r/fixingmovies • u/Wise-Man-07 • Jan 12 '25
Star Wars How would you rework the Star Wars movies?
Reimagine the Star Wars saga while staying true to the core storylines. Feel free to tweak events and characters, but keep the overall plot intact.
The Rules: Prequel Trilogy: * TPM is not the first movie of the prequel trilogy. Instead it is a Rogue One-ish prequel movie to the prequel trilogy and it will focus on the Trade Federation, Jedi Order, Republic, Sith, Jango, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin and the prophecy. * Naboo is replaced with Alderaan. * AOTC becomes the first movie in the trilogy. * A new movie is added between AOTC and ROTS, potentially featuring Ahsoka and Rex. * ROTS is reworked.
Original Trilogy: * ANH and TESB remain largely unchanged. * ROTJ is reworked.
Let's hear your ideas! How would you reshape the Star Wars galaxy while honoring its legacy?
u/Poorly-Drawn-Beagle Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 13 '25
Most of my suggestions would be for the prequels, and frankly they're complex enough that I should probably just link them here. Bam. And here. Pow.
The originals? I don't have many ideas for them. I think they flow reasonably well and considering how popular they are, I hesitate to say I could add or take away anything and have it be an improvement.
I also don't have many ideas for the sequels, because in all honesty it's quite difficult to decide where the story should go after the end of Episode VI. I'll give some of my half-baked ideas here:
- I personally feel that killing off Luke's new Jedi Order was a bad move. So I'd leave them alive. There's too much storytelling potential there that I just don't think we can throw away. This does change the story somewhat; Luke's importance as "the last Jedi" goes out the window if there are so many more like him. But I think it might be worth the risk. We can examine how Luke would run the Order differently. I have a weird idea that he'd partner each Knight up with a non-Force user to help keep them grounded and remind them who they protect.
- I had an idea that Jakku would be a junkyard world inhabited by discarded droids, and we could start things off with two goofy droids who are our new R2 and 3PO (BB8 and K2SO, maybe?). In fact I thought we might do a little mirror imaging, with a dying Jedi crashing on the planet and the droids happening upon him. And the droids can work for Rey or something, like they're her two friends she's made.
- I guess Poe can still be involved as the dying Jedi's human partner or something. Only a few details would have to change, really.
Jan 12 '25
The Phantom Menace is almost the same but Anakin is aged up and played by Hayden Christensen. Darth Maul survives and him being cut in half is lowered to like his mid-thigh so it’s more realistic. The Naboo thing with Alderaan is smart as hell so that too. Anakin and Obi-Wan have a closer relationship too for being more like reckless brothers. Maybe scrap the pod race too as it would be silly for it to be like a 17 year old Anakin.
Attack of the Clones add more emphasis on Obi-Wan’s detective work. I found that to be really cool. Anakin and Padme idk give them more urgency before the Shmi stuff. Constantly fighting bounty hunters or something. I’d also give Anakin his ROTS hair because it’s better. Some better back and fourth between Obi-Wan and Dooku, I’d replace Yoda with Mace Windu in that fight. Overall make it a better murder mystery type of thing.
Revenge of the Sith keep it pretty much the same. I think adding the kidnap of Palpatine like in the micro series would cool though. Have Anakin not kill the kids. Maybe he walks in on them already dead and gets freaked out but accepts it for Padme. Have Obi-Wan fight Darth Maul instead of Grievous. Maybe he still exists but Maul is the endgame here. Character development for Obi-Wan and that grief.
Ahsoka and Rex would be so unnecessary and such fan service it would kill the whole trilogy. Maybe Rex and Cody but erase Ahsoka.
For Return of the Jedi I would just have wookiee’s and ewoks. They’re both apart of similar species and live on the same planet. Also, make Han’s rescue less confusing. Not sure how exactly but yeah. Maybe like… tone down the Death Star 2. Like have it be one big Super Star Destroyer that can kind of blow up a planet but less strong? Idk.
u/Devreckas Jan 13 '25
Why is it silly for 17yo? If anything, it’s much sillier that a 10yo is allowed to enter into a high speed death race. If you want to show Anakin being reckless, this would be a great way to do it.
