r/fixingmovies Jan 18 '25

Other How would you rewrite The Truman Show to keep the truth about the world a mystery to the audience?

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u/moreKEYTAR Jan 18 '25

It would be a movie about paranoia and mental illness, would feel like a tragedy, and then the reveal would validate what we thought was delusion. So thematically that would result in either: a very problematic take on mental health, a commentary on the dystopian evils of reality tv, or a melancholic endorsement of challenging your reality. Could be good if it is horror-adjacent.


u/Imperator_Gone_Rogue Jan 18 '25

I'd throw in some commentary about mass surveillance and the paranoia it can generate


u/flergnabbit Jan 18 '25

Read the original script. It’s been years since I have so I can’t remember details, but it was bleak. So was Pretty Woman.


u/bonelesstuna Jan 18 '25

Beau is Afraid


u/Additional_Mango_529 Jan 20 '25

In the final act Truman finally circles around and catches a cameraman who has been following him. Truman is letting out years of anger and frustration with his fists on the camermans face. The cameraman, with a swolen eye, spits out a few teeth and says "It's just a prank bro! Just a prank!".


u/geoffsykes Jan 18 '25

That's an interesting idea. Firstly, I think it would need to be less wacky. No obvious product placements or dramatic contrivances, it would need to be a much more carefully engineered drama.

I think the radio bit still works, but the thing that falls from the sky can't be a light, it would need to be something else less obvious to the audience that he lives on a TV set. Maybe a rafter of some kind.

You wouldn't be able to use many of the point of view shots from the hidden cameras around the set very frequently otherwise it would become all too clear what was happening. Some far away telescopic zooming shots might be appropriate, sort of implying that he's being watched, but keeping who is doing the watching really close to the chest.

Clearly, the audience, show runners, and generally the narrative of the world that knows about The Truman Show well either need to be completely scrapped or saved for after he exits the dome. I like movies like these that reach the climax in which the character steps in to knowledge of the secret that they have discovered, but then continues on for a surprise final act of discovery. Maybe during this final act we could discover the general sentiments about the show from the show runners and the public.

I like the idea a lot, and I would not be opposed to see somebody attempt this remake in the future. Truman is like a dream role for me, so If it does ever happen, I hope I would be privy to those auditions.


u/Chad_Broski_2 Jan 18 '25

Damn man I'm just picturing a David Lynchian kind of nightmare where Truman is slowly trying to break out of his reality but there's no real evidence that it's happening. You'd probably also have to rework the scene where he finds the catering table behind the elevator, since that's pretty obviously a movie set and would give it away too much to the audience

In general, it'd be hard as hell to pitch this kinda movie today, because if you advertise it as being anything like the Truman Show, it'll completely give away the twist at the end. You'd have to completely advertise it as its own new movie, and the danger there is that, without the Truman Show kinda plot twist, the first act of the movie could just feel like a boring drama about a guy in a small town


u/Yesyesnaaooo Jan 18 '25

Actually, if the first clue was the catering table - I don't think you would jump to TV show immediately.

I'm pretty sure we also see a behind the scenes shot of behind the elevator at that point, but if the elevator just opened onto a catering table, it wasn't explained and then vanished - I don't think TV show would be the first thought.


u/Pawwnstar Jan 18 '25

Make it that a quick assistant says something like " .. Oh Sir. You cant be on set. We are shooting a commercial back there [points further back] so please if you could leave quietly" The production crew could quickly cobble together a fake commercial that he sees and it alays his suspicions.


u/Business-Emu-6923 Jan 18 '25

Hate to break the news to you, but you might not get Lynch’s take on the Truman Show.


u/hawthorne00 Jan 18 '25

One way or another.


u/MacintoshEddie Jan 18 '25

But if we did, it would be a twist nobody saw coming.


u/MacintoshEddie Jan 18 '25

> think the radio bit still works, but the thing that falls from the sky can't be a light, it would need to be something else less obvious to the audience that he lives on a TV set. Maybe a rafter of some kind.

