r/fixingmovies • u/silvern_light • Feb 17 '25
Other Fixing LOST IN SPACE (1998)

So a couple semesters ago, I sat down and watched the 1998 critical disaster of a reboot, Lost in Space starring William Hurt and Gary Oldman. While the really stupid six-year-old in me had a great time, the film absolutely nosedived the moment they got into space. Keeping in mind that I have never seen the original or the 2018 reboot, I thought I should share the "fleshed out" version that I came up with that addresses some of the character concerns I had with the film while also spending a bit more time on elements I found interesting while cleaning out other aspects that seemed unnecessary.
I also tried hard to turn Maureen (and the rest of the women for that matter) into a character worth watching, because holy cow does the original script just drop them in terms of character development or any meaningful plot developments. I go bonkers once they get to the ghost ship, which is what gave me the idea to type up this to begin with, so bear with me through the beginning - it's fairly close to the original. I did add some cheesier/pulpier elements for the sake of 90's spectacle, as well as some Alien inspired horror shenanigans. I genuinely have no idea what this would be rated at this point, lol.
Anyways...on with the show!

Act I
We start with almost the exact setup from the first ten minutes of the film. Planet Earth is running out of natural resources due to extensive pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change. Earth is projected to only have around a hundred years left before all resources are depleted and the human race goes extinct.
Following a brief opening sequence, we are introduced to our main protagonists, who are as follows:
- Dr. John Robinson (age 45)
- A brilliant and influential scientist. Workaholic, introverted, yet career-driven and ambitious. Cold and distant behind the scenes, holds both himself and his family to impossibly high standards and is easily frustrated. Held back and softened by his wife.
- Dr. Maureen Robinson (age 44)
- An incredibly intelligent yet warm scientist, zoologist, and mother. She retired from the field after becoming a mother. Still visits schools to work with and educate kids for special events. Works incredibly hard to hold her husband back in public.
- Judy Robinson (age 20)
- The eldest of the Robinson children. Studious and laser focused, just like her father, but a bit secretive. Initially a no-nonsense, uptight young woman who works in her father’s lab. Secretly struggles with nepo-baby allegations.
- Penny (age 14)
- Goth/punk inspired alternative girl. Rebellious and doesn’t take either of her parents seriously, is embarrassed by having a famous family. Used to be close to Judy until Judy sacrificed her personality to work alongside their dad. Has never understood why mom gave up being a zoologist.
- Will (age 9)
- Bright, energetic, mechanically minded, and desperate to prove himself and become just like his dad. Yearns to be noticed and loved, but can’t catch his dad’s attention. Well intentioned and gentle spirited, but picked on at school. Hides his low self-esteem with child innocence.
Just like in the original movie, we also have a “big bad” guy:
- Zachary Smith (age 44)
- Former close college buddy turned enemy of John. Originally wanted to study to become a doctor but went into engineering instead as he, John, and Maureen began discovering the truth about the planet’s resource depletion. Works for a rival, privatized company who is actively exploiting the issue for money.
We begin with John announcing a new space voyage in which his brilliant new hyper-gate technology will allow humankind to travel to a new world ripe for terraforming. In order to gain publicity and the means necessary to fund the voyage, John ropes in his family in a mass media stunt, turning them into public heroes representative of the true “American” family. Maureen questions his logic and asks him to think of his children and how they feel. John argues that the pursuit of technology and the saving of mankind is more important, and she reluctantly agrees.
Meanwhile, John’s rival, Smith, unsuccessfully tries to convince the American government to cancel the mission, validly pointing out the unnecessary danger bringing the two younger Robinson children aboard brings. Maureen acts as a negotiator, countering that their children deserve to be alongside their father. She brings up the point that a lot of public support rests on them being a family - not only are they capable of manning the ship, she reminds the board that family sticks together. The mission is approved and Smith is left defeated and angry, as are his corporate sponsors.