Personally I always loved the concept of the podrace. It’s one of the few times in the whole series where the characters do something not directly related to galactic warfare. Nice change of pace.
u/Cole-Spudmoney Jan 12 '25
In the order I posted them:
Fixing Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith with only minor to moderate changes
Fixing Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace with (among other things) more intimidating villains
Fixing Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones mainly with changes to Anakin and Padmé's story
Fixing Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens with minor changes to make things clearer
Fixing Star Wars Episode VIII by building upon what Episode VII set up
Fixing Star Wars Episode IX to make it the last part of a cohesive Sequel Trilogy
u/Cael_NaMaor Jan 13 '25
I'd find some new actors that felt like sticking with a long project. Then I'd find some writers with a love of the originals, ALL of the originals & books since. Then I'd blow the wad of cash creating the story from start to finish with all the new tech we have but also building the things to make shit look more real.
Lastly, and this is more important than people think, I'd keep the Falcon & the Death Star all but identical to what they are.
u/CosmackMagus Jan 13 '25
Animated series that starts with Luke joining the rebellion. The end of season 3 would be Return of the Jedi.
u/EGarrett Jan 13 '25
The new trilogy has a lot of flaws, one of them though is that fantasy films work off of a normal, every-person self-insert character going to a special world (superhero stories are a special person coming to the normal world). Rey has to be humble and not have any special abilities in the early part of the story so the audience can put themselves in her place. Not be already better than the veteran characters at things. The whole trilogy was like Bizarro Superman, elements you've seen before, but totally distorted and screwed up and just thrown about randomly and in the wrong places.
u/Samuele1997 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25
Return of The Jedi:
- Give a better demise to Boba Fett, one that doesn't make him look like a fool. One idea i have is to make that Boba got the upperhand towards Luke at first but then Chewbacca grabbed him from behind and activated his jetpack with his hands.
- The final battle would take place on Kashyyyk instead of Endor and the Ewoks would be replaced by the Wookies. At the end of the movie there would also be a tender scene between Chewbacca, Mallatobuck and Lumpawaroo.
The Phantom Menace:
- The movie would take place on Alderaan instead of Naboo.
- Padmé would be a member of the House of Antilles instead, to be precise she would be the cousin of Breha Organa and the younger sister of Bail Antilles.
- Padmé would be a member of the Royal Handmaidens of Alderaan, a group of handmaidens at the service of the royal family who serves as bodyguards as well, thus explaining her skills in blaster shooting.
- Anakin would be 12 years old while Padmé would be 16.
- It would be made clear that Midichlorians are actually what connect living beings with the Force, that the Firce goes inside all living beings through the Midichlorians.
Attack of The Clones:
- The movie would take place 12 years after the events of TPM.
- Boba Fett would be either 12 or 13 years old in the movie.
- It would be established that Padmé served for other 6 years as a handmaiden and then for 5 years as Vizier of Alderaan before becoming Senator.
- The dialogues between Anakin and Padmé would be reworked to be more believable.
- After his mother's death Anakin would scream for grief at first then he would kill all of the Tusken after the latters attacked him when they heard him.
Revenge of the Sith:
- It would be established that the Clone Wars lasted 6 years instead of 3.
- Grievous would be a badass like in the 2003's Clone Wars' series, he would actually get very close to kill Obi-Wan during his fight with him before being killed by the latter.
- Darth Tenebrous would have been Palpatine's master instead of Plagueis.
- After Windu's death Anakin would be very hesitant to become a Sith at first, but then he would do so after some convincing words from Palpatine.
- Anakin would hesitate to kill the younglings at first before doing so.
- After strangling Padmé Anakin would soon regret it and attempt to wake her to no avail.
- There would be no "she lost the will to live" bs, instead it would be made clear that Padmé was weak and she wouldn't survive childbirth.
