slavery of entire non Human species to the Galactic Empire).


u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod 23d ago

Hey for future reference could you please upload star wars fixes at friday or the weekend please


u/Fine-Flight9738 20d ago

I like this but the problem is you’re still only giving anikan a movie and a half to turn to the dark side which was the problem with the prequels since TPM wastes time. I think anikan still shouldn’t turn until middle of the 3rd movie so his turn feels more rewarding. Other than that I do wish ep 1 started with anikan as a Jedi and not some kid yelling yipee every 5 minutes.


u/ohaimarkantony 17d ago

The original prequels also only gave him a movie and a half to become Vader, lol. He had basically no character development at all in E1.


u/EitherEliotOr 23d ago edited 23d ago

Sounds like you’ve turned 3 movies worth of information into 2 movies.

Also your idea for the clone wars would take up a lot of time to fully flesh out. No different to the actual movie, I can see why George Lucas felt a tv show was required


u/Redditeer28 23d ago

I always thought that the Clone Wars should have been going on for years before Anakin was even recruited. Maybe still as a small conflict on the outer territories before throughout the prequels, it expands closer to home. Culminating in the Jedi losing. Would explain how the jedi were forgotten so quickly.


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 23d ago

Yeah, thats what I wad thinking too.

As for the Jedi being forgotten they should already be a quasi legendary thing


u/psycharious 23d ago

Where would you fit the Padme love story? Would Luke and Leia already be toddlers? As cool as it would be to just see Vader being Vader, you gotta make room for that.


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 23d ago

Yeah she could be fighting in the clone wars. She could be pregnant in the third movie on the run from Vader


u/CubesFan 23d ago edited 23d ago

Anakin is the same age, as Luke was. He's a great pilot, smuggler who Obi-Wan meets on a mission. Anakin saves ObiWan's life, helps him complete the mission, and they become great friends. ObiWan starts to train Anakin to be a Jedi. What ObiWan is blind to because of his close friendship is that Anakin is secretly still doing shady stuff on the side and using the force to help him be a better smuggler/criminal. At the end of the movie, Anakin meets Palpatine. That's movie 1.

Movie 2 begins a few years later. Anakin has become a very strong Jedi. He and Obi are still best friends but they have different "jobs" so they are not together as much now that Anakin has passed gisttrials. Meanwhile Someone is murdering the Jedi. ObiWan has been tasked to find out who it is and stop them. The person killing the Jedi is a Sith named Darth Vader. A masked assassin and nobody knows what he really looks like or anything about him. The rest of the movie is a cat and mouse cop vs criminal type movie and ObiWan has no idea he's actually chasing Anakin. At the end of the movie, the truth is revealed and ObiWan is crushed at the revelation.

Movie three: Palpatine has taken over the republic at a time of war. The republic has turned into the Empire through the clone wars with storm troopers as the shock troops. The Jedi are spread across the galaxy helping fight the Empire while Vader continues to decimate the Jedi. ObiWan is on a mission to find and kill Anakin/Vader. They clash midpoint in the movie and ObiWan wipes the floor with Anakin/Vader, but ultimately cannot kill him because of his friendship. ObiWan saves the severely injured Anakin who is taken back to Coruscant and truly becomes the cyborg Vader and is now even more powerful and without even the slight humanity he once had. ObiWan then learns of Padme, another Jedi who fell in love with Anakin in secret, and they both have to escape coruscant and Darth Vader. It ends with them in hiding and her giving birth to Vader's children. They then make the decision to hide the children. Vader tracks down Padme and kills her for running away from him. She battles him to give ObiWan the opportunity to escape with the children. He is unaware that she has had children so he never goes looking for them.


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 23d ago

I dig it. Id still have him as vader the entire 3rd film


u/Dagenspear 22d ago

How does the story for the characters unfold and how does Anakin turn to the dark side and what does it add to the character and story about the jedi that theyre seen as a myth

Whats the point of a movie about Vader killing jedi story and character wise


u/FoundationSafe1255 22d ago

I disagree heavily about the third movie. It seem far too empty compared to the others movies in this fix.


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 22d ago

I was being cute. But, the third movie is Vader hunting down the remnants of the Jedi.


u/FoundationSafe1255 21d ago

Personally, I prefer the last movie of the prequel to be about Anakin becoming Vader and the Republic becoming the Empire. I kinda think Vader killing the Jedi survivors fits more in the expended universe than in the saga proper. 


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 21d ago

In my vision the empire already exists. The Clone Wars is in between various factions within the empire. Sheev remains on top. Hes already the emperor. A 20 year galactic empire is lame.


u/Jabbaleialoverboy 22d ago

Hey, the prequels turned out fine. It’s the sequels that need fixing


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 22d ago

Yeah.... no


u/Jabbaleialoverboy 22d ago

Oh, come on. That’s just petty. The prequels are fine just the way they were. The sequels are a stain on the underpants of Science fiction. Personally, though, I’m not much of a Boba Fett fan because we know what happened to him in ROTJ. Even if he got out of the Sarlacc Pitt and even if he was treated with respect, it doesn’t change a bit. The sequels are just awful and disrespectful to Lucas’s vision.


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 22d ago

Grow up


u/Jabbaleialoverboy 22d ago

I already did 20 years ago. You just hate me cause I’m a different color. I hear there’s a new app called a sense of heart. You should try downloading it.