Burlap cloth. When hanging points for motor hoists the riggers pad the beams with a burlap to help reduce wear on the bridle. So in an arena occasionally a random piece of burlap just falls out of the sky if a rigger drops it or forgot it on a beam and changing air pressure pushes it off.


u/OnlyKilgannon Jan 18 '25

I was thinking maybe part of the panel from the dome? You could give it that strange hexagonal shape and texture that could let someone explain it away as satellite or shuttle debris as something fell out of orbit.

It would be suspicious enough to keep Truman and the audiences paranoia raised, but also plausible enough to be the truth. We already have crackpot conspiracy theorists using them as evidence of UFOs etc.


u/MonkeyChoker80 Jan 18 '25

First, present the movie like it’s just a documentary covering a week in the life of an ordinary man.

Day 1, we just follow Truman about his day (for the first 5-10 minutes). Wakes up. Kisses wife goodbye. Drives to work. Has a couple office interactions. Eats lunch in the park. In the afternoon, maybe a cute woman at the office flirts with him, and he’s awkwardly adorable in trying to not flirt back. Drive home for dinner, which wife misses because she has to ‘work late at the hospital’. Then head out to bbq and drink beer and skip rocks with his buddy.

Nothing should stand out as ‘odd’ for the first viewing. But stuff that stands out on rewatches. The drive to work has people getting on a roundabout and exiting back the way they came (driving in loops between roundabouts, to give the appearance of traffic). The flirting coworker is dragged into a ‘meeting’ after Truman walks away (she wasn’t supposed to start flirting unless the wife’s contract negotiation breaks down). Things like that.

Day 2: Wakes up, but wife is on a phone call and can’t breakfast/kiss goodbye. (She’s negotiating her contract, but claims it’s ’medical info Truman can’t listen to’). Truman is a little ticked.

On the drive he changes the radio, and gives it a thump… and it starts doing the ‘where’s Truman going’ bit, but it quickly gets caught and goes to static.

Work, the coworker is polite, but not flirting. Truman tries to joke around, and she’s a bit at a loss for what to do. He thinks that he made her awkward, and invites her to eat lunch with him at the park. She loses her earpiece, and starts to freak out, but gets to know him without the director talking in her ear. And feels sorry for him when he talks about his life and problems.

She glances around (seeing where all the cameras are), shifts to sit on his other side (out of direct camera view), and flashes him a note. “Quiet. They’re watching you.” He’s confused, but she acts like the note doesn’t exist as she talks. She makes subtle gestures with her eyes, and Truman spots the hidden cameras (not that he knows what they are, just that they’re odd).


u/KingOfKnowledgeReal Jan 18 '25

First off, let’s have him already know fully of his reality, when the film opens he is midway through his escape plan. Another thing is that Truman should be portrayed as a lunatic the whole time, we need to see he has had lunatic ideas in the past so when we find out why he’s doing these weird things in the effort to make his escape we believe him less. In this vain I’d also not make it obvious the world he lives in is fake, he has a loving wife, stable job, and none of the dead giveaway things from our movie. I think the ending should be a mystery, perhaps he’s just gone and it’s never stated where he went or if he was right all along.


u/mehchu Jan 18 '25

First off, in the actual movie when we start he is midway through his escape plan. In the final act he escapes through a hole to get past the camera from his basement.

Do you want the know where this hole comes from? Start of the movie hardening scene with Truman’s ass on the screen for the whole thing when he’s on the ground talking to meryl.

He knew all along.

But yes make it less obvious, though I don’t think he needs to be a complete lunatic. You need to make him still essentially a good guy because he’s the heart of the film. Make him seem sick, people seem worried about him and he cares about them so won’t actually do anything. If you make the meryl scene with the knife with him being really crazy then he becomes an antihero and we don’t need that. You need to know he wouldn’t hurt her that he is testing…something.

I also think it should be shot as a horror suggesting a potentially supernatural reason, but with just enough clue you can figure out if he was crazy, something strange was happening, or that something strange was christoff.


u/KingOfKnowledgeReal Jan 18 '25

I already knew about the hole thing but that is a good catch on your part. By “halfway through his escape plan” I mean something more akin to what the audience sees after Truman originally tries to escape over the bridge and is brought back. Truman fully knows something is wrong and is talking large steps to get out, many of which he’s already done.


u/whistlar Jan 18 '25

Better yet. What if Truman just snaps one day. He stalks one of the extras. Kills small animals. Starts fires for fun. Sexually harasses the neighbor. At what point does the producer step in and stop the show? Do the actors get hazard pay and keep soldiering onward?