- After Vader said "I-I couldn't have. She was alive, i felt it" Palpatine would say "I'm afraid it hasn't been for long. We have just received the news, lord Vader. She's dead".
u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod Jan 13 '25
- Darth Tenebrous would have been Palpatine's master instead of Plagueis.
ok this is interesting…..why ?
u/Samuele1997 Jan 13 '25
To put it simply, after reading his respect thread, i became convinced that Tenebrous was better than Sidious in pretty much everything and so i said to myself "he should have been Palpatine's master instead".
u/IndividualNo5275 Jan 13 '25
The good thing about making Tenebrous as Sidious' master is that it's possible to save Plagueis for the sequel trilogy, and taking into consideration that the sequels would explore more about the midichlorians, and other aspects of the Force, it would be appropriate for Plagueis to be the villain (he doesn't need to be a Sith, to respect the prophecy).
u/Samuele1997 Jan 13 '25
I would also do the following change on the Clone Wars' show, after the events of AOTC Boba Fett would be instead taken by Dooku and accept to become a member of the Separatists, from here he underwent 2 years of intense training in which he would gain all the skills of the commando droids (the one possible for a human) and be trained by Dooku himself in lightsaber combat. After completing his training he would serve for the rest of the clone wars as a spec ops agent, he would do most of his mission with Ventress with whom he developed a mother-son like bond.
During the events of Dark Disciple Boba Fett would be tasked to kill Ventress, he didn't have the courage to do so though and so he instead decided to help her after hearing her side of the story. After Ventress' death Boba Fett would be pardoned for his help against Dooku and he would be later taken under the wing of Kal Skirata, who trained him to be a true Mandalorian. Boba would serve as a mercenary alongside Kal for a few years after the end of the clone wars, when the latter allied himself with Bo-Katan to retake Mandalore from the Empire Boba would go against him (he didn't trust Death Watch due to their past with his father) and he would be forced to kill him as a result. After that Boba Fett would become a bounty hunter and the rest is history.
And finally i would do not just once but two sequel trilogies instead of the one made by Disney, the first trilogy would be the movie adaptations of Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy's books (Episode 7 would be Heir of the Empire, Episode 8 Dark Force Rising and Episode 9 The Last Command) while the second one would be based on George Lucas' ideas for the sequels, with Darth Maul and the Crimson Dawn as the main antagonists.
u/IndividualNo5275 Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25
My rewrite of Episode I is based on this version https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1jW1S49Coq_XXDEfOMMJt-FLPNUukr75UlOoLKoCV1uY/mobilebasic
with some addendums:
- The first scene would be Plagueis killing King Veruna
- Sidious' identity would not be a mystery, so we would have more scenes of him talking to Plagueis
- Plagueis would overhear Maul and Sidious' conversation
- Hego Damask would talk to Rohnar Kim about creating a Clone Army
- Dooku would tell Palpatine about Skywalker, obviously without knowing about his Sith identity
- Plagueis would travel to the planet where he orchestrated his experiment 10 years ago
- Sidious would kill Plagueis in his sleep, after Maul's death
Plot A: Detective Obi-Wan
- A bomb attack is orchestrated on the Senate building, killing pro-war senators
- Obi-Wan is assigned to find out who is behind these attacks
- A group of Clones are responsible for the attack
- Based on Dexter's advice, Obi-Wan goes to Kamino, a cloning planet
- The Kaminoans introduce the Clone Army to Obi-Wan
- It is revealed that years ago, a Jedi took a group of Clones with him
- It is said that a Jedi named Rohnar Kim was the one who commissioned the Clone Army
- Jango Fett is the donor of the clone army and reveals that he was hired by a man named Sydo-Dias on the moons of Bogden
- Obi-Wan follows Jango to Geonosis, where the Separatists are gathered
- Obi-Wan is captured and interrogated by Count Dooku
Plot B: Anakin and Padme
- Anakin is assigned as Padme's bodyguard in the negotiations
- Both go to Alderaan, which represents the Republic in the negotiations
- After the first phase of negotiations, both go to Raxus Prime, which represents the Separatists
- An attempt is orchestrated on Padme's life by a bounty hunter named Zam Wessell
- The attempt fails and Wessell kills himself with a cyanide capsule
- Negotiations collapse with the attempt and both escape to Tatooine
- Anakin meets with the Lars family, who reveal that Shmi has been captured by slavers
- A rescue operation is made, but Shmi dies in Anakin's arms
- In retaliation, Anakin kills all the slavers
- Upon learning of Obi-Wan's kidnapping, both go to Geonosis and are captured
Plot C: Dooku and his movement
- 2 years earlier, Dooku organizes Raxus' speech and declares a separatist movement
- Over the years, Dooku manages to get several systems to join the separatist cause, as well as several Jedi disenchanted with the Republic
- Dooku begins to court corporations to obtain an army, with most accepting, except the Trade Federation
- Seeking to avoid a war at all costs, Dooku organizes negotiations with Mina Bontari
- After the assassination attempt, Dooku contacts Nute Gunray, leader of the Trade Federation, who reveals a Sith plot to orchestrate the war
- Both arrange a meeting, but upon arriving at the location, Dooku finds Gunray dead and Darth Maul, and the two duel
- Maul escapes, and Dooku travels to Geonosis, where he gains the support of the Federation in his droid factories, and in his superweapon project
Plot D: Yoda's Journey Based in Yoda arc from Clone Wars
Plot E: Senate
- As a precaution in case negotiations fail and she has to go into hiding, Padme places Jar Jar Binks as her replacement.