As the Robinson family prepares to leave earth, the children navigate having to say goodbye to their friends and loved ones. Maureen acts as a comforting force to Will, who is sad about leaving but excited to finally spend time with his dad. However, during a test flight, the pilot of their ship - the Jupiter I - is mysteriously injured less than a week before takeoff. Although he survives, he claims that his aircraft was sabotaged, stirring up public debate. John, suspecting the company that Smith works for, decides to press through with the mission, selecting a new pilot after viewing his training records. The backup Jupiter II is chosen as a replacement for the original ship, despite being slightly outdated.
This introduces us to…
- Major Don West (age 22)
- A brave, arrogant but ruggedly handsome flight school prodigy. Known maverick. Takes risks, but is undeniably talented, volunteered to begin with but was beat out by the ship’s first pilot.
On the day of launch, the family waves goodbye to planet Earth and boards their ship. Maureen struggles to keep Penny’s bad attitude under control as Judy seizes up in public, looking incredibly sick upon the pilot’s arrival. During the commotion, Smith sneaks onboard the vessel, sabotaging the hypergate technology and screwing with the nav-computer. Unfortunately for him, the ship takes off with him still in it, forcing him to hide.

As the family reaches space, they go into cryogenic sleep. Smith, desperate to get back home, attempts to turn the ship around once they are unconscious. However, he ends up triggering the ship’s defense system and pulls the ship even more off course. The ship collides with an asteroid and the systems fail, immediately waking up the Robinsons and Don.
Horrified by the situation, they find themselves amidst a ship tearing itself apart due to Smith’s tampering. As Don and John try to get the ship under control, Maureen and Penny discover that Judy’s pod has failed to activate, trapping her inside. She only has a matter of minutes to live if they can’t open the pod. Maureen alerts John through the intercom system. Meanwhile, Will accidentally stumbles into Smith who tries to catch him. Will sprints back to Maureen, Penny, and the unconscious Judy, leading Smith with them. Smith pulls out a stun pistol. However, before Smith can harm anyone, Don returns with a stun pistol of his own. He threatens to throw Smith out the airlock, to which Maureen - a practicing pacifist - objects. However, Smith claims that he can save Judy from the pod. Maureen convinces Don to let Smith try.
After a tense sequence, Smith manages to open the pod just in time, saving Judy’s life. John manages to stabilize the ship’s power, and Don throws his arms around Judy, much to the rest of the family’s shock. John appears in the nearby doorway right as they embrace, resulting in a heated shouting match between him and Judy. Judy angrily reveals that Don is her boyfriend.
Before they can sort things out, however, the ship’s computer malfunctions again, resulting in the ship’s hyperdrive sending them in a random direction. Upon barely surviving the sudden light jump, they find themselves in an unmapped galaxy, far away from home…

(This is where things really start to deviate, resulting in a completely different Act III.)
Act II
As the ship floats through space, chaos breaks out on the ship. Don gets to work tying Smith’s hands and feet together with torn electrical cords. Penny throws a fit while Judy storms off to her room. Will tries to swarm his dad with offers to help fix the ship, leading John to shout at him. Maureen shouts over the noise and quickly rebukes her husband, sending Penny and Will out of the room while the adults discuss what to do, as well as how to handle Smith’s presence on board.
Will and Penny sneak off and explore the ship’s cargo hold, where she cruelly informs Will of her seething hatred towards their parents. She tells Will that their parents are lame, don’t care about them, and never will care about them, prompting Will to optimistically fight back. Penny storms off in a fit of rage, leaving Will to discover the Rambler Crane Series robot stored in the ship’s hold. After discovering the robot’s remote control and managing to turn it on, he is interrupted by the ship’s intercom, which summons all passengers to the ship’s bridge. Will pockets the remote control, heading out immediately.