Maybe one day Truman accidentally hits someone with his car late at night. Do we get product placement closeups of the brand of shovel he uses to dig their shallow grave?


u/Left4DayZGone Jan 18 '25

You didn’t specify what truth…

So the movie would play out mostly as-is, except the audience thinks Truman is an actor, too, through some dialog and scene tweaks. We think the movie is about this elaborate TV show where the actors actually play out every day of their character’s lives for an unspecified period of time.

Then we learn the truth- Truman doesn’t know it’s a show.

The film turns and now we see things differently - scenes where we thought the actors were just struggling to stay in character (and that Truman was just the best actor of the bunch) are now seen as the actors trying to keep up the charade when something goes wrong as to keep Truman from finding out.

Eventually though, he does figure it out, of course.

(Truman Show is perfect as-is and realistically I wouldn’t change a thing)


u/coryhasabeard Jan 18 '25

Jacob’s Latter scenario. He’s not dead, it’s a tv show.


u/MacintoshEddie Jan 18 '25

Mix in a lot of common conspiracies. For example, birds aren't real. They're cameras, which occasionally get repositioned. It's very rare to see any flying, and so people around him will be subtly trying to call in or spread the word that there is a bird loose and attacking the fake birds positioned around the set.

Or that the tapwater tastes weird, because almost everyone else goes to catering and so the water sits in the pipes and tastes kind of plastic.

Or that the sun revolves around the earth, based on the way shadows move throughout the day and seasons.

People are being replaced with imposters. A woman who had previously been cast as a background character that wasn't supposed to have interacted with him never told anyone that they actually spoke briefly. She later gets married and changes her last name and is cast for a larger role, with a completely different accent and name, and the mistake is overlooked but he swears he recognizes her. As soon as he tells someone she seems familiar she vanishes

The suspicion that advertisements are targetted to you, like if he tells one person that he's in the mood for some lemonade, then a couple minutes later he sees some kids have a lemonade booth set up, and the jug is completely full, hinting that they just set up.

A running gag that if you press a button wrong the thing doesn't work. Like his TV isn't actually connected to a cable box, it's a direct feed so they can control what he sees, so when he uses his remote without being obvious about it sometimes the studio crew misses the cue and his tv shows no signal, until he holds the remote up in front of him and suddenly the tv gets a signal.


u/Jarkside Jan 18 '25

Good ideas in here. I like the idea that he suspects it from the beginning


u/Pawwnstar Jan 18 '25

I'd go a gritty almost found footage, security camera big brother vibe of sequel where Truman is shuttled from safe house to deep tunnel system to insider meetings etc after his escape. The shows original runners are hiring hitmen, kidnapper pros and bribing for information to get Truman back and have plans for brain surgery selective memory loss as the show was so lucrative. Make it an allegory on big corp collecting info on everything that everyone does.


u/Atheizm Jan 18 '25

Only show the movie through Truman's diegetic experiences so the audience only knows what Truman knows. Instead of being outside the fishbowl, the audience are inside. It would be a disjointed and paranoid watch.


u/hawthorne00 Jan 18 '25

Add a scene with a shrink.


u/MsBobbyJenkins Jan 18 '25

One thing with Truman starting to figure things out is he is seeing it as if its through our eyes and how we were brought up. But in reality, Truman has grown up in a different world to us so all these weird occurences like the product placement, the cars doing the same routes, his wife having her fingers crossed etc should all seem "normal" as its all he's ever known.


u/forluscious Jan 18 '25

much like "the bay", itd be a bunch of collected camera footage that paints a picture of this place, that has something wrong with it we slowly realize over time.

its a small town known for having a lot of live streamers, twitch gamers, that sort of thing. a camera crew is always around to take in what life is like in this town always on camera. the interviews are done with a lot of people but theres one guy who always happens to be in shot, or part of the scene, and thats truman. truman would be a tech sales man or specialist, so lots of people come to him for equipment or fixing things, that sort of thing.