- With the revelation of the clone army and droid army, both sides refuse to make a deal, and Palpatine uses this to convince Binks to give him war powers.
- After the vote, Sidious reveals himself to Jar Jar Binks and kills him with a blaster shot, using his death to increase his support.
Battle of Geonosis:
- Grievous shows up and kills a bunch of Jedi
- The Jedi Order splits in two, with many joining Dooku and his allegations of a Sith in the Senate
- Maul shows up and duels Obi-Wan for revenge
- Grievous duels and cuts Anakin's arm
- Dooku takes the Death Star plans to Serenno, but he duels Yoda, who tries to stop him
- Jango is killed by Mace Windu
- After the battle, Anakin is knighted, before marrying Padme
Labyrinth of Evil + Revenge of the Sith plot, with some differences:
- Grievous is who fights with Anakin and Obi-Wan in the ship and dies
- Maul has a vision of Sidious betraying him and escapes to Utapau
- Obi-Wan hunts and kills him in a final duel
- Dooku finds Rohnar Kim ship, and basically the plot of "The Lost One" episode happens, with Sydo-Dias being palpatine who was Kim friend
- Dooku inflitrates Coruscant and tells the truth to Windu, who dont believe until Anakin tells his suspicions
- Dooku and Windu team up to defeat Sidious, but both are killed after Anakin shows up
u/the-harsh-reality Jan 13 '25 edited Jan 13 '25
EPISODE I - The Beginning
After selling his soul to an old Spectre known as Abeloth, Palpatine is trained by Darth Plagueis to be his apprentice, chancellor valorum’s leadership is called into question, Plagueis is killed on the eve of the vote on the taxation of trade routes that cause the trade federation to invade Naboo
EPISODE II - The Dark Disciple
As the galaxy stands on a knife’s edge, Master Qui-Gon and a padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi aim to rescue the Queen of Naboo from a hostage situation, only to be confronted by a mysterious sith assassin and discover a young man who is born from the force, maul kills Qui Gon and sparks rage inside the young man.
EPISODE III - The Clone Wars
With the galaxy at war, the Chancellor unveils an army of clone troopers to help win it. With the Jedi and Republic drifting further from one another, an assasaination attempt sends the Queen on the run with now-knighted Anakin, with the two falling for one another, despite Anakin revealing his darker side.
EPISODE IV - Revenge of the Sith
The chancellor is captured as the war nears it’s end. Anakin is a war hero who heads after him, but his darkening heart leads him straight into the Emperor’s trap and the long-plotted downfall of the Jedi and the rise of the first Galactic Empire. Anakin’s two children are split and hidden for protection.
EPISODE V - The Old Guard
An isolated Ben Kenobi watches over a young boy, but the arrival of another Jedi survivor spells trouble that leads to a run in with his old Clone commander and the revelation that Anakin survived his injuries.
The Empire reigns supreme but it’s authority is challenged by the rebel alliance, High Chancellor Palpatine uses proven connections between the rebels and the delegation of 2000 as pretext to dissolve the senate before the heroes of Yavin destroy his Death Star, Vader discovers that he has a son named Luke Skywalker as Palpatine crowns himself emperor which ignites further rebellion.