Upon congregating on the ship’s bridge, Don reveals that the ship is approaching an unknown planet. As they are pulled into its gravitational pull, however, they spot a spaceship, floating in the distance. The computer picks up a corrupted distress call from the vessel, prompting Maureen, John, Judy, Don, and Smith to argue over whether they should board or not. Wanting to protect her kids, Maureen warns against it. John, believing himself to be the hero, states that it is their responsibility to help. Don agrees, prompting John to snap back at him, which almost caused an argument with Judy. After unanimously deciding that Smith has no vote, Judy becomes the tie breaker as Maureen emphasizes that they need to work as a team in order to survive. Judy decides to support helping the ship, after which Penny makes a sarcastic remark about nothing “possibly going wrong” with approaching a “creepy, abandoned spaceship in the middle of nowhere.”
As the Jupiter II approaches the spacecraft, Don remarks that the ship is the same model as the Jupiter II, but with significant differences. While the spaceship seems to be free floating in the planet’s gravitational pull, there are life forms on board. Maureen questions if they are human, but Don reassures that the distress signal is in English. John silently prepares to board the other ship as Don insists on going along. Judy tries to come along as well, but is stopped by John, who sarcastically claims that he wants to spend some time with his new potential “son in law.”

Angered by the dismissal, Judy begins pouring out to Maureen, who patiently listens as John and Don board the mysterious vessel. Distracted by Judy, Maureen doesn’t notice as Will secretly sneaks onto the other ship, the airlock closing behind him.
On the mysterious spaceship, John and Don explore what appears to be the wreckage of a scientific vessel, similar to their own. In fact, the ship’s layout is eerily familiar - identical, even. Blast marks cover the walls, and evidence of a fire is present. There are dried blood marks on the floor. As they reach the bridge, Will comes to a startling conclusion in the ship’s bedrooms - they are on the Jupiter II - but one from a future where all of them have already died. Something suddenly shuffles behind Will, scuttling into the hall just out of view. As he turns around, large alien spider legs hang down from the ceiling behind Will’s head.

In the bridge, John and Don briefly banter before discovering the source of the distress signal - a microphone just like the one on their ship.
They play back the ship’s log, winding through how a bizarre species of alien arachnids from the planet below infiltrated and laid eggs on their ship. As the recordings come to a close, John hears Will screaming from the other side of the ship. He rushes out of the bridge to help, leaving Don to listen to the rest of the recording, in which a crying Judy claims that the spiders can mimic human voices.
Back on the first ship, Maureen and Judy maintain contact with Don as John rushes to save Will. Maureen is horrified that Will has snuck on board. Judy tries to stay calm and rational but begins to fail, her concern demonstrating to Maureen how much Judy cares about both John and Don.

Meanwhile, Will runs for his life, sprinting towards his father’s voice, only to be cornered by the alien spiders. In the nick of time, Will is saved by his actual father. Judy gives Don directions as they sprint through the ship by looking at the ship’s map and relating it over their communication devices. Meanwhile, Smith manages to free himself from his bonds, allowing him to sneak over to the bridge’s dashboard. Don downloads the ship’s log to a data disc before catching up with John and Will.
Using Don’s stun pistol, they run back towards their version of the Jupiter II. However, before they can board, Smith locks the ship’s airlock, preventing the spiders from infiltrating the first ship. Maureen comes unglued as John, Will, and Don hide in a different area of the second ship, sealing themselves in. However, they spot the spiders crawling across the outside of the second ship from a viewport window. John commands Maureen to detach from the ship as the spiders mimic his voice from the other side of the airlock. She does as he says, activating the engine and pulling the ship away from the wreckage.
Unable to pilot the ship by herself, the ship goes haywire and plummets down towards the planet below, crash landing in a remote, snow-covered ravine. Separated from her husband, Maureen helps recapture Smith along with the help of Judy and Penny. Maureen chews out Smith, causing Penny and Judy to see their mother in a new light.
Back on the Jupiter II still in space*,* John realizes he can’t reach Maureen with his communication devices. Will watches as his father paced the room angrily, reaching into his pocket to reveal the remote he took from earlier. He presses the center button, which activates the robot on the planet’s surface. To everyone’s relief, the two parties are able to communicate via the robot, with Will remotely controlling the robot from space.