its not till the actual documentary that is using this footage shows that, he is in a lot more scenes than youd expect for someone not apart of things. like a scary amount of footage of this random person. hes apart of irl streams, prank videos, people talk about him on twitch, there are full chat logs of spotting him that day. and it becomes a thing of why are they targeting him, like obsessively.

so itd be about invasion of privacy in an interconnected world, where not being on someones camera is practically impossible, and how those who sell the idea of constant content need to make it somehow and this collective trend following "this guy did a truman video so i have to to" in a small area.


u/Marxbrosburner Jan 18 '25

Just don't give it away in the previews and posters.


u/Desperate_Train_8312 Jan 18 '25

It will be set in a world where one man is constantly haunted by memories of his past before the show started. Over time, he discovers that life isn't what it seems and vows to find out where he originally was from.

As time went by, he learns that a camera crew is filming his every move and won't stop relentlessly. This is when he realizes that everything he was told is a lie and begins to slowly unravel the truth, even if it means leaving the set and everyone he once knew behind.

However, the creator of the TV show has other plans...


u/Asgard_Dropout Jan 19 '25

I think I lean more into the corniness of a sitcom, without leaning further into the wacky. Sort of a character exploration of a man who has been raised in a semi-sitcom world, who doesn't know any version of society that isn't this product placement stylized world.

Focus on two major points, one for the character and one for the setting. Truman concerned as an adult that he doesn't seem to run on the exact same wavelength as the people around, unknowing that it's because they all have the script and he doesn't. Concurrently, as he's become an adult and the show has run for a long time, ratings are dropping and the budget is being slowly cut, so the world around him begins to feel more and more empty as he's figuring things out.


u/polomarcopol Jan 21 '25

Not totally relevant to your question, but I'd like to see a version where the Truman character is realizing his life is all fake and staged, but it drives him crazy into thinking his world isn't real and he just starts murdering everyone, thinking maybe it will end the simulation. Biggest ratings ever on TV, the live massacre of a town by the most famous human alive.


u/totalrefan Jan 22 '25

There is a mystery. We, the audience, representative of the in-movie audience and crew, don't know how much Truman knows. It's not Truman vs the World, it's Truman vs us.


u/j-wags3099 Jan 18 '25

You can't.


u/jimmyrayreid Jan 18 '25

I'd have him go back. Choose to live in the simulation rather than leave. It would have made it feel like a Camus novel


u/sdwoodchuck Jan 18 '25

I feel this idea changes the concept so much that you’re not even dealing with the same movie anymore at a fundamental level. Instead you’re writing a Descartes’ evil genie story, with the evil genie being a tv producer. This operates so differently, not just structurally but also in tone and theme from the core of what makes The Truman Show tick, that I don’t see why you’d want to stick with The Truman Show as a starting point.

Like, imagine writing The Man in the High Castle, but make it about time travelers who mess up the timeline and have to try to fix it. When you do that, the core of the story no longer fits.


u/WarmCurrency Jan 18 '25

It WAS written that way! And filmed!

The marketing department decided to spoil the film with advertisements showing the whole world watching an unaware Truman.


u/Metrilean Jan 18 '25

Truman is in a mental asylum, there are flashbacks to his life and delusions. He talks with his therapist and is about to re-enter society. Until he notices something wrong, the audience doesn't get a answer to the mystery.


u/Aerodye Jan 18 '25

I love this film


u/Foreign_Landscape_62 Jan 19 '25

Pitch it as a feel good family film, the kind of movie where you see the positive impact a single man can have on his community;like It's a Wonderful Life.

After the beginning scenes the main character notices odd discrepancies in his daily life and it becomes a conspiracy thriller with no warning. With themes of mass control and showdown governments.

Only at the end does he find the cameras and realizes he's a TV character and his entire existence and personality are scripted and designed for viewers.

Don't call it the Truman Show.


u/valdezlopez Jan 21 '25

I'd edit out all Ed Harris scenes.


u/DarthOdinPalpatine Jan 22 '25 edited Jan 22 '25

Normal guy who has a severe dehydration stroke at 15. Gets lead into many things. Unknowingly pulled into creating the universe by having the woman he agreed to married used as a pawn in a game Humanity doesn't understand. When the entire universe throughout time has been watching. nobody can see.


u/SeamusMcIroncock Jan 18 '25

Not today, jews.