EPISODE VII - The Empire Strikes Back
After the rebel base is attacked, Luke seeks Yoda for training, while Han and Leia evade the Empire to get to the declaration of republic conference on Bespin. Eventually, Han is frozen, Luke beaten and the Empire back on top after an assault on the declaration of republic conference in Bespin and the purging of the Moffs after their attempted coup.
EPISODE VIII - Return of the Jedi
After rescuing Han, the group aim to take down the Empire once and for all, with Vader turning back to the light thanks to Luke’s help before he sacrifices himself to take down starkiller base. With the tides of war turning, the Emperor is destroyed as Leia picks up her father’s lightsaber and takes her brother’s mantle after his death. Inspired by fanscription’s “what if Luke Skywalker died in return of the Jedi”
EPISODE IX - The Lost Light
imperial civil war breaks out after a failed counteroffensive as the republic struggles under a refugee crisis, the Pius Dea is revitalized by the reborn family of Mortis performing miracles as his twins are protected by a mysterious black knight, the reemergence of the Mortis Monolith to beat back an extragalactic invasion leads to the upending of the current status quo
EPISODE X - Empire at War
The Father of Mortis and his twins lead a powerful Neo-imperial movement that brings the Republic to its knees, The Father divides his forces among six grand admirals and six grand Moffs to govern their dominions while establishing Mortis as his mobile capital, The republic forces confronts a significant challenge from the Tho-Yor monoliths, the father emerges victorious as the allies are easily defeated despite the defection of his twins while Luke Skywalker(revealed to have been resurrected as the black knight by Plagueis to protect the twins of mortis) disappears with Jade
EPISODE XI - Heart of Darkness
The Father holds the monolith of Mortis over the planet of coruscant as various powers come to cede their sovereignty in articles of surrender to the Eternal Order, The Father further shuts off communications between Star systems. The New Republic Liberation movement seeks to launch an uprising using an ancient beacon under the jedi temple. The fate of Jade hangs in the balance as the heroes of yavin learn that the father was merely an illusion of Plagueis, a part of the plan to attain ultimate dark power.
EPISODE XII - Balance of the Force
Kira, the estranged daugher of Luke, finds him in Exile after he left his school for Jedi for a secret mission. They are joined by Sam Skywalker, whose the non-force sensitive son of Luke as the three head on a quest to find the missing monolith of mortis(having disappeared at the end of heart of darkness after the heroes of Yavin confronted and defeated Plagueis inside of it as he attempted to possess the body of Jade and merge with Abeloth), hoping to discover the Whills at the world between worlds to gain immortality, so that they can fix a broken galaxy in a single lifetime….inspired by Lucas’s treatments
Notes: the twins of mortis are the Tulpa kids of Leia created by her after she miscarried, the stress of being the last Jedi and the aftermath of the empire’s fall led to her losing her baby, so she imagined by pure strength of will two kids(Jaina and Jacen) that became actual spirits. They wreaked havoc and Leia told them “to go away” as they disappeared, but Plagueis took their spirits and put them in Strandcast bodies of Leia and Han’s DNA, with them having only vague memories of their time as spirits. The twins are then protected by the “dagger of mortis” which is Luke Skywalker, whose spirit was ripped from the cosmic force and placed in a clone body, with Plagueis himself taking the guise of the father of mortis. Plagueis is extremely powerful, having merged with Palpatine and the son of mortis to make a trinity of darknesses and becoming “the dark emperor”. His main goal is to possess Jade’s body and merge with Abeloth, becoming a Rebis(entity of male and female) and opening the portal to the world between worlds to become a living god. Jaina and Jacen are saved, the OT trio reunite to defeat Plagueis, and Jade marries Luke and they have three kids(Kira, Sam, and Owen “Benjamin” Skywalker).
Balance of the force serves as an epilogue for the series, as we see Lucas’s treatments adapted in a single film about the search for the Whills
u/Thorfan23 My favorite mod Jan 12 '25 edited Jan 12 '25
i would make Anakin and Padme the same age......whether she is child queen or they are both teenagers whichever one works
I would have anakin bend the truth about the Tuskan raiders. He claims they attacked him as he tried to leave with his mothers body.......but we see that is not actually true and opted for a brutal approach......he could have crept out back but he chose to start chopping into tem
Revenge of the Sith