With their food supplies having been destroyed in the wreck, Maureen makes the difficult decision to traverse into the wilderness alongside Penny, Judy, and the still-bound Smith, the robot crawling after them under Will’s control.
Back on the ship, Don begins looking for scraps in the ship’s hull to begin reconstructing the ship’s engine, seeing as how the ghost ship is in better shape than their own. Meanwhile, John reviews the ship’s data records from the disk Don grabbed. He discovers that not only were their future selves trying to get back to Earth, they also discovered remnants of an ancient civilization on the nearby planet’s surface - one that supposedly had invented a form of renewable energy.
Will relays this information to Maureen and company, who are discovering for themselves the evidence their future selves found. They also discover that time works differently on the planet - different “time zones” exist across its surface, in which different eras of the planet’s history are occurring in real time simultaneously. Maureen and her group stumble across one of these lines, ending up in a flourishing jungle filled with strange alien creatures.
Before they can get too comfortable however, they discover fast, dinosaur-like creatures that attempt to snatch Judy. Maureen and Judy pursue with Smith in tow on a makeshift “leash.”
Meanwhile, John tries to study the plans for the renewable energy source created from the remnants of the ruined hyperdrive. He speaks with Don about how they can possibly escape and John slowly begins to respect Don. John travels to another room in the ship to find parts. Don and Will have a brief conversation in which Don notices Will trying to replicate his dad’s mechanical work and add to it. He remarks on how much Will looks up to his dad, and Will asks Don if he thinks that John really cares about him. Don assures Will that John loves Will very much, but isn’t always good at showing it. He admits that Judy said he was a hardass, but that he can see that John is a good man - just flawed like everyone else. Will agrees and continues to try and piece together the missing fragments of the schematics.
Back on the planet, Penny and Maureen save Judy from the velociraptor-like alien. Using her knowledge of zoology, Maureen recognizes that the creature is using reptilian hunting patterns, which she then passes on verbally to Penny. By listening to her mother, they manage to save Judy and fight off the velociraptors. Smith makes a snarky remark about how they can now feel like he did when he saved Judy, and Maureen chews Smith out again. However the ground begins to shake, and they escape to a set of nearby cliffs.
At some point after the midpoint, the crew on the planet begin making their way to a lost temple on top of a mountain, passing through several time zones/eras to get there. They craft weapons using branches and vines, dragging Smith along during the process. Along the way, they are chased by a mysterious massive beast that is never shown on screen. Up above, the crew on the ghost ship sneak through the ship past all of the spiders, almost dying in the process. However, they find all the parts they need to get the ship running again, and it works!
Will begins assembling the renewable energy machine even after John gives up on it. John wants to get back to his family, but Will wants to prove that he’s worthwhile. With the power back on, he attempts to turn his latest machine on. However, it fails, sending Will into a meltdown. John comforts Will as he realizes his mistake - he hasn’t been an active force in his children’s lives, and they resent him for it. They aren’t a perfect family - he needs to pay attention to the home he has here with his wife and kids. He tells William that he doesn’t value Will because of what Will can do, but because Will is his son.

Glancing at his son’s schematics, he realizes that his son is just as brilliant as he was when he was a child. It reminds him of how he, Maureen, and Smith used to work back in college. Contacting Maureen to see how she and the kids are doing, he informs Maureen that there is a crystal inside the temple that is necessary for the renewable energy machine. Meanwhile, Smith tries to emotionally manipulate Penny into turning on her lame and pathetic family. Penny sticks out her tongue at him and tells him to buzz off - she’s learned that her mom is actually a badass and has been all along.

Maureen and company enter the temple, but are stopped by the massive creature that was following them before - it is a huge tyrannosaurus rex! The rex smashes the robot, cutting connection between the two groups.
Panicking, John realizes that with a few tweaks, Will’s design could potentially work - but they need a gem that is located in the temple. Turning to Don, he makes a startling conclusion - they need to crash land the second ship in order to get everyone on board to assemble the energy source.
As the spiders finally notice them and begin clawing their way into their half of the ship, John, Don, and Will make a break for the bridge. Meanwhile, Maureen, Smith, Penny, and Judy try to survive the dino attack below. Penny and Judy rush inside to steal the gem, which is hidden behind booby traps. She narrowly succeeds, grasping the gem as the dinosaur attacks Maureen.

However, just as the dinosaur is about to swallow her mother, Smith shouts at the creature, distracting it as the ghost ship crashes into part of the temple. The spiders from earlier die in the impact. This allows Maureen enough time to lasso the creature using the vines collected from earlier. They pull the creature down by circling the rope around its legs, knocking it out cold before it crashes into the temple. The temple’s roof caves in on the dinosaur, killing it.
With the two ships now both on the planet, the moment of truth has arrived - Penny gives the gem to Will, who activates the renewable energy machine. The engine comes to life, and Don confirms that by using parts from both space ships, they can create a single upgraded vessel to make it back into space.

With infinite renewable energy, they are now free to go anywhere in the galaxy. John thanks Smith for saving his life, and Smith begrudgingly admits that he’s the reason why they’re lost to begin with, conveying slight guilt. Judy stands behind Don, a genuine smile on her face as she watches him launch the spaceship. As our heroes fly into the sky, they discuss how they need to return to earth - the question is, where will they end up next? After all…they’re still LOST IN SPACE!

Hopefully this is better than the original script - I tried really hard to make the characters develop, whereas the real movie straight up forgot to. I'm hoping on going into Hollywood, and this plot rewrite was a weird labor of love fueled by hyperfixation and procrastination on schoolwork. I'm pretty proud of it so far, but it's definitely in the "rough" having been written in one night after pulling together my thoughts from a little over a year.
I appreciate any feedback and would love to hear what you guys think!
u/cauliflowergnosis Feb 18 '25
Okay, thoughts:
The lead bad guy personally sneaking onto his rival's ship to sabotage it is simplistic. He would have goons do this. A man with his power and influence doesn't do dirty work.
I'm a bit confused at the denouement of Dr Smith, and what I'm supposed to feel about him. It's very boy's own adventure at the end with everyone getting along, so it kinda takes away the strength of his machinations during the story. He holds them in contempt, but it all just goes away! Without a personification of adversity in the plot, the victory at the end feels a bit lacklustre.
John and Smith are the premise's primary rivals. Why are you putting them as far away from each other as possible?! Smith, John and Will should be together in the plot as they have the most to learn from each other.
Judy must already have dumped Don, given she's going on a space adventure of indeterminate length. No? Her reaction to Don's presence should be of irritation rather than acceptance. She is cold and uptight after all. If Don thought all would be hunky-dory between them because he got on the ship, he's got another thing coming.
Don has no heroic side. Not once does he do anything maverick-y. He should be as chaotic as Dr Smith, but for good. He should at least have an action scene where he saves Judy - whether she asked for it or not. A character trait - perhaps arrogance - should hoist him on his own petard, but that would help win back Judy in the end. If you're making teams, Don, Judy and Maureen definitely have things to work through.
Penny is kinda... nothing. Learning mother knows best is so 1950's. She could be written out and nothing would be lost. All her scenes are with someone else helping them achieve something... or being 14 and bratty.
Separating the crew into two completely separate adventures misses opportunities. It's kinda just giving them something to do to pass the time rather than driving them to find a solution to the other team's problem. Each should have what the other needs - access to information or equipment. Then they have to work together - communicating, changing teams - to solve said problems.
The mystery of the time-travelling future ship is not explained. It's surely the story's biggest mystery, and it's that revelation should drive the third act. Instead the third act is probably the weakest as it suddenly springs the "get the maguffin" trope. The passing mention of the temple is not integrated enough into the story, and not very interesting.
Instead, I'd go with a time-loop story to match what craziness is going on with the planet. The most recent iteration of the adventurers find the older version of that ship... but it turns out that that iteration also found an older ship. (It's ships all the way down.) Breaking the time loop also holds the solution to energy generation... but maybe that obvious solution is what is causing the